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Dialogue 2

A: What can people do остановить загрязнение?

B: Attempts to control pollution, initiated during the 1950s, resulted in the successful устранение of such sources of pollution as industrial effluents and the outdoor burning of trash and debris. The task of cleaning up air pollution, though difficult, is not believed to be impossible. Use of fuels that are low in pollutants; more complete burning of fossil fuels; the scrubbing of industrial smokestacks often in combination with а переработка of the pollutants; and the shift to less polluting forms of power generation, such as solar energy in place of fossil fuels - all are methods that can be used for controlling pollution. Многие крупные города предприняли ряд мер to decrease the level of urban noise; the problem has received much attention with the advent of supersonic jet aeroplanes. Atmospheric testing of nuclear bombs was stopped in different countries предотвратить радиоктивное загрязнение атмосферы.

A: What can common people do to protect nature?

B: To protect nature people should поменять отношение to it. Man should stop taking from it everything he needs and give it his love instead. Otherwise the расплата will be too high. It is good that at last people started осознавать that they should keep air and water clean by установление жесткого pollution control. Efforts are being made to reduce pollution from automobile engines by developing pollution-free engines which may eventually eliminate the more serious air pollution problems. Moreover, the strong public reaction can facilitate the exercise of absolute pollution control in various industries.

VIII. Translate into English:

1. Говорят, российская Дума приняла решение разре­шить ввоз в страну использованные радиоактивные отходы (nuclear waste) для переработки (ргосessing/recycling) из дру­гих стран. Многие экологи справедливо считают, что такое решение превратит нашу страну в радиоактивную свалку (cessepool).

2. Несколько лет назад у берегов Аляски потерпел аварию нефтяной танкер. Это привело к тому, что в океан попало огром­ное количество нефти, от чего пострадала природа.

3. Воздух в Иркутске никак нельзя назвать чистым. Не удивительно, ведь здесь столько предприятий! А машины просто заполонили все улицы.

4. Когда ученые начали выражать тревогу по поводу со­ стояния озонового слоя (оzone layer) в земной атмосфере, были приняты некоторые меры, способные замедлить разруше­ние. Например, были запрещены многие косметические пре­параты, выпускавшиеся в виде аэрозолей.

IX. Read the text and do the exercises:


Pollution problems have increased in all industrialized countries in recent years. Pollution is contamination of the environment as result of human activities. Many cities of the world are very polluted now. Pollution from industry has become a major problem because of the increase on production over the past few years. Much pollution, especially of the atmosphere, arises from the use of coal and petroleum as a fuel. The cars also pump pollutants into the atmosphere. What is smoke? Smoke is the result of incomplete combustion of fuels.

Most fuels consist of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, a little sulfur and some mineral ash. Of these fuels burn wholly, the final product would be carbon dioxide and water, all of which are harmless.

But they do not burn completely. The air in the cities is full of solid particles. It is smoke. If the wind doesn't spread the smoke, big industrial cities have smoky fog, or "smog", which is very harmful.

Population growth, industrial expansion, increase in automobile use cause pollution. The Earth's resources and its ability to absorb pollution and regenerate it are in question. Scientists warn of global catastrophe.

Increased human activities are destroying the Earth. The decline of nature is evident. The Baltic Sea is dying from sewage. In places such as Mexico City and Eastern Europe millions breath toxic air. The ozone layer is thinning, the globe may be warming. Seven industrial countries, including the US, account for 45 % of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. As developing nations industrialize, world-wide pollution will jump. Sustainable development is the only solution of all the environmental problems.

1. Identify each item by writing a number of its definition:

1) Smog 2) Pollution effect 3) The greenhouse effect

4) Acid rain 5) Fuel 6) Carbon dioxide

  1. Gas produced by the burning of fossil fuel (coal, mineral oil etc.)

  2. Mixture of smoke and fog.

  1. This happens when gases and chemicals mix with water in the air and the mixture falls back to earth.

  2. It is caused by gases and chemicals which stay in the air like a blanket around the world and change the Earth's climate for hotter.

  1. Material for producing heat or energy, e.g. wood, coal, oil etc.

  2. Contamination of the environment as the result of human activities.