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Review Exercises (Relative Pronouns)

8.1. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

  1. The book which I bought it at the bookstore was very expensive.

  2. The woman was nice that I met yesterday.

  3. The people which live next door to me are friendly.

  4. I met a woman who her husband is a famous lawyer.

  5. Do you know the people who lives in the house?

  6. The professor teaches Chemistry is very good.

  7. I wrote a thank-you note to the people who visited their house on Thanksgiving day.

  8. The people who I met them at the party last night were interesting.

  9. I enjoyed the music which we listened to it.

  10. The man was very angry whose bicycle was stolen.

  11. The mother which child was hurt rushed to the hospital.

  12. The pen whom I lost was a birthday present.

  13. Paris who is so attractive in spring is too hot in summer.

  14. I’ll have to talk to him, what I hate.

  15. She is the only person which I can trust.

  16. I invited whomever wanted to come.

8.2. Complete the sentences with your own words.

  1. My friend knows a man who … .

  2. I have a friend whose … .

  3. I returned the book that … .

  4. The person who … .

  5. The people I … .

  6. The movie we … .

  7. The people whose … .

  8. Do you know the woman who …

  1. The book I … .

  2. The person to whom … .

  3. One of the places I … .

  4. Some of the things I … .

  5. I can’t remember who … .

  6. I want to know whose … .

  7. This is a girl whose… .

  8. London is a city which… .

8.3. Translate into English.

  1. Девушка, о которой он говорил вам, – сестра моего приятеля.

  2. Он отказался помочь своему другу, что меня очень удивило.

  3. Это студент, сочинение которого я вам вчера показывал.

  4. Мы прошли мимо комнаты, дверь которой была открыта.

  5. Он помог мне нести мой чемодан, что было очень любезно с его стороны.

  6. В лесу было много деревьев, листья которых были совсем жёлтые.

  7. Это та книга, которую вы ищете?

  8. Магазин, в котором мы покупаем овощи, закрыт по понедельникам.

  9. Покажи мне, что у тебя в руке.

  10. Ты будешь наказан за то, что ты сделал.

  11. Она замужем за человеком, который мне совсем не нравится.

  12. Ты знаешь причину, почему она не пришла.

  13. Дороти, которая меня стрижет, перешла в другую парикмахерскую.

  14. Я встретил девушку, чья красота меня поразила.

  15. Вот дом, в котором прошло моё детство.

  16. Студенты, которые желают принять участие в конференции, должны обращаться за информацией к своим преподавателям.

8.4. Oral/Written. Imagine that you are in a room full of people. You know everyone who is there. Tell who these people are. Describe them using relative pronouns. Begin your story with:

I’m glad you came. Let me tell you about the people who are here. The woman who ….



9.1. Defining pronouns

The defining pronouns are: all, each, every, everybody, everyone, everything, either, both, other, another.

1. All is a generalizing pronoun, it takes a group of things or persons as a whole: All luggage will be searched. All children need love.

All may be used as subject, predicative, object, attribute: All is said and done. (subject) He just loved me, that is all. (predicative) He forgot all about it. (object) All doors were closed. (attribute)

2. Both points out two living beings or things, mentioned before. The pronoun may be used as subject, object, attribute: Both came, Ann and Kate. (subject)You can study French or German or both. (object) He held both ends of the thread. (attribute)

3. Each, every refer to all members of the group of living beings or things, mentioned before and taken one by one.

Each may be subject, object and attribute, it requires a verb in singular: Each felt happy. (subject) He gave a flower each. (object) Each word was carefully chosen. (attribute)

Every is used only as an attribute: Every child needs care.

Everybody, everyone refer to all members of the group of living beings, mentioned before and taken one by one: Everybody enjoyed the party. Everyone looks tired today.

Everything may be applied to things, animals, abstract notions: Everything will be all right.

4. Either has two meanings - each of the two, one or the other: There are houses on either side of the river. Would you like tea or juice? - Either.

5. Other denotes some object different from the one mentioned before: You are not fair to the others. Where are the other photos? Other has two numbers: singular – other; plural – others.

Another has two meanings – 'a different one' and 'an additional one': I usually drink another kind of tea. Could I have another piece of bread?