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III. Find the equivalents for:

1. Accounting Economic Department 1. планування та формування бюджету

2. highly qualified specialist 2. функції обліку

3. finance economic department 3. бізнесова діяльність

4. identifying and measuring 4. висококваліфікований

information спеціаліст

5. functions of accounting 5. звітування про попередні операції

6. reporting on past operations 6. обліково-економічний факультет

7. business activity 7. фінансово-економічний факультет

8. planning and budgeting 8. електронна та комп’ютерна техніка

9. to be responsible for 9. взаємопідтримуючі функції

acquiring funds

10. to do cash flow analyses 10. вкласти правильно фонди

11. the expenditures of funds 11. витрати фондів

12. to advise on financial matters 12. здійснювати аналіз готівкового потоку

13. mutually supportive functions 13. давати поради з фінансових питань

14. to invest funds properly 14. ототожнення, звірення інформації

15. electronic and computational 15. бути відповідальним techniques за придбання фондів

IV. Complete the following sentences:

1. I am a student of the ... . 2. My friend studies at the ... . 3. The Accounting Economic Department trains ... . 4. The students study general and special subjects, such as ... . 5. Accounting is the process of ... . 6. We can speak about three functions of accounting, they are ... . 7. Finance is the function in business that is responsible for ... . 8. The financial manager’s duties are ... . 9. Accounting and finance are mutually ... . 10. The tasks of all the economists are ... . 11. The graduates of the economic departments will work at ... .

V. Find in the text English equivalents for:

1) загальноосвітні та спеціальні предмети;

2) формування бюджету;

3) висококваліфіковані спеціалісти;

4) фінансові справи;

5) відповідальний менеджер;

6) глибокі знання;

7) звітність;

8) аналіз економічної діяльності;

9) запроваджувати нові економічні важелі та стимули;

10) активи;

11) зв’язок між обміном та фінансами.

VI. Choose the proper words and answer the following questions:

1. What ... do you study at?

a) school b) laboratory c) department

2. The Accounting Economic Department is the ... one at our Institute, isn’t it?

a) famous b) oldest c) richest

3) What specialists does the accounting department ... ?

a) account b) report c) train

4) What kind of deep ... does the accounting department train specialists in?

a) knowledge b) science c) accounting

5) What kinds of ... can you name?

a) science b) subjects c) planning

6) How many ... of accounting can you name?

a) reports b) enterprises c) functions

7) How can you ... finance?

a) define b) report c) study

8) What are the ... of financial manager?

a) plans b) duties c) reports

9) What kinds of techniques can future specialists ... ?

a) budget b) use c) reveal

10) What do the students ... at the Institute?

a) master b) report c) deviate

VII. Answer the following questions:

1. What economic departments are there at our Academy?

2. What economic subjects do the students study?

3. What department does your friend study for?

4. What is accounting?

5. Which are the main functions of accounting?

6. What is finance?

7. What is finance responsible for?

8. What are the duties of a financial manager?

9. Why are accounting and finance mutually supportive functions?

10. What are the tasks of all the economists?

11. What do the subjects studied orient the future specialists to?

12. Where will the graduates of the economic departments work?

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