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Mathematics for Life Sciences and Medicine - Takeuchi Iwasa and Sato

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144 Horst R. Thieme

which shows that, for the formula (19) for the net replacement ratio, strain competition selects much more strongly for a small denominator than for a large numerator.

We must caution, though, that this result holds under the assumption that no one recovers from the disease and that all competing strains have a net replacement ratio above 1. If recovery is incorporated into the model, it becomes much harder to estimate the disease prevalence, and typically two types of conditions rather than one need to be made for one strain to outcompete another (Ackleh and Allen 2005).

6.6.3 Persistence of protective subthreshold strains

A subthreshold strain (whose net replacement ratio is smaller than one) dies out, if it is the only strain circulating in the population. Can it possible persist if it protects against a more virulent superthreshold strain? This surprising phenomenon has been observed in numerical simulations for mass action incidence (Lipsitch et al. 1996); in the mathematically easier case of standard incidence, it is possible to give precise qualitative conditions for its occurrence.

By (17), at most two strains can coexist at equilibrium, except for exceptional values which form a set of measure 0. While this does not necessarily imply that all but two strains die out in proportion, we restrict the forthcoming analysis to two strains.

One-strain equilibria

We assume that the first strain, which is a superthreshold strain, is at equilibrium with no other strain being present,


v1 =

η1 − a1

, η1 > a1 > b1 ,





η1 − b1


v2 = 0 .


At this equilibrium, the equation for the second strain becomes




= 1 − v1 η2 − a2 + b1v1 > 0 .





This shows that the second strain (subor super-threshold) can invade if and only if

η2 − a2 > v1 (η2 − b1) .

In general, an invading strain does not necessarily persist (Mylius and Diekmann 2001); but since we have a planar system and no multiple boundary equilibria, it follows from standard persistence theory as we have used it earlier that the second strain is uniformly strongly persistent. If the second strain dies out when left on its own, then both strains coexist.

6 Pathogen competition and coexistence and the evolution of virulence


Theorem 6. Let the number of circulating parasite strains be n = 2. If η2 − a2 > v1 (η2 − b1) > 0, the second strain is strongly uniformly persistent: there exists some > 0 such that lim inft→∞ v2(t) > 0 whenever v2(0) > 0, with the eventual lower bound being independent of the initial data. If R2 < 1 < R1, then both strains are strongly uniformly persistent in this sense.

In order to illustrate that the conditions of Theorem 6 are feasible we consider the extreme case that the second strain transmits vertically only, i. e., η2 = 0 = R2. The condition above takes the form

b1v1 > a2 ,

which implies that a1 > b1 > a2 ≥ b2 (because v1 (0, 1)) and is equivalent to



η1 − a1





η1 − b1

We recall the definitions of aj an bj and find the following condition for the uniform strong persistence of both strains,

α2 + γ2 + β(1 − q2p2)


η1 (α1 + γ1 + β(1 − q1p1))


α1 + β(1 − q1)

η1 (α1 + β(1 − q1))



with both numerator and denominator of the second fraction being positive. The left hand side of this inequality can be brought close to 0, if there is no recovery from strain 2, γ2 = 0, the vertical transmission of the second strain is almost perfect, p2 close to 1, and the virulence of the second strain is su ciently less than that of the first strain, in particular α2 α1 and q2 q1. The right hand side of the inequality can be brought close to 1, if at least one of the following holds:

there is no recovery from the first strain as well, γ1 = 0, and the vertical transmission of the first strain is also almost perfect,


the per capita transmission rate of strain 1, η1, is large enough.

6.7 Discussion

Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases (Garrett 1995; Ewald and De Leo 2002) have led to a renewed interest in host-parasite systems, and their mathematical modeling (Brauer and Castillo-Chavez 2001; Brauer and van den Driessche 2002; Dieckmann et al. 2002b; Castillo-Chavez 2002a, 2002b; Diekmann and Heesterbeek 2000; Hethcote 2000; Rass and Radcli e 2003; Thieme 2003) (see the bibliographic remarks in Chap. 17 (Thieme 2003) for more references). The fact that not only humans and their food sources

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(domestic animals and agronomic plants), but also natural animal and plant populations are a icted, has also directed attention to the fascinating role of parasites in ecosystems (Grenfell and Dobson 1995; Hudson et al. 2002; O’Neill et al. 1997; Hatcher et al. 1999).

In this paper, we revisit the question of competition between several parasite strains for one host and the evolution of virulence. In particular, we investigate the validity of the often made hypothesis that the strain with maximal replacement ratio outcompetes the other strains. This hypothesis has been the starting point for investigating whether evolution would lead to low, intermediate, or high virulence of the parasite. From a host perspective (which we adopt here), virulence is the degree by which the parasite lowers the basic reproduction ratio of the host by increasing the host mortality and morbidity and/or reducing the host fertility.

For mathematical managability, we assume that infection with one strain infers complete protection against other strains during the infection and complete immunity and cross-immunity during the recovery period (if there is one). We first extend the known result that the principle of maximizing the basic replacement ratio, R, holds for host populations which, in the absence of the disease, are exclusively regulated by a nonlinear birth rate. In view of the discussion as to whether mass action, standard or some interpolating form of incidence are appropriate (see sect. 2.1 (Hethcote 2000) for a discussion and references) and the big di erences that they can make for the dynamics of the disease (Gao et al. 1995), we emphasize that this result holds for all forms of incidence provided that transmission is only horizontal. Its proof does no longer work when a latent period or the release of long-living propagules (Ewald and De Leo 2002; Day 2002a) is added to the model. For short-living propagules the result can be salvaged by a quasi-steady state approach. The shifts in virulence evolution produced by a change of hygiene in diseases with both direct and propagule transmission may be even more dramatic as previously thought (Ewald and De Leo 2002 and Day 2002a).

If vertical transmission is added (Lipsitch et al. 1996) to the model, coexistence of di erent strains becomes possible, and strains with lower Rcan outcompete strains with higher R. The simulations which show this result have been performed for mass action incidence (Lipsitch et al. 1996), but presumably coexistence may occur for standard incidence as well (see below).

The principle of Rmaximization still holds if both the population birth rate and the population death rate are linear, but the exponential growth rate of the host population (without the disease) is low enough that the disease can limit population growth. Further the incidence is assumed to be of mass action type and immunity nonexistent. If the concept of Ris appropriately extended, vertical transmission can be included.

If host population growth is limited by a nonlinear mortality rate, coexistence of di erent strains is possible (Ackleh and Allen 2003; Andreasen and Pugliese 1995) under mass action incidence, but it not clear whether strains

6 Pathogen competition and coexistence and the evolution of virulence


with low Rcan outcompete strains with higher R. We show that both phenomena are possible if standard incidence is assumed and Ris interpreted as net replacement ratio: if both horizontal and vertical transmission are high for all circulating strains (in particular if they all have R> 1) and if there is no disease recovery (resulting in high disease prevalence), competition selects for a combination of low disease fatality, high vertical transmissibility, and low fertility reduction (with the latter two possibly conflicting with each other) rather than for a large net replacement ratio.

If the per capita birth rate, β, is large enough to cause low disease prevalence (the disease can hardly keep pace with a fast population turnover), Rmaximization holds cum grano salis, i. e., strains are selected which are close to maximal net replacement ratio. Otherwise, coexistence of di erent strains can occur, even to the degree that a strain with exclusive but incomplete vertical transmission which would go extinct on its own can persist by protecting against a more virulent strain which also transmits horizontally. More generally, a subthreshold strain with little virulence can coexist with a highly virulent superthreshold strain by providing protection against it. This surprising phenomenon has already been observed in simulations for mass action incidence (Lipsitch et al. 1996), but in the mathematically easier case of standard incidence it is possible to give precise conditions under which it occurs. (Very recent work shows that this is possible for general incidence (Faeth et al., to appear)). A vertically transmitted parasite with no apparent horizontal transmission is the endophytic fungus Neotyphodium in the Arizona grass Festucca arizonica. So far, the persistence of this endophyte is a mystery, because its vertical transmission is not perfect and no competitive advantages have been found that it might give to infected plants (Faeth and Bultman 2002; Faeth 2002; Faeth and Sullivan 2003). Protection against a more virulent strain or a more virulent other parasite would be a possible explanation, but a candidate has been elusive so far. Persistence of subthreshold strains (whose basic replacement ratio is smaller than one) is also possible by an mechanism opposite to protection where the subthreshold strain can infect individuals which have recovered from infection by a superthreshold strain (Nuño et al. to appear).

6.8 Appendix

We prove Proposition 3: Let R1 1 < Rj 1 for all j = 2, . . . , n. Then the first strain uniformly strongly persists, i. e., there exists some > 0 such that lim inf t→∞ I1(t) ≥ for all solutions with I1(0) > 0.

Proof. By Proposition 2, there exists some 0 > 0 such that

lim inf N (t) > 0


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for all solutions of (9) with N (0) > 0. Since β > µ by assumption, we can choose > 0 small enough that

(β − µ) 0 (α1 + β(1 − q1)) > 0 .

Assume that

lim sup I1(t) < .


By (14), Ij (t) 0 as t → ∞ for j = 2, . . . , n. By the first equation in (9), lim inft→∞ N (t) > 0. This implies N (t) → ∞ as t → ∞. By the equation for

I1 in (9),



→ ∞ as t → ∞ and so I1(t) → ∞ as t → ∞. This contradiction





shows that lim supt→∞ I1(t) for every solution with I1(0)

> 0. We apply

Thm. 6.2 (Thieme 1993). We identify the state space










X = /(N, I1, . . . , In) R+n+1, Ij 0, j=1 Ij ≤ N

and the semiflow Φ induced by the solutions of (9) on X. We set X1 =

{(N, I1, . . . , In) X; I1 > 0} and X2 = {(N, I1, . . . , In) X; I1 = 0}. Then

X is the disjoint union of X1 and X2, X2 is closed in X and X1 is open in

I (t)

X, and Φ is a continuous semiflow on X1. By (14), j ηj /η1 0 as t → ∞.


To satisfy Ass. 6.1 (Thieme 1993) we choose

Y1 = {(N, I1, . . . , In) X1; Ij ≤ I1ηj 1 , j = 2, . . . , n} .

Then part (A) is satisfied. Parts (C6.1), and (C6.2) are trivially satisfied because every bounded set in Rn+1 has compact closure. The following is a stronger version of part (R) of the Assumptions:

( ˜ ) For any su ciently there are a bounded subset of 1 and some

R > 0 D X δ (0, ) and time t > 0 with the following properties:

(i) There is no element x Y1 \ D such that d(x, X2) = and d(Φs(x), X2) < for all s (0, t].

(ii)If x Y1 \D and r (0, t] is such that d(x, X2) = = d(Φr (x), X2) and d(Φs(x), X2) < for all 0 < s < r, then d(Φs(x), X2) ≥ δ for all 0 ≤ s ≤ r.

(iii)D ∩ Y1 is bounded.

Notice that d(x, X2) = I1 for x = (N, I1, . . . , In). Let (0, 1]. Let t = 1 and δ = /2. We choose N > 0 su ciently large that


(β − µ)N − (α1 + β(1 − q1)) (αj + β(1 − qj )) ηj 1 > 0


6 Pathogen competition and coexistence and the evolution of virulence







N − − ηj 1


> 0











and D = {(N, I1, . . . , In) X1; N ≤ N }. Then D is bounded and (iii) is

satisfied. Suppose that x Y1 \D such that d(x, X2) = . Let (N (s), I1(s), . . . , In(s)) = Φs(x). Then N (0) > N , I1(0) = and Ij (0) ηj 1 for j =

2, . . . , n. By choice of N and the di erential equation for I1 in (9)„ I1(0) > 0 and d(Φs(x), X2) = I1(s) > I1(0) = for some s [0, t]. So (i) is satisfied.

Assume that x Y1 \ D and that Φs(x) Y1 for all s ≥ 0. Again this implies N (0) > N . Further let 0 < r such that d(x, X2) = = d(Φr (x), X2)

and d(x, Φs(x)) for all s [0, r]. Then I1(s) for all s [0, r] and Ij (s) ηj 1 . By (9) and our choice of N and by N (0) > N , N (s) ≥ N

for all s [0, r] and I1(s) ≥ I1(0) = . So part (ii) is trivially satisfied. By Thm. 6.2 (Thieme 1993), X2 is a uniform strong repeller for X1. By our choice of X1 and X2, this translates into the strong persistence of the first strain.

Acknowledgement. The author thanks Stan Faeth and an anonymous referee for useful comments and Hans Metz for the model in sect. 6.5.


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