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  • Increasing / decreasing


Define the meanings of the verbs in bold as BECOME bigger or smaller, greater or less in number, stronger, wider, longer, thicker etc. Translate into Russian.

      1. Did you know our universe is expanding?

      2. The off-shoot began to grow.

      3. The pores enlarge and secrete more oil.

      4. Her ankle swelled after the fall.

      5. Micro-organisms multiply at the incredible speed.

      6. Tropical vegetation proliferates.

      7. Your jeans will stretch a little once you start wearing them.

      8. Muscles elongate through a special type of exercise.

      9. Put the dough in a warm place to rise for about an hour.

      10. The wind was strengthening.

      11. The fog continued to thicken.

      12. The extreme cold seemed to intensify.

      13. His pace quickened.

      14. The road widened again when we came out of the tunnel.

      15. The stream broadens at that point.

      16. The sea deepens gradually.

      17. The main road soon narrowed.

      18. Most jeans these days taper towards the ankle.

      19. Wait until the mist thins before we start.

      20. Meat shrinks by losing some fat while cooking.

      21. Her nostrils flared with anger.

      22. Metal contracts as it becomes cool.

      23. Gradually the animal’s intestine shortens to adjust to a carnivorous diet.

      24. Her breathing had slowed.

      25. As afternoon drew on, the shadows lengthened.


Translate the sentences into Russian, trying to convey the figurative meanings of the verbs.

        1. A week ago the firm’s shares jumped to 114p.

        2. Both sales and profits must climb gradually.

        3. Social problems in modern society are mounting.

        4. Industrial unemployment soared to 40%.

        5. Military budgets continued to rise.

        6. The party’s electoral support surged from just under 10 per cent to nearly 17 per cent.

        7. The cost of the project escalated by 50%.

        8. In that one month the crime rate sharply declined.

        9. Beer production has fallen to its lowest level.

        10. Exports to North America have dropped dramatically.

        11. The company’s profits plunged by 34 p.c.

        12. The output of our firm slumped during the last two years.

        13. Since January, sales of cars and trucks have nosedived.

        14. Pay increases have sunk to around seven per cent.


Translate the sentences into English.

                1. Число студентов сократилось со 120 до 75.

(number – shrink)

                1. Количество работы, которое мне приходится выполнять, резко возросло.

(amount – grow)

                1. Размер семьи уменьшился с 6-7 человек до 4-х.

(size – decrease)

                1. Численность армии сократилась почти вдвое.

(size –halve)

                1. Объём торговли резко упал.

(volume – fall)

                1. Количество транспорта на наших дорогах увеличилось на 50%.

(volume – rise)

                1. Уровень холестерина в крови падает.

(level – fall)

                1. Уровень воды в пруду поднимается.

(level – rise)

                1. Число разводов постоянно растёт с 1950 года.

(rate – rise)

                1. Ассортимент нашей продукции расширяется.

(range – widen)

                1. Рамки его обязанностей существенно расширились.

(scope – broaden)

                1. Доля сельскохозяйственного производства в экономике страны сокращается.

(share – decline)

                1. Доля женщин в этой профессии выросла до 17,5%.

(proportion – rise)

                1. Процент женщин среди преподавателей университета постоянно растёт.

(percentage – increase)

                1. Уровень инфляции повысился до 16%.

(rate – climb).


Read the sentences carefully; watch the use of prepositions. Translate from English into Russian.

      1. The number of applications halved to 32 in 1996.

      2. Net income plummeted to USD 3.7 million.

      3. Voltage will shrink to 3.3 volts.

      4. Crime has increased by three per cent in the past year.

      5. Traffic has increased by 57% over the last ten years.

      6. Total hardware sales plummeted by 19.4%.

      7. Humid areas reduced by 26 million hectares.

      8. The number of Youth Training places has dropped by half.

      9. The share prices plummeted by two-thirds.

      10. Profits plunged by a tenth to £9.5 million.

      11. The pound plunged by 72 pfennigs to a new low level of 2.54 marks yesterday.

      12. Profits have fallen to £91 m. from £93.7 m.

      13. Trading volumes have plummeted from last year’s record high.

      14. Church membership has plunged from nearly 8,000 in 1994 to about 2,000.

      15. Expenditure has dropped from 5.5 per cent of GDP to 4.8 per cent.

      16. As prosperity has grown, the birth rate has fallen from 50 per 1,000 to 15 per 1,000.

      17. Earnings per share climbed from 3.5 p. to 5.1 p.

      18. The shares fell below £2 in value on 5 March.

      19. In the Antarctic the temperature rarely rises above 0°C.

      20. The rumours caused prices to plummet to below $360 an ounce by July.


Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

        1. Число учащихся сократилось до 23. (drop)

        2. За один год промышленное производство упало на 1,5%. (slip)

        3. В прошлом году прибыли снизились с 40 млн. до 16 млн. долларов США. (slump)

        4. Объём продаж снизился до 21 млрд. фунтов. (decrease)

        5. Цена на Пепси упала наполовину. (drop)

        6. Потребление нефти в регионе снизилось на 28%. (fall)

        7. Общее число рабочих мест уменьшилось на 1000. (decrease)

        8. Цена компании на биржевом рынке упала на три четверти. (drop)

        9. В период с 1990 по 2000 год реальная заработная плата выросла более чем на четверть. (grow)

        10. Инфляция снизилась до 41%. (fall)

        11. Ожидается, что в следующем году объём продаж сократится до 800 штук. (drop)

        12. Индекс акций скатился до 37,5 пунктов. (slump)

        13. Внешняя торговля сократилась на треть. (shrink)

        14. Счёт за медицинское обслуживание подскочил за пять лет на 900 долларов. (rocket)

        15. Пятого марта акции опустились в цене ниже двух долларов. (fall)


  • Common verbs with nouns


Choose the correct word, “DO” or “MAKE”, for each space in the sentences below. Make a list of MAKE / DO + N combinations.


  1. Storms can … a lot of damage.

  2. I must … some shopping. First I’ll … a list of things I need.

  3. He moved along the seat to … room for her to sit down.

  4. I have a complaint to … . Can I see the manager?

  5. I must … a phone call. I have to … an appointment with my hairdresser.

  6. Are you hungry? Shall I … you a sandwich?

  7. I’ll … my best to … all the necessary arrangements in time.

  8. Let’s … some plans for next weekend.

  9. … exercise 7 and try not to … any mistakes.

  10. A week’s holiday will … wonders for your health.


  1. The dogs … a lot of noise but they won’t … any harm.

  2. I’ll … you an offer for your car. What about a thousand pounds?

  3. I’m afraid I have a confession to … . I’ve lost your book.

  4. I … a part-time job every evening just to … a little extra money.

  5. I’m busy. I have a lot of work to …

  6. If you want to … more progress, you must … more effort.

  7. I have to … a decision quickly.

  8. I don’t like to … excuses, but I was too busy to … my homework last night.

  9. Can you … me a favour and lend me ten pounds?

  10. They always … me very welcome when I visit them.


  1. How were they able to … their escape? And they didn’t … a sound!

  2. This photo doesn’t really … her justice. She’s much more attractive than this.

  3. sure you lock the door when you leave.

  4. We … a lot of business with that firm.

  5. These are the laboratories where we … our research and hope, of course, to … important discoveries.

  6. He only wants to … friends. Don’t … fun of him.

  7. A holiday would … you a lot of good. I’ll … enquiries about hotels and trains.

  8. I would like to … a suggestion.

  9. There are signs that the two countries finally want to … peace.

  10. I’ve got so much housework to … .


Use the verbs provided to complete the sentences:

give, take, have


  1. You should have a hot drink and … a good night’s sleep.

  2. The workmen are certainly … their time over the job.

  3. We’re in a trap. I’ll … my oath on that.

  4. It wasn’t working, so I … it a good kick.

  5. … every precaution against such a thing happening.

  6. John … me some useful advice.

  7. I’m afraid I can’t … your advice.

  8. Do you understand that you’ve just … a narrow escape.

  9. It … me a turn.

  10. Perhaps we’d better … a word with her.


  1. She … a quick amused glance in my direction.

  2. You obviously … a lot of trouble over this.

  3. They … a dreadful fight when they got home.

  4. If you behave so foolishly you must be ready to … the consequences.

  5. If you’ll just let me … a look?

  6. I thought you might … me a hint or two.

  7. I think I … your hint.

  8. Lombard … a low whistle.

  9. Our plans are beginning to … shape.

  10. The telephone on his desk … a buzz and he picked it up.


  1. She is so quick to … offence.

  2. In a low voice Poirot … me certain instructions.

  3. Have you ever … any affairs with other women?

  4. Tom … a breath and went on.

  5. The sedative that the doctor has given her begins to … effect.

  6. Let her … her cry out.

  7. Turning the matter in my mind I found it difficult to … a satisfactory answer.

  8. Are you going to … evidence against the driver?

  9. When things go badly, one is willing to … a chance.

  10. She had a habit of … a walk after dinner.


Use the adjectives provided to fill the gaps in the sentences.

A. early, quick, right, necessary, good, striking, rapid, thorough, grave, cheerful, routine, mysterious.

  1. I’m sure the girl made the … decision.

  2. The patient made a … recovery.

  3. We tried to smile when Philip made this … remark.

  4. They made a … search of the room.

  5. I realized that I had made a … error.

  6. He made a … impression on the jury in the witness-box.

  7. The police make these … inquiries much better than I do.

  8. Frank, big and talkative, Donald, self-contained and quiet, made a … contrast to each other.

  9. He made … absences, talked very little, frowned to himself.

  10. The inspector has made the … arrangements.

  11. Shall we make an … start from town?

  12. As I sprang from bed and made a … toilet, he told me briefly what he had just learnt over the telephone.

B. strong, violent, bad, short, next, pleasant, deep, narrow, restful, interesting, serious, unnecessary.

  1. Not long ago I had a … escape.

  2. He has a … belief in all-round education.

  3. He had a … row with his elder brother.

  4. I had a … but … sleep and feel refreshed.

  5. May I have the … dance?

  6. She had a … fall and broke her ankle.

  7. Maine took a … breath.

  8. I take a … view of his offence.

  1. Full, quick, shrill, imperceptible, involuntary, practical, hearty, stifled, hysterical.

    1. Megan gave him a short … glance.

    2. Both of them gave an … little giggle.

    3. The girl at my side gave a … shiver.

    4. Vera stared, then gave a short, rather … laugh.

    5. He gave a … gasp of horror.

    6. The lady gave a … exclamation.

    7. His eyes slid sideways, asking a question. I gave him an equally … nod.

    8. They gave us a … welcome.

    9. You will be given … instructions when the time comes.

    10. That’s all pure conjecture. It doesn’t give you any … help.


Choose the appropriate phrase from the right column to complete each sentence.


  1. I respected my friend’s weakness and I made no other reference

  1. against one of the first names on the list.

  1. We can make a special note

  1. to this case.

  1. She would like to make an example

  1. through the crowd.

  1. With a pen, he made a tick

  1. of repeating her name several times.

  1. We made our way

  1. into what happened.

  1. They make little progress

  1. to science.

  1. He made a point

  1. for your journey.

  1. They’ve made an inquiry

  1. to the public for donations.

  1. She made an outstanding contribution

  1. of certain people.

  1. He made an attempt

  1. in solving the problems of air pollution.

  1. We should make an appeal

  1. of his statement.

  1. Have you made arrangements

  1. on the Olympic record.

  1. Have you any comments to make

  1. from this shop at 5.30.

  1. Don’t you think they make an interesting contrast

  1. on my story?
















1. Mary and Helen took turns

a) against such a thing happening.

2. Mr. Wargrave took charge

b) for communicating with the centre for help.

3. I’ll take my oath

c) on that!

4. Consider what measures you can take

d) at sitting up with the baby.

5. I intend to take every precaution

e) of her nasty manner to tease everybody.

6. I took no pleasure

f) of the proceedings

7. I take no notice

g) in seeing an innocent man there.

8. She took the blame

h) of being late.

9. Take your time

i) for my mistakes.

10. We’ll take the risk

j) over the job and do it well.












  1. He has no respect

  1. to your country by selling military secrets to our enemies.

  1. His appearance and behavior give no sign

  1. for a table.

  1. If he can give a satisfactory account

  1. of such a fact.

  1. I had a pleasant chat

  1. of himself, well and good…

  1. What painter can do justice

  1. for his readers.

  1. You have done a serious disservice

  1. of sheer delight.

  1. I haven’t much belief

  1. for him and he was let off with a fine.

  1. They give the impression

  1. with me about the money he had taken.

  1. This old wooden box will do duty

  1. to his tailors

  1. She did a brilliant imitation

  1. to those beautiful eyes!

  1. Roger gave a grin

  1. of introducing him to her friends.

  1. He had a violent quarrel

  1. of the queen.

  1. Some friends of his gave evidence

  1. in his honesty.

  1. He asked her if she would do him the honour

  1. with them about our grand-children.

  1. His smart appearance does credit

  1. of not working.

















1. They made an arrangement

a) to get in touch with them.

2. I make the assumption

b) to finish the work on time.

3. We make the decision

c) to write every week.

4. He made a public confession

d) that being interviewed was boring.

5. Take care

e) to help my son.

6. They made a promise

f) that one of you knows something.

7. She made an attempt

g) to accept their offer.

8. They made an all-out effort

h) that you don’t get involved.

9. He made a suggestion

i) that he had accepted bribes.

10. The boss gave me a warning

j) to meet secretly.

11. She made the remark

k) not to forget again.

12. Thank you for all the trouble you’ve taken

l) that each worker contributes one day’s pay.














Translate the sentences into English.

А. Take

    1. Я, пожалуй, последую вашему совету.

    2. Мы не должны действовать «на авось».

    3. Ты готов рискнуть?

    4. Были приняты все меры предосторожности.

    5. Я не получил никакого удовольствия от разговора с этой дамой.

    6. Какие меры мы можем принять для этой цели?

    7. Мы поняли намёк.

    8. Он взял инициативу в свои руки.

    9. Вы уже приняли решение?

    10. Возьмите на себя труд – помогите ему.

    11. Она взяла вину на себя.

    12. Почему ты обижаешься на каждое замечание?

    13. Он её не замечал и продолжал идти вперёд.

    14. Лекарство скоро начнёт действовать / даст эффект.

    15. Они по очереди ухаживали за матерью.

    16. Позаботьтесь о своём здоровье.

    17. Не торопитесь, делайте работу тщательно.

    18. Все заняли свои места за столом.

    19. Собрание состоится в актовом зале.

    20. Вера не принимала участия в обсуждении.

    21. Снимите копию с этого документа.

    22. Мэри сделала шаг вперёд / назад.

    23. Он каждый день ходит на прогулку.

    24. Я сделал глубокий вдох.

    25. Давайте посмотрим на это с другого угла.

В. Make

  1. Нам нужно составить план.

  2. Составь список того, что нужно купить.

  3. Вы не могли бы навести справки о нём?

  4. Кто проведёт организационную работу?

  5. Он до сих пор не дал ответа.

  6. Это не имеет смысла.

  7. Гость хотел бы сделать заявление.

  8. Можно мне внести предложение, сэр?

  9. Я намерен сделать ей предложение.

  10. Пойдёмте в поход. Это внесёт разнообразие в нашу жизнь.

  11. Перестаньте так шуметь!

  12. Вы не сделали никаких выводов!

  13. Кажется, мы приняли верное решение.

  14. Она производит благоприятное впечатление.

  15. Эти двое составляют разительный контраст.

  16. Вы можете как-то прокомментировать этот шаг?

  17. Он даже не сделал попытки доказать свою точку зрения.

  18. Они сделали нам предостережение.

  19. Она приложит все усилия, чтобы помочь нам.

  20. Сын дал обещание писать каждую неделю.

  21. Мы договорились о встрече на будущей неделе.

  22. Когда он сделал это признание?

  23. Кто сделал это предположение?

  24. Мне надо сделать один звонок.

  25. Ребёнок делает большие успехи.

C. Do

  1. Какие предметы ты изучаешь в университете?

  2. Какую домашнюю работу приходится делать тебе?

  3. До этого я немного занимался преподавательской работой.

  4. Он всего лишь исполняет свой долг.

  5. Я тоже хотел бы внести лепту.

  6. Не сомневаюсь, что вы воздадите ей должное.

  7. Это не делает вам чести.

  8. Вы не окажете мне честь? Подарите мне свою книгу.

  9. Сделай мне одолжение, пожалуйста.

  10. Небольшая встряска пойдёт ему на пользу.

  11. Когда ты уберёшь у себя в комнате?

  12. Мне нужно привести в порядок волосы.

  13. Ты сделаешь покупки, а я займусь готовкой.

  14. К счастью, ураган не нанёс большого ущерба.

  15. В настоящий момент мы проводим интересное исследование.

  1. Give

    1. Он сделал хоть какой-то намёк?

    2. Он дал мне совет, но принять его я не могу.

    3. Они не оказали нам никакой практической помощи.

    4. Нам был оказан сердечный приём.

    5. Она выступила с увлекательным сообщением.

    6. Он едва заметно кивнул.

    7. Она невольно засмеялась.

    8. Она подарила ему одну из своих самых очаровательных улыбок.

    9. Он коротко присвистнул.

    10. Она издала какое-то восклицание.

  1. Have

    1. Мы вместе поели.

    2. Потом мы славно поболтали.

    3. У нас была очень жаркая дискуссия.

    4. У них состоялся серьёзный разговор по этому поводу.

    5. Вам надо отдохнуть.

    6. У тебя очередная неприятность?

    7. Когда у неё отпуск?

    8. Я быстренько приму душ.

    9. У меня больше нет веры в это средство.

    10. Мы едва избежали беды.

    11. Мне надо с тобой перемолвиться словечком.

    12. Можно мне взглянуть?

  • Articles


Match each case of the use of Articles with the appropriate definition.


1. Od is the object which the Hearer can identify because it is something of which there is only one in the world.

2. Od is a particular object of class X which the Hearer can identify because it is the only one of the class present in the situation.

3. Od is a particular object of class X which the Hearer can identify because the Speaker has provided a restrictive attribute to specify it.

4. Od is a particular object of class X which the Hearer can identify because the Speaker has already referred to it in the conversation.

5. Od is a particular object of class X which the Hearer cannot identify yet because the Speaker is mentioning it for the first time.

6. Od is one object of class X, it does not matter which, so neither the Speaker nor Hearer can or need identify it.

7. Od is any object of class X, it does not matter which, so the Hearer need not identify it.

a) Do you know the lady in the middle?

b) Heavy clouds covered the sky.

c) He's bought a (new) car.

d) I'd like a sandwich and a cup of coffee, please.

e) "The Room with a View' got a whole five Oscars. Have you seen the film?

f) I never forget a face or name.

g) Remember to lock the door!









1. S is the object which the Hearer can identify because it is something of which there is only one in the world.

2. S is a particular object of class X which the Hearer can identify because it is the only one of the class present in the situation.

3. S is a particular object of class X which the Hearer can identify because the Speaker has provided a restrictive attribute to specify it.

4. S is a particular object of class X which the Hearer can identify because the Speaker has already referred to it in the conversation.

5. S is a particular object of class X which the Hearer cannot identify yet because the Speaker is mentioning it for the first time.

6. S is one object of class X, it does not matter which, so neither the Speaker nor Hearer can or need identify it.

7. S is any object of class X, it does not matter which, so the Hearer need not identify it.

  1. A man will be able to do the job.

  1. The sun produces light and heat.

  1. A bomb destroyed a bus in central Dublin yesterday.

  1. The bomb caused a lot of other damage.

  1. A dog ought to be well trained.

  1. The postman at last delivered the letter.

  1. The next letter confirmed everything.









Which of the definitions given in the previous exercise applies in each case?

  1. Can I book a ticket to Naples?

  2. Reggie pulled the trigger.

  3. Where can I get a tea towel?

  4. You should join a club to get to know people.

  5. She replaced the receiver.

  6. I know the guy you mean.

  7. I’m afraid you want the moon.

  8. I’ve got to renew a book in the library.

  9. Every English child knows the story of Robin Hood.

  10. When shall we cross the equator?

  11. I met a Swedish girl on the train from Copenhagen.

  12. Did you try to impress the girl?

  13. You can catch the 10.30 train.

  14. He offered to help me and I accepted the offer.


Translate the sentences into English.


  1. Они содержат небольшой отель. (keep)

  2. Она не произнесла ни звука. (make)

  3. Мы только что получили факс. (receive)

  4. Я аккуратно отчертил поле. (rule)

  5. На ней была длинная чёрная юбка. (wear)

  6. Я не могу позволить себе отпуск в этом году. (afford)

  7. Тебе следует составить список того, что купить. (make)

  8. Нам надо было заказать столик заранее. (reserve)

  9. Тебе бы хотелось играть на музыкальном инструменте? (play)

  10. Она не умеет даже кататься на велосипеде. (ride)


  1. Можете оставить сдачу себе. (keep)

  2. Она прекрасно управляется с хозяйством. (manage)

  3. Ты починил машину? (fix)

  4. Я поменял лампочку и проверил шнур. (change, check)

  5. Вы можете отреставрировать картину? (restore)

  6. Я осторожно попробовал жидкость на вкус. (taste)

  7. Сначала сними скатерть. (remove)

  8. Она нежно обняла малыша. (cuddle)

  9. Сегодня окна мыть не надо. (clean)

  10. Я не опровергал и не подтверждал слухов. (deny, confirm)


Analyze the use of the zero article in these sentences. What kind of nouns are Direct Objects here?

  1. Do you use pepper in your cooking?

  2. This reaction creates hydrogen gas.

  3. We are expecting rain.

  4. I don’t mind cold weather.

  5. We’ll fight and conquer cancer.

  6. People were seeking food and shelter.

  7. You will provoke trouble.

  8. How can we escape observation?

  9. Her work provides intellectual satisfaction.

  10. The rumours bred hope and doubt.


Translate the sentences into English.

    1. Я ненавижу рыбу.

    2. Он предпочитает красное вино.

    3. Ей приходится принимать лекарство каждые четыре часа.

    4. Мои книги собирают пыль. (collect)

    5. Десять компьютеров обрабатывают данные. (process)

    6. Солнце испускает свет и тепло. (issue)

    7. Они пытаются поддерживать законность и порядок. (maintain)

    8. В этой стране применяется смертная казнь. (apply)


Discuss the use of the Definite Article in these contexts.

          1. Do you know the time?

          2. Open the book on page 25.

          3. Dinner’s ready. Call the kids!

          4. I’ll park the car first.

          5. I’ve got to change the bed.

          6. You won’t forget to lock the door, will you?

          7. The noise will disturb the neighbours.

          8. We decorated the flat completely on our own.

          9. The hedge needs trimming.

          10. Don’t worry! The dog won’t hurt you.

          11. I’ve just missed the bus.

          12. May I cross the road here?

          13. Would you mind the bags, please?

          14. Would you fasten the seat belt, please?

          15. Shall I tip the waiter?


Fill in the gaps. Explain the use of the determiners.


            1. Close … eyes and I’ll kiss you.

            2. Mind … head.

            3. Please, lower … voice.

            4. Stop biting … nails.

            5. Blow … nose, sweetie.

            6. Open … hand.

            7. Cross … fingers and hope.

            8. Have you brushed … teeth, Ronnie?

            9. Are you going to wash … hair?

            10. Where did you hurt … arm?


  1. I was eating … dinner.

  2. He changed … clothes.

  3. We began packing … things.

  4. You’re wasting … time.

  5. Enjoy … evening out!

  6. He abandoned … wife.

  7. They announced … engagement.

  8. She obtained … degree in 1960.

  9. I played … ace.

  10. The bird spread … wings.


What kind of THE is used in these sentences? What is its function?

    1. The whale can only eat very small fish.

    2. The tractor has replaced the horse on the modern farm.

    3. The aeroplane has revolutionized travel.

    4. The referee mustn’t favour one side or the other.

    5. Is it true that Galileo invented the telescope?

    6. Can you play the guitar?

    7. Please, help the needy.

    8. He just admires the British for their sense of humour.


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