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V svOiOd


Translate the sentences with GIVE into Russian.

  1. If you get any problems with the car, just give me a call.

  2. Can you give me a hand with my luggage?

  3. The team gave me a free hand in all additional matters.

  4. The boss gave me full control while he was away.

  5. We'd love to give you a pay rise, but we are not making enough profit just yet.

  6. The company gave 10 workers their notice.

  7. I'm sorry we gave you such a hard time.

  8. You'd better give yourself an hour to get there.

  9. The court gave them the custody of the child.

  10. Joe's giving me the use of his office until I can find a place of my own.

  11. Greg gave me the low-down on the financial situa­tion before we spoke to our boss.

12. Let me give you an update on the trial.

13. She didn't bother to give it a particular thought.

14. That'11 give you food for thought.

15. It was Harold who gave me the clue.

16. What gave you that idea?

17. I'll give you the point!

18. Give me Bach and Mozart, not these modern com­posers!

19. C'mon honey, give us a kiss!

20. We'll give you the red-carpet treatment.


Fill the gaps with appropriate Ditransitive Verbs.

  1. Granny ... us a wonderful meal.

  2. They ... us a Swiss lunch the following day.

  3. I could... you an omelette.

  4. She ... me a piece of roast pork.

  5. He ... me some tea.

  6. Her boyfriend ... her a cup of coffee.

  7. He went over to the cocktail cabinet and ... me a drink.

  8. She ... herself a plate of food.

  9. He stood up and ... her his chair.

10. He ... me a detailed plan of the building.

11. The waiter ... us the bill.

12. The doctor ... me absolute quiet.

13. They ... him a seat on a tourist flight.

14. Dad ... us a story and put us to bed.

15. Mum's ... him a sweater.

16. Her husband ... her a diamond ring.

17. I've ... them a long letter.

18. He ... his mother a postcard.

19. The child ... me a tune.

20. The children ... her some flowers.

21. Eddie ... us a temporary windbreak.

22. I’ll ... you everything I know myself.

23 ... the inspector your ticket, Charlie.

24. He ... the dog a bone.

25. He ... them each six cards.


Compare the use of these Ditransitive Verbs in different contexts; find a Rus­sian equivalent

to each case.


  1. My father allows me some money for books.

  2. I can allow you 10% off the price if you pay now.

  3. Mrs Pennington allowed herself small indul­gences.

  4. She allowed her imagination full play.


  1. I lent you £2.50 a month ago; I'll forgive you the 50 p., but I want the £2 back.

  2. I find it hard to forgive him his unkindness to Anna.

  3. Oh Lord, forgive us our trespasses.


  1. Thank you very much for granting me so much of your valuable time.

  2. The authorities have refused to grant him a visa to visit the US.

  3. The government granted the prisoner one re­quest.


  1. He didn't leave her anything in his will.

  2. You leave me no choice.

  3. We must leave him some escape.

  4. Did he leave me a message?

5. OWE

  1. They owe her $ 2,000.

  2. I owe her everything.

  3. He owed her an apology.


  1. He refused me the book.

  2. The authorities refused him a visa.

  1. You wouldn't refuse an old friend a favour, would you?

  2. The government refused them permission to build here.


  1. Save the rest of us something to eat.

  2. This measure would save the government £185 million.

  3. He resigned immediately to save them the bother of sacking him.

8. SET

  1. Try and set your younger brother a good example.

  2. The teacher set them a difficult exam.

  3. The new management has set us three aims.


  1. We wouldn't have much coffee, but we can spare you a little.

  2. Can you spare me a few minutes today?

  3. He wanted to spare you embarrassment.

  4. They spared him his life.


  1. Our school taught us discipline and self-respect.

  2. Who taught you German?

  3. She taught me several card tricks.

  4. I'll teach him a good lesson!


The Ditransitive Verbs used below have restricted combinability with Nouns as Direct Objects. Make lists of such Nouns; translate the contexts into Russian.


  1. It was her loyalty and support that won me the championship,

  2. This speech may have won him the confidence of the voters.

  1. That mistake lost us the game.

  2. The socialists' tax policies lost them the election.

  3. This blunder may cost you your reputation.

  4. You thoughtfulness has cost your poor mother many sleepless nights.

  5. Her communication skills landed her a job as soon as she finished studying.

  6. He's lucky to have secured himself such a good job.

  7. That's going to secure him the support of the voters.

  8. His eccentricity earned him a useful reputation.

  9. His victories earned him the title of 'the Great’.


  1. I think I should leave. I feel I’ve caused you enough trouble.

  2. The road works caused us a lot of inconvenience as it took longer to get to work.

  3. Try to isolate the problems that are causing you the most difficulty.

  4. I could have spared myself the trouble.

  5. The man's identity is not being revealed to spare him further embarrassment.

  6. That will save us a lot of trouble.

  7. It saved us so much time and effort.

  8. You could save yourself a lot of work if you used a computer.


  1. I envy you your nice relaxed lifestyle.

  2. I envy him his cheerful good nature.

  3. I envy you your good fortune.

  4. I don't envy him his bad-tempered wife.

  5. I don't envy you your journey in this bad weather.

  6. I don't think anyone will begrudge you a few days' break — you've so hard.

7. I do not begrudge her that happiness.


Translate the sentences into English using the SVOiOd structure.

  1. Вызвать Вам такси?

  2. Принесите мне счёт, пожалуйста.

  3. Передай мне, пожалуйста, ножницы.

  4. Не достанешь мне вон тот словарь?

  5. Я нарисую тебе план этого района.

  6. Порекомендуй мне хорошую гостиницу.

  7. Могу предложить Вам вот этот журнал.

  8. Отнеси папе газеты.

  9. Он вручил мне свою визитную карточку.

  10. Врач не выписал ей никаких лекарств.

  11. Они оплатили мне дорожные расходы.

  12. Он должен мне деньги.

13. Я одолжила ему денег.

14. Не уделишь мне несколько минут?

15. Будьте добры, сделайте мне одолжение.


Translate the sentences into English paying attention to the differences between Russian and English Ditransitive Verbs.

  1. Покажи им пример.

  2. Хочу задать Вам один вопрос.

  3. Завари нам чайку, пожалуйста.

  4. Положи мне ещё кусочек.

  5. Пожалуйста, купите нам два билета.

  6. Оставь мне немного сока.

  7. Он не дал мне книгу.

  8. Они вернули Вам деньги за покупку?

  9. Она поставила мне «отлично».

  10. Это сэкономит нам массу времени.


Translate the sentences into English paying attention to the differences between Russian and English structures.

  1. Пожелай мне доброго пути!

  2. Они завидуют вашему счастью.

  3. Научи меня этому фокусу.

  4. Сходи мне за водой.

  5. Сколько они с вас взяли?

  6. Приготовь нам, пожалуйста, поесть.

  7. Ты предложил гостю выпить?

  8. Врачи советуют ей больше двигаться.

  9. Они отказали ему в визе.

  10. Он что-то имеет против вас.


Use each set of words to make up two sentences where possible.


I – show – map – Bill:

  1. I showed Bill the map.

  2. I showed the map to Bill.

  1. They – send – $5 – Mr Smith.

  2. She – buy – ice-cream – each.

  3. He – give – flowers – her.

  4. We – offer – it – guest.

  5. You – write – letter – Auntie.

  6. I – take – object – policeman.

  7. They – sell – house – George.

  8. I – show – something – you.

  9. Ann – make – cake – mother.

  10. Boy – throw – ball – goalkeeper.

  11. You – lend – typewriter – me.



Represent the structures in symbols (some allow two interpretations). The first has been done for you.

  1. He found George a seat. SVOiOd

  2. He found George a bore.

  3. He found Mary an entertaining partner.

  4. She called him a liar.

  5. She called him a steward.

  6. Bill left the office a mess.

  7. Bill left the office a different person.

  8. He got her a splendid present.

  9. She got her shoes wet.

  10. He pulled the door open.

  11. He opened the door wide.


Categorise the sentences as type А, В, С or D.

A. I feel it my duty. → I feel (that) it is my duty.

B. She brushed the coat clean. → She brushed the coat, so it was clean.

C. He left the office a mess. → When he left the office it was a mess.

D. I always drink tea hot. → I always drink tea while it is hot.

  1. We painted the walls white.

  2. I think it a wonderful opportunity.

  3. Serve the dish hot from the oven.

  4. Some generals considered the attack a mistake.

  5. The car looks shabby but I bought it new.

  6. I wiped the bottle dry.

  7. Bill returned the towels clean.

  8. I'll prove you wrong.

  9. They believed him innocent.

  10. They discovered him dead in his room.

  11. They brought coffee hot in a small coffee pot.

  12. She has grown her hair long.

  13. The Court declared the party illegal.

  14. I left her calm.

15. They have drained the swamps dry.


The Verbs taking a Complement to the Direct Object are divided here into semantic groups. Can you account for this division?


  1. He spells his name S-A-V-I-L-E.

  2. In 'chemical' the 'ch' is pronounced [к].


  1. I name the ship 'Ark Royal'.

  2. They decided to christen their son Christopher.

  3. My children called him Uncle Frankie.


  1. Why should we elect him Mayor?

  2. We appointed her treasurer.

  3. Cedric the Saxon was crowned King of the Angles.


  1. The jury declared him guilty.

  2. They proclaimed it a masterpiece.

  3. Keating sampled the wine and pronounced it drinkable.

  4. She called me a coward.


  1. The jury found him not guilty.

  2. Joanna was diagnosed pregnant.

  3. The evidence proved him innocent.


  1. The music makes me sleepy.

  2. You'll get your feet wet.

  3. Iron turns water brown.

  4. The accident left him totally blind.


  1. Would you hold the door open for me, please?

  2. That flask will keep the tea piping hot.

  3. Who left the gates open?


  1. He wants the door open.

  2. I'd like my steak well-done.

  3. I like my weekends quiet.

  4. He preferred his coffee black.

  5. You're lucky, I need you alive.


  1. She wiped the dishes dry.

  2. I washed the windows clean.

  3. She cut her hair short.

  4. She grew her nail long.

  5. They painted the door red.


Translate the sentences into English using the SVOdCo structure.

            1. Ребёнок широко открыл рот.

            2. Я плотно закрыл окно.

            3. Ты крепко завязал верёвку?

            4. Я вытерла блюдо досуха.

            5. Она отмыла пол дочиста.

            6. Он построил дом прочно.

            7. Она высушила волосы полотенцем (насухо).

            8. Я вычистил брюки щёткой (дочиста).

            9. Мы покрасили стулья белой эмалью.

            10. Они покрасили дверь зелёной краской.


Find English equivalents to these collocations.

  1. сделать кого-то несчастным

  2. найти кого-то спящим

  3. помнить кого-то молодым

  4. представить себе кого-то старым

  5. признать кого-то невиновным

  6. считать кого-то безнадёжным

  7. оставить что-то открытым

  8. обнаружить что-то пустым

  9. вернуть что-то чистым

  10. сохранять что-то горячим / свежим

  11. держать что-то закрытым

  12. подавать что-то горячим

  13. есть что-то сырым

  14. купить что-то подержанным

  15. сделать что-то (не-)возможным

  16. поставить кого-то в известность

  17. оставить кого-то в покое

  18. избить кого-то до потери сознания

  19. передать что-то в прямом эфире

  20. оставить что-то в беспорядке

  21. обнаружить что-то в развалинах

  22. содержать что-то в чистоте

  23. выкрасить что-то в яркий цвет

  24. есть что-то в сыром виде

  25. пить кофе с молоком

  26. подавать / любить бифштекс с кровью


Translate the sentences into Russian.

                  1. This hot sun will turn the grass brown.

                  2. He made her career a success.

                  3. I’d like to do something to make the world a better place.

                  4. She isn’t ready; she’ll make us late.

                  5. He got her pregnant.

                  6. He sampled the wine and pronounced it drinkable.

                  7. We found him irresponsible.

                  8. No one imagined her capable of having an affair.

                  9. He cut her short: “Don’t give the story away!”

                  10. The report contained so many mistakes as to render it worthless.

                  11. He wished both of them dead.

                  12. She prefers her hair long.


Can you think of Russian correspondences to these idioms?

  1. Oh, leave me alone!

  2. Don't get me wrong.

  3. Please, don't think me rude, ...

  4. Well, to cut a long story short...

  5. He warned me to keep my mouth shut about his visit.

  6. They will bleed you white.

  7. Everyone is trying to strip everyone else bare.

  8. She'll skin me alive!

  9. The insult left him speechless.

  10. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.


Complete the table as shown in the example.


Complement = Adjective

Complement = Noun

appoint sb

their editor of News

  1. The BBC appointed him their Editor of News.

  2. The boys elected him captain of the team.

  3. He was named full professor in 1941.

  4. I now pronounce you man and wife.

  5. They pronounced the treaty null and void.

  6. Two furious motorists held the man prisoner in his own car.

  7. They cannot hold you responsible for injury or damage.

  8. His in-laws have simply made him their servant.

  9. You make me very angry.

  10. President Nixon called his opponent a traitor.

  11. She called him fat.

  12. I consider it a shame.

  1. We consider it strange.

  2. Hamburg was declared an open city.

  3. Lady Shawcross declared the hotel open.

  4. We would like to make the world a better place.

  5. The Icelanders are making their island green again.

  6. He proclaimed it a masterpiece.

  7. Do you think me an utter fool?

  8. His wife thought him intelligent and well educated.

  9. I found my radio broken.

  1. He found the house a ruin.

  2. Keep your mouth shut about my visit.

  3. You must keep it a secret.

  4. The flood left them homeless.

  1. The shock and strain of the accident left her a nervous wreck.

  1. Germans paint their houses white.

  2. She painted the door a bright colour.

  3. Most English people drink their tea white.

  4. I eat most vegetables raw.

  1. We got our tools ready.

  2. People like their councils small and local.


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