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Розовая книга: Соколовская, Лещева.doc
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2.15. Complete each sentence with one suitable word from the list. Use each word once only.

accommodation, bread, cookery, lightning, spelling, advice, cash, information, luggage, parking

  1. I can't cut this loaf. Do you have a proper bread knife?

  2. I'm afraid that "neice" is ….. mistake.

  3. There's usually ….. space opposite the church.

  4. We need ..... box to keep the money in.

  5. The tourist board have built ….. centre near the castle.

  6. We decided to put ….. conductor on the roof.

  7. Marjorie used to write ….. column in a magazine.

  8. These suitcases are heavy. We must find ….. trolley.

  9. I must rush. I'm going to ….. lesson.

  10. Julie found her flat through ….. agency.

2.16. Complete these sentences using the noun in brackets in the singular or plural form. Mind the article!

  1. He gave me a box of my favourite chocolates . (chocolate)

  2. His favourite food is ….. . (chocolate)

  3. She bought ….. on her way to work. (paper)

  4. He placed all the important ….. in his briefcase. (paper)

  5. I need some ….. to write this message on. (paper)

  6. Hurry up! We don't have much ….. . (time)

  7. She has visited us several …. (time)

  8. He has no ….. but he is keen to learn. (experience)

  9. We went for a walk in ….. after lunch. (wood)

  10. His desk is made of ….. . (wood)

2.17. Choose one word from the words below to complete each sentence. Mind the article if the word is countable or make it plural as appropriate.

chicken, dislike, improvement, language, life, success, education

  1. Mary used to keep chickens in her garden until they started to get out.

  2. A score of 40% may not be very good but it's certainly ….. on her last mark.

  3. After so many previous ….. it was inevitable that one of his films would be unpopular.

  4. ….. is too short to worry about keeping your house spotlessly clean.

  5. I've had ….. of green vegetables ever since I was a child.

  6. Our students study both ….. and literature in their English degree.

  7. I had to go through very strict and traditional ….. .

2.18. Translate form Russian into English.

  1. Они были здесь час назад.

  2. Большое количество молодых людей поступают в высшие учебные заведения.

  3. Не спеши! У нас много времени!

  4. Раз в год мы стараемся навестить наших родителей.

  5. Врач велел ему есть все без соли и пить больше воды.

  6. Никто не любит плохую погоду.

  7. Жизнь невозможна без воды и воздуха.

  8. Он прожил долгую жизнь.

  9. У него глубокие знания по истории. Знания можно приобрести упорным трудом.

  10. Передайте соль, пожалуйста!

  11. Не сидите у окна, вы простудитесь.

  12. Он указал на маленькое окно на пятом этаже.

  13. Погода была прекрасная.

  14. Я не могу плавать в такой холодной воде.

Review exercises

2.1. Complete the sentences. Put in a/an, or some

  1. I really ought to do some housework.

  2. The people who camped in the field have left ….. rubbish.

  3. I've been working on the business plan. I've made ….. progress.

  4. The visitors are here for two nights. They are booking for ….. accommodation.

  5. That shop has ….. nice sofa.

  6. You'll have to pay extra for the taxi because you've got ….. luggage.

  7. The flat is quite empty. I need ….. furniture.

  8. I can't possibly fit this guitar into ….. suitcase.

  9. You need ….. luck to win at this game.