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Cultural values at society

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47. Cultural values at society

1. Prepare.

You are going to compare your country with another country. You can use your own experience, or interview someone who knows about the culture of another country. The interview could be with a colleague / friend / classmate who has worked in another country or with a colleague / friend / classmate who comes from another country.

Study the list of values and ways of thinking below.

Use your experience, or do the interview, to compare the two countries. Write the first letter of the country in the appropriate place on the scales below.

Control over events

People believe they make their own destiny and can control events.

People are fatalistic and believe events are controlled by chance or luck.

Approach to tasks and time

People work one task at a time with a single focus. Tasks are completed punctually by following plans.

People work on many tasks at the same time. Tasks have flexible completion times.

Communication: directness

Communication is direct. Information exchange is simple, clear and verbal. Indirectness is frustrating and suspicious.

Communication is indirect. A lot of information is unspoken but clear from the situation. Directness is seen as aggressive.

Communication: relationships

Communication is impersonal. Facts and figures are important. A high degree of objectivity.

Communication is personal. Relationships are important. An emphasis on subjectivity.

Structure and conflict

People are comfortable with flexible structures and unpredictable situations. Disagreement with authority is acceptable.

There is a high need for order and rules. Conflict is threatening. Disagreement with authority is rare.

Individualism and competition

The culture is competitive and individualistic. Independence is valued. Achievement and material success are important.

The culture is cooperative and collectivist. Loyalty to the group is valued. The quality of life and relationships are important.

Thinking style

Thinking style is analytical. Problems are broken down and each piece is treated separately.

Thinking style is holistic. A focus on the whole picture and the way the parts are related.

2. Write notes.

So, I am going to compare two pretty different countries, from my point of view: Russia and USA.

Key differences between the two countries

Values becoming similar due to globalization

Values resisting change

3. Discuss.