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Business Correspondence part1.doc
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3.3.3 Request for an estimate

A supermarket is asking a firm of shop-fitters for an estimate to put in counters, shelves, windows, etc.


Superbuy House, Wolverton Road, London SW16 7DN

Telephone: 0813271651 Reg.No.: 94116 London

Telex: 3031 13 VAT No. 516 641030

Fax: 0813271935

The Manager Date: 10th January 200-

Wembley Shopfitters Ltd.

Wycombe Road

Wembley Middlesex HAS 6DA

Dear Sir,

We are opening a new branch of 'Superbuys' in Wembley High Street in March and would like to know if you could send someone along to give us an estimate for refitting.

From our designer's plan enclosed, you can see that the premises were once used as a warehouse and would need extensive alterations which would include putting in counters, shelves, windows, rewiring, and reflooring.

The work would have to be completed before the end of February and you would be required to sign a contract to that effect. If the job interests you, please contact Mr Keith Bellon our Managing Director on 081327 1651 ext. 119 to arrange an appointment,

Yours faithfully,

Jean Landman

Jean Landman

Secretary to K. Bellon

Encl. Wembley Plan AC/1342


1. Why is an estimate needed? Why is it not possible to give a firm quotation?

2. What has to be done before the estimate can be given?

3. Can Wembley Shopfitters take as long as they want to complete the job?

4. Do Superbuys expect a letter in reply?

5. How should Mr Bellon be contacted?

6. Has anything been included with the letter?

7. How were the premises originally used?

3.4 Points to remember

1. Enquiries can take the form of telephoned, telexed, or taxed requests for information. Only use these forms if you can make your enquiry very brief. For fuller enquiries, write a letter.

2. Give details of your own firm as well as asking for information from your prospective supplier.

3. Be specific and state exactly what you want. Quote box numbers, catalogue references, etc. to help your supplier to identify what you want.

4. Ask for samples if you are uncertain about a product.

5. You can suggest terms and discounts, but be prepared for your supplier to make a counter-offer.

6. You can be direct in your letter, yet still polite. Notice how the use of the passive can soften a request: I want a prompt reply is impolite; A prompt reply would be appreciated is better. Notice also how short sentences can create an abrupt effect, while a complex sentence can modify: We are large wholesalers. We are interested in your range of shirts is not as good as We are large wholesalers and are interested in your range of shirts.

7. Close with a simple 'thank you' or ‘I look forward to hearing from you', unless you want to indicate the possibility of substantial orders or further business.

Writing letters of enquiry

3.1 Complete the letter with the following phrases:

could you also provide on behalf of please place a substantial order the quality of your products

Mr C. Davis 5 March

Leatherware plc

14-19 Chatham Place

Manchester MIS 4AA

Dear Mr Davis

I visited the Leatherware stand at the Dusseldorf Trade Fair last month ..........................1 'Pablo Cortez' and was impressed by …………………….2 .

........................................3 send me information about your range of executive briefcases. I think that these could do well in our market. ........................................4 full details of prices, delivery dates, methods of payments and discounts. Could you send all the details in your letter as we do not have the time to search through large brochures. Also if you have any other products which might appeal to this segment of the market, please let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you. If terms and delivery dates are satisfactory, I hope to..........................................5.

Yours sincerely

Pedro Jiminez

Pedro Jiminez