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6 semester / class 6. Subjunctive II and the Conditional Mood.doc
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Exercise 12. Complete the sentences by using the Conditional Mood of the verbs in brackets.

1. He didn't know anything about the party, or he (come). 2. The doctor told me nothing about the new treatment, or I (try) it. 3. Why didn't you consult your tutor? He (advise) you what to do. 4. We couldn't get in touch with each other, or we (avoid) a lot of trouble. 5. There were no computers in those times, or my father (learn) them. 6. He was pressed for time last week or he (visit) his in-laws. 7. Helen didn't buy the dress though it was just what she wanted. In her place I (buy) it. 8. Michael finally made up with his son or he (change) his will. 9. Why didn't you ask me? I (can) (give a lift) you to the fitness centre. 10. It really was hitting news or everybody (take) it easy. 11. — You've got into a mess again! — Really, you (can) (be) more careful! 12. Olga's mother did all the housework, or she (learn) how to cook. 13. She had an alibi or the police (arrest) her. 14. The new perfume was too sweet or I (buy) it. 15. The serial was too long otherwise I (watch) it to the end.

Exercise 13. Supply the correct forms of the Conditional Mood and Subjunctive II.

1. If I (not to be) what I am, things (to be) so simple. 2. If you (to be allowed) to stay in Canada, what you (to do)? 3. We are foolish and sentimental and melodramatic at twenty-five, but if we (not to be) perhaps we (to be) less wise at fifty. 4. “If it (to be) an accident,” said he gently. “I do not think Mrs Smith (to tell) us this story.” 5. If I (to be) you I (to do) my hair rather differently. 6. After all, if he (to have) any talent I (to be) the first to encourage him. 7. If only I (to feel) that somebody wanted me? That I was of use to somebody, I (to become) a different person. 8. Paul believed that his mother never (to say) the things she did if she (to know) that Paul could hear her. 9. If I (to know) how dangerous the expedition was, I (to refuse). 10. Susan (to pass) the interview on Friday if she (to know) a second foreign language.

Exercise 14. Change the implied conditionals into If-clauses.

              1. I missed the early train, otherwise I wouldn’t have been late.

              2. I don’t know anything about cars, otherwise I would have changed the tyre myself.

              3. Michael would be celebrating but he didn’t win the race.

              4. They would be at the reception but they were not invited.

              5. The film was very popular, otherwise the director wouldn’t have won an Oscar.

              6. She would have stayed longer, but the babysitter needed to leave at 9.00.

              7. We stopped at the service station. Otherwise, we would have run out of petrol.

              8. Tom couldn’t have found the treasure without the map.

              9. You can’t lose weight without doing some exercise.

              10. I learnt to swim because you encouraged me.

Exercise 15. Rewrite the following as mixed conditional sentences.

1. She isn’t at the meeting because she wasn’t told about it.

2. I didn’t apply for the job. I don’t want to work there.

3. He didn’t take his job seriously. He is unemployed now.

4. He didn’t train every day. He won’t win the race.

5. I didn’t book seats. We can’t go to the concert now.

6. You didn’t warn me. Now I am in a difficult situation.

7. I don’t know him very well, so I didn’t give him any advice.

Exercise 16. Translate into English using the Conditional Mood.

1. Если бы не он, мы бы были очень счастливы. 2. Вы бы сейчас лучше говорили по-английски, если бы прилежно учились в университете. 3. На его месте я бы поступил иначе. 4. Если бы я не торопился, я бы остался с вами еще на несколько часов. 5. Если бы картину повесили ровно, она бы не упала вам на голову. 6. Если бы вчера вечером вы ей этого не сказали, он бы не была сейчас такой расстроенной. 7. Если бы не шляпа этой женщины, я бы видела весь экран. 8. Если бы вы подготовились к контрольной, вы бы получили лучшую отметку. 9. Если бы ты не был таким рассеянным, ты бы не забыл о нашей встрече. 10. Если бы у меня вчера с собой было больше денег, я бы купила это платье. 11. Если бы вы выполнили все рекомендации врача, то уже бы выздоровели и сейчас бы работали с нами. 12. Если бы не жалобы соседей, Джордж продолжал бы играть на скрипке.