Chen The electron capture detector
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where G is the solution energy difference for the reaction and 4.71 is the reference energy for an SCE electrode. The G term is a function of the solvent and the specific counter ion, but is approximately constant for aprotic solvents and similar molecules [30–32]. Because there were no experimental electron affinities of organic molecules before the 1960s, it was assumed that the G values were the same for different molecules. In the case of even the aromatic hydrocarbons, theG are a function of the charge distribution on the anion. Thus with experimental Ea and experimental E1=2 values, it was possible to evaluate and classify the G values. With the ability to calculate charge distributions in the anions using quantum mechanical procedures, the value of G can be estimated to obtain more precise Ea. This is one of the major advances of the past decade and will be described in more detail in Chapter 4.
According to the Mulliken theory of charge transfer complexes, the vertical electron affinity ðVEaÞ of an acceptor and the vertical ionization potential (VIP) of a donor are related to the energy of maximum absorption of the complex ðECT Þ by the following equation:
ECT ¼ VIP VEa C2 þ C1=ðVIP VEa C2Þ |
ð2:23Þ |
Therefore, if a series of complexes are studied in which there is one donor and multiple acceptors, the constants C2 and C1 can be determined. In order to use this equation, however, there must be experimental values of VEa and VIP. If the data are calibrated to adiabatic values, then ECT is related to AEa for the unknown species. This type of analysis was conducted in 1975 with the data available at the time [33].
In 1995 the electron affinities of organic molecules calculated using the standard MINDO/3 or AM1 semi-empirical self-consistent field calculations agreed with experiment for molecules containing only CH and O to about 0.1 eV. However, the calculated values differed from experiment for molecules containing N and the halogens by as much as 1 eV.
The agreement with experiment has been improved by using multiconfiguration, configuration interaction (MCCI) with different numbers of orbitals to minimize the difference between experimental and calculated values. This procedure is called ‘‘CURES-EC.’’ The geometry of both the ion and neutral are optimized and the energy calculated from the difference in the energy of the valence electrons after the inclusion of MCCI. The acronym CURES-EC stands for from ‘‘configuration interaction or unrestricted orbitals to relate experimental quantities to self-consistent field values by estimating electron correlation.’’ The acronym is appropriate since it is a post-self-consistent field approach to cure the electron correlation problem in
semi-empirical calculation. It has been used to obtain ionization potentials, gas phase acidities, and bond dissociation energies. With the general availability of modern desktop computers and software to carry out theoretical calculations, it is possible for anyone to extend the calculations described in this book [31].
In 1963 negative-ion Morse parameters for the ground-state anions of Br2 and I2 were obtained by estimating D, re, and n from the VEa from charge transfer spectra and the properties of the excited states of the neutral [34]. This followed a principle postulated by Mulliken, ‘‘If for an electronic state, one knows only re, D, and , one cannot easily do better in constructing its U(r) curve than to use Morse’s function’’ [35]. This is valid even if all the values must be estimated. Morse potential energy curves consolidate diverse data for anions [1]. The Morse potentials for the neutral as referenced to zero energy at infinite separation and the ionic Morse curves are given by
UðX2Þ ¼ 2DeðX2Þ expð bðr reÞÞ þ 2DeðX2Þ expð 2bðr reÞÞ |
ð2:22Þ |
UðX2ð ÞÞ ¼ 2kADeðX2Þ expð kBbðr reÞÞ þ kRDeðX2Þ |
expð 2kBbðr reÞÞ EaðXÞ þ EðX Þ |
ð2:23Þ |
where DeðX2Þ is the spectroscopic dissociation energy, r is the internuclear separation, re ¼ r at the minimum of UðX2Þ, EðX Þ is the excitation energy, b ¼ neð2p2m=De½X2&Þ1=2, m is the reduced mass, and kA, kB, and kR are dimensionless constants.
In 1966 Herschbach classified ionic Morse potential energy curves (HIMPEC) [34]. He identified nine types of XYð Þ potential energy curves, based on molecular anion formation or dissociation in a vertical transition, the signs of the vertical Ea, VEa, and EDEA ¼ EaðXÞ BDEXY . The original classifications included impossible combinations. For example in Figure 2.4, if the EDEA is negative, then for dissociation to take place, the curves must cross on the front side and VEa must be negative, making BIIþ and CIIþ impossible. Likewise if the EDEA is positive, then the vertical process will always lead to dissociation, making AI-impossible. In addition, the two different types of dissociative curves, B and C, which are completely repulsive, are eliminated since all excited state curves will have a minimum at long ranges due to at least polarization attractions. Adding the sign of the Ea as a classifier eliminated these gaps in the HIMPEC. This gives 23 ¼ 8 possible curves, described in a symmetrical notation: MðmÞ and DðmÞ, m ¼ 0 to 3, where m is the number of positive metrics. With the rðe Þ-XY separation as a third dimension, eight subclasses McðmÞ and DcðmÞ can be defined based on the crossing of the polarization and covalent curves to yield molecular ions or dissociation [36].
Figure 2.4 Classification of negative-ion Morse potential energy curves originally presented by Herschbach in 1966. The curves are calculated from actual data. The empty spaces are impossible combinations. These classifications have been modified so that they are symmetrical and all combinations are possible [34, 36].
The reactions for the formation and destruction of negative ions have been listed. The specific techniques used to obtain energetic quantities have been described. The ECD and NIMS reactions have been identified. A brief discussion of the alternative methods of measuring electron affinities then follows. The classification of molecules to obtain electron affinities from reduction potentials and the relationship between charge transfer complex energies and electron affinities were introduced. The use of quantum mechanical calculations to obtain electron affinities, bond dissociation energies, and gas phase acidities was noted. We described and updated the general classification of types of Morse potential energy curves. A list of acronyms, symbols, and abbreviations is given in Appendix I.
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2.Chen, E. S. D. and Chen, E. C. M. J. Chromatogr. A 2002, 952, 173.
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Thermal Electron Reactions at the
University of Houston
If enough histories, written while the ideas are still fresh in the minds of the people concerned, are available for a variety of discoveries of inventions, it may eventually be possible to lay down some of the principles required to facilitate the obtaining of fruitful results in scientific research in general. Clearly also the background of knowledge at the time the advance was made will be best understood if the history is as recent as possible.
—Archer J. P. Martin, Nobel lecture, 1951.
These words were the catalyst for a look into the history of the first seventy-five years of chromatography [1]. Their significance is emphasized when we recall that the ECD was invented by James E. Lovelock at the behest of Martin, once the Welch Professor at the University of Houston. Martin passed away in 2002 with little note of his contribution to chromatography. In their history of chromatography, L. S. Ettre and A. Zlatkis first gave a biographical sketch of Martin and then a narrative of his accomplishments.
In this chapter we present a personal retrospective on the decades of work at the W. E. Wentworth Laboratories and summarize the advances made there in the past fifteen years, which constitute the major focus of this book. We give our impression of the applications of the scientific method that Wentworth passed on to his students and colleagues.
In the scientific method problems are neatly stated, postulates made, data collected, and solutions obtained. Seldom is this path unidirectional. More often, it is a matter of luck and the right combination of individuals at the right time that leads to a solution. Science could not progress without the critical eyes of others. It is often the skeptic questioning the results of other investigators who spurs and
The Electron Capture Detector and the Study of Reactions with Thermal Electrons by E. C. M. Chen and E. S. D. Chen
ISBN 0-471-32622-4 # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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contributes to the original search for answers. New data and techniques compiled by those same skeptics often lead to new experiments confirming or modifying the initial answers. Here we will summarize the status of problems studied at the time and related work by others.
Wayne E. (Sonny) Wentworth was born in Rochester, Minnesota, on May 29, 1930. For two years (1948–1950) he attended Rochester Junior College, where he was elected to the Phi Theta Kappa honorary scholastic society. Over the next two years he studied at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, completing the requirements for a B. S. in chemistry. He attended graduate school at Florida State University from 1952 to 1956, during which time he was awarded an Ethyl research scholarship. In June 1957 he received his Ph.D. in analytical-physical chemistry.
From September 1956 to September 1959 Wentworth was employed by the RCA Service Company at Patrick Air Force Base, Florida, as a mathematical analyst. From September 1959 to the present he has taught at the University of Houston, serving as assistant professor from 1959 to 1963, associate professor from 1963 to 1969, and a full professor since 1969. He is married to the former Elise Hughes of Georgia. They had four children and have three grandchildren.
Wentworth has been a member of the American Chemical Society, the American Solar Energy Society, and Alpha Chi Sigma. He has published over 125 papers, written three textbooks, and received numerous patents. One of the publications from his doctoral dissertation was selected as a pioneer paper in analytical chemistry. His papers on the chemical applications of nonlinear least squares became Citation Index Classics. His patent for pulse discharge ionization detectors was selected as one of the 100 most significant inventions of 1997. He retired after four decades of teaching and research, having about forty graduate students, half of whom received doctorates. The Robert A. Welch Foundation supported his efforts every year.
The pioneer developers of chromatography and ECD included engineers, physicians, mathematicians, and physical, organic, inorganic, and biological chemists. Here we present some of the recollections of M. S. Tswett, Martin, M. C. E. Golay, S. R. Lipsky, Ettre, Zlatkis, Wentworth, and Lovelock. The majority may be found in the history of chromatography and the monograph on ECD cited at this chapter’s end [1, 2].
Tswett introduced chromatography in 1903. Ettre discussed its discovery, rejection, and reinvention in the 1930s. The reasons for the rejection were as follows:
1.The method was too unique.
2.The results contradicted some ‘‘established’’ scientists of the time. Tswett was an ‘‘outsider’’ who did not hesitate to criticize results that had been demonstrated to be wrong by chromatographic analysis.
3.Tswett’s findings were correct.
4.Tswett published the results of much of his work in a dissertation written in Russian. However, one of the scientists he criticized had the document translated one year after its publication.
Ettre has commented, ‘‘Tswett, the underdog was right but was pushed aside by the establishment’’ [1]. Tswett was simply ahead of his time. A change of philosophy was needed for his technique and investigations to become fully appreciated. This occurred at the end of the 1920s when the exponential evolution of chromatography finally began.
In his recollections Martin has stated:
Then I realized it was not necessary to move both liquids (in a counter current extraction device). If I just moved one of them the required conditions were fulfilled. I was able to devise a suitable apparatus the very next day. This became the partition chromatograph that we now know. This work was eventually published in 1941 where we noted that the mobile phase could just as well be a gas as a liquid. We also predicted that with such a system, very refined separations of various kinds of compounds would be possible. Although this paper was widely read by chemists in different fields, no one thought this prediction worth testing experimentally. [1]
As Lovelock remembers,
The discovery of the ECD dates back to a sensitive anemometer based on ions generated from a radioactive source made from radium extracted from the luminous dials of discarded aircraft instruments. This device was very sensitive but its response was perturbed by cigarette smoke. This was a drawback in the device and to discover its source, other compounds, such as halocarbons were tested. However, in 1948, this was something to merely note for the future. Looking back I realized that the key to invention is need. We did not at that time need a device to detect low levels of chlorofluorocarbons and so the electron capture detector was in a sense prematurely invented. [2]
Lovelock often simply tried to measure the response of every volatile compound in the laboratory to characterize a detector. This method of inquiry was a Lovelock trademark later adopted by the Wentworth group. In the first half of the twentieth century few reactions of thermal electrons with molecules were studied. Some studies of electrons and ions in flames and electron swarms were conducted during this time. H. S. W. Massey described the work on negative ions in a series of monographs [3].
Prior to 1950 only the electron affinities of hydrogen and the halogens had been measured. The most accurate value of the electron affinity of the hydrogen atom was calculated [4]. The Ea of the halogens that agree with current values were the Born Haber cycle values. Very few molecular electron affinities had been measured up to that point [5].
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World War I led to Tswett’s premature death at age 41 and interrupted the development of chromatography. World War II postponed the further study of gas chromatography until the early 1950s [1]. It was not until 1960 that gas chromatography was demonstrated, capillary columns were developed, and ionization detectors including the electron capture detector (ECD) were invented and commercialized [6–8].
Martin described the process of streamlining gas chromatography for practical application as such: ‘‘So (to improve James’ morale) I suggested that we go back to the prediction . . . to use a gas instead of a liquid as a mobile phase; I was sure this would work. We spent our first week waiting for the bands (of fatty acids) to come out of the gas chromatograph; in fact, they had all come out in the first few seconds’’ [1]. The need for the ECD soon arose after the practical application of gas chromatography.
Lovelock recalls,
In 1956, my brief from Archer Martin was to invent a more sensitive detector for gas chromatography. When a low voltage was applied to an ionization detector so that only thermal electrons are collected, a 1 mg sample of an allegedly pure sample of methyl caproate gave a never ceasing range of off scale peaks. I shall never forget the of amazement on Tony James’ face. There were two problems with the detector, it was too sensitive and it was erratic. When I tried a mixture made up in the solvent CCl4 the current fell to zero and there remained.
Chromatography was not ready for such a sensitive and selective detector so it was put aside for a few more years [1, 2].
The opportunity to develop the ECD came in 1958 in the form of Lipsky’s invitation to colleagues to visit his laboratory at Yale in New Haven, Connecticut. Lipsky described the development of the plane parallel detector like this:
One day, Jim (Lovelock) poked a hole in one of the tritium foils and the plane parallel detector was ready to test. . . . A mixture of components containing different functional groups along with 2 or 3 hydrocarbons was prepared and injected onto a capillary column. Positive deflections were recorded for the hydrocarbons and a series of negative deflections for the ketones, aldehydes, alcohols and particularly the halogenated substances. The electron capture detector came into being with full force.
Lovelock noted the following: ‘‘During the time at Yale, the key to the cure of the electron capture detector’s bad habits came from an encounter with Dr. McAfee of Bell Laboratories. He had developed a pulse method for observing electron attachment in a drift tube.’’ This method was seized on to overcome the erratic behavior of the ECD by applying a brief pulse of a high potential to collect the electrons rather than by using a DC voltage that could also lead to ionization and/or the development of contact potentials and space charges [1, 2].
Lovelock began the description of his personal odyssey with the ECD as such:
When I first came to Houston in 1958 and felt the touch of its warm humid air on my skin it seemed like a place where interesting things might happen. . . . I was met at the airport by Al Zlatkis and taken directly to his laboratory at the University of Houston. There we set it (the ECD) up and in no time were running samples of products from the Houston Petrochemical Industry; mixtures called ‘‘platformates’’ and ‘‘reformates’’ which I had never heard spoken of before. They gave the most glorious and unbelievably excellent chromatograms resolving components hitherto only suspected to be present. It was not pure science but it surely was one of those days when everything goes right technically and life as a scientist seems to be very worthwhile. [1]
In the 1950s the discovery that very high resolution could be attained using a capillary column [8] added to the need for a selective detector that would be able to identify some of the many resolved peaks. Lovelock turned to the ECD for an answer.
It was a great pleasure to be able to share the observation that . . . the powerful combination of the capillary column and a sensitive ionization detector were able to make exquisitely perfect chromatograms. Such were their quality that when Zlatkis and I tried to publish one, the referee (a well known expert on capillary chromatography) complained that they were too good to be real and must have been faked. Fortunately we succeeded in convincing him otherwise.
At the University of Houston, R. S. Becker joined Lovelock and Zlatkis and suggested determining the ECD response of aromatic hydrocarbons. In 1959 Wentworth joined the faculty at the University of Houston.
It is generally assumed that closed-shell molecules do not interact strongly with each other. However, as early as 1909, it was observed that new intense absorption bands were observed when I2 was dissolved in an aromatic hydrocarbon. By the mid-twentieth century the concept of nonbonded charge transfer complexes was postulated to explain the intense new absorption spectrum that arose when a closed-shell donor was added to a closed-shell acceptor. The theory of such complexes was formulated in terms of the electron affinity of the acceptor and the ionization potential of the donor and led to the development of new techniques for the determination of properties of such complexes.
The phenomenon was addressed quantum mechanically by Robert S. Mulliken. He related the strength of the complex to the ionization potential of the donor and the electron affinity of acceptor. This prompted the determination of half-wave reduction potentials of acceptor molecules as a measure of electron affinity. In 1953 Mulliken commented,
All electron affinities are of course relatively small, 1–3 eV. . . . From chemical behavior and stability of molecular complexes, we may reach some conclusions about relative electron affinities of acceptor molecules. . . . Quantitative methods for determining molecular electron affinities are not very well developed, but there seem to be possibilities for the future. [9]