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Розовая книга: Соколовская, Лещева.doc
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4.1. Read the forms of the adjectives and work out the rules of their spelling in the comparative and superlative degrees.

Positive Comparative Superlative

big biggest the biggest

hot hotter the hottest

busy busier the busiest

dirty dirtier the dirtiest

gray grayer the grayest

brave braver the bravest

nice nicer the nicest

simple simpler/more simple the simplest/the most simple

free freer the freest

4.2. Add -er or -est to the adjectives in brackets. Write the new forms of the adjectives.

  1. The hand is (quick) than the eye. – The hand is quicker than the eye.

  2. That magician is the (great) in the world.

  3. This is the (proud) moment of his life.

  4. The rabbit is (soft) than the bird.

  5. That trick is (old) than this country.

  6. Our seats were the (close) to the stage.

  7. The magician’s show was (long) than the clown’s.

  8. The clown’s shoes were the (funny) of all the shoes.

  9. Our laughs were the (loud) in the crowd.

  10. The stage was the (big) one I’ve ever seen.

4.3. Give the comparative and superlative forms for the following adjectives:

  1. kind – kinder – the kindest, fast, green, hard, tall, sad, cheap, dry, fine, long.

  2. early, easy, famous, funny, honest, wealthy, pleasant, dirty, clever,

  3. perfect, narrow, simple, friendly, foolish, useful.

  4. favourable, wonderful, dangerous, reactionary, comfortable, popular.

  5. good, bad, many, late, far, little, near, old.

4.4. Complete the sentences according to the model:

Model: My brother is (old) … his brother.

a) My brother is as old as his brother.

b) My brother is not as/so old as his brother.

c) My brother is older than his brother.

1) The dinner is (good) … lunch.

2) Your room is (bright) … hers.

5) The boy was (clever) … his sister.

6) The first story is (interesting) … the second.

7) This way is (short) … that.

3) This writer is (famous) … that.

4) This hill is (high) … that.

8) This flower is (beautiful) … a rose.

9) Your hands are (cold) … his.

10) The green pencil is (long) … the red one.

4.5. Read the poem and comment on the form of the adjectives.

The more we study, the more we know;

The more we know, the more we forget;

The more we forget, the less we know;

The less we know, the less we forget;

The less we forget, the more we know.

Why study?

4.6. Use much (many with countable nouns) before the comparative forms for emphasis.

  1. Skiing is harder than it looks. – Skiing is much harder than it looks.

  2. She has more boyfriends than she knows what to do with. – She has many more boyfriends than she knows what to do with.

  3. That boy is more intelligent than he looks.

  4. Joe swam more miles than Richard.

  5. That job takes more experience than he has.

  6. I have less work than last week.

  7. Her pies are better than her cakes.

  8. Speaking English is more fun than reading English.

  9. New York City has more sky-scrapers than Chicago.

  10. It is a better place to live than that.

  11. I have more money at the beginning of the month than at the end.

  12. English is easier to learn than Chinese.

  13. That BMW costs more than a Mercedes.

  14. Cars cause more pollution than bicycles.