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контрольная англ. Вологда

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1. Vologda.

I. Read and memorize the following words and words combinations:

record - запись, летопись

picturesque - живописный

gateway - ворота

naval - морской

merchant - торговый, купец

handicraft industry - ремесленное производство,

предприятия народных промыслов

further - продвигать

crown property - собственность престола

fortress - крепость

well-fortified residence - хорошо укрепленная


outskirts - окраина

junction - узел

highway - шоссе

enterprise - предприятие

high-precision instruments - высокоточные приборы

antifriction bearings - подшипники качения

wood-processing machines - деревообрабатывающие станки

wooden items - изделия из древесины

prefabricated wooden living houses - сборные жилые дома

include - включать lace - кружево goodsтовары

R&D industries - Research and Development Industries - наукоёмкие производства

highly-qualified staff - высококвалифицированные кадры

affiliation - филиал entrepreneurs - деловые люди

II. Read and translate the following:


Vologda is one of the most ancient Russian cities the first record of which is dated 1147. Situated on the inks of the picturesque and quiet Vologda river, it used to be «a gateway» to the North and an important commercial centre.

The development of the city is connected with the greatest historical events of Russia. Since the 16th century Vologda was the centre of a naval merchant way. Its geographical position in the most natural way prepared the ground for development of handicraft industry, trade and helped to further its role in state affairs.

The importance of Vologda in the 16th century is shown through the personal interest taken in it by Ivan the Terrible. He took the city as a crown property. Stone fortress and the Cathedral of St. Sophia were laid in the presence of the tsar Ivan the Terrible who planned to build in Vologda a well-fortified residence.

The 17th century is connected with the name of another Russian tsar Peter the Great, who also visited Vologda several times.

In the 16th and 17th centuries one of the most picturesque and harmonious architectural ensembles of the North, the Prilutsk Saviour Monastery was founded on the outskirts of the city.

Nowadays Vologda is the regional administrative, industrial and cultural centre with the population of about 310 000 inhabitants. Its territory is 11.6 thousand ha. It is a railway junction between Moscow and St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk and Murmansk. The distance from Moscow is 460 km and from St. Petersburg is 600 km. There is an port1 that can receive medium size planes. Highways with asphalt surfacing connect Moscow, St. Petersburg and Arkhangelsk with Vologda.

Vologda is an important industrial centre of the North Western region. On its territory there are about 100 industrial enterprises. The largest of them are Ball Bearing Plant, Opto-Mechanical plant, Machine Tool plant and me other factories.

Machine building takes the leading position and is characterized by the production of complex, high precision instruments. including antifriction bearings, wood processing machines, automatic lines, technological instruments for agribusiness.

Wood processing companies produce wooden items, prefabricated wooden living houses, furniture and wall per. Vologda also produces light industry products and traditional handicrafts, including the famous Vologda lace.

The products made in Vologda are very popular in this country and abroad. They are exported to the USA, Japan, Finland, Norway. Great Britain, Austria, Germany and other countries.

The number of small and medium size companies, producing industrial goods, providing services and trading, constantly growing. " R&D intensive industries and scientific institutions need a lot of highly qualified staff. There four universities in Vologda: the Technical University, the Teachers Training University, an affiliation of the Moskov State Law Academy and the State Dairy Academy named after N.V. Vereschagin. More than 12 thousand dents study there. Every year 1,5 thousand people get the university education. Besides, there are 10 higher technical schools and colleges, as well as vocational schools in Vologda.

Culture is also well developed. There are 3 theatres: Drama and Children theatres, Puppet Show and a philarmony in Vologda. -

There are many monuments of stone architecture of the 14th-19th centuries, Spaso-Prilutski monastery, the vologda Kremlin, about 50 churches (9 of them function at present). The Vologda companies are interested in making business contacts with any entrepreneurs and companies both in this country and abroad.

III. Answer the following Questions:

1. Vologda is one of the most ancient Russian cities, isn't it?

2. Where is Vologda situated?

3. Is the development of Vologda connected with any historical events of Russia?

4. What helped to further its role in state affairs?

5. What role did Ivan the Terrible play in the development of Vologda?

6. Did Peter the Great visit Vologda?

7. What architectural ensembles appeared in the city in the 16th and 17th centuries?

8. Nowadays Vologda is the regional administrative, industrial and cultural centre in the North-West of Russia, isn't it?

9. How many people live in Vologda?

10. How far is it from Moscow and St. Petersburg?

11. Prove that Vologda is an important industrial centre.

12. What branch of industry takes the leading position?

13. What other branches of industry are developed in Vologda?

14. Are the products made in Vologda popular in the country?

15. What educational establishments are there in Vologda?

16. Is Vologda a cultural centre?

IV. Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Vologda is the most ancient Russian city.

2. The main historical events didn't influence the development of the city.

3. The geographical position of the town prepared the ground for development of the local industry and trade.

4. Ivan the Terrible took a personal interest in Vologda and used it as a prison and a place of exile.

5. Peter the Great visited Vologda more than once.

6. Nowadays Vologda is a small provincial town on the banks of the quiet river.

7. Railroads, highways and airlines connect Vologda with Moscow, St Petersburg and other regions of the country.

8. The distance from Moscow to Vologda is about 600 km.

9. Vologda is an important industrial centre of the south-western region of the country.

10. Wood processing industry takes the leading position in the region.

11. The output of Vologda enterprises is very popular in Russia and abroad.

12. The number of small and medium size companies, producing industrial goods, providing services and trading, is constantly declining.

13. There are many educational institutions in Vologda.

14. Vologda is famous for its numerous monuments of stone and wooden architecture of the past.

V.Translate from Russian into English:

1.Вологда - древний город, расположенный на берегу живописной и тихой реки Вологда.

2. Первое упоминание о Вологде в летописи относится к 1147 году. Вологда была “воротами” на север, важным коммерческим центром.

3. С 16 века Вологда была центром морского торгового пути.

4. Географическое положение Вологды подготовило почву для развития ремесленного производства, торговли и помогло продвинуть его роль в государственных делах.

5. Иван Грозный планировал в Вологде построить хорошо укрепленную резиденцию.

6. Вологда - железнодорожный узел между Москвой и Санкт-Петербургом, Архангельском и Мурманском.

7. Машиностроение занимает главенствующее место, оно характеризуется производством сложных, высокоточных приборов.

8. Деревообрабатывающая промышленность производит изделия из древесины, сборные жилые дома, мебель и обои.

9. Товары, производимые в Вологде, очень популярны в нашей стране и заграницей.

10. Количество мелких и средних компаний, производящих промышленные товары, предоставляющих услуги и занимающихся торговлей, постоянно растет.

11. В Вологде 4 университета, 10 техникумов, колледжей, столько же профессиональных училищ.

12. В Вологде 3 театра, много архитектурных монументов, около 50 церквей.