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грамматика по английскому.doc
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Порядок слов в английском предложении.

Table 1.

Сказуемое в английском предложении.

Table 2.

Ex. 1. Find the predicate, state the tense and translate into Russian.

  1. The earth goes around the sun.

  2. He looked at her. «You are shaking. Are you all right?»

  3. Just as he was getting on the bus a thief stole his purse.

  4. In Britain most of the shops close at 5.30 p.m.

  5. I`m so exhausted. I think I`ll go and have a bath. I`ll try to relax.

  6. The students will have been answering for a whole hour already by 12 o`clock.

  7. I have never seen her in my life.

  8. I will be reading the whole evening tomorrow.

  9. My brother has been studying with us for 3 weeks.

  10. They are not playing football this season.

  11. When did you come here first?

  12. He does not arrive home early.

  13. The secretary is typing a letter now.

  14. The man had been ill for 2 weeks when the doctor came.

  15. We will not have written the test by the time he comes.

  16. She has not visited me since she was nine.

  17. It was not raining when I left the house.

  18. They will write a test tomorrow at their English lesson.

  19. She left for London two weeks ago.

  20. By the first of June he`ll have been working here for 14 years.

  21. She had been learning French for 5 years before she could speak fluently.

  22. They will be working at six o`clock tomorrow.

  23. She is leaving on Saturday, but I think she will have made all her purchases by then.

  24. The sun is shining, but the ground is wet because it has been raining.

  25. He has already posted the letter.

  26. When I arrived at the station, I went to the booking office and bought a ticket.

  27. It had been raining for two hours already when he left home.

  28. The typist had typed the article by 5 o`clock.

  29. Ted will never forgive you, I am sure.

  30. They had not completed the test when the teacher come.


Времена английского глагола.

The Present Indefinite Tense.

The Present Indefinite Tense употребляется для выражения обычного, повторяющегося действие в настоящем.

usually, often, seldom, every day, etc.



отрицание: do not VI

вопрос: Do … VI … ?






отрицание: does not VI

вопрос: Does … VI … ?



Ex. 1. Give the correct form of the Present Indefinite of the verb in brackets.

  1. My dad … in Saudi Arabia. (work)

  2. The Bible … love of money is the root of all evil. (say)

  3. She never … up very early. (get)

  4. The concert … at 6 this evening. (begin)

  5. He … to Moscow once a week. (drive)

  6. She … a very good sister. (be) We … her. (love)

  7. The children … a lot of ice-cream. (eat)

  8. It seldom … here. (rain)

Ex. 2. Insert do or does.

  1. She (not) study Japanese.

  2. … your father smoke?

  3. You (not) like to come home late, … you?

  4. … they like their new flat?

  5. … you promise to help me?

  6. My grandmother (not) work now. … she keep house?

  7. … you often go to the library?

  8. I (not) know his new address.

  9. … it often rain in Spain?

  10. Your watch (not) tell the right time, … it?

  11. They (not) often go to the theatre.

Ex. 3. Ask questions to the following sentences beginning with the word(s) in brackets.

► Pattern: Tom plays tennis. (How often?)

– How often does Tom play tennis?

I have breakfast in the morning. (What time usually?)

– What time do you usually have breakfast?

  1. Ann watches TV. (How often?)

  2. Fred manages to cope with any problem. (How?)

  3. It is his problem, not mine. (Whose?)

  4. Steve`s friends come to our place regularly. (How often?)

  5. I write to my parents. (How often? Whom?)

  6. He has dinner in the evening. What time /usually?)

  7. Tom works. (Where?)

  8. We come to the University at the same time. (Why?)

  9. People often do stupid things. (Why?)

  10. It is often cold in my flat. (Why?)

  11. The car breaks down. (How often?)

Ex. 4. Make negative statements.

► Pattern: I like sweets. /my friend /fruits.

I like sweets. But my friend doesn`t. She prefers fruits.

  1. Nick studies German. /John /English.

  2. Jim gets up at 8 o`clock. /Mary /9 o`clock.

  3. My elder sister lives in Moscow. /younger sister /Kiev.

  4. She reads English books in the original. /Mike /in translating.

  5. I come home at 3 o`clock. /my mother /5 o`clock.

  6. She opens the window in any weather. /her sister /when it is warm.

  7. He teaches French. /his wife /Spanish.

  8. I buy milk every day. /my friend /every other day.






am not







are not





is not









are not





The Present Continuous Tense.

The Present Continuous Tense употребляется для выражения длительного действия, совершающегося в момент речи.

now, at this moment

Ex. 1. Give the correct form of a Present Continuous of the verb in brackets.

  1. I … tea. (drink)

  2. He … breakfast. (have)

  3. I … a letter. (write)

  4. He … down. (lie)

  5. They … Spanish. (study)

  6. He … on his coat. (put)

  7. They … ping pong. (play)

  8. She … abroad. (travel)

  9. We … . (come)

  10. She … a new song. (sing)

  11. We … to her. (listen)

Ex. 2. Change the following sentences according to the pattern.

► Pattern: He usually has breakfast at seven, but today he is having breakfast at eight.

  1. She usually drinks coffee in the morning, but today she … tea.

  2. They usually play tennis on Saturdays, but today they … football.

  3. I usually read books in the evening, but today now I … a newspaper.

  4. «Usually you skate alone.»

«But today I … with my friends.»

  1. She usually washes the dishes at night, but tonight she … dishes, she … a book.

  2. They usually have lunch in the canteen, but today they … lunch in the café.

  3. Brian usually has breakfast very early, but today he … breakfast late.

  4. I usually watch TV after dinner, but today I … TV, I … a newspaper.

  5. Faith usually drinks tea with sugar, but today she … tea without sugar. She`s on diet.

  6. I usually do my morning exercises every day, but today I … my morning exercises. I`m not well.

  7. Martin usually drives to college, but today he…

Ex. 3. Chose the correct form.

  1. The river Nile flows /is flowing into Mediterranean.

  2. My parents are living /live in Moscow.

  3. He usually stays /is staying at the Baltimor Hotel when he is in London.

  4. Don`t forget to take your umbrella. It rains /is raining outside.

  5. I`m leaving /leave. Good night.

  6. My dad is a teacher, but he doesn`t work /is not working at the moment.

  7. The boy does /is doing his homework now.

  8. They seldom quarrel /are quarreling.

  9. The Earth moves /is moving round the Sun.

  10. Now they are crossing /cross the street.

  11. Birds fly /are flying to warm countries in autumn.

  12. The children often laugh /are laughing at their funny little friends.

  13. She always talks /is talking to him on the telephone.

Ex. 4. Put the verb in brackets either in the Present Indefinite or in Present Continuous Tense.

  1. What`s the matter? Why … the child (cry)?

  2. She seldom … home so early (come).

  3. Hurry up! The train … in five minutes (start).

  4. They … very well (not get on). They … always (quarrel).

  5. We … many book in the original, now we … The Fairy Tales by Oscar Wilde (read).

  6. Don`t disturb her, she … at her essay (work).

  7. … you see well what … at her stage (see, go)?

  8. Where … the children (be)? They … computer games (play).

  9. What … you now (do)? I … an apple pie (make).

  10. John … tomorrow to spend his holidays with us (come).

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