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Academic year 2013-2014


Lecture 11

Yana Shigina

Marke&ng department NRU HSE

Content for today

1. Personal Selling & Sales Promo&on

2. Direct & Online Marke&ng

1. Objec)ves

•  The role of a company’s salespeople in crea&ng value for customers and building customer rela&onships.

•  The six major sales force management steps.

•  The personal selling process

•  How sales promo&on campaigns are developed and implemented.

Personal Selling

Personal presenta&ons by the firm’s sales force for the purpose of making sales and building customer rela&onships.

The people who do the selling: Øsalespeople

Øsales representa2ves Øagents

Ødistrict managers Øaccount execu2ves Øsales consultants Øsales engineers

Professional selling:

It takes more than fast talk and a warm smile to sell high-tech diesel locomo)ves. GE’s real challenge is to win a buyer’s business by building partnerships, day-in, day-out, year-in, year-out, with its customers.

The Role of the Sales Force

•  Salesperson

An individual represen2ng a company to customers by performing one or more of the following ac2vi2es: prospec2ng, communica2ng, selling, servicing, informa2on gathering, and rela2onship building.

Salespeople link the company with its customers.

To many customers, the salesperson is the company.

Managing the Sales Force

1)Designing the Sales Force Strategy and Structure

The Sales Force Structure

•  Territorial sales force structure

A sales force organiza&on that assigns each salesperson to an exclusive geographic territory in which that salesperson sells the company’s full line.

•  Product sales force structure

A sales force organiza&on in which salespeople specialize in selling only a por&on of the company’s products or lines.

•  Customer (or market) sales force structure

A sales force organiza&on in which salespeople specialize in selling only to certain customers or industries.

•  Complex Sales Force Structures

A company sells a wide variety of products to many types of customers over a broad geographic area, it oUen combines several types of sales force structures.

Some sales forces are huge. GE employs 16,400 salespeople;

American Express, 23,400;

PepsiCo, 36,000;

Xerox, 15,000.

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