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Ruby / Yukihiro Matsumoto_Programming Ruby.doc
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Embedding Ruby in html

So far we've looked at using Ruby to create HTML output, but we can turn the problem inside out; we can actually embed Ruby in an HTML document.

There are a number of packages that allow you to embed Ruby statements in some other sort of a document, especially in an HTML page. Generically, this is known as ``eRuby.'' Specifically, there are several different implementations of eRuby, including erubyanderb. The remainder of this section will discusseruby, written by Shugo Maeda.

Embedding Ruby in HTML is a very powerful concept---it basically gives us the equivalent of a tool such as ASP, JSP, or PHP, but with the full power of Ruby.

Using eruby

erubyacts as a filter, plain and simple. Any text within the input file is passed through untouched, with the following exceptions:



<%ruby code%>

The Ruby code between the delimiters is replaced with its output.

<%=ruby expression%>

The Ruby expression between the delimiters is replaced with its value.

<%#ruby code%>

The Ruby code between the delimiters is ignored (useful for testing).

You invoke erubyas:

eruby [





If the documentis omitted,erubywill read from standard input. The command-line options forerubyare shown in Table 14.1 on page 149.

Command-line options for eruby




Sets $DEBUG to true.


Specifies an alternate coding system (see page 137).


Specifies runtime mode, one of:


filter mode


CGI mode (prints errors as HTML, sets $SAFE=1)


NPH-CGI mode (prints extra HTTP headers, sets $SAFE=1)


Disables CGI header output.


Enables verbose mode.


Prints version information and exits.

Let's look at some simple examples. We'll run the erubyexecutable on the following input.

This text is <% a = 100; puts "#{a}% Live!" %>

erubysubstitutes the expression between the delimiters and produces

This text is 100% Live!

Using the <%= form acts as if you printed the value of the expression. For instance, the input

<%a = 100%>This text is almost <%=a%> degrees! Cool!

replaces the =awith the value ofa.

This text is almost 100 degrees! Cool!

And, of course, you can embed Ruby within a more complex document type, such as HTML.




<title>eruby example</title>





<%(1..10).each do|i|%>

  <li>number <%=i%></li>



<h1>Environment variables</h1>


<%ENV.keys.sort.each do |key|%>








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