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Розовая книга: Соколовская, Лещева.doc
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Progress test

1. Choose the correct alternative in each of the following sentences.

  1. We're planning to go to Far East/ the Far East on holiday.

  2. Dialyses is used for purifying blood/the blood if your kidneys don't work properly.

  3. I started learning to play violin/ the violin when I was five.

  4. She'd always dreamed of going on stage/the stage, or at least working in theatre/the theatre.

  5. The roof of church/the church was blown off in the hurricane.

  6. We went to church/the church last Sunday, as usual.

  7. The Members of government/the government are most concerned about economy/the economy at the present.

  8. Apples/The apples are good for you.

  9. Look at apples/the apples on that tree! They're very large.

  10. Women/The women are often better teachers than men/the men.

  11. In Britain coffee/the coffee is more expensive than tea/the tea.

  12. We had a very nice meal in that restaurant. Cheese/The cheese was especially good.

  13. Most people/ The most people still believe that marriage/the marriage and family life/the family life are the basis of our society.

  14. They got married but marriage / the marriage wasn't successful.

2. Use the proper article where necessary.

  1. Bronte children – five girls and a boy – lived with their father and aunt in Yorkshire.

  2. National Gallery is situated in Trafalgar Square.

  3. Londoners have particular affection for St.Paul's Cathedral, largest Protestant Church in England.

  4. In New Stone Age, the hunters crossed the sea to west of Channel and settled along Western Shores in search of food.

  5. She was not Jessica he married six years ago.

  6. "Have sent you cheque 5.000 pounds. Please ship goods immediately" (a cable).

  7. This scholar was awarded Nobel Prize.

  8. United Kingdom is a member of United Nations Organization, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Commonwealth.

  9. There is a splendid view of Lake Geneva from this hotel.

  10. What joins Red Sea and Mediterranean?

  11. David attended Princeton University.

  12. Mrs White is waiting for you.

  13. We can see unique pictures of "Titanic" buried in the depth of the ocean.

  14. He left for Germany to study at University of Marburg.

  15. NASA had a setback in 1986.

  16. They are calling him new Elvis.

3. Fill in the gaps if necessary.

  1. She spoke with ..... warmth about her friends.

  2. ..... Thought of going to his native town filled him with ..... excitement.

  3. Last night I heard ..... Rigoletto and enjoyed ..... music.

  4. Have you ever met such ..... stupid boy?

  5. Don't sit in ..... draught or you'll catch ..... chill.

  6. They displayed ..... courage which amazed all of us.

  7. To ..... joy of his friends he recovered very quickly.

  8. He readily gives ..... advice to everybody who asks for it.

  9. After he had done the same thing, ..... third time, his master decided to cure the lazy animal of his tricks.

  10. Ann gets excited very easily and it takes her ..... long time to pull herself together.

  11. He isn't here now, but we keep in ..... touch with him.

  12. John' s quite grown up now and has ..... strong sense of ..... responsibility.

  13. My mother bought a hat for me ..... other day, but ..... style is quite out of ..... fashion now.

  14. Jack seemed to be telling his new friend ..... truth, Bob had ..... feeling that he was being deceived.

  15. Jane went to Oxford and Mary took a course at a college, ..... two friends never lost ..... sight of each other.

  16. In your place I'd take ..... advantage of it.

  17. We cannot stop producing these machines, they are in ..... great demand now.

  18. She is ..... kind of ..... person who never gives in, in ..... spite of all ..... difficulties.

  19. I must ignore it as .…. serious threat.

  20. I had meat for my main course yesterday, so I'll have ..... fish for ..... change.

  21. Shall we order ..... sweet straight ..... way? What would you like?

  22. It would be better to follow ..... path you've chosen.

  23. I think you're running ..... awful risks.

  24. Look at me. Don't I sit before you, just as much ..... man as you are?

  25. She is ..... mother of my best friend.