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Oxford Thesaurus - An A-Z Dictionary Of Synonyms

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are in place to stem the loss of parkland. 3 disadvantage,


detriment, harm, impairment, injury, damage: I don't regard


Wentworth's resignation as any great loss. 4 waste, wastage,


wasting, squandering: The loss of time was owing to a train


delay. 5 defeat, set-back, disadvantage, disappointment,


failure, downfall, collapse, breakdown, ruin; drubbing,


trouncing: His loss is my gain. 6 Often, losses. debit(s),


liability (liabilities), negative cash flow: The company wrote


off the losses. 7 Often, losses. death, dying, passing, demise,


destruction, extermination, extinction, annihilation: The loss


from disease was overwhelming. What losses did they suffer in


the battle?


adj. 1 gone, departed, vanished, strayed; missing, mislaid,


misplaced, irrecoverable: They found my lost dog. The airline


told me that my bag was lost. 2 wasted, misspent, gone by the


board, squandered, down the drain, spent, exhausted, Colloq out


of the window: The new arrangement is resulting in a lot of


time lost. I watched another lost opportunity slip by. 3


confused, baffled, perplexed, puzzled, mystified, bewildered,


confounded, adrift, helpless, disoriented, at sea, astray: I am


totally lost when it comes to high finance. 4 forgotten,


bygone, extinct, past, obsolete, vanished, buried: Good writing


needn't be a lost art. 5 dead, extinct, departed, fallen, late:


We held a memorial service for our lost comrades. 6 destroyed,


demolished, devastated, ruined, wrecked, irreparable,


unsalvageable, irreclaimable, irremediable: After the expos‚ in


the newspaper, his name was consigned to the limbo of lost


reputations. 7 damned, cursed, accursed, abandoned, corrupt,


fallen, wanton, unchaste, dissolute: Unrepentant sinners are


lost souls. 8 hopeless, distraught, distracted, desperate,


frantic, frenzied: He had the lost look of a cornered fugitive.


n. 1 collection, batch, consignment, assortment, group,


portion, set, quantity, grouping, apportionment: They are


expecting a new lot of furniture this afternoon. 2 luck,


fortune, destiny, fate, kismet, plight, doom, end: It seems to


be my lot to stay in the same place all my life. 3 lottery,


drawing, raffle, drawing lots or straws: The winner will be


decided by lot. 4 share, portion, division, interest, part,


allotment, assignment, apportionment, ration, allowance:


Marguerite was bequeathed the house, while my lot included the


paintings. 5 a lot or lots. a a good or great deal: You have a

lot of nerve! I'd give a lot to be able to paint like you. He

got into a lot of trouble. b much, loads or a load, mountains or a mountain, tons or a ton, barrels or a barrel, stacks or a stack, piles or a pile, heaps or a heap, masses or a mass,

oceans , Colloq oodles, scads, US gobs: She has lots of money. c many, myriad, numerous, countless, reams, infinite or an infinity, quantities or a quantity, enormous numbers or an enormous number, Colloq oodles, scads, loads, tons, masses,: There are lots of fish in the sea. 6 the lot. everything,

Colloq the whole kit and caboodle, all: I'll give you a fiver for the lot.


n. cream, liniment, balm, salve, ointment, embrocation,

unguent, pomade: The doctor said to rub in some of this lotion

twice a day.


n. raffle, sweepstake, drawing, pool, Brit tombola: I've never

known anyone who won anything in the national lottery.


adj. 1 deafening, ear-splitting, booming, blaring, stentorian,

thundering, thunderous, sonorous, noisy, clamorous, piercing, fortissimo: The hi-fi is so loud I can't hear myself think. A loud crash came from the kitchen. 2 tawdry, garish, flashy, gaudy, tasteless, extravagant, showy, ostentatious, Colloq splashy, snazzy, jazzy: He was wearing a check suit and the loudest shirt and tie I had ever seen.

lounge v. 1 idle, loaf, laze, loll, languish, vegetate: After dinner, we lounged till midnight, sipping port.


--n. 2 sitting-room, salon, front room, parlour: Mother


insisted that we entertain visitors in the lounge. 3 lobby,


foyer, waiting-room, reception (room), vestibule: I was waiting


in the lounge when the doctor returned. 4 cocktail lounge,


(lounge or saloon) bar: We went into the lounge and ordered a


drink. 5 sofa, couch, divan, studio couch, day-bed, settee,


settle, love-seat, chaise longue; causeuse, tˆte-…-tˆte; US and


Canadian Davenport: The psychoanalyst has a lounge on which you


lie while talking to him.


v. 1 lower, darken, threaten, menace, loom: The clouds loured:


she suddenly began to feel afraid. 2 lower, frown, scowl,


glower; sulk, pout, mope: He said nothing, but loured at me

from beneath his beetled brow.

lousy adj. 1 awful, terrible, mean, contemptible, low, base, hateful, detestable, despicable, vile, wretched, miserable, scurvy,

dirty, vicious, Colloq rotten: Telling tales to the teacher was a lousy thing to do. 2 bad, poor, awful, terrible, inferior; low-quality, shoddy, shabby, inferior, miserable, second-rate, wretched: We had lousy seats for the theatre last week. The dealer seems to have sold you a really lousy car. 3 pedicular, pediculous, Brit lice-infested, lice-ridden, US louse-infested, louse-ridden: Even lice are lousy - they have their own parasites. 4 lousy with. alive with, overloaded with, swarming

with, teeming with, Colloq crawling with, knee-deep in: In five minutes the place was lousy with cops.

lovable adj. loveable, adorable, darling, dear, cherished, likeable, attractive, engaging, cute, fetching, taking, alluring, endearing, appealing, winsome, sweet, tender, cuddly,


affectionate, charming, enchanting: She has the most lovable


little baby boy.


n. 1 warmth, affection, attachment, fondness, tenderness,


devotion, attraction, friendship, amity, regard, admiration,


fancy, adoration, adulation, ardour, passion, fervour, rapture,


infatuation: Her love for him grew over the years. 2 liking,


delight, enjoyment, pleasure, fondness, attraction,


predilection, bent, leaning, proclivity, inclination,


disposition, weakness, partiality, preference, taste, relish,


passion: In his retirement, Charles has developed a love for


golf. 3 darling, beloved, sweetheart, sweetie, sweet, honey,


dear one, dearest, angel, turtle-dove, true-love, light of one's


life, lover, paramour, mate, intended, betrothed; girlfriend,


inamorata, lady-love, young lady, fianc‚e; boyfriend, beau,


inamorato, suitor, swain, young man, fianc‚, Archaic leman,


tally, US POSSLQ (= 'Person of the Opposite Sex Sharing Living


Quarters'), Colloq girl, woman, guy, man: Let me tell you


something, my love. Come live with me and be my love. 4


sympathy, tenderness, concern, charity, care, solicitude,


affinity, rapport, harmony, brotherhood, sisterhood,


fellow-feeling: He has great love for his fellow human beings.


5 love affair. a amour, liaison, affair, romance, relationship,


affaire de coeur, intrigue: He's been having a love affair with


his secretary. b passion, mania, Colloq thing: George allows


nothing to interfere with his love affair with tennis. 6 make


love (to) or (with). embrace, cuddle, caress, fondle, have


sexual intercourse, Archaic take, know, Colloq neck, pet,


canoodle, romance, have sex, make the beast with two backs, US


and Canadian make out; Taboo slang screw, fuck, hump, bang, Brit


roger, bonk: He still makes love to his wife even though they


are both in their eighties.


--v. 7 cherish, admire, adore, be in love with, lose one's


heart to, worship, idolize, dote on, treasure, be infatuated


with, think the world of, adulate, hold dear, like, Colloq be


hung up on, be crazy or nuts or wild or mad about, have a crush


on: Only after ten years of friendship did she discover that


she loved him. 8 delight in, take pleasure in, derive pleasure


or enjoyment from, relish, be partial to, have a passion or


preference or taste for, be attracted to, be captivated by, be


fond of, like, enjoy, appreciate, value, Colloq get a kick from


or out of, be wild about, be thrilled by, US get a bang or


charge from or out of: She loves chocolates. I just love your


new dress! Love me, love my dog.

love letter


n. billet-doux, Archaic mash note: She saved all his love




adj. 1 good-looking, pretty, handsome, attractive, comely,


fair, fetching, engaging, captivating, alluring, enticing,


bewitching, ravishing, gorgeous, beautiful, beauteous,


pulchritudinous: Larry has two lovely daughters. The house has


a lovely view of Lake Windermere. 2 satisfying, satisfactory,


agreeable, enjoyable, gratifying, nice, pleasing, pleasant,


pleasurable, engaging, delightful: What a lovely way to spend


an evening!


n. See love, 3, above.


adj. 1 short, squat, little, small, stubby, stumpy, stunted;


low-lying: The terrain has many low shrubs, not more than two


feet tall. 2 inadequate, insufficient, deficient, down, short,

sparse, scanty, scant, limited: The air in the tyres is a bit

low. Our water supply ran low. 3 coarse, unrefined, indelicate, improper, naughty, risqu‚, indecent, unseemly, vulgar, crude, common, rude, offensive, gross, ill-bred, lewd, obscene, ribald,

bawdy, scurrilous, smutty, pornographic, dirty: The old burlesque acts were characterized by their low humour. 4 weak, frail, feeble, debilitated, enervated, sickly, unhealthy,

infirm, shaky, decrepit, ill, sick: He's very low and sinking fast. 5 ineffectual, ineffective, weak: Her resistance to disease is low. I have a low pain threshold. 6 miserable, dismal, wretched, abysmal, sorry, abject, destitute: I seem to have reached a low point in my career. 7 humble, poor, low-born, lowly, base, inferior, base-born, plebeian, proletariat, ignoble: He rose from those low beginnings to a peerage. 8 unhappy, depressed, dejected, sad, gloomy,

melancholy, miserable, despondent, disconsolate, blue, downcast, down, glum, wretched, morose, crestfallen, broken-hearted, heart-broken, tearful, lachrymose, sorrowful, mournful, heavy-hearted: I felt low for weeks after the death of my

kitten. 9 inferior, second-rate, poor, bad, not up to par, worthless, shoddy, shabby, mediocre, substandard: Their products are of low quality. 10 inferior, lower, lesser, small, smaller: Play a low card. 11 low-cut, d‚collet‚, revealing, Colloq US low and behold in the front and vie de BohŠme in the back: Gilda wore a low, strapless black satin evening gown. 12 base, vile, abject, contemptible, despicable, mean, menial, servile, ignoble, degraded, vulgar, foul, dastardly, depraved, nasty, sordid: That was a low trick he played telling on his friends. I didn't know that anyone could sink to such a low level. 13 quiet, hushed, soft, subdued, gentle, muted, muffled, stifled, indistinct, whispered, murmured, murmurous: Her low voice was sweet. 14 unfavourable, critical, adverse: She has a rather low opinion of his singing.

lowý v. moo, bellow; bawl: The lowing herd moved slowly into the pasture.

low-down n. information, intelligence, data, the facts, inside story, Colloq info, dope, dirt, Brit bumf: I have the low-down on the scandal.

lower° v. 1 drop, reduce, decrease, mark down, discount, lessen, diminish, downgrade, cut, slash: Prices on all goods have been lowered. 2 let or move or bring or put down, drop: The drawbridge was lowered and the knights rode across. They lowered the coffin into the grave. 3 cut or lop off, cut or take down,

reduce, diminish, crop, trim: We lowered the hedge by a foot.

4 abase, debase, degrade, discredit, shame, disgrace, demean, belittle, humble, humiliate; stoop, deign, condescend: I wouldn't lower myself to so much as speak to him. 5 turn down, quieten, moderate, modulate, soften, tone down: He lowered his voice to a whisper.

--adj. 6 further or farther down: My mother has a flat on a lower floor of the building. 7 earlier: These primitive amphibians are from the Lower Carboniferous. 8 lower case. small, minuscule: Use capitals for the first letters and lower case for the rest in these names.


v. See lour, above.


adj. See low°, 7, above.


adj. faithful, true, dependable, devoted, trustworthy, trusty,

steady, steadfast, staunch, trusted, reliable, stable,

unswerving, unwavering, dedicated, constant, patriotic: Give me twelve men loyal and true and we shall rout the enemy.

loyalty n. faithfulness, fidelity, dependability, devotedness, devotion, allegiance, patriotism, trustworthiness, steadfastness, staunchness, firmness, resolution, resolve, reliability, stability, dedication, constancy: I hope that we can rely on the loyalty of everyone in your unit, Colonel.

12.5 luck...



n. 1 fortune, chance, destiny, fate, accident, fortuity,


serendipity; fluke, stroke of luck, US happenstance: Luck


brought us together. 2 good fortune, (good) break: It takes a


lot of luck to get the kinds of roles you want as an actor. 3


chance(s), success rate, fortune(s): I hope that my luck


improves soon.


adj. 1 fortunate, blessed, favoured, charmed: She was very


lucky to get the job. 2 providential, timely, opportune,


propitious, favourable, auspicious, advantageous, convenient,


fortuitous: It was lucky that you were at the swimming pool to


save her.

ludicrous adj. ridiculous, laughable, absurd, farcical, nonsensical, preposterous, incongruous, asinine, foolish, silly, zany, crazy, comical, risible; funny, facetious, droll, waggish, jocular, witty, jocose: The explanations of the new tax laws have been

carried to ludicrous extremes. You can count on Billy to come up with some ludicrous prank on April Fools' Day.


v. drag, tug, tow, haul, heave; carry, tote, transport: You're


mistaken if you think I'm going to lug that case round



luggage n. baggage, bags, gear, impedimenta, paraphernalia, things, belongings: When I arrived in Torremolinos, I found my luggage was missing.

lukewarm adj. 1 tepid, room temperature, warm: I like my bath-water lukewarm. 2 cool, indifferent, half-hearted, chill, chilly, phlegmatic, unresponsive, unenthusiastic, nonchalant, lackadaisical, apathetic, insouciant, Laodicean, unmoved, US half-baked, Colloq laid-back: My ideas for improving efficiency continued to receive a lukewarm reception from the board.


n. 1 pause, respite, interlude, intermission, interval, break,


hiatus, interruption, stop, halt, lapse, delay, Literary


caesura, Colloq let-up: After a brief lull, the hurricane


resumed in all its ferocity. 2 quiet, quiescence, hush, calm,


calmness, stillness, silence, peace, peacefulness, tranquillity:


There was a lull, then the noise of the artillery again


shattered the night.


--v. 3 soothe, calm, quiet, hush, pacify, mollify,


tranquillize: Do not let her sweet words lull you into a sense


of false security. I was lulled to sleep by the crickets and


the bees.

lumber n. 1 odds and ends, junk, clutter, jumble, rejects, white elephants; rubbish, litter, Chiefly US trash: The small room off the kitchen is for lumber. 2 timber, wood, beams, planks, boards, wood: I have ordered the lumber for building the garage.

--v. 3 encumber, burden, load, overload, saddle, impose upon,

land: We have been lumbered with looking after our neighbours' six cats.

luminous adj. 1 shiny, shining, bright, brilliant, lighted (up), lit (up), illuminated, radiant, alight, resplendent, lustrous, gleaming, shimmering, glistening, sparkling, dazzling,

refulgent, effulgent: The moon shone with a luminous beauty. 2 glowing, aglow, luminescent, incandescent, phosphorescent, fluorescent: He had a watch with luminous hands. 3 clear, lucid, perspicuous, percipient, perspicacious, penetrating, discerning, perceptive, clear-eyed, clear-headed, keen, acute, sharp, explicit, incisive, specific, express; understandable, intelligible: His latest novel provides another example of his luminous style.

lump° n. 1 mass, piece, gob, gobbet, clod, chunk, clot, wad, clump, hunk, nugget; cube, wedge, cake: There was a lump of earth was clogging the drain. May I have two lumps of sugar, please? 2 bump, growth, swelling, protuberance, protrusion, prominence, bulge, excrescence, tumescence, nodule, knob; wen, cyst, boil, carbuncle, blister, wart, corn: You ought to see a doctor about that lump on your foot.

--v. 3 Often, lump together. combine, join, consolidate, collect, bunch, group, unite, mass, aggregate, blend, mix, throw or put together: Don't lump me together with everyone else, without even asking my opinion.


v. Usually, lump it. allow, tolerate, suffer, put up with,

bear, stand, brook, endure: I'm afraid you'll just have to lump

it, whether you like it or not.


adj. chunky, bumpy, uneven, granular, grainy: Mix the batter

till it is no longer lumpy.


n. 1 madness, insanity, dementia, craziness, derangement,

psychosis, mania: Formerly, it was believed that lunacy fluctuated in accordance with the phases of the moon. 2 folly, foolishness, bad or poor judgement, illogicality, illogic, senselessness, ridiculousness, irrationality, foolhardiness, stupidity: It would be sheer lunacy to confess to something you did not do.


n. 1 thrust, jab,, strike: He was impaled by the first lunge


of the sword. 2 dive, plunge, rush, leap, jump, spring, pounce:


I made a lunge for the knife but missed.


--v. 3 dive, plunge, charge, pounce, dash, bound, jump; thrust,


stab, strike, hit, jab, cut: He lunged at her with his machete.


n. leave in the lurch. desert, abandon, forsake; drop, jilt:


He left her in the lurch, waiting at the church.


n. 1 stagger, sway, pitch; list, tilt, toss: The man gave a


sudden lurch, knocking the vase from my hands.


--v. 2 stagger, sway, stumble; roll, tilt, veer, pitch, list,


heel, wallow: He lurched into the room, a dagger protruding


from his back. The ship lurched dangerously in a heavy sea.


v. 1 tempt, attract, induce, coax, inveigle, seduce, draw in,


entice, lead on, decoy, charm, persuade, allure, catch: She


lured me into the trap of believing that she loved me.


--n. 2 bait, decoy, attraction, temptation, inducement, magnet,


siren song, charm, US drawing card, Slang come-on: Too many


na‹ve people fall for the lure of easy money.


adj. 1 sensational, vivid, shocking, startling, graphic,


melodramatic: The tabloids delight in a lurid scandal. 2


ghastly, horrid, horrifying, horrendous, gory, grisly, gruesome,


macabre, revolting, disgusting, appalling, frightful, terrible,


awful: Every lurid detail of the massacre was shown on TV. 3


pale, ashen, sallow, wan, pallid, ghastly, baleful: From the


lurid shade of his skin, I could see he had some horrible


affliction. 4 glaring, fiery, flaming, burning, aglow, glowing,


glowering: The burning city cast a lurid light in the sky.


v. skulk, slink, prowl, steal, sneak, hide, (lie in) wait, lie


low: The muggers were lurking in the shadows, waiting for a



luscious adj. delectable, delicious, mouth-watering, tasty, toothsome, savoury, appetizing, rich, sweet, epicurean, ambrosial, palatable, pleasant; succulent, juicy, Colloq scrumptious,

yummy: My grandmother used to make the most luscious pies and




adj. 1 luxuriant, thick, lavish, flourishing, verdant, green,


dense, overgrown, thick, exuberant: The walls were covered with


a lush growth of ivy. 2 juicy, succulent, mouth-watering,


fresh, moist, ripe: We ate lush pears that we picked straight


from the tree. 3 palatial, extravagant, elaborate, luxurious,


opulent, sumptuous, Colloq ritzy, plush: The bridal suite is


the lushest accommodation they offer.


n. 1 sensuality, libido, libidinousness, sexuality,


lustfulness, concupiscence, sexual appetite, Slang horniness:


The nouveaux riches spend much of their time and money


satisfying their lust. 2 desire, drive, energy, voracity,


avidity, avidness, ambition, ravenousness: Henry has an


infectious enthusiasm and lust for life.


--v. 3 lust after. desire, crave, hunger or thirst or hanker


for or after, ache for: Barney was lusting after the barmaid at


The Two Magpies.

lustful adj. libidinous, carnal, concupiscent, licentious, lewd, prurient, lascivious, salacious, Colloq horny, randy: On her way to work she was forced to endure daily the lustful calls of the construction workers.

lustre n. 1 sheen, gleam, glow, gloss, luminosity, luminousness, radiance: A good waxing should restore the lustre to the table. 2 glory, renown, brilliance, celebrity, honour, distinction, fame, illustriousness: Winning first prize lent a little lustre

to his tarnished reputation.

lustrous adj. glossy, shiny, shined, polished, burnished: French polishing gives the furniture a lustrous finish.

lusty adj. 1 vigorous, healthy, strong, energetic, robust, hale and hearty, lively; buxom: The sailors were accompanied by a couple of lusty young women. 2 vigorous, substantial, strong, husky, powerful: He sang in a lusty voice.

luxuriant adj. 1 abundant, profuse, copious, lush, rich, bounteous, overflowing, full, luxurious: Her luxuriant hair hung down to her waist. 2 lavish, full, rank, prolific, thriving, rife,