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лекции английский 1 и 2 курс.doc
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I I Курс I семестр (полная форма обучения)

1.Условные предложения первого типа.

2.Условные предложения второго типа.

3.Модальный глагол may.

4.Образование существительных.

5.Модальные глагол should.

6.Present Perfect. for and since.

7.Present Perfect и Past Simple.

8.Образование used to.

9. Пассивный залог. Образование.

Active vocabulary.

Law, queue, size, simple, investigate, kill, run away, spill, directly, together, dinner, go out, tonight, bank, fur coat, pet, bark, climb, disappear, drown, lie on, wave, weigh, reach, excellent, spray, advice, avoid, pretend, nearby, inside, go away, inject, options, decisive, ask for, belong, compare, confuse, make a list, take your time, space, repair, image, brain, average, male, adult, communication, cupboard, suggestion, taste, desperate, offended, sensitive, lock, treat, safe, carefully, fly, frightened, silly, dish, wine, spider, bomb, scene, giant, hairy, treatment, hairy, fight, career, drugs, entrance, episode, direct, successful, particularly, science, protest, according to, recently, at war, rebel, shy, rebellious, local, secondary school, nice, subject, earn, invention, bullet-proof vest, nappies, stockings, different, sugar, forward, seat.

Список тем:

  1. Youth problems.

  2. Education in Russia.

  3. The role of foreign languages.

  4. English speaking country.

  5. The University I study at.

  6. Science and future

  7. Professions of the 21st century. My future profession.

  8. Religions and beliefs in modern world.

  9. Outstanding scientists.

I I Курс I I семестр (полная форма обучения)

1.Неопределенно личные местоимения (something, anything, nothing , etc)

2. Прилагательные с окончанием - ed или - ing.

3.Употребление too, not enough.

4. Порядок слов. Фразовые глаголы.

5.Наречия. Степени сравнения.

6.Косвенная речь.

Тексты по специальности. Active vocabulary.

Behind, feet, right, button, day off, lift, admit, exist, except, verdict, social, skin, sunscreen, month, diet, fresh, irritable, play squash, overweight, government, advertisement, fat, attitude, habit, vegetable, importance, instead of, cycle, exciting, clothes, fill in, wake up, look up, take off, go back, turn on, look after , put away, call back, gene, research, active, allergic, discover, discover, because of, get on, adopt, investigate, beliefs, twins, wood, amazing, convinced, enormous, vote, reunited, evil, used to, terrible, newspaper, perfect, fine, motorway, porter, arrest, behave, commit a crime, rob, snore, scream, noise, neighbour, find, realize, angry, bride, hold, let, shine, whisper, almost, tight, by your side, shop assistant, receipt, cinema, glass.

Список тем:

  1. The role of foreign languages.

  2. English speaking country (Great Britain).

  3. The Russian Federation.

  4. Youth problems.

  5. The University I study at.

  6. Environmental protection.

  7. Religions and beliefs in modern world.

  8. Science and future.

  9. Professions of the 21st century. My future profession.

  10. Outstanding scientists in my field of tech science.

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