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english слова бриф

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Return on investment - ROI - the profit on an investment in relation to the amount invested ; = RETURN ON CAPITAL : 2 a company's profit from one or more of its activities in a particular period of time in relation to the amount it has invested in the activities.

Deposit - an amount of money paid into a bank account or held in a bank account, especially when it is earning interest

Interest - an amount paid by a borrower to a lender, for example to a bank by someone borrowing money for a loan or by a bank to a DEPOSITOR (= someone keeping money in an account there )

Loans - money borrowed from a bank, financial institution, person etc on which interest is usually paid to the lender until the loan is repaid

Bonds - an amount of money borrowed by a government or an organization. The government or organization produces a document promising that it will pay back the money that it has borrowed, usually with interest. The document, which can be bought and sold, is also called a bond

Default - by default if something happens or is decided by default, it happens or is decided in that way because you did not do anything to change it / when someone fails to pay money that they owe at the right

Shares - one of the parts into which ownership of a company is divided

Dividend - a part of the profits of a company for a particular period of time that is paid to shareholders for each share that they own

Capital gain - profit that is made when an asset is sold for more than it cost, or more than its BOOK VALUE :

Bankrupt - not having enough money to pay your debts

Risk - the possibility that something may be lost, harmed, or damaged, or that something bad, unpleasant, or dangerous may happen

Return - if an investment returns a particular amount of money, that is the amount of profit it makes

Venture capitalists - someone who invests money in new businesses

Start-up - start-up costs, spending etc are connected with beginning and running a new business or new business activity

Investors - a person or organization that invests money in order to make a profit :

Borrowers - someone who has borrowed money, especially from a bank or BUILDING SOCIETY

Institutions – a large important organization

Insurance companies – a company that sells insurance

Mutual funds = unit trusts - a company that invests money in stocks and shares of many different businesses for small investors

Pension funds – пенсионный фонд

Money and currency markets - валютный рынок, валютная биржа, денежный рынок

Equities - the capital that a company has from shares rather than from loans.

Commodities markets - товарная биржа, рынок товаров

Property - all the things that someone owns :

Futures – buying and selling futures contracts : commodity futures - agreements to buy or sell a particular amount of a product or type of raw material that is sold in large quantities : currency ˌfutures FINANCE agreements to buy or sell a fixed amount of currency on a fixed date in the future at a fixed price

Options - a choice between two or more possible things, for example products ; something that is offered in addition to the standard equipment when you buy something, especially a car : also option to purchase when an organization buys something, the possibility that it will buy more later :

Stock markets - a market where company shares are traded

Trading floors - 3 dealing/​trading/​exchange floor FINANCE the part of a financial market where shares, COMMODITIES (= oils, metals, farm products ) etc are bought and sold. In American English, only trading floor and exchange floor are used, not dealing floor :

Issuers - a person or organization that officially gives something such as a document to people who need or want it / FINANCE a company that makes its SECURITIES (= bonds, shares etc ) available for

Brokers - a person or organization that buys and sells SECURITIES , currencies, property, insurance etc for others :

Traders - someone who deals in shares, bonds, currencies, COMMODITIES (=oil, metal, farm products) etc on a market either for themselves or for a financial institution, or someone who buys and sells goods

Securities house - seˈcurities ˌhouse an organization that ISSUE s (=makes available and sells) companies' shares, bonds etc, trades in shares, bonds etc for itself and for its clients, and provides other financial services to companies. Most securities houses form part of large international financial institutions

Central banks – центральный банк -

Money supply - денежная масса - the amount of money in an economy at a particular time, and the speed with which it is used. M0/​M1/​M2 etc different measures of a country's money supply depending on the types of money they include, such as cash, BANK DEPOSIT s (=money held by banks), COMMERCIAL PAPER (=borrowing for short periods of time by organizations) etc

Fundamentals – основы - basic information about a company, the economy etc that must not be forgotten when looking at share prices, currencies etc