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Розовая книга: Соколовская, Лещева.doc
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1. Proofread the following sentences for errors in capitalization.

  1. On saturday night joe masters and his rhythm boys entertained the yorkville social club.

  2. My cousin robert has a decided french accent.

  3. He referred to his section of the southwest as “god’s country”.

  4. The street was named sherman street in honour of general sherman.

  5. I remember that there was a chinese boy in my class in burton high school.

  6. Father and mother both approve of the united nations.

  7. Oh, there goes dr jones now!

  8. We wrote to captain anderson of the ninety-fifth coast artillery.

  9. He has a book about the stone age.

  10. They stayed with their uncle from thanksgiving until christmas.

2. Decide which nouns are countable and which are uncountable and complete the sentences with their correct form, singular or plural. Make other changes if necessary.

  1. (swine) These white … (does, do) not live long.

  2. (watch) This … (was, were) a special favourite with Mr Pickwick.

  3. (loss) There were small …: a spoon for the baby’s feeding and a pair of scissors.

  4. (people) The … (was, were) asking me what the matter was.

  5. (potato) All the … (is, are) big and round.

  6. (knowledge) His … (grows, grow) quickly.

  7. (news) The war … (is, are) all old!

  8. (hair) His … (was, were) grey, and he was fat and short.

  9. (fish) I have two red … .

  10. (wine and cheese) They export … .

Unit 3

Supply the plural form for the singular nouns listed below.

41) turkey

42) cargo

43) knife

44) swine

45) son-in-law

46) ox

47) man

48) echo

49) phenomenon

50) index

51) tooth

52) mouse

53) month

54) potato

55) roof

Unit 4

1. Translate into English the phrases using the possessive case where possible.

56) мужская дружба

57) стол директора

58) страхи ребенка

59) хвост лисы

60) собственность брата

61) минутная нерешительность

62) свадьба брата

63) решение правительства

64) утренняя газета

65) расстояние в одну милю

2. Put in an apostrophe where necessary.

  1. A womans love is not worth anything until it has been cleaned of all romanticism.

  2. He got twenty-four hours work out of each day.

  3. I spent Christmas at my Aunt Emilys.

  4. We got some goats milk with us.

  5. Why, for Gods sake, we go through all this hell?.

  6. He was still thinking of next mornings papers.

  7. He was on his two miles walk to Berkley.

  8. They were leaving the house without an instants delay.

  9. He watched her with a boys enthusiasm.

  10. See you at Johns!

Unit 5

Give female nouns correspondent to the following male nouns.

76) actor

77) fox

78) baron

79) widower

80) bachelor

81) uncle

82) nephew

83) lord

84) duke

85) hero

Review Exercises

Translate into English.

  1. В моем кармане нет денег.

  2. Я знаю, что у меня красивые волосы.

  3. Его двухнедельный отпуск пошел ему на пользу.

  4. Полиция только что поймала убийцу.

  5. Машина – хорошо, а олени – лучше!

  6. Мои знания английского вполне хорошие.

  7. После смерти жены он навсегда остался вдовцом.

  8. Это такие хорошие новости!

  9. Все утренние газеты сообщали о его больших успехах.

  10. Это одежда очень дорогая.

  11. Крутая лестница ведет к морю.

  12. Товар прибыл, но таможня его еще не осматривала.

  13. Никто не последовал его советам.

  14. Мои часы спешат.

  15. Материнская любовь бесконечна.


Chapter 2