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Which of these sentences are used to NAME? to CLASSIFY? to DEFINE? To IDENTIFY? To DESCRIBE?

  1. A Rolling pin is a kitchen utensil.

  2. This bath is a Jacuzzi.

  3. The east window in the church is beautiful.

  4. The man in black is my dad.

  5. A pine is a tall evergreen tree which has long thin sharp leaves and a fresh smell.

  6. An aspen is a tree.

  7. This tree is a sycamore.

  8. The cake is too moist.

  9. China is the world’s leading producer of rice.

  10. A small river which runs into a bigger one is a tributary.

  11. He is the grandfather of the firm.

  12. She is very aggressive and bossy.

  13. That was Panama City Beach.

  14. The motherland is the country in which you were born and to which you still feel emotionally linked.

  15. A crocodile is a reptile.


Translate the sentences into English. Choose the adjectives from lists A and B.

A. delicious, exhaustive, gorgeous, juicy, knowledgeable, nasty, oily, sensible, stale, super

1. Машина потрясающая!

2. Погода отвратительная!

3. Еда вкусная!

4. Персики сочные.

5. Хлеб черствый.

6. Розы роскошные!

7. Помощник весьма знающий.

8. Ответ исчерпывающий!

9. Туфли очень удобные.

10. Пальцы жирные.

B. acceptable, contagious, feasible, friendly, impeccable, intelligible, outgoing, plausible, predictable, reliable, self-reliant, valid, well-groomed

    1. Ваш паспорт действителен до конца года.

    2. Этот план неосуществим..

    3. Такое решение вполне приемлемо.

    4. Объяснение правдоподобно.

    5. Его английский безупречен.

    6. Эта болезнь заразна.

    7. Подпись неразборчива.

    8. Газоны хорошо ухожены.

    9. Ее поведение непредсказуемо.

10. Она общительна и дружелюбна; он самостоятелен, но надежен.


Translate the sentences into Russian. Make the meaning of each adjective as clear as possible.

          1. The machine is foolproof.

          2. The teaching program is user-friendly.

          3. Television isn’t yet available here.

          4. I feel fit again.

          5. You were very helpful.

          6. You are being so possessive!

          7. She was really quite bossy.

          8. Her husband is easy-going.

          9. Few of us are open-minded enough.

          10. Elderly people are often opinionated.

  • Ing adjectives versus -ed adjectives


Complete the sen­tences with either -ING or -ED forms

They asked so many questions that I got... confuse

The arguments are not... enough. convince

The boy was becoming increasingly ... depress

The results have been generally ... disappoint

She is too ... to ask her friends. embarrass

Visiting the heart of London was ... excite

The police are definitely ... involve

The children were too ... to move. scare

Her tears were sincere. I felt... touch

Mother has been ... sick! worry


Translate the sentences into English. Choose either the –ED or –ING adjective on the right.

1. a) Все были встревожены.

b) Боюсь, что новость весьма тревожная.



2. a) Диагноз был неутешительный.

b) Наши планы были расстроены его решением.



3. a) Шум действовал на нервы.

b) Она была раздосадована.



4. a) Мой ответ вас позабавил?

b) Некоторые рассказы очень смешные.



5. а) Он мне наскучил.

b) Разве твоя поездка была скучной?



6. а) Я был сбит с толку.

b) Ситуация была очень запутанная.



7. а) Результаты вполне убедительны.

b) Я был убеждён, что это был несчастный случай.



8. а) Родители были в угнетённом состоянии.

b) Их разговор был тягостным.



9. а) Погода стоит неважная.

b) Я в ней разочаровался.



10. а) Она всегда смущалась в нашем присутствии.

b) Его грубые слова привели всех в замешательство.



11. а) Он был очень возбуждён, когда позвонил мне.

b) Его предложение было не особенно интересным.



12. а) Я всегда устаю, когда работаю на компьютере.

b) Прогулки в горах могут быть довольно утомительными.



  1. а) Меня растрогала их похвала.

b) Её беспомощность была так трогательна.



  1. а) Эта работа приносит мне удовлетворение.

b) Он был доволен результатом.



  1. а) Его вопросы тревожили.

b) Мы были обеспокоены его молчанием.



  • Prepositional phrases


Fill the gaps with correct prepositions.


1. We are loyal... our friends.

  1. Have you been faithful... me?

  2. They are proud ... their children.

  3. We are fond ... Mary.

  4. She is very dear ... us.

  5. Are you indifferent … me?

  6. I am jealous … him.

  7. Are you envious … his success?

  8. You should be ashamed … yourself.


1. I am not used ... it.

      1. We are accustomed ... noise.

      2. This story is new... me.

      3. Your taste is similar... mine.

      4. Chalk is different... cheese.

      5. Don't feel inferior ... anyone.

      6. Desire for freedom is common ... all people.

      7. The children are so dependent... us.

      8. Be independent... others.


1. Are you ready ... a meal?

          1. He is eager... more responsibility.

          2. Fred is not fit... this job.

          3. George is capable ... anything.

          4. He is not keen ... swimming.

          5. John is good ... chemistry.

          6. I am hopeless ... chess.

            1. She is not strong ... languages.

            2. He's not expert... anything.


1. The judge was deaf... our appeal.

2. You are safe ... danger now.

3. I am not happy... your spelling.

4. Don't be hard ... me.

5. I am well aware... the fact.

                1. We are conscious ... the danger.

                2. Are you convinced ... his honesty?

                3. I am busy ... my accounts.

                4. We are tired ... this exercise.


Choose the right preposition for each case. Some of the adjectives take more than one preposition with (A) or without (B) a change of meaning.


1. a) We were impatient... the delay.

b) You are impatient... the child!

2. a) I am just mad ... you for getting me up so early.

b) For years he has been mad ... opera.

3. a) She was upset... losing the money.

b) They were upset... the poverty they saw in India.

4. a) John is anxious ... Mary.

b) Civil servants are anxious ... promotion.

5. a) John is concerned ... Mary.

b) Who is concerned ... this project?

6. a) We are grateful... you.

b) We are grateful... your help.

7. a) I am sorry ... it, darling!

b) I am sorry ... him.

8. a) The situation is clear ... everyone.

b) Are you clear ... the situation?

9. a) I am not familiar... this town.

b) This town is not familiar ... me.

10. a) We can live without clothes, but food and drink are essential... us.

b) Exercise, fresh air and sleep are essential... recovery.


1. I am just mad a) … / b) … you for getting me up so early.

2. Are you angry a) … / b) … us?

3. I am glad a) … / b) … your prize.

4. I was greatly impressed a) … / b) … / c) … her performance.

5. I was ignorant a) … / b) … those facts.

6. We were certain a) … / b) … his support.

7. I feel suspicious a) … / b) … such people.


Translate into English using adjectives with prepositions.


  1. Она сердита на него.

  2. Она стыдится его.

  3. Она любит его.

  4. Она ревнует его.

  5. Она волнуется за него.

  6. Она без ума от него.

  7. Она дорога ему.

  8. Она завидует ему.

  9. Она верна ему.

  10. Она предана ему.


    1. Мой подход схож с вашим.

  1. Мы к этому не привыкли.

  2. Он на это не способен.

  3. Она в этом не сильна.

  4. Я не в восторге от его решения.

  5. Они относятся к нему с подозрением.

  6. Мне их жаль.

  7. Эти пятна мне знакомы.

  8. Нам неясно задание.

  9. Не будьте с ним так суровы.

  10. Он не подходит на эту должность.

  11. Спасибо, вы очень внимательны.

  12. Есть будешь?

  • To-Infinitive Clauses


Match the halves of the sentences.

          1. Pleased

          2. Don’t be afraid

          3. I was almost ashamed

          4. He was sad

          5. I was happy

          6. She would be very glad

          7. I am sorry

          8. They were very surprised

          9. I was thrilled

          10. She will be proud

          11. He was upset

          12. She is determined

          1. to ask questions.

          2. to see you again.

          3. to face my teacher.

          4. to find me there.

          5. to meet youl

          6. to work half time.

          7. to be sitting next to her!

          8. to learn of their failure,

          9. to do well in life.

          10. to serve

          11. to tell you this, but...

          12. to see her go.


Translate the sentences into English.


    1. Мне приятно снова видеть старых друзей.

    2. Мне боязно оставаться здесь одной.

    3. Мне стыдно смотреть ему в глаза.

    4. Мне грустно видеть одиноких стариков.

    5. Мне жаль с вами расставаться.


  1. Я буду рад поговорить с вами.

  2. Я полон решимости разобраться с этим.

  3. Я был счастлив, увидев его живым и здоровым.

  4. Я был огорчён, обнаружив ошибку.

  5. Я был удивлён, узнав о его решении.


Translate the sentences into Russian.

          1. He was desperate to find a satisfying job.

          2. We were impatient to leave.

          3. He was anxious to please his guests.

          4. I am anxious to meet your new boyfriend.

          5. We are eager to succeed.

          6. I am not eager to get a car now; the prices have rocketed up.

          7. He is keen to pass the examination.

          8. I am keen to talk to your parents.

          9. Are you ready to order?

          10. We are prepared to supply the goods you ask for.

          11. I am prepared to say I was wrong.

          12. I am inclined to agree with you.

          13. He was inclined to be moody.

          14. He’s quite willing to pay the price.

          15. They were willing to take risks.

          16. He is unwilling to answer the questions.

          17. He seemed reluctant to join us.

          18. We were powerless to prevent it.

          19. So glad you were able to get here!

          20. She was old and unable to work.

          21. Many people were unable to read or write.

          22. Babies who are small at birth are apt to grow faster.

          23. She was not fit to live.

          24. He is clearly unfit to hold the post.

          25. We are all liable to make mistakes.

  • DUE versus ABOUT


Fill the gaps with DUE or ABOUT.

1. Another 385 people are ... to lose their jobs. 2. The cathedral is ... to be completed in 1997.

              1. He is ... to start as a courier shortly.

              2. Her father is ... to retire.

              3. The committee was ... to meet on 22 August.

              4. I was rather glad to be interrupted. You see, they were just... to ask for a loan.

              5. Are we ... to be taken over by the machine?



Fill the gaps with TOO or ENOUGH.

1. I think that jacket is ... shabby ... to wear.

2. The children are ... old ... to travel to school on their own.

                1. He was ... ill... to go to the party.

                2. He is ... young... to understand.

                3. If you ask me he is... good... to be true.

                4. It was not... far... to walk.

                5. We were ... close ... to be able to see their faces.

                6. It's ... late ... to have second thoughts.

                7. None of the crops was ... ripe ... to eat.

                8. Some of these creatures are just... large ... to see with the naked eye.


Complete the sentences with the verbs given. Then change them to the construction IT IS HARD TO…

answer, attend to, follow, heat, keep under control, make out, understand, please, learn, recite

                  1. The signature is hard to…

                  2. The path was easy to…

                  3. Elderly customers aren’t easy to…

                  4. The question is not very hard to…

                  5. The house is easy to…

                  6. The story is hard to…

                  7. The children are easy to…

                  8. English is difficult to…

                  9. This poem is difficult to…

                  10. I’m easy to…


Translate the sentences into English.

            1. Ваш почерк нелегко разобрать.

            2. На этот вопрос нелегко ответить.

            3. Этого человека трудно убедить.

            4. Эту статью трудно перевести.

            5. Этот дом невозможно отапливать.

            6. Его невозможно остановить.

            7. Эту ткань легко гладить.

            8. С ней легко найти общий язык (ладить).

            9. С ним приятно иметь дело.

  • FOR versus OF


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