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1. The total number - загальна кількість

2. the most widespread languages - найпоширеніші мови

3. alive - живий

4. in addition - на додаток

5. all over the world - в усьому світі syn. throughout the world

6. the ancient inhabitants - древні жителі

7. to occupy - займати

8. to settle down - оселитись

9. to conquer - захоплювати

10. that’s why - ось чому

11. to differ from - відрізнятись

12. spelling - правопис

13. to impose - нав’язувати

14. as the only means of communication - як єдиний засіб спілкування

15. liberation movement - визвольний рух

16. to gain one’s independence - здобути свободу

17. to speak fluently - розмовляти вільно

III. Find the Ukrainian in the right-hand column for the following:

1. to perfect a language 1. всесвітньовідома штучна мова

2. the total number of languages 2. господарі та слуги

3. means of communication 3. вимова відрізняється від

4. the world-known artificial language правопису

5. practically all over the world 4.міжнародна мова комерції

6. to bring into (торгівлі)

7. the founders of the English nation 5.колишні колонії

8. to grow into 6.вивчати вимову, слова, граматику

9. the masters and the servants 7.удосконалювати мову

10. in this way 8.засоби спілкування

11. the pronunciation differs from the 9.практично в усьому світі

spelling 10.загальна кількість мов

12. the growth of national liberation 11.засновники англійської нації

movement 12.таким чином

13. the international language of 13. приносити

commerce 14.ріст національно-визвольного

14. the former colonies руху

15. to study pronunciation, vocabulary 15.зростати

and grammar

IV. Complete the following sentences:

1. The total number of languages in the world is ... . 2. The most widespread languages are ... . 3. The world-known artificial language is ... . 4. First G.B. was occupied by the Romans then by ... . 5. The Saxons called their speech ... . 6. The pronunciation of English words differs from their ... . 7. Now English is spoken ... . 8. English is one of five languages used ... . 9. English is studied as a foreign language in our ... . 10. At our English lessons we study ... .

V. Say if it is right:

1. There are alive and dead languages. 2. English is spoken on the American continent only. 3. Chinese is the most wide-spread language. 4. The ancient inhabitants of G.B. were Angles and Saxons. 5. The Roman period lasted 465 years. 6. Germanic tribes were the founders of the English nation. 7. The English people made the Normanns learn their language. 8. English was imposed on the people in the colonial countries. 9. English has not lost its dominant position in the former colonies. 10. English is the international language of commerce and one of five languages used in the United Nations Organisation.

VI. Fill in the prepositions:

1. the total number ... languages ... the world is ... 5000. 2. There is also a number ... artificial or universal languages. 3. English is one ... the richest languages and spoken practically all ... the world. 4. The Romans brought a few Roman words ... the English. 5. English was imposed ... the enslaved nations as the only means ... communication.

VII. Answer the following questions:

1. What languages do our students study?

2. What is the total number of languages in the world?

3. What are the most widespread languages?

4. What is a ”dead” language?

5. What ”dead” languages do you know?

6. Where are programming languages used?

7. Who were the ancient inhabitants of G.B.?

8. Who was G.B. occupied by?

9. What did the Romans bring into English?

10. Who were the founders of the English nation?

11. Who named the country England?

12. Why did the Normanns have to learn English?

13. What countries is English spoken in?

14. Is English spoken in the former colonies?

15. What fields is English used?

16. Is it studied in this country?

17. What do you do at your English lessons?

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