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III. Find the Ukrainian equivalents in the right - hand column for the following:

1. human potential 1. вільний від роботи час

2. to get a fundamental general 2. існувати

and specialized training 3. поряд з

3. in all branches of knowledge 4. людський потенціал

4. higher educational establishment 5. працівники контор

5. to fall into 6. розпадатись на

6. to get accommodation in the hostel 7. одержувати грунтовну загальну

7. office workers та фахову підготовку

8. spare time 8. мати однакову вартість

9. extra - mural higher schools 9. вищий навчальний заклад

10. to have the same value 10. в усіх галузях знань

11. to exist 11. отримувати помешкання

в гуртожитку

12. apart from 12. заочні вищі школи

IV.Use the words and word combinations given in Ex. III in the sentences of your own.

V.Complete the following sentences:

1. All students regardless of their speciality study ... . 2. Ukrainian higher schools carry out a great deal of ... . 3. Higher educational establishments of our country fall into ... . 4. Students who do not live at home get ... . 5. Extra - mural students receive from 30 to 40 days’ ... . 6. According to the subjects studied there exist ... .

VI. Fill in the blanks with the words given below

1. Future specialists in various fields of science, technology, economies and art get a fundamental ... and ... training. 2. Ukrainian higher schools ... a great deal of scientific work in all branches of knowledge. 3. Higher educational establishments of our country ... three main types. 4. The first type includes the universities and institutes where there are only ... ... which receive state grants. 5. Evening schools are for those who study in their ... time. 6. The diplomas by the evening faculties and extra-mural higher schools have ... ... as the diplomas of all other institutes or universities.

the same value, spare, full-time students, to fall into, to carry out, general, specialized.

VII. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. В нашій академії студенти можуть отримати грунтовну загальну та спеціальну (фахову) підготовку. 2. Незважаючи на спеціалізацію, всі студенти нашої академії вивчають іноземну мову. 3. За короткий період існування академії нашими викладачами та студентами було виконано значний обсяг наукової роботи в сфері економіки та оподаткування. 4. Багато робітників та службовців поєднують роботу з навчанням. 5. Третій тип охоплює вищі навчальні заклади, де студенти навчаються заочно. 6. Період навчання в вищій школі триває від 4 до 6 років.

VIII. Answer the following questions:

1. Does higher education help to develop your human potential and enrich your understanding of life? 2. What training do the future specialists get? 3. What can you say about the role of foreign languages in gaining higher education? 4. What is the role of scientific work in training future specialists? 5. What specialists does our country need? 6. Where do institutes and universities exist in our country? 7. How many types of higher educational establishments so we have in our country? 8. What higher schools does the first type include? 9. Which is the second type? 10. What schools does the third type cover? 11. What do extra-mural students receive every year?12.Is there any difference between the diplomas by the evening faculties, extra- mural schools and full-time schools? 13. How long does the period of studies at higher schools last? 14. What groups of higher schools exist?

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