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Однако программа по безопасности не сводится к эвакуации школьников при пожаре. В уставе каждой школы (Куррюкулюме), проблемам безопасности отводится специальный раздел. Безопасные условия обучения имеют важное значение для учащихся всех возрастов. Подчеркивается, что без чувства полной безопасности дети не в состоянии сосредоточиться на обучении, получить навыки, необходимые для успешного обучения и развития.

Вместе с тем, особенно острым в зарубежной школе стоит вопрос о насилии и агрессивном поведении детей. Когда насилие оказывается обычным явлением в образовательной среде, все учащиеся страдают от него в той или иной степени. Даже если ребенок не может быть фактической жертвой насилия в школе, он или она часто становятся свидетелями актов насилия в течение учебного года.

Вопрос о безопасности школ за рубежом является серьезной проблемой для всех уровней власти, от местного до федерального. Школьные советы встречаются с учителями и родителями, чтобы выслушать их проблемы и предлагаемые решения. Муниципалитеты и федеральные правительства принимают меры по повышению безопасности школ и сотрудничают с правоохранительными органами, горожане, и родители информируются об особой опасности детской агрессивности на улицах и во дворах. Взрослое сообщество осознает важность психологической безопасности в школах.

Некоторые эксперты утверждают, что насилие всегда существовало в школах в городских районах, но многие эксперты прямо высказывают опасения в связи с ростом числа актов насилия в некоторых городских районах, показывая, что процесс достиг масштабов эпидемии, что дестабилизирует нормальный образовательный процесс и негативно влияет на сознание многих школьников, укрепляя их в ощущении, что насилие является обычной частью школьной жизни. К сожалению, акты насилия в школах Запада происходят на всех возрастных уровнях13.

Газеты пестрят сообщениями о драках в школьных дворах, имеются примеры яростных нападений не только на сверстников, но и на учителей, охранников и персонал школы, этим демонстрируется полное отсутствие уважения к власти, такие нападения часто приводят к травмам, а иногда, и к смертельным исходам.

Ниже приведены некоторые из многих типичных инцидентов, случающихся в школах США: первоклассник из Мичигана застрелил другого ребенка, самого лучшего ученика в классе (из зависти); 14-летний подросток, из школы в Огайо на церемонии за высокие достижения школьников застрелили двух из них и двух преподавателей, а потом себя. Оказалось, что накануне он дрался с другим школьником и получил замечание. В Филадельфии мальчик-дошкольник неоднократно жестоко бил в живот беременную учительницу; второклассник из Индианы избил своего учителя тяжелым ботинком; Калифорнийский школьник напал сзади на игроков, ударив их в голову бейсбольной битой. Учительница в Огайо, заменявшая педагога в начальных классах, была отправлена в больницу с травма-

132.Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education // http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/teachingandlearning/curriculum/b00223087/pshe


ми, причиненными учениками.

В Австралии шестилетний мальчик был подожжен в школьном дворе другим ребенком. В Великобритании в некоторых школах в начале учебного года учителя встречают детей в защитных шлемах, поскольку рискуют получить удар по голове бейсбольной битой, клюшкой или другим тяжелым предметом.

Серьезность положения заставляют западное образование рассматривать безопасность от насилия в школе по следующим направлениям: Нападения. Издевательства. Преследование. Кража. Школьные волнения. Драки. Ограбления. Применение оружия. Сексуальные нападения. Насильственное преступление. Для школ создают особую систему программ профилактики насилия и политики нетерпимости к насилию. В британской школьной программе предусмотрен предмет Personal, Social, Health Economic (PSHE) education , в рамках которого реализуются основные направления работы:

Анти-социальное поведение/Anti Social Behaviour

Запугивание, травлю и Киберопасность / Bullying and Cyberbullying Карьеру и работу / Careers and jobs

Различия и сходство людей (Толерантность к различиям по внешности, национальности и пр.)/ Differences and Similarities

Антинаркотическое просвещение / Drug Education Цели и устремления школьника / Goals and Aspirations Поддержание здорового образа жизни / Keeping Healthy Сохранение безопасности / Keeping Safe

Деньги и сбережения / Money and Saving

Моральное, социальное и культурное наследие / Moral Social and Cultural


Расизм / Racism.

На практике в процессе школьного обучения, дети с разных сторон и в различных темах обсуждают вопросы толерантности друг к другу, заботы о младших, о своем здоровье и безопасности жизни. Проявления жестоких отношений в детской среде многообразны: от безобидных шуток («приколов»), на взгляд самих шутников («приколистов»), до травли и тяжёлых насильственных действий, которые могут заканчиваться покушением на убийство и самим убийством. В Европе и Америке больше всего прижился фактический синоним травли – буллинг (система детского насилия, реализуемого в пространстве организованного или неорганизованного детского сообщества.), он предполагает в собственном смысле травлю одного ребенка другим. Меньше известен термин моббинг, обозначающий случай группового нападения на одного или нескольких детей. Соответственно детей, в основном мальчиков, занимающихся буллингом, именуют булли. США. В школах США насчитывается около 2,1 млн. булли и 2,7 млн. их жертв. Буллинг и кибербуллинг оставляет длительные неизгладимые последствия для его участников, поражая практически все жизненно важные сферы человеческого бытия: психологические, негативные трансформации личности;


посттравматические стрессовые нарушения; ухудшение психического и физического здоровья; прогрессирующее расстройство адаптации и потеря социальных достижений, криминализация поведения; суицидальные установки14. Но конечно, школа не может гарантировать самоорганизацию детей, их эффективные самостоятельные решения, ответственность за последствия нарушений.

Одним из основополагающих факторов агрессивного поведения детей является нетерпимость общества к насилию, жестокости и агрессии. Моральные нормы и практика жизни могут не совпадать15. После сюжета по национальному телевидению, происходящее шокировало британцев и заинтересовало полицию16. Менеджер клуба М. Андерсон твердо заявляет: у нее есть все разрешения на проведение детских боев. Родители одного из участников 9-летнего Киена также не понимают, что плохого в том, что их ребенок дерется под одобрительные крики взрослых мужчин. «Если бы мой сын не приходил сюда, в клуб, где бы он проводил время, на улице, в подворотне, доставлял бы нам беспокойство? А так он спортом занимается, борется», – говорит отец мальчика. Никто не возьмется с уверенностью сказать, что это единственное место в Британии, где официально дерутся дети. Подобная практика двойных стандартов, безусловно, не может способствовать снижению насилия в школах и безопасности развития каждого ребенка.

Рост насилия и экстремальных ситуаций в мире вообще и в учреждениях образования в частности затрагивает как взрослое сообщество, работающее в этих учреждениях, так и детское сообщество учащихся образовательного учреждения. Психолого-педагогическая подготовка сотрудников образовательного учреждения (педагогов) к опасностям и освоение ими

культуры безопасности является определяющими факторами в профилактике психических заболеваний, травматизма, правонарушений и иных происшествий в образовательных учреждениях.

14Бердышев И.С., Нечаева М.Г. Медико-психологические последствия жестокого обращения в детской среде. Вопросы диагностики и профилактики. Практическое пособие для врачей и социальных работников. СПб., 2005

г. ; Проблемы насилия над детьми и пути их преодоления. Коллективная монография, под ред. Волковой Е.Н.

СПб., 2008 г. 14

15Британская полиция заинтересовалась шоу в одном из клубов графства Ланканшир (все необходимые доку- менты и справки имеются). Взрослые мужчины, подогретые алкоголем, с нетерпением ждут, когда на сцене по- явятся участники боя этодети, одному 8 лет, другому едва исполнилось 9. Мальчишек запускают в клетку под радостные крики зрителей. На детях - только трусы, никаких боксерских перчаток и шлемов. Бьют друг друга по настоящему. Через несколько минут один мальчик не выдерживает и начинает плакать. Это - детские бои без правил. Свежее видео постоянно выкладывается в Интернете и регулярно собирает огромное количе- ство зрителей.



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Статья посвящена рассмотрению истории развития норм, регламентирующих уголовную ответственность несовершеннолетних в Германии, их современное состояние, источники.

Исследована сфера действия специальных правил закона, регулирующих уголовную ответственность, в отношении несовершеннолетних в уголовном праве ФРГ, рассмотрено понятие несовершеннолетний правонарушитель, а также проблема законодательной регламентации возраста наступления уголовной ответственности.

Анализируется система уголовно-правовых мер воздействия, применяемых в отношении несовершеннолетних в Германии, делается попытка объяснить социально- правовую природу и закономерности исправления. Приводится характеристика конкретных мер уголовно-правового влияния на несовершеннолетних, специфика содержания в тюрьмах, колониях, поселениях, рассматривается практика применения указанных правовых норм на территории федеральной земли Северный РейнВестфалия.

Отмечается, что современные тенденции уголовной политики в отношении

несовершеннолетних в ФРГ свидетельствуют о сокращении применения реального лишения свободы в отношении несовершеннолетних в пользу более широкого применения альтернативных мер воздействия. Рассматриваются некоторые воспитательные аспекты и их

реализация при работе с несовершеннолетними в пенитенциарной системе.

1. Preface.

According to § 17 (2) of the Juvenile Courts Act (Jugendgerichtsgesetz JGG), a judge hands out a youth custody sentence if the adolescent has shown such a deleterious tendency in his offence that measures of education or disciplinary measures do not suffice or if the gravity of the offence requires a penalty.

The juvenile criminal law – within the meaning of the Juvenile Courts Act §2 – aims to educate the young delinquent and to support him in his development. The objective is – according to § 2 (1) of the Juvenile Justice Law of North-Rhine- Westphalia (JStrVollzG NRW) – a conduct of life in freedom, without offences and in social responsibility. The first German juvenile penal institution was founded in 1912 in Wittlich/Moselle because of the insight one had gained into adolescence’s momentum and particular educational needs and because one wanted as a preventative measure against the negative influence of adult inmates. Ever since, juvenile penal institutions as an instrument of penal social control have beencontroversial.

On the 31st of March 2013, there were approximately 64.000 prisoners under arrest in about 220 prisons. Of these, 51.600 were imprisoned for a custodial sentence, 11.000 were under detention awaiting trial, 1.400 were in socio-therapeutic institutions, and 466 were under preventive detention. 5.300 of the 64.000 prisoners were in a juvenile penal institution. Approximately another 1.000 prisoners can be added that were in psychiatric hospitals and a detox centre. Another 6.500 people were in pre-deportation detention.


Most juvenile prisoners serve their sentence for offences against property (ca. 31%), followed by robbery and blackmail (ca. 25%), and bodily injury and homicide (ca. 22%) (seeOstendorf 2012, 49). Approximately 5% were sentenced for drug offences (see ibid.).

Since 2008, the juvenile penal system has been governed by each single federal state. Each federal state has its own juvenile justice law. On the 31st of May 2006, the Federal Constitutional Court decided that the administrative regulations that had been effective until then could no longer be the legal basis for measures involving deprivation of liberty. Due to this judgement, the federal states had to pass their own juvenile justice laws.

In Germany, there are currently 27 juvenile institutions for the enforcement of youth penalties. These institutions are for adolescents that were between 14 and 18 years of age at the time of their offence, and – according to § 105 of the Juvenile Courts Act – for adolescents between 18 and 21 years of age at the time of their offence. In addition to the 27 juvenile institutions, juvenile delinquents can be held in detention awaiting trial or in youth divisions in adult prisons.

Besides, some federal states’ juvenile justice laws offer the possibility that juvenile delinquents can serve their sentence in an “non-regulated” institution, that means in institutions of the youth welfare services that are appropriately qualified. Such institutions exist, for example, in North-Rhine-Westphalia, Baden-Württemberg, Brandenburg and Saxony.

2. The Juvenile Penal System in North-Rhine-Westphalia. 2.1 Quantitative Findings.

In general: The juvenile penal system is a system for young adults. Only about 10% of the prisoners are under the age of 18 years, 90% are between the age of 18 and 24. Concerning the group of 18 to 24 years-olds, the Federal Constitutional Court ruled that most of them should still be considered as adolescents not adults. Consequently, it is important to research and develop support systems in juvenile penal institutions that meet the particular developmental needs of this age group. This support differs from support for adults in intensity, variety and professionalism.

In North-Rhine-Westphalia, the enforcement of youth penalties for male adolescents takes place in the juvenile penal institutions in Heinsberg, WuppertalRonsdorf, Iserlohn, Herford, and Hövelhof. Since the number of female convicts is very small, a penal institution for female adolescents does not exist. Instead, these young women serve their time in a special division of the prison in Cologne-Ossendorf. There is currently a total of 1643 places in closed and open institutions in North-Rhine- Westphalia. On 31 March 2013, 1344 of these places were occupied.

There are the following differing forms of enforcement: Closed and half-open prisons

Open prisons

Non-regulated institutions (as in the youth welfare service institution «House of Raphael» in Dormagen).


The distribution of young delinquents depends on either the distance between the institution and the home (the nearer the better, so that helpful social contacts can be preserved) or the institution’s suitability for the adolescent.

Most of the young detainees are sentenced to rather short penalty times. Ca. 45% of the female and ca. 25% of the male detainees are to be discharged after one year. Additional shortenings can occur when detainees are discharged on probation. Another 35% of the young detainees serve a penalty time of two years at longest. Consequently, pedagogic measures have to be used intensively during this short period. That is why – according to the Ministry of Justice NRW – some of the detainees do not come into consideration for schooling or vocational training measures.

The census on 31 August 2013 in NRW manifested 1.218 male and 33 female detainees, which is 1.251 in total (see Federal Statistic Office 2013, 6). The number is decreasing in all of Germany; currently, there are about 5.234 detainees in juvenile penal institutions (compared to 7.396 in 2000; see StatistischesBundesamt (Federal Statistic Office), Fachserie 10, Reihe 4.1 Strafvollzug).

In 2008, there were 538 drug addicts in juvenile penal institutions in NRW. 493 of these were mainly addicted to illegal drugs, 46 to legal drugs. This number equals about 31% of the juvenile detainees. Apart from this, this data is not collected separately (see Auskunft des Justizministeriums NRW (Information of the Ministry of Justice NRW) as from 16 September 2009).

The number of actual drug users could not be determined. Drugs do play significant role in the institutions’ everyday life. They are smuggled in, dealt with (traded?), sometimes even produced (e.g. alcohol). This leads to violent offences between the inmates, assaults on staff, and power struggles between groups of inmates. Another threat is that young detainees could encounter drugs for their first time in prison.

Data about psychological disorders in young detainees in NRW has not been collected (see Auskunft des Justizministeriums NRW (Information of the Ministry of Justice NRW) as from 16 September 2009).

Köhler’s research (2007) estimates that up to 77% of the young detainees could be diagnosed with clinically relevant psychological disorders. In most of the cases, psychological disorders remain undiscovered, mainly anxiety disorders that are triggered or intensified by prison (see Ostendorf 2012, 68f.).

Adolescent detainees show greater deficits in academic and vocational education than adult detainees. One estimates that about 60% did not graduate from school (Ostendorf 2012, 60). The short penalty time – although welcomed – prevents the adolescent detainees from being suitable for participating in schooling programs or vocational trainings.

In a Hessian (one German federal state) study, researchers (Kerner et al. 2011) found that about 77% of the young inmates had been unemployed before their imprisonment, about 11% had had an easy job and about 7% had been students.

2.2 Support for the young detainees 2.2.1 Accommodation


In general, the Juvenile Justice Law rules single accommodation. Group accommodation is not allowed due to respect to human dignity, privacy and safety reasons. The inmates are to be protected from reciprocal assaults.

Within the institutions, there are closed divisions with doors that can only be locked by the staff. Furthermore, there are half-open divisions (= living groups). These divisions have rooms such as common rooms and a kitchen available. Detainees are supposed to learn social/community skills and to learn how to organize their everyday life independently (to a limited extent). Usually, the detainees own a key to their holding cell.

Divisions of open prison are located outside the prison walls. They are characterized by considerably lower safety measures. Usually, the young detainees work in a company outside of the institution. They have more possibilities to organize their everyday life autonomously. Generally, these divisions are for the older ones among the young detainees, those who are in the transition to independence. In the case of disciplinary violations, these detainees can be transferred to closed prisons at any time.

Because of the problematic effects especially of closed institutions, one should regularly review if opening measures are possible (non-regulated institutions, open institutions, working outside the prison, day release, permission to go out, parole).

2.2.2 Schooling programs/Education and vocational trainings

In all of NRW’s juvenile penal institutions, there are schooling programs led by teachers from either within the judiciary or vocational technical colleges («Berufskolleg»). There are 600 apprenticeship places available for a vocational training within the juvenile penal institutions.

In the second quarter of the year 2009, 294 young detainees were in a schooling program as well as 522 were in a vocational training. 85 detainees had other occupations (household work, working in in-house companies within the prison). 103 detainees took part in measures of work therapy. In the end, that means that 486 young detainees were completely unoccupied (seeAuskunft des Justizministeriums NRW (Information of the Ministry of Justice NRW) as from 16 September 2009).

In 2007 (most recent data collection), 1.884 male adolescents took part in vocational trainings. 414 of them continued the participation in 2008; 843 finished the apprenticeship successfully (57,35%). 627 participants dropped out of the training without qualification (42,65%) (seeAuskunft des Justizministeriums NRW (Information of the Ministry of Justice NRW) as from 16 September 2009). The high number of drop outs is ascribable to the young detainees that are held in detention awaiting trial. These detainees often are expected to get a custody sentence and in order to use the time effectively, they are already taken on programs.

2.2.3 Leisure time activities

The institutions offer a more or less extensive range of leisure time activities. § 55 (1) of the Juvenile Justice Law of North-Rhine-Westphalia (JStrVollzG NRW) rules explicitly that there have to be activities on weekends and holidays. In NRW, § 55 (2) is something special, ruling explicitly that creativity should be supported within cultural


activities. The range and diversity of activities should not belie that, even if young detainees take part in activities once up to three times a week, structured and instructed leisure time is not offered on a daily basis. There is no data of the actual «occupancy rate» of the individual detainees. Weekends still are a great problem.

In NRW, one institution in particular is some kind of a «laboratory» for the development of new possibilities in leisure time activities: JVA Iserlohn (JVA = Juvenile Penal Institution). For more than 20 years, the institution has collaborated with the Faculty of Rehabilitation Studies of the University of Dortmund. In cooperation with students, they developed many projects concerning leisure time activities as well as schooling. By now, alumni still work in Iserlohn and continue to develop their ideas.

2.2.4 Social therapy

Each juvenile penal institution offers young detainees with diagnosed social and developmental disorders social therapy. These detainees show a considerable tendency towards violence and sexual assaults, instable personalities, high dispositions of aggression and a low impulse control. Indications for taking part in a social therapy are

Prognosis for further dangerous offences The individual’s will to change

The cognitive and linguistic abilities to take part.

Characteristics of the therapeutic work are living groups, group and individual therapy, counselling, social training, schooling and vocational trainings as well as leisure time activities.

Most of the staff – and the staff the most significant for the young detainees’ everyday life – work in the General Penal Service («AllgemeinerVollzugsdienst») as well as in Werkdienst (i.e. workshop in the institutions where detainees can learn special practical skills, e.g. carpentry, painting, woodwork). These have been and remain to be second jobs. One of the essential motivations for choosing this job often is the job security one has as a civil servant. The apprenticeship takes two years and consists of a number of training courses, each lasting several weeks. The training courses take place in a school for penal systems in Wuppertal as well as in instructed internships in the penal institutions. Jürgen Herzog, head of the school for penal systems in Hamburg, states that most of the employees are not motivated to achieve a lot or make a career, but choose the job because of its job security (2008, 71).

Apart from the general penal service employees, the institutions employ a «Werkdienst», meaning people who are skilled craftsmen. These are highly respected by the detainees who admire their professional competencies and regard them as role models, too.

In addition, a «pedagogical» (educational) staff (= teachers) is responsible for programs of schooling and vocational training. It is also possible for detainees to attain partial qualifications for a number of professions. The teachers often bring forward new ideas of arranging and organizing out-of-school learning situations or of using new ways of learning.

The social service (= social worker and social education worker) organize the


leisure time activities (in cooperation with the general penal service). Also, they attend to the detainees‘ financial affairs who for the most part are deep in debt. The social service is mainly responsible for the preparation of release, too.

In NRW, there is the special attribute that three employees per juvenile penal institution who have a graduate degree in education supplement the staff. These employees support the social service in organizing leisure time activities and care for the particularly difficult detainees. Their core task is to reflect on the institutions’ concepts, implement scientifically founded innovations and evaluate educational impacts.

The psychological staff is responsible for diagnosing disorders, writing reports, giving advisory opinions on opening measures and on early releases. Furthermore, it often is involved in the social therapy measures.

Pastoral care, mainly of the Christian confessions, offer church services, discussion groups, seminars for families and relatives and one-on-one conversations. These offers are not for inmates exclusively but also for the institutions’ employees.

Finally yet importantly, the valuable work of volunteers and the civil involvement in the areas of schools, sports and leisure time activities have to be mentioned and highlighted.

Another speciality in NRW is the close cooperation between the juvenile penal institutions and the universities. For example, the prison in Iserlohn and the Technical University of Dortmund have been working together for more than twenty years. Students of rehabilitation studies regularly realise projects within the institution’s leisure time activities. Another example is the cooperation between the prison in Heinsberg and the University of Cologne that has been established last year.

2.3 The Juvenile Justice Law of North-Rhine-Westphalia

The juvenile justice law of North-Rhine-Westphalia entered into force on 1 January 2008.

This law also determines the organization of: imprisonment, transferring, social therapy, opening measures, preparation for release, reducing debt, accommodation and provision, special support for detainees who are violent and/or sex offenders or who are dissocial, schooling and vocational training, work, leisure time activities and sports, exercise of religion and pastoral care, external relations, the detainees’ financial affairs, maintaining safety and order, immediate use of dictates and usage of fire arms, management of conflict and disciplinary measures, scientific monitoring, building of new penal institutions, and co-responsibility.

3. Successes and reoffending

Kerner et al. (2011) conducted the most recent study on reoffending in Germany in the federal state of Hessen. Their findings correspond with the findings of studies on reoffending in other federal states and in all of Germany. Kerner’s study is at the basis of three different definitions of reoffending, varying in the aspects of extent of reoffending and severity.

Only one third of the released convicts returned to the juvenile penal institution


within the three years of observations in Hessen.

Two thirds did not reoffend at all or the offences were so negligible that the criminal court only ruled for suspended sentences (despite previous convictions and prison sentences).

The young detainees’ opinions on the measures of educational support:

Overall, the findings of Kerner et al. (2011) suggest that the young detainees see the most measures positively. Substantial points of criticism concerned the individual educational support plans and the measures preventing violence.

The young detainees criticized that they had no say in planning the support. Other detainees were not interested in their support plans at all. The young detainees liked that the support plan pointed out strengths and weaknesses and that it defined clear expectations of the young detainees’ behaviour in order to be released early. It was striking that the subjects had difficulties remembering the goals that had been defined in the support plans.

The young detainees did not approve of the measures preventing violence. They especially criticized the coaches and methods. One assumes that the reason behind this lies in the positive attitude most of the detainees have towards violence. They seem to identify themselves through violence. For them, their readiness to use violence is not a problem but rather a means to get their peers’ acceptance and approval.

Measures of schooling and vocational training as support have a high significance during imprisonment. Most of the detainees experienced them positively. For most of the adolescents it was the first time they had a positive experience with schooling or work. This experience had positive effects on their motivation and self-esteem. That means that the measures do not only increase the adolescents’ chances to get an employment after their time in prison but they are also psychologically stabilizing.

Most of the support measures dealing with addiction were experiences as being helpful. The detainees emphasized the coaches’ and therapists’ good competencies, as well as they appreciated the opportunity of exchanging experiences with other persons affected. Furthermore, they reported varying learning effects.

The psychological support seemed to be of great importance for the adolescents. The young detainees talked to the psychologists about very personal matters that they usually would not discuss. When the psychologist and the detainees achieved to bond, the detainees saw the psychologist as a trustworthy person. Matters discussed were not only current thoughts and feelings but also thorough reflections on their personalities, behaviours and attitudes, which contributed to changes.

Reflection of and confrontation with the detainee’s offence and its consequences was embraced positively by most of the young detainees. Their main goal was to exchange experiences (both of their past and their offences) with other inmates.

The debt advice service was well accepted. When the young detainees realized that they needed more knowledge on how to deal with their debt and when the debt advice service was able to help them, the service was rated as positive.

Detainees had twisted opinions on the preparation of the release. The


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