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2. Complete the sentences:

  1. Pollution problems have arisen because...

  2. Most fuel cause pollution when...

  3. Smog can do a great deal of harm due to...

  4. The decline of nature is evident....

3. Answer the questions:

  1. What is pollution?

  2. What causes pollution?

  3. Who suffers from pollution?

  4. What has the increase in production meant for people? For the environment?

  5. What is smoke? Smog?

  6. What makes smog poisonous?

  7. Why do people suffer from smoke and smog?

  8. What types of damage does the smog cause?

  9. Why do scientists warn of global catastrophe?

  1. What effects would population increase have on the world resources?

  2. What happen to the Earth's soils, forests, wetlands, seas and oceans?

  3. What could seriously affect the Earth's climate?

  4. Would nature suffer or benefit if developing nations industrialize?

4. Questions for Critical Thinking:

1.What is your opinion about the most threatening challenge to global environment and why?

a) nuclear weapons; b) ozone layer depletion; c) air and

ocean pollution; d) global garbaging; e) deforestation; f) greenhouse effect; g) the

other problems.

2. What is your opinion about, the most, threatening environmental problem in the place you live?

a) air pollution; b) rivers and lake Baikal pollution; c) car emissions: d) industrial enterprises; e) garbaging

3.Who, do you think, is mainly carrying the responsibility for the problems you mentioned?

a) government; b) all people; c) heads of enterprises; d) other people

4. Give your examples of actions which should be undertaken for combating environmental problems:

a) effective use of refinement facilities; b) nature conservation; c) use of filters and catalyses for cutting down car emissions; d) establishing new nature reservations and protection of the old ones; e) keeping the territory clean; f) development of environmental programs like "Greenpeace" to increase greater awareness of the population; g) other actions.

5. Write an article to the newspaper:

Environmental problems in my region.

X. Study the text and name the problems connected with water pollution:

Water Pollution

Worldwide, the most serious water pollutants, in term of human health, are pathogenic organisms from human and animal wastes. Effective sewage treatment systems are needed that purify -wastewater before it is released to the environment

In industrialized nations, toxic chemicals wastes have become an increasing problem. Agricultural and industrial chemicals have been released or spilled into surface waters and are seeping into groundwater supplies.

Ultimately, all water ends up in the ocean. The ocean is so large that it would seem impossible for human activities to have a significant impact on it, but pollution levels in the ocean are increasing

As much as 80 percent of all disease and some 25 millions deaths each year may be attributable to water contamination.

Discarded plastic flotsam and jetsam are becoming an ubiquitous mark of human impact on the oceans. Since plastic is lightweight and non-biodegradable, it is carried thousands of miles on ocean currents and lasts for years.

Few coastlines in the world remained uncontaminated by oil or oil products. Oceanographers estimate that somewhere between 3 million and 6 million metric tons of oil are discharged into the world's oceans each year from both land- and sea-based operations. About half of this amount is due to maritime transport.