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sculpture – a man walking along burnt ground of Kha tyn, carrying his son’s body in his hands.

A fiery breach in black marble slabs flares here eternally. These slabs stacked as a two-level fallen roof just there where people of Khatyn were burnt alive. Bottom parts of framework made of concrete beams are constructed in places where houses of village dwellers situated. There are 26 of them. Above them were built chimneys-arrows, topped with bronze bells. Their sad ringing is floating and floating above fields and forests forcing us always remember victims of this tragedy.

A concrete path runs between previous yards of Khatyn. From the sculptural composition it conducts directly to a big memorial ensemble which immortalizes memory of other Belarusian villages, which shared Khatyn’s destiny. Each of their destiny represents one page of national tragedy started by fascists in Belarusian ground. 136 villages were completely destroyed by invaders. They were not restored even after the war. There was nobody to restore. Grandfathers and fathers, children and grandsons – all were burnt alive and were buried in communal graves. In memorial urns established as memory monuments, the ground of these ashes is stored.

And such a destiny was prepared by fascists to the whole territory of Belarus, to all Soviet people. In the language of aggressors it referred to simple and terrible words – “a dead zone”. Only in Werhned vinsk region they exterminated completely 34 villages together with people.

A direct stone wall adjoins to strict squares of monuments. Names of 296 Belarusian villages burnt together with their inhabitants are written on it. They rose from ashes after the war. They were rebuilt by fellow countrymen of victims.

A memorial wall was constructed in memory of death camps prisoners. This severe ferro-concrete construction recollects places of mass destruction of people. Along the entire wall – niches with pig-iro n lattices. Memorial plates with the names of these death camps built by fascists in the territory of our republic during the war and numbers are placed in these niches. They symbolize crematoriums where people were burnt in furnaces, strangled in gas chambers, badgered by sheep-dogs.

In concentration camps 206.500 citizens were shot, tortured and burnt. In Polotsk death camp – more than 150.000 lives were d estroyed. In Gomel – near 100.000.

209 cities and town settlements were transformed into ruins, 9.200 villages were burnt.

Under our government decision the memorial complex of village Khatyn was erected. Architects Jury Gradov, Valentine Zankovich, Leonid Levin, sculptor Sergey Selihanov, chief engineer of this project Vasily Makarevich


immortalized indestructible courage of Belarusian people within the World War Two in memory of victims of fascists’ invasion.

During one of the Republic of Belarus liberation celebrations the torch was delivered to Khatyn. This fire was brought from the Eternal flame that burns at the monument of Victory in Minsk. The sacred flame is burning under three birches and reminds people each fourth victim of our republic. People come here every day, day after day.

13.Answer the following questions:

1.When was Khatyn surrounded by fascists? 2. What happened to people of the village Khatyn? 3. Was it possible for them to rescue? 4. Who were shot immediately and why? 5. How many people were killed? 6. Who was rescued?

9.How does the memorial complex look like? 7. What destiny was prepared to the whole territory of the Republic of Belarus? 8. How many cities, town settlements and villages were burnt? 9. What was the decision of the government? 10. How many death camps were there on the territory of Belarus?

14.Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1.On March, 24, 1942 the group of fascists under Dirlewanger's command surrounded the village Khatyn. 2. All the inhabitants of Khatyn - women, old men and children were driven to the forest and burnt. 3. Those who were trying to escape from a fiery ring were immediately rescued. 4. 149 men, and among them 76 children were forever lain in one communal grave. 5. An only person from adult inhabitants who rescued was Sergey Selikhanov. 6. Only after two days people picked him up, hid and cured him. 7. 345 villages were completely destroyed by invaders. 9. Under our government decision the memorial complex of village Khatyn was erected. 10. During one of the Republic of Belarus liberation celebrations the torch was delivered to Khatyn.

12.The sacred flame is burning under three birches and reminds people each fifth victim of our republic. People come here once a year.

15. Insert the right preposition where necessary:

1. People come here every day, day … day. 2. This f ire was brought …

the Eternal flame that burns … the monument of Vict

ory in Minsk. 3. … our

government decision the memorial complex … village

Khatyn was erected. 4.

209 cities and town settlements were transformed …

ruins, 9.200 villages were

burnt. 5. They were rebuilt … fellow countrymen of

victims. 6. A direct stone

wall adjoins … strict squares of monuments. 7. 136

villages were completely

destroyed …invaders.




16. Choose the word from the box to put into each gap:

1. Doors of the shed had failed under the … of … bo dies. 2. They were not … even after the war. 3. A memorial wall was … in memory of prisoners of death camps. 4. 136 villages were completely destroyed by.... 5. 209 cities and

town settlements were … ruins, 9.200 villages were

burnt. 6. Above them were

built chimneys-arrows, … bronze bells. 7. They rose

from … after the war. 8.

From the sculptural composition it conducts directly to a memorial … which immortalized the memory of Belarusian villages, which shared Khatyn’s … .

destiny, invaders, topped with, ensemble, restored, constructed, ashes, transformed into pressure, flaring

17.Fill in the table with the events from the text:

March, 22, 1943 9.200 villages

149 men and 76 children

136 villages

34 villages

26 houses

296 belarusian villages

206.500 citizens

18.Work in groups. Find out from your partners:

– what they know about Khatyn’s tragedy;

– how many people were burnt;

– what they know about Joseph Kaminski;

– how the memorial looks like;

– what its bells symbolize.

19.Comment on:

tragedy of Khatyn;

destiny of people;

specific construction of the monument.

20. Imagine that:

You are to write a report on the World War two history, you go to a library and ask a librarian to help you to find some information about events you are interested in. Role-play a dialogue in a library with your partner.


You are a young teacher of history. Your first lesson is devoted to the village Khatyn. What are you going to tell your pupils?

21. Comprehension check. Choose the best alternative according to the text:

1.A group of fascists under Dirlewanger's command … a) bombarded the village Khatyn on January, 12, 1941;

b) invaded the village Khatyn and made a camp there on March, 21, 1943; c) surrounded the village Khatyn on March, 22, 1943.

2.All the inhabitants of Khatyn – …

a)Jewish, men and animals were driven to the forest, tortured and shot;

b)women, children were driven to the field and burnt alive;

c)women, old men and children were driven to the shed, closed and burnt


3.Those who were trying to escape from this fiery ring were immediately shot: 149 men, and among them 76 children were forever …

a) lain in the shed;

b) remembered those who gave them chance to stay alive; c) lain in one communal grave

4.An only person from adult inhabitants who rescued was …

a)Joseph Kaminsky;

b)Sergey Selikhanov;

c)Leonid Levin.

5. 136 villages were completely destroyed by …

a)enemies, but they were restored after the war by relatives of killed people and people who simply wanted to help ;

b)fascists, but they were not restored even after the war, people did not want to memorize tragic events of that horror day;

c)invaders, they were not restored even after the war, there was nobody to


6. The name of … … … … … … … is written on it.

a)Soviet villages burnt on the territory of Russia and Belarus;

b)296 Belarusian villages burnt together with inhabitants;

c)297 towns and villages burnt together with people.

7. In concentration camps … were shot, tortured and bu rnt

a)2209 citizens;

b)307.600 citizens;

c)206.500 citizens.

8. Under the government decision of …

a) Poland an obelisk with a lantern at the top was erected;


b)Belarus the memorial complex of village Khatyn was erected;

c)Germany the village was reconstructed and represents a museum of the World War Two.

9. During one of the Republic of Belarus liberation celebrations the torch was delivered to Khatyn, the fire was brought from …

a)the communal grave which is in Brest;

b)the territory where the biggest quantity of people were tortured and


c)the Eternal flame that burns at the monument of Victory in Minsk.

10. A memorial wall was constructed in memory of prisoners of death camps – …

a)this severe ferro-concrete construction recollects places of mass destruction of people;

b)this construction is an only wall which stayed after the fire in Khatyn;

c)this severe ferro-concrete construction recollects how cruel people were burnt in crematoriums.

11.Architects Jury Gradov, Valentine Zankovich, Leonid Levin, sculptor Sergey Selikhanov, chief engineer of the project Vasily Makarevich …

a)constructed the memorial complex in Minsk where the flame is burning eternally;

b)immortalized indestructible courage of Belarusian people within the World War Two in memory of victims of fascists’ invasion;

c)refused to build a memorial complex because it would remind people

about their tragedy – the tragedy of all Belarusian


12.The sacred flame is burning under three birches and reminds people

…… … … … …., people come here every day, day after

day …

a) each fourth victim of our republic;


b) each fifth victim of our republic;


c) each third victim of our republic.


Unit 5


1. Practise saying the following proper names:

Polotsk Sophia

Полоцкая София









Church Slavonic


Peter the First

Петр Первый

The Northern war

Северная война

Bottom castle

Нижний замок

The Jesuit complex

Иезуитский комплекс

The Jesuit church

Иезуитская церковь

Top castle

Верхний замок





2. Read these international words and try to guess their meaning:

New type, characteristic, style, reconstruct, center, images, metal, relics, literature, assemblies, army, archeological, concert, territory, copy, plan, construction, function, character.

3. Read the following words and try to memorize them:














сокровище, богатство



































4.Read these phrasal verbs and expressions several times till you remember them:

to strengthen with – укрепить чем-либо; to appear in – оказаться (в);

to locate in – находиться, быть расположенным; to consider as – считаться;

to immortalize in – увековечить; to burn down – сгореть;

to blоw up – взорваться; to find out – находить;

to take by – брать чем-либо; to consist of – состоять (из).

5.Match these English words with their Russian equivalents:

1. aesthetic value

a. крепость

2. attention

b. ров

3. feature

c. эстетическая ценность

4. moat

d. неожиданно

5. townspeople

e. угловой

6. massive

f. событие

7. temple

g. внимание

8. unexpectedly

h. черта

9. angular

i. горожане

10. event

j. массивный

6. Combine these words with the help of preposition of:

1. relics and treasures

a. ammunition

2. the warehouse

b. Polotsk

3. two-storied building

c. people

4. full copy

d. metal

5. draw attention

e. the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

6. new type

f. the town

7. additional zone

g. Jewish school

8. siege

h. defense

9. gates made

i. Polotsk Sofia

10. in the east boundary

j. church buildings

7. Give the comparative and superlative of the following:

Ancient, new, big, usual, rich, magnificent, small, enigmatic.


8. Give the plural of:

Style, type, century, boundary, key, assembly, library, fire, church, base, army, warehouse, studying, zone, enemy.

9.Write the derivatives of the following words:

Character, begin, style, construct, shop, expect, bound.

10.These words can be used both as verbs and nouns. Make up your own sentences to show the difference in their usage:

Help, refuge, rich, study, base, copy, defense, storm, plan, value.

11.Read these expressions and find their English equivalents in the


укрепленные с помощью угловых башен; во времена осады; убежище для богатых горожан; великолепная библиотека; старинные рукописи; увековечить городской печатью; склад боеприпасов; церковь восстановили снова; неожиданно взорвалась; церковнославянский язык; массивное двухэтажное здание; первоначальная функция; уникальный памятник; историческое наследие.

12.Read the text and get ready to speak about Polotsk Sophia:


At the end of the 15th – the beginning of the 16 th century a new type of church buildings, strengthened with the help of angular towers, appeared in Belarus. It became particular characteristics of Belarusian Gothic style. The first temple of such a type became Sophia Cathedral in Polotsk which was constructed in the 11th century. In 15th – 16 th century the temple was reconstructed into a church – castle consisting of five towers.

That days Polotsk was a big shopping centre located in the east boundary of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It was considered as a “key” from Livonia and Lithuania.

Five-tower Polotsk Sophia existed in the Top castle till 1710. According to some images of 1578 and 1707 it was a usual castle with towers, loop-holes and gates made of metal. During the time of Polotsk siege this church was a refuge for rich townspeople. There were also relics and treasures of the town in it. One of them was a magnificent library. Here ancient manuscripts, annals, letters were stored, there were books in Greek, Latin, ancient Belarusian, Church


Slavonic and other languages. The most solemn assemblies of townspeople passed in Polotsk Sophia. Ambassadors from all over the world were accepted here, too. The name of the temple was immortalized in the town seal.

In 1607 Sofia Cathedral burnt down during the fire. Soon it was restored. Angular towers were reduced by one circle, and a middle tower became higher. After the fire in 1643 the church was restored once again. A warehouse of ammunition of Peter the First army was in cellars of the temple during the days of the Northern war. In May 1710 it unexpectedly blew up, and the temple was actually destroyed. In 1738 – 1780 it was reconstructed in a two-tower bar oque church.

The rest ancient defensive towers were not found during archeological studying of Polotsk Sophia. Probably, their bases were small. Today there is a concert hall in the building of Polotsk Sophia.

In the territory of the Bottom castle there was one more five-tower temple of Catholic style. This was clearly seen in the plan of Polotsk of 1707. Distinct defensive features had also other town church constructions: Jesuit complex and Jesuit church. They closed the way to the bridge across the defensive moat of the Top castle. There were two ways to the castle which led to a massive twostoried building of Jewish school as well.

Initial function of the given castle had defensive character. Its stone buildings created an additional zone of defense, which enemies tried to take by storm. Now Sophia is the unique monument of ancient architecture. There are only three such cathedrals all over the world: in Polotsk, NizhniyNovgorod and Kiev. They represent aesthetic value and historical heritage. They keep ancient history, enigmatic events which draw attention of people from all over the world.

13. Answer the following questions:

1. When was Polotsk Sophia constructed? 2. How did Polotsk Sophia look like? 3. How many years did five-tower Polotsk Sophia existed in the Top castle? 4. What was the church during the time of siege? 5. Where were relics and other treasures kept? 6. Where were ambassadors accepted? 7. Where was the name of the temple immortalized? 6. What happened to Polotsk Sophia in 1607? 8. What was changed in its construction after the fire? 9. What was in Polotsk Sophia during the Northern war? 10. What was the result of explosion? 11. How was the church reconstructed in 1738 – 1780 ? 12. What was found during archaeological studying? 13. What closed the way to the bridge across the defensive moat of the Top castle? 14. What function did the castle have? 15. How many cathedrals of this type are there all over the world? 16. What is Polotsk Sophia today?


14. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1.At the end of the 15th – the beginning of the 16 th century a new type of church buildings, strengthened with the help of angular towers, appeared in Belarus. 2. The first temple of such a type became Sophia Cathedral in Kiev.

3.Polotsk was considered as a “key” from Livonia a nd Lithuania. 4. During the time of Polotsk siege this church was a refuge for poor townspeople. 5. There were also relics and treasures of the town in it; one of them was a magnificent gallery. 6. In 1607 Sophia Cathedral burnt down during the fire. 7. Today there is a church in the building of Polotsk Sophia. 8. In May, 1780 it unexpectedly blew up, and the temple was actually destroyed. 9. Initial function of the given castle had defensive character. 10. There are only three such cathedrals all over the world: in Polotsk, Nizhniy-Novgorod and Minsk.

15.Insert the right prepositions where necessary:

1. They keep ancient history, enigmatic events which draw attention …

people … all … the world. 2. Its stone buildings cr

eated an additional zone …

defense, which enemies tried to take … storm. 3. In

the territory … the Bottom

castle was one more five-tower temple … Catholic st

yle. 4. The rest … ancient

defensive towers were not found … during archeologi

cal studying … Polotsk

Sophia. 5. … the fire … 1643 the church was restore


d once again. 6. … 1607

Sophia Cathedral burnt … … the fire. 7. It was a us

ual castle … towers, loop-

holes and gates made … metal. 8. The name … a templ

e was immortalized …

the town seal. 9. That days Polotsk was a big shopping centre located … the east boundary … the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. 10. … 15th -16th century the temple was reconstructed … the church - castle consisting … five towers.

16. Choose a word from the box to put into each gap:

1. The first temple of such a type became Sophia Cathedral in Polotsk

which was … in the 11th century. 2. In 15 th – 16 th

century the temple was

reconstructed into the … … consisting of five tower

s. 3. They keep ancient

history, enigmatic events which … … of people from

all over the world.

4 Distinct defensive features had also other town church constructions: Jesuit

complex and … … 5. The most solemn … of townspeople

passed in


Sophia 6. It was a usual castle with towers, … and gates made of metal.

7. After

the fire in 1643 the church was … once again.



restored, draw attention, loop-holes, constructed, Jesuit church, church – castle, assemblies