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Insert appropriate nouns. Translate into Russian.

  1. There isn’t a … in my purse!

  2. There isn’t a … on his head!

  3. There isn’t a … in the house!

  4. There isn’t a … in the cupboard!

  5. There isn’t a … in the auditorium!

  6. There isn’t a … in the sky!

  7. There isn’t a … in the field!

  8. There isn’t a … on the farm!

  9. There isn’t a … on the roads!

  10. There isn’t a … in the streets!



Read the sentences out loud. Write down the numbers in words.

1. There are about 1000 pages of sports, financial and other news on Teletext.

2. There are 6.7 m people in London.

3. There are about 250 regular cyclists in London.

  1. In Britain there are about 2.5 m people unemployed.

  2. In 1983 there were 9700 bicycle accidents.

  3. There are about 500 people in a small village called Henfield.

  4. There are 156 workers at the factory.

  5. On board the plane there are 120 passengers.

  6. In the summer there are more than 100 ferry crossings every day between France and Britain.

10. There are 3000 hyacinths and chrysanthemums here.


Read the contexts carefully. Then de­scribe the use of COUPLE and DOZEN as definite quantifiers.


1. There are a couple of minor mistakes.

2. I found a couple of socks in the bedroom but they do not make a pair.

  1. They've been helped by a couple of Washington newspaper reporters.

  2. He met her a couple of years ago.

  3. Let's go to Paris for a couple of days.


1. There are two dozen eggs in the fridge

  1. Can I have a dozen eggs, please?

  2. I'll take a dozen (of THEM).

  3. He bought three dozen eggs.

  4. There are a few dozen grass mats.

  5. The drive was cluttered with half a dozen cars.

  6. Can I have a half a dozen eggs, please?

  7. Can I have a half-dozen, please?


Compare the sentences with those in exercise 14. Make your conclusions about the differences.

  1. There are thousands of lonely people in London.

  2. There are thousands of different plants in the world that we can eat.

  3. There are thousands of miles of railway lines all over the continent.

  4. There must be hundreds of people who want to visit Shakespeare's house.

  5. There are hundreds of forms to fill in.

  6. There are dozens of dresses in her wardrobe.

  7. There have been dozens of attempts at reform.


Translate the sentences into English.

1. На нашем факультете больше 500 студентов.

2. В аудитории стояла пара столов и с десяток стульев.

  1. С этим проектом миллион проблем.

  2. В этом краю десятки малых и больших озер.

  3. В чемодане лежали две рубашки, три пары нижнего белья и две пижамы.

  4. В английском языке есть тысячи слов, которые мо­гут быть и существительными и глаголами.

  5. В этом словаре 55 тысяч слов.

  6. В каждой коробке три десятка яиц.

  7. В оранжерее триста тридцать три тысячи гиацинтов и хризантем.

10. На борту самолета было 120 пассажиров.

11. На фирме работает 258 штатных сотрудников.

12. В Британии около четырех миллионов безработных.

13. В Лондоне на 6,7 млн. жителей около 250 тысяч ве­лосипедистов.

14. На собрании было много народу — человек 80 или даже больше.

15. Сотни людей погибли или были ранены во время взрыва.

  • A LOT OF/ LOTS OF with count and uncount nouns


Formulate the rule governing the use of A LOT / LOTS OF.

  1. There was a lot of water on the roads.

  1. There is a lot of research to be done.

  2. There is a lot of beautiful countryside here.

  3. There was a lot of trouble.

  4. There is a lot to see in the British museum.

  5. There's lots of soup left.

  6. There is lots of money in advertising.

  7. There's lots of time!

  8. There's lots of nightlife – several bars and a casino.

  9. There is still lots of snow in the garden.


1. There are a lot of your shirts in the washing machine.

  1. There are a lot of farms in the vicinity.

  2. There are a lot of ideas in this book.

  3. There are a lot of children's films on because it is school holiday time.

  4. There are a lot of letters to write.

  5. There are lots of dangerous snakes.

  6. There are lots of slang words for money, like "bread" and "dough".

  7. There are lots of little jobs round the house.

  8. There are lots of ways to meet people in London.

  9. There are lots and lots of antique shops in Australia.

  • PLENTY OF with count and uncount nouns

COBUILD English Language Dictionary: "If there is plenty of something or if there are plenty of things, there is a large amount of something or a large number of things; often used to indicate that there is enough of something or more than you need."


Fill the gaps with the singular or plural form of BE.

1. There. . . always plenty of jobs to be done.

2. There. . . plenty of eggs in the fridge.

3. There. . . plenty of space for sports and games.

  1. There. . . plenty of flights to Cairo.

  2. There. . . plenty of time!

6. There. . . plenty of money!

7. There. . . plenty of problems!

  1. There. . . plenty of air and light in the room.

  2. There. . . plenty of good restaurants where you can eat local specialities.

10. There. . . plenty of cold meats and cheeses in that deli­catessen.

11. There. . . plenty of rubbish in the old shed.

12. There. . . plenty of room at the table. Come and sit down!



Choose the correct form of the verb. Translate the sen­tences into Russian.

  1. There. . . quite a number of elderly people who can't take a taxi on a regular basis.

  2. There. . . a number of contradictions in their foreign policy.

  3. There. . . a good deal of confusion about what it means.

  4. There. . . been a number of telephone calls today.

  5. There. . . a large amount of property he could leave as he chose.

  6. There. . . a great deal of dishonesty in advertising.

  7. There. . . a great number of reporters at the conference.

  8. There. . . a good deal of discrepancy between his de­scription of the fight and yours.

  9. There. . . a number of pages on Teletext which give you food prices, traffic reports, the weather forecasts, book and film reviews.

  10. As recently as a generation ago there. . . a great deal of ignorance and prejudice about left-handedness.

11. There. . . been a great deal of talk and speculation.

12. There . . . been a number of interruptions in this class.


Translate the sentences into English using quantifiers: А LОТ / LOTS / PLENTY OF; SO / ТОО MANY / MUCH; (QUITE) А (GREAT) NUMBER OF; А GOOD / GREAT DEAL OF/ А LARGE AMOUNT OF.

1. На нашем пути немало трудностей.

2. Говорят, в округе водится много оленей, но я не видел ни одного.

3. Сегодня было большое количество телефонных звонков.

4. В работе большое число недочетов.

5. В мире слишком много насилия.

6. В жизни так много тайн.

7. В комнате масса солнечного света и воздуха!

8. Вокруг прав женщин велось множество споров.

9. Бензина предостаточно.

10. Времени у нас полно.

11. К нему относятся с большим предубеждением.

12. В их внешней политике много противоречий.

13. В городе множество антикварных лавочек.

14. На эти товары нет большого спроса.

15. Рейсов на Москву более чем достаточно.



Fill the spaces with correct verb forms and appropriate quantifiers. Each phrase in bold type offers a clue.


1. There . . . champagne. Would you like some? 2. There . . . eggs in the fridge. You don't need to go shopping.

3. There . . . bread and cheese — it'll be enough for supper.

4. There . . . chocolates in the box. I thought it was empty.

5. — Is there any fruit in the house?

— Oh yes, there is some. There … … oranges and … apples.


  1. There … … cake left, just a very thin slice.

  1. There are hardly any vegetables in the house. There . . . very . . . potatoes and only one carrot.

  2. There . . . so . . . walnuts that I can't give you any.

  3. I'll have to make mash with chicken. There . . . too . . . rice.

  4. Are you going past the grocer’s? There … very … butter and practically no margarine.


Choose either A LITTLE or A FEW for (+); LITTLE or FEW for (-). Translate the sentences into Russian.

      1. There’s … time for reading. (-)

      2. There are … questions I would like to ask (+)

      3. Unfortunately, there are … people who understand it. (-)

      4. We got home quickly because there was … traffic. (-)

      5. There were … cars on the roads at that time of the day. (-)

      6. There are … in your paper. Pay attention to your spelling. (+)

      7. I’m afraid there is … hope.(-)

      8. I enjoy my tea more when there is … honey in it. (+)

      9. There were … kids playing in the road. (+)

      10. There’s … time before the train leaves. Let’s go and have a drink. (+)

      11. There’s been … rain lately; the crops are dying through lack of water. (-)

      12. There’s … money left: it should be enough to live on. (+)

      13. There were … books in Grandfather’s study. (-)

      14. There are … books on the subject in the local library. (+)

      15. Don’t you think there’s … salt in the soup? (-)


Translate into English


1. Осталось немного еды.

2. Осталась кое-какая еда.

  1. Еда еще оставалась.

  2. Еды осталось немного.

  3. Еды осталось мало.

  4. Еды почти не осталось.

  5. Еды не осталось.

  6. Еды осталось много.

  7. Осталось немного яблок и груш.

10. Осталось много слив.

11. Бананов осталось не очень много.

12. Апельсинов осталось мало.

13. Почти не осталось абрикосов.

14. Вишен не осталось.

15. Остались кое-какие фрукты.


1. Вино осталось?

  1. Много вина осталось?

  2. Сколько осталось вина?

  3. Что, вина совсем не осталось?

  4. Пирожные остались?

  5. Много пирожных осталось?

  6. Сколько пирожных осталось?

  7. Пирожных совсем не осталось?



Translate the sentences into English


  1. В этой банке меньше мёда (чем в той).

  2. За этим столиком меньше места (чем за теми).

  3. Здесь меньше шума (чем там).

  4. В этой корзине меньше фруктов (чем в той).

  5. В моём бумажнике меньше денег (чем в его).

  6. Сегодня меньше новостей (чем вчера).

  7. Теперь ещё меньше надежды (чем было).

  8. Сейчас меньше предубеждения против него (чем раньше).

  9. В его словах меньше смысла (чем в твоих).

  10. В ней меньше обаяния (чем в её подруге).


  1. Здесь меньше деревьев (чем там).

  2. В первой группе меньше юношей (чем во второй).

  3. В этом салате меньше ингредиентов (чем в твоём).

  4. В этом мешке меньше картошки (чем в том).

  5. В этом городе меньше полиции (чем у нас).

  6. В её работе меньше ошибок (чем раньше).

  7. В команде меньше хороших игроков (чем было).

  8. На ферме теперь меньше лошадей (чем когда-то).

  9. Сегодня меньше звонков (чем когда-либо).

  10. Сейчас меньше посетителей (чем обычно).

  11. Сегодня меньше народа (чем вчера).

  12. У вас на пути меньше препятствий (чем было у нас).


Translate the sentences into Russian giving special attention to the forms of comparison.

  1. There are more people in Britain than in Greece.

  2. There are more cars on the road in summer than in win­ter.

  3. There are as many different kinds of music as there are different languages.

  4. There have been more Americans killed in road acci­dents than in all the wars since 1900.

  5. There were more horses on the farm then, than there are now.

  1. Do you think there'll be more accidents at nuclear sta­tions in the future?

  2. There's less time than I thought.

8. I think the Underground has got much worse. There are fewer trains and therefore there's more of a squash.

9. There were no fewer than a hundred cars there.

10. I don't think there's a better vacuum-cleaner on the market.

11. There's more in her refusal than meets the eye.

12. There's a lot more in his book besides music.

  • HOW MUCH versus HOW MANY


Translate the questions into English.

  1. Сколько комнат в этом доме?

  2. Сколько было гостей?

  3. Сколько страниц в книге?

  4. Сколько видов животных у вас в зоопарке?

  5. Сколько у нас молока?

  6. Сколько там денег?

  7. Сколько было звонков?

  8. Сколько каналов у вас на телевидении?

  9. Сколько рейсов на Москву в неделю?

  10. Сколько детей в их семье?



Answer the questions first positively, then negatively (where possible!)

Model: a) Yes, there are lots of buses. b) No, there aren't many.

  1. Are there many buses to Birmingham?

  2. Is there much work to do?

  3. Are there many cars in the city centre at rush hour?

  4. Is there much traffic late at night?

  5. Are there many mistakes in my paper?

  6. Is there much chance of success?

  7. Are there many boys in your class?

  8. Is there much time for anything but work?

  9. Are there many cinemas in town?

  10. Is there much music in the film?

  • Attributes


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