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English _Part II.doc
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II. Прочитайте текст и выпишите инфинитивы в функции обстоя­ тельства цели.

Переведите текст письменно^

The mountain systems in East Siberia through which the BAM railway was being laid are seismically active. It was essential to conduct a detailed study of these areas to determine the safest route for the railway and the sites for industries and towns.

To develop the zone industrially it was vital to study its natural conditions and to give a well-grounded forecast of the possible consequences of the construction of the raiJway and of industrial and other projects. To choose rest and recreation zones for the population, sites for sanatoria and other health facilities was also of great importance.

III. Переведите фразы и предложения учитывая особенности перевода инфинитива в функции определения.

  • words to be memorised

  • the poem to be learnt by heart

  • exercises to be done at home

  • techniques to be used in construction

  • circumstances to be reckoned with

1. My daughter needs a friend to play with. 2.1 do need a place to sleep. 3. We are looking for a house to live in. 4. He is not the man to leave his work half finished. S.There are many examples to illustrate this rule. 6. Here is the text to be read by us next time. 7, This is the main difficulty to be taken into consideration. 8. What are the rules to be kept when writing a cheque? - Don't sign a cheque before filling in the sum to be paid. 9. She is the only woman to understand me. 10. At that period of time he was the only scientist to support this theory. 11. Britain was the last to join the group. 12. «The Globe» was the first theatre to be opened in England.

IV. Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на функцию инфинитива.

а) 1) То understand this phenomenon means to understand how the whole economic system works. 2) To make tangible progress in any economic field,


appropriate advances are needed in related fields. 3) Investments to increase the Republic's economic potential will grow. 4) Funds from the state budget wete used to finance the construction of this project. 5) We have been informed about the report to be made by the Minister of Finance. 6) This question is not gifTiple to answer. The only solution is to replace manual labour for mechanisms. 7j Even the simpliest buHding materials have to be brought from far away. 8) To encourage the increase in production, new wholesale prices are being introduced for industrial products. 9) This will be the first Indian steel plant to reach a four-midion-ton capacity. 10) The total length of the pipelines to be built during this period is great. The exact figure is hard to calculate. 11) This method is not accurate enough to give reliable results. 12) The device was designed in such a way as to produce two pictures (изображения).

  1. 1) We are to purchase finished goods or components to be made into goods. 2) To accomplish this work requires great skill. 3) The allocations on protection measures are now to be increased. 4) The purpose of the new agreement is to broaden the scope of the existing one. 5) The expenditures to maintain the present volume of output are rapidly increasing. 6) Feasibility study outlines products to be manufactured by the joint venture. 7) The experimental results are few and not easy to interpret. 8) This was the first UN session to be attended by a representative of Mexico. 9) The expansion of the market has not been sufficient to yield the same rate of profit. 10) The plans of the state arise partly because it has a revenue to raise, expenses to meet and property to administer. 11) To assure uninterrupted growth, enterprises have to rely more on intensification of production. 12) Work is under way to develop new technology. 13) Much has been done to enlarge the scope of construction works.

  2. 1) The businessmen agreed to buy the goods at a price to be fixed by a special agreement. 2) Many products to attract buyers must always be new in styling. 3)To let consumer credit to grow creates speculative situation. 4) New products and the compaigns to advertise and sell them should not be launched without the help of accounting expertise. 5) It is necessary to have a certificate ifi order to practice accounting. 6) Such earnings are wholly inadequate to make UP for the losses. 7) To compensate lenders for taking on additional risk, the required nominal yield on a bond will embody a greater risk premium. 8) The Plan included products of a factory that was yet to be built. 9) The second requirement to be met is to lower the rate of inflation. 10) To pull the country out °f the state of backwardness they had to build new metallurgical plants, power Cations and factories to produce tractors. 11) This plant is to be put into operation ne*t month. 12) Rational forms have already been found to assure a transition to the extensive development of trade. 13) Britain was the first country in the w°rld to increase the pace of economic growth when the whole world was


underdeveloped yet 14) The US experience is to be borrowed in ftie general management. 15) British industry had a fong way to go to catch up rivals.

В инфинитивном обороте, вводимом предлогом дСог», инфинитив выоажзет действие, субъектом которого является существительное или местоимение а объектном падеже (him, us, etc).

It's time for us to qo. - Нам пора идти.

Where shall we go tonight? - It's for you to decide.

Куда пойдем сегодня? - Тебе решать.

Чаще всего этот оборот употребляется в функции обстоятельства и переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением, вводимым союзами «чтобы», «что». Подлежащим этого предложения становится субъект действия, а сказуемым - инфинитив.

She put the advertisement on the wall for everybody to see.

  • Она повесила объявление на стену, чтобы все видели. The teacher is waiting for you to continue reading.

  • Учитель ждёт, чтобы ты продолжил читать.

* Оборот может находиться в любой части предложения.

For this material to be published this year you must have it typed as soon as possible,

  • Для того, чтобы этот материал был опубликован в этом году, вам нужно как можно скорее перепечатать его на машинке.

  • It is quite possible for this material to be published very soon.

  • The main problem is for this material to be published as soon as possible.

  • There isn't enough time for the material to be published this year.

- For this thesis to be published this year fs out of the question (не может быть и речи).


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