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Dictionary of Literary Influences

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Cooperative Commonwealth, 241

Cyclopaedic Survey of Chamber

Day, Dorothy, 122–23. Works:

Copernicus, Nicolas, 482, 553

Music (Cobbett), 196

Catholic Worker, 122; From

Copland, Aaron, 115–16

Cyprian of Carthage, 62

Union Square to Rome, 123;

Coppard, A. E., 399, 400


The Long Loneliness, 123

Corbiére, Tristan, 340

Dahl, Vladimir, Dictionary of the

Dayrell-Browning, Vivien, 216,

Cormack, Bartlett, 129

Living Russian Language, 381


Corneille, Pierre, 146, 371, 549

Dahrendorf, Ralf, Class and

Debs, Eugene V., 123–25, 468.

Cornell, Drucilla, 131

Class Conflict in an Industrial

Works: Fireman’s Magazine,

Cornhill Magazine, 408

Society, 43

124; “How I Became a

Cornstock, J. L., An Introduc-

Daily Express, 7

Socialist,” 124

tion to the Study of Botany, 571

Daily Mail, 7

Debussy, Claude, 51

Corso, Gregory, 201

Daily Telegraph, 557

Dedijer, Vladimir, 516

Corum, Bill, 137

Daily Worker, 141

Defoe, Daniel, 61, 142, 326.

Cosbuc, George, 101

Daley, Arthur, 137

Works: Robinson Crusoe,

Cosell, Howard, 451

Dalí, Salvador, 75, 86, 103,

182–83, 422, 458, 466, 545;

Cosmopolitan, 92, 497

121–22, 188, 189, 264

Swiss Family Robinson, 99, 458

Cottin, Sophie, 118

Dana, Mrs. William Star, How

Degas, Edgar, 305

Coulanges, Numa-Denis Fustel

to Know the Golden Flowers,

De Gaulle, Charles, 125–27,

de, 56; The Ancient City, 72


159, 340, 367, 471. Works:

Country Gentleman, 453

Daniel, Bible story of, 66

Memoires de guerre, 368

Courier, Paul-Louis, 125

Daniel, Jean, 368

Dekker, Thomas, “Golden

Cournot, Antoine, 50

Danish classics, 58

Slumbers,” 38

Courtenay, Baudoin de, 30

D’Annunzio, Gabriele, 118,

De Kooning, Willem, 127–28

Coverdale, Miles, 537

264, 343, 379, 418, 518

Delacroix, Eugene, 174, 502

Coward, Noël, 116–18, 136.

Dante, Alighieri, 3, 8, 41, 63,

Delaunay, Robert, 103

Works: Blythe Spirit, 117; I’ll

236, 267, 273, 289, 312, 379,

Delaunay, Sonia, 102

Leave it to You, 117; In Which

397, 434, 456, 466, 470, 513,

Delboeuf, René, 51

We Serve, 117; The Vortex,

560. Works: Divine Comedy,

Deledda, Grazia, 215, 431

117; The Young Idea, 117

163, 175, 231, 316, 560;

Deleuze, Gilles, Qu’est-ce que la

Cowell, Henry, 196

Inferno, 236; Purgatorio, 236;

philosophie, 368

Cowley, Malcolm, 122

Vita Nuova, 560

Delland, Clarence. Works:

Crabbe, George, The Borough,

D’Arcy, Martin C., 397, 544

Buddington, 92; Opera Hat,


Darío, Rubén, 188, 264


Craft, Robert, 504

Darrow, Clarence, 81

Del Mar, Alexander, 434

Crane, Frank, 398

Darwin, Charles, 46, 50, 55,

De Mille, Cecil B., 128–29,

Crane, Hart, 499. Works: “The

104, 300, 315, 355, 360, 370,

174, 439

Broken Tower,” 559; The

381, 427, 433, 470, 492, 500.

De Mille, William C., 129

Collected Poems of Hart Crane,

Works: Descent of Man, 378,

Democracia, 425

559; Emblems of Conduct, 559

560; Origin of Species, 86, 188,

Demuth, Charles, 560

Crane, Stephen, 38, 99, 359

378, 560, 571; Voyage of the

Derain, André, 15, 70

Crashaw, Richard, 537

Beagle, 182

Der Blaue Reiter, 299

Crawford, Joan, 489

Daubler, Theodor, Northern

Derrida, Jacques, 35, 130–31.

Creasy, Edward S., Fifteen Deci-

Lights, 378

Works: The Margins of Philos-

sive Battles of the World, 291,

Daudet, Alphonse, Sappho, 115

ophy, 130; Of Grammatolog y,


D’Aurevilly, Barney, 125

130; The Post-Card, 131;

Crisis, 449

David, King, 7

“The Problem of Genesis in

Criterion, 162

Davies, Lord, 158

the Philosophy of Edmund

Croce, Benedetto, 84, 118–19,

Davies, Robertson, 24, 186,

Husserl,” 130; Speech and

156, 215. Works: Aesthetics,

445. Works: Fifth Business,

Phenomena, 130; Truth in

430; La Critica, 118

186; The Manticore, 186;

Painting, 131; “Two Words

Crockett, Davy, 139

World of Wonders, 186

for Joyce,” 130; “Ulysses

Crookes, William, 276

Da Vinci, Leonardo, 67, 162,

Gramophone,” 130

Crowley, Aleister, 312

195, 493; Codex Leicester, 195

Derzhavin, Gavrila, 79, 352

Cruz, Sor Juana Ines de la, 422

Davis, Angela, 61, 373

Desai, Anita, 460

Cummings, E. E. (e. e. cum-

Davis, John M. 206

Descartes, René, 41, 46, 89,

mings), 116, 119–20

Davis, Peter, 18

118, 121, 125, 371, 421, 459,

Curzon, George Nathaniel, 31,

Davis, Thomas, 114, 132

535, 549


Dawson, Christopher, 328

Des Knaben Wunderhorn, 20



Desnos, Robert, 76. Works:

Die Zukrunft, 361

Dovjenko, Alexander, 509

Deuil pour deuil, 21; La liberté

Dilthey, Wilhelm, 62, 118, 240,

Dow, Arthur, 401

ou l’amour, 21

332, 406, 548

Downs, Karl, 450

Despedes, Carlos Manuel de,

DiMaggio, Joseph Paul,

Dowson, Ernest, 407



Doyle, Arthur Conan, 24, 65,

Detective stories, 105, 371, 464

Dingler, Hugo, 93

381; The Refugees, 248; Sir

Deufrene, Maurice, 313

Director, Rose, 180

Nigel, 348; White Company,

De Valera, Eamon, 131–33

Disney, Walt, 138–40, 161


Dewey, John, 4, 91, 133–34,

Ditman, Keith, 312

Dragoumis, Ion, 284

389, 491. Works: Experience

Ditmar, Raymond, 64

Dreiser, Theodore, 99, 142,

and Education, 491; Human

Dixon, Campbell, 245

171, 179, 241, 359, 467, 468,

Nature and Conduct, 134; The

Dixon, Franklin W., Hardy

569. Works: Jennie Gerhardt;

Public and Its Problems, 134;

Boys books, 497

569; Sister Carrie, 499, 569

The Quest for Certainty, 134;

Djilas, Milovan, 140–41, 516.

Dreyfus, Alfred, 113, 456

Reconstruction in Philosophy,

Works: Conversations with

Dreyfus Affair, 44, 438

134; The School and Society,

Stalin, 140, Fall of the New

Drummond, William, 537


Class, 140; The New Class,

Dryden, John, 524

Diaghilev, Serge, 391, 503; Mir

140; Njegoœ: Poet, Prince,

Dubcek, Alexander, 143–44,

iskusstva, 504

Bishop, 140; The Unperfect

232, 303

Diakonova, Helena, 121

Society, 140

Duble, Josie, 165

Dicey, A. V., 511

Döblin, Alfred, 301, 343; Berlin

DuBois, W. E. B., 192, 262,

Dickens, Charles, xvii, 24, 36,

Alexanderplatz, 167

411, 449

61, 65, 99, 109, 123, 139,

Dobrogeanu-Gherea, Constan-

Duchamp, Marcel, 41, 67, 120,

157, 169, 219, 237–38, 267,

tin, 100

144–45, 354

318, 321, 327, 337, 348, 356,

Dobrovsky, Josef, 351

Duckett, Alfred, 451

358, 381, 385, 399, 407, 461,

Dodge, Mabel, 468

Duffy, Charles Gavan, 132

466, 490, 511, 518, 520, 523,

Dominik, Hans, 308

Dujardin, Édouard, Les lauriers

553, 565. Works: Bleak

Donne, John, 66, 79, 149, 169,

sont coupées, 273

House, 456; A Christmas

486, 513, 536

Dumas, Alexandre (pere), 152,

Carol, 458; The Cricket on the

Donovan, Frances, The Woman

325, 327, 340, 405

Hearth, 219; David Copper-

Who Waits, 64

Du Maurier, Daphne, 245;

field, 11, 77, 252, 280, 454,

Doppo, Kunikida, 305

Rebecca, 245

498; Dombey and Son,

D’Ors, Eugenio, 428

Dumont, Fernand, 145–47.

237–38; Great Expectations,

Dos Passos, John, 122, 141–43,

Works: Le Lieu de l’homme,

466; The Old Curiosity Shop,

171, 179, 191, 242, 445, 459,

145; Livre blanc, 145

106, 456; Oliver Twist, 106,

485. Works: Manhattan

Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 297,

520; Pickwick Papers, 32, 151,

Transfer, 142; Three Soldiers,

560; “Sympathy,” 11

230; A Tale of Two Cities, 32,

142; U.S.A., 142

Duncan, Robert, 202


Dostoyevsky, Mikhail, 34, 40,

Dunning, William, 542

Dickey, James, 134–35. Works:

61, 79, 102, 109, 123, 127,

Duns Scotus, John, 239

Alnilam, 135; Buckdancer’s

140, 169, 176, 200, 243, 258,

Durant, Will, 312, 468

Choice, 135; Deliverance, 135;

279, 298, 299, 315, 332, 340,

Duras, Marguerite, L’amour,

Into the Stone, 134; Self-

344, 358, 362, 373, 377, 381,


Interviews, 135; To the White

382, 391, 394, 398, 414, 482,

Dürkheim, Émile. 43, 46, 51,

Sea, 135

485, 504, 509, 565. Works:

57, 72, 84, 146, 258, 317,

Dickinson, Emily, 116, 119,

The Brothers Karamazov, 157,

427. Works: The Division of

214, 228, 265

305, 363, 391; Crime and

Labor in Society, 72; Elemen-

Dictionaries, 461; Dictionary of

Punishment, 92, 231, 280,

tary Forms of the Religious

the Living Russian Language,

496; The Idiot, 231, 305, 391;

Life, 72; Primitive Classifica-

381; Dictionary of National

Notes from the Underground,

tion, 317; Rules of Sociological

Biography, 22, 32; Oxford

569; The Possessed, 301

Method, 72; Suicide, 72

English Dictionary, 517; Web-

Doucet, Jacques, 75

Dürrenmatt, Friedrich, 147–48

ster’s English Dictionary, 338

Doughty, Charles, Travels in

Dylan, Bob, 37, 148–49

Diderot, Denis, Encyclopedie,

Arabia Deserta, 311



Douglas, C. H., Credit Power

Eakins, Thomas, 92

Die christliche Welt, 85

and Democracy, 434; Economic

Earhart, Amelia, 151–53

Die Sammlung, 343

Democracy, 434

Eastman, Max, 468, A Sense of

Dietrich, Marlene, 136–37

Douglass, Frederick, 14, 449

Humour, 106



Ebbinghaus, Julius, 85

The Sacred Wood, 163; Selected

Értle, Aleksandr, 476

Echegaray, José, 498

Essays, 1917–1932, 163; The

Eschenmayer, Karl August von,

Eckhart, Meister, 82, 229, 240,

Use of Poetry and the Use of



Criticism, 163; The Waste

Eshkol, Levi, 357

Eco, Umberto, 63, 153–54.

Land, 25, 162–63, 566

Espronceda, José de, 264

Works: Baudolino, 253; Fou-

Elliot, William, 298

Esquire, 482, 497

cault’s Pendulum, 153; The

Ellis, Havelock, 115, 469

Euripides, 62, 147, 291; The

Island of the Day Before, 143;

Ellison, Ralph, 261; Invisible

Bacchae, 486, 487

The Limits of Interpretation,

Man, 490

Evening Standard, 7

153; The Name of the Rose,

El Moudjahid, 165

Everyman, 249

153; The Open Work, 153; The

Éluard, Paul, 20, 75, 76, 86,

Ewing, W. P., 455

Role of the Reader, 153; A The-

121, 428


ory of Semiotics, 153

Elvin, Kells, “Twilight’s Last

Fabian Essays in Socialism, 416,

Economist, 156, 195

Gleaming,” 87


Eddington, Arthur, 361

Ely, Richard T., Political Econ-

Fabre, Jean-Henri, 64; Sou-

Eddy, Mary Baker, Science and

omy, 81

venirs Entomologiques, 86

Health, 436

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 68, 92,

Fadeyev, Aleksandr, The Rout, 11

Eden, Anthony, 105, 155

99, 119, 173, 187, 312, 326,

Fairy-Tale World, 446

Edison, Thomas, 300

493, 547, 568. Works: Essays,

Fallada, Hans, 528. Works:

Ed Sullivan Show, 37, 394

138, 199, 291; “Monadnoc,”

Kleiner Mann was nun?, 49; A

Edwards, Jonathan, 214

182; “Self-Reliance,” 106,

Wolf among Wolves, 49

Egoist, 162


Fallersleben, Hoffmann von,

Ehrenburg, Ilya, The Extraordi-

Eminescu, Mihai, 257

Lied der Deutschen, 205

nary Adventures of Julio

Encyclopedia Britannica, 571

Family Circle, 497

Jurenito and His Disciples, 11

Encyclopedias, 481; Appleton’s

Fanon, Frantz, 165–66. Works:

Eichendorff, Joseph von, 242,

Cyclopedia, 124; Book of

L’An V de la révolution algeri-

447, 514

Knowledge, 213, 490; Comp-

enne, 166; Les damnés de la

Einaudi, Luigi, 156–57.

ton’s Encyclopedia, 109;

terre, 166; Peau noire masques

Works: Riforma sociale, 156

Diderot’s Encyclopedie, 484;

blancs, 166

Einstein, Albert, 93, 157–59,

Encyclopedia Britannica, 571

Faraday, Michael, 158

161, 264, 387, 433, 493

Engels, Friedrich, 84, 98, 100,

Fard, Wallace, 375, “The

Eisenhower, Dwight D.,

118, 206, 223, 314, 315, 332,

Supreme Lessons,” 376

159–60, 183, 253, 337, 453

378, 384, 492, 516, 528.

Farrere, Claude, 125

Eisenstein, Sergei, 160–62,

Works: Anti-Duhring, 315;

Fassbinder, Rainer, 166–68:

203, 305, 436, 509

The Communist Manifesto, 70,

The Bitter Tears of Petra von

Ekman, Bertin, 229

205, 206, 223, 254, 295, 384,

Kant, 167; Bremer Freiheit,

El Cid, 178, 422

516; The Condition of the

167; Only a Slice of Bread, 166

El Espectador, 191

Working Class in England,

Faulkner, William, 168–69,

El Greco (Domenicos Theoto-

254, 315; “Preface to a Con-

191, 340, 373, 382, 398, 399,

copoulous), 5

tribution to the Critique of

400, 445, 558. Works: Absa-

Eliade, Mircea, 418

Political Ideology,” 166

lom, Absalom!, 168, 169; As I

Eliot, George, 109, 152, 309,

English literature 10, 114, 276;

Lay Dying, 168, 169; A Fable,

327, 552. Works: Middle-

British poetry, 312. See also

168; Father Abraham, 169; Go

march, 104, 546; The Mill on

under names of specific authors

Down Moses, 168; The Ham-

the Floss, 309; Silas Marner,

English Reader, 452

let, 168; Intruder in the Dust,


Eötvös, József, 332

168; Light in August, 168;

Eliot, T. S., 1, 24, 78, 80, 135,

Epic of Gilgamesh, 550

Mosquitoes, 168; Pylon, 169;

142, 149, 162–64, 171, 217,

Epstein, Brian, 37

Sanctuary, 169; Sartoris, 168,

236, 269, 316, 327, 354, 363,

Equiano, Olaudau, The Interest-

Soldiers’ Pay, 168; The Sound

370, 372, 398, 422, 434, 470,

ing Narrative of the Life of

and the Fury, 168, 169; The

504, 513, 522, 532. Works:

Olaudau Equiano, 14

Reivers, 168; The Wild Palms,

The Cocktail Party, 163; The

Erasmus, Desiderius, 353

326; Yoknapatawpha saga,

Family Reunion, 163; The

Erdmannsdorfer, Bernhard,


Four Quartets, 163;


Fayard classics, 523

“The Love Song of J. Alfred

Erickson, Erik, 356

Febvre, Lucien, 56, 72. Works:

Prufrock,” 163; Murder in the

Ermatinger, Emil, 147

The Coming of the Book, 72; A

Cathedral, 163; Notes Toward

Ernst, Max, 75, 86

Geographical Introduction to

a Definition of Culture, 163;

Ernst, Paul, 91, 332

History, 72; Martin Luther, 72



Fechner, Gustav, 313

Flaubert, Gustave, 125, 142,

Frangopulo, Maria, 394

Federalist Papers, 159, 238, 330

169, 170, 171, 258, 273, 279,

Frank, Erich, 85

Feigl, Herbert, 93

303, 332, 342, 373, 381, 438,

Frank, Karl, 433

Feininger, Lyonel, 220

444, 472, 523. Works: Bou-

Frank, Philipp, 93

Fejér, Lipót, 387

vard et Pécuchet, 340; Madame

Frankenstein, Karl, 17

Fekete, Michael, 387

Bovary, 326, 399, 496;

Frankfurter, Felix, 470

Felker, Clay, 497

Salammbô, 340; Sentimental

Frankl, Viktor, “Die Stimme

Fellini, Federico, 170, 509; The

Education, 279–80

der Vernunft,” 540

Funny Face Shop, 170

Fleming, Ian, 289; James Bond

Franklin, Benjamin: Autobiogra-

Fellner, William, 387

novels, 289, 290

phy, 329; Poor Richard’s

Feminism, 11, 39, 358, 469

Fleming, Wallace. Works: Civil

Almanac, 329

Fénélon, François, Traité de

War and Reconstruction in

Frank Merriwell stories, 455,

l’existence de Dieu, 200

Alabama, 542; Deportation and

464; Frank Merriwell at Yale,

Fenollosa, Ernest, 434

Colonization, 542


Ferenczi, Sandor, 277, 387

Flournoy, Theodore, 277

Frantz, Konstantin, 539

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 189,

Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley, 468

Franz Ferdinand, 12

202, 293

Foerster, Friedrich, 239

Frazer, James G., 168; The

Fermi, Enrico, 58

Fogazzaro, Antonio, 118; The

Golden Bough, 4, 169, 496

Fernandéz, Macedonio, 63

Saint, 420

Frazier, Joe, 9

Ferry, Jules, 368

Fontane, Theodor, Irrungen

Frederick the Great, 3, 244,

Feudal Society, 72

und Wirrungen, 506


Feuerbach, Ludwig, 492

Fonteyn, Margot, 394

Freedom, 450

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 50,

Fonvizin, Denis, 477

Frege, Gottlob, 93, 109,

239, 332, 441, 492, 514.

Forbes, 195


Works: Addresses to the Ger-

Ford, Ford Madox, 217, 242;

Frenaud, André, 135

man Nation, 441; The Charac-

The Good Soldier, 217

French literature, 13, 99, 234

teristics of the Present Age, 441

Ford, Francis, 174

French troubadours, 119

Fielding, Henry, 142, 168

Ford, Gerald, 453

Freud, Sigmund, 22, 25, 30, 93,

Fielding, Joseph, 466

Ford, Henry, 172–73, 388; The

102, 109, 115, 128, 131, 162,

Fillipiak, Izabella, 263

International Jew, 172

166, 168, 177, 179, 223, 224,

Finke, Heinrich, 239

Ford, John, 173–75, 305, 545

258, 273, 277, 317, 345, 346,

Finley, John Huston, 414

Foreign Affairs, 287

356, 361, 370, 382, 398, 403,

Finney, Charles Grandison, 507

Forman, Miloœ, 303

427, 433, 469, 471, 566.

Fiorentino, Francesco, History

Forster, E. M., 77, 175–76,

Works: Civilisation and Its

of Philosophy, 378

208, 294, 502. Works:

Discontents, 488; Interpretation

Firbank, Ronald, 544

Abinger Harvest, 175; Aspects

of Dreams, 122, 169, 279,

First, 341

of the Novel, 175; Howard’s

488, 491; Moses and Monothe-

Fischer, Kuno, 548

End, 175; Maurice, 176; A

ism, 281; Psychopatholog y of

Fishcer, Bram, 341

Passage to India, 175, 497;

Everyday Life, 138, 491; Three

Fisher, Dorothy Canfield,

Two Cheers for Democracy, 175

Essays on the Theory of Sexual-


Fort, Paul, 76

ity, 491

Fisher, Irving, 367

Fortune, 42, 64, 185, 329

Fridell, Egon, 540, Kul-

Fisher, Leck, Morderdyret, 49

Foscolo, Ugo, 418

turgeschichte der Neuzeit,

Fisher, Louis, The Life of

Foucault, Michel, 154, 176–77.


Gandhi, 107

Works: Discipline and Punish,

Friedan, Betty, 179–80. Works:

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 141,

177; History of Sexuality, 177;

Beyond Gender, 179; The Fem-

171–72, 242, 288, 445, 454.

Madness and Civilization, 176,

inine Mystique, 179; The

Works: The Beautiful and

The Order of Things, 177, 368

Fountain of Age, 179; It

Damned, 171; The Crack-Up,

Fouillée, Alfred, 50, 427

Changed My Life, 179; The

171; The Great Gatsby, 171;

Fox, Douglas, 434

Second State, 179

The Last Tycoon, 171; This

France, Anatole, 76, 125, 358,

Friedländer, Paul, 85

Side of Paradise, 171, 287;

416, 437

Friedman, Milton, 180–82,

Tales of the Jazz Age, 171;

Francis of Assisi, 107, 123, 243;

512. Works: Incomes from

Tender is the Night, 171

Canticle of the Sun, 366

Independent Professional Prac-

Flagg, Abbie, 123

Franco, Francisco, 177–78,

tice, 181; Theory of the Con-

Flake, Otto, 20

274, 529, 569. Works: Diario

sumption Function, 181

Flammarion, Camille, 73

de una bandera, 178; Masone-

Friedrich III, 557

Flaszen, Ludwig, 221

ria, 178; Raza, 178

Fries, Jakob, 277, 433



Frisch, Max, 147

García Márquez, Gabriel, 10,

Gerhardi, William, 544

Frisch, Otto, 58

63, 190–91, 209. Works: The

Gerlash, Arthur, von, 308

Frobenius, Leo, African Genesis,

Autumn of the Patriarch, 191;

German literature, 13, 104,


In Evil Hour, 191; The Gen-

242; Germanic mythology,

Fromm, Erich, 345, 350

eral in His Labyrinth, 191;


Frost, Robert, 65, 79, 160,

Leaf Storm, 191; Love and

Gershwin, George, 196–97

182–83, 265, 470, 484; A

Other Demons, 191; Love in

Gershwin, Ira, 196–97

Boy’s Will, 182

the Time of Cholera; One Hun-

Gerstacker, Friedrich, 276

Fry, Maxwell, 220

dred Years of Solitude, 191;

Gesell, Silvio, 434

Fry, Roger, 256, 294; Vision and

Strange Pilgrims, 191

Geulincx, Arnold, 41

Design, 372

Garcilaso de la Vega, Sebastia,

Geyser, Josef, 239

Frye, Northrop, 24


Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe,

Fucík, Julius: Bozˇ ena Nfmcová is

Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 378, 379,

197–98; A Romanian Politics,

Fighting, 254; In the Country



Where Tomorrow No Longer

Garnett, Richard, 537

Gibbon, Edward, 22, 105, 110,

Means Yesterday, 254

Garnett, Tay, 174

326, 374, 387; Decline and

Fuentes, Carlos, 63

Garrigue, Charlotte, 349

Fall of the Roman Empire, 175,

Fujii, Kenjiro, 500

Garvey, Marcus, 192–93, 262,

213, 287, 525, 571

Fuller, Margaret, 312

347, 376, 411, 449; The Phi-

Gibran, Kahlil, 198–99.

Fuller, Samuel, 174

losophy and Opinions of Marcus

Works: The Broken Wings,

Furmanov, Dmitrii, 492

Garvey, 192

199; The Garden of the


Gasperi, Alcide de, 156,

Prophet, 199; Jesus, Son of

Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 85

193–94. Works: “The Moral

Man, 199; The Madman, 199;

Gadea, Hilda, 223

Basis of Democracy,” 194;

The Prophet, 198, 199; Sand

Gadium et Spes, 224

Reconstructive Ideas of Chris-

and Foam, 199; A Tear and a

Gage, Matilda Joslyn, 469

tian Democracy, 193

Smile, 199

Gail, Willi, 308

Gates, Bill, 194–96

Gibson, Graeme, 24

Galbraith, John Kenneth,

Gates, Reginald, Ruggles, 500

Gide, Albert, 35

185–86. Works: The Aff lu-

Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri, 372

Gide, André, 89–90, 121,

ent Society, 185; Economics

Gauguin, Paul, 92, 282

200–201, 340, 343, 398, 399,

and the Public Purpose, 185;

Gaulle, Charles de, 125–27,

418, 471, 502, 518, 523, 535.

The New Industrial State,

159, 340, 367, 471; Mémoires

Works: “Concerning Influ-


de guerre, 368

ence in Literature,” 200; The

Galdós, Benito Pérez, 405

Gauss, Christian, 562

Counterfeiters, 200; The

Galilei, Galileo, 379

Gauthier-Villars, Henri, 112

Immoralist, 113; Journal, 201;

Gallant, Mavis, 445

Gay, John, Beggar’s Opera, 75

La Nouvelle Revue Francaise,

Galsworthy, 171, 416

Gebhard, Heinrich, 53


Galton, Francis, 277, 500

Geffen, David, 489

Giedion, Sigfreid, 354

Gance, Abel, 162

Geiger, Abraham, 28

Gilbert, Martin, Churchill, 393

Gandhi, Indira, 461

Geijer, Erik Gustaf, 229

Gilbert, William Schwenck,

Gandhi, Mohandas, 48, 64,

Geisel, Theodore Seuss. See


107, 186–88, 297, 390, 480.

Seuss, Dr.

Gilder, Richard Watson, 414

Works: “My Experiments

Geissler, Lotti, 147

Gillespie, Dizzy, 293

with Truth,” 187; Hind

Gelek, Ngawang, 202

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 469

Swaraj, 187

Geller, Larry, Beyond the

Gilmore, Gary, 250–51

Ganivet, Angel, 529

Himalayas, 435

Gilson, Etienne, 398

Gans, Eduard, 28

Genet, Jean, 131, 472; Querelle

Ginsberg, Allen, 87, 149, 189,

García Lorca, Federico, 86,

de Brest, 167

201–3, 292, 312, 418, 445.

165, 188–90, 210, 264.

Gentile, Giovanni, 118

Works: Empty Mirror, 202;

Works: Bernarda Alba, 189;

Gentleman’s Magazine, 408

Howl, 202; Kaddish, 201

Blood Wedding, 189; Gypsy

George, Henry, 81, 327, 468;

Ginsburg, Asher, 109

Ballads, 188; Imprisiones y

Progress and Poverty, 206

Girl’s Own Paper, 408

paisages, 188; Lament for

George, Stefan, 204, 248, 249,

“The Girl with the Three Wal-

Ignacio Sánchez Mejías, 190;

473; Blätter für die Kunst, 248

nuts,” 446

My Village, 188; Poet in New

George, W. C. The Biolog y of

Gissinger, Theodor, 246

York, 189; The Public, 190;

the Race Problem, 542

Gladen, Washington, 81

Yerma, 189; La zapatera

George V, 413

Gladkov, Fedor, 492

prodigiosa, 189

Gerarchia, 379

Gladstone, William, 22, 104



Glamour, 497

Gollancz, Victor, 410

Matter, 216; It’s a Battlefield,

Glazer, Nathan, 43

Gombrowicz, Witold, 304

216; Journey Without Maps,

Gleason, Jackie, 137

Gompers, Samuel, 206–7, 320

216; The Man Within, 216;

Glob, P. V. The Bog People, 236

Gomperz, Heinrich, 433

The Power and the Glory, 174,

Glories of Yale Athletics, 490

Góngora, Luis de, 189

216, 217; Stanboul Train, 216

Gneist, Rudolf von, 55

Gontcharova, Natalia, 103, 503

Greenough, Sarah, 401

Gobineau, Joseph Arthur,

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 207–8,

Gregory, Horace, Poems of Con-

Comte de, 111


solations, 77; The Triumph of

Godard, Jean-Luc, 167, 203–4,

Gordimer, Nadine, 208–9, 341.

Life, 77

307. Works: Défense et Illus-

Works: Face to Face, 208; The

Gregory, Lady Augusta, 399

tration du découpage classique,

Lying Days, 208

Gresham, Joy Davidman, 318

203; Mon Beau Souci, 203;

Gordon, Aaron David, Selected

Greshoff, Jan, 370

Montage, 203; Pour un cinema

Essays, 358

Grey, Edward, The Charm of

politique, 203

Gordon, Caroline, 398

Birds, 104

Goddard, Paulette, 444

Górecki, Henryk, 209–11

Grey, Zane, 213, 327, 545

Gödel, Kurt, 93

Goren, Charles, 451

Griffith, Arthur, 114; United

Godey’s Lady’s Book, 497

Gorgeous George, 9

Irishmen, 114

Goebbels, Joseph Paul, 204–5,

Gorin, Jean-Pierre, 203

Griffith, D. W., 129, 161, 174,

361. Works: Michael, 204;

Göring, Hermann, 211–12

203, 218–19, 459

Wilhelm von Schaetz as

Gorky, Arshile, 127

Grillparzer, Friedrich, 279,

Dramatist, 204

Gorky, Maxim, 69, 476, 479,

565; Das Kloster bei Sendomir,

Goebel, Karl, 500



Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von,

Gorres, Joseph von, 276

Grimm, Jakob and Wilhelm,

3, 5, 20, 30, 62, 93, 136, 147,

Goudeket, Maurice, 113

29, 481. Works: “Cin-

158, 204, 232, 234, 243, 264,

Gourmont, Remy de, 434

derella,” 139; “Snow White,”

276, 279, 301, 308, 342, 344,

Goya, Francisco, 299


345, 447, 470, 481, 499, 505,

Graetz, Heinrich, 28

Gröber, Conrad, 239

506, 514, 528, 540, 546, 548,

Graf, Arturo, 430

Gronlund, Lawrence, The Coop-

557. Works: Autobiography,

Graham, Billy, 212–13

erative Commonwealth, 124

438; Faust, 200, 205, 276,

Graham, Dom Aelred, 397

Gropius, Walter, 220–21, 360,

277, 287, 375, 418, 419, 436,

Graham, John D., System and


446, 498; Kindred by Choice,

Dialectics in Art, 128

Gross, Milton, 451

375; Poetry and Truth, 419;

Graham, Martha, 214–15, 394

Gross, Otto, 277

Unerhaltungen deutscher Aus-

Graham, W. S., 135

Grosse, Ernst, 91

gewanderter, 249; Roman Ele-

Gramsci, Antonio, 98, 215–16;

Grossi, Tommaso, 118

gies, 430; The Sorrows of Young

Prison Notebooks, 215, 465–66

Grosz, George, 147

Werther, 419; Wilhelm Meis-

Grant, Ulysses S., 159, 252

Grosz, Karl, 313

ter, 55, 205

Grass, Gunter, 61, 302, 461

Grotowski, Jerzy, 221–22

Goffin, Robert, On the Frontiers

Graves, Mary, 483

Groulx, Lionel, 146

of Jazz, 19

Graves, Robert, 26

Grove Dictionary of Music, 196

Gogarten, Friedrich, 85

Gray, Jennie, 252

Grumach, Ernst, 17

Gogol, Nikolai, 315, 358, 382,

Gray, Thomas, Eleg y, 160

Guardini, Romano, 17, 397

391, 399, 413, 461, 477, 482,

Greek literature, 79, 407, 521;

Guéranger, Dom, 267

498, 509. Works: Dead Souls,

classics, xv, xvii, 99, 266, 315,

Guevara, Ernesto “Che,” 97,

103; Evenings on a Farm, 476;

336; drama, 3, 269, 549;

98, 222–23; Guerrilla War-

Inspector General, 279; Spiri-

mythology, 66, 71, 276, 318,

fare, 223

tual Letters, 267; Taras Bulba,

356, 496; philosophy, 371

Guillén, Jorge, 178, 264


Green, Henry, 532, 543

Guiteras, Antonio, 98

Gold, Michael, Jews Without

Green, John Richard, 111; His-

Guitton, Jean, 421

Money, 11

tory of the English People, 104,

Gumilyov, Nikolay, 8

Goldberg, Rube, 483


Gunberg, Carl, 366

Golding, William, 24

Green, T. H., 521–22

Gundolf, Friedrich, 17, 204

Goldman, Emma, 358, 468

Greene, Graham, 123, 216–18,

Gunkel, Hermann, 85

Goldmark, Rubin, 115

398, 523. Works: Brighton

Gurdijieff, Georges, 222, 312

Goldschmidt, Levin, 548

Rock, 216; A Burnt Out Case,

Gusman, Martin Luiz, The

Goldsmith, Oliver, 132

216; England Made Me, 216;

Eagle and the Serpent, 448

Goldwater, Barry, Conscience of a

The Fugitive, 174; A Gun for

Guthrie, Woody, Bound for

Conservative, 442

Sale, 216; The Heart of the

Glory, 148



Gutierrez Merino, Gustavo,


Guyau, Jean-Marie, 50, 427

Gysin, Brion, 87

Haar, Alfred, 387 Haberler, Gottfried, 233 Hadden, Briton, 330

Haeckel, Ernst, 93, 377; Mysteries of the Universe, 300

Haeering, Theodor, 85 Hagen, Alice Caldwell, Mrs.

Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch,


Haggard, H. Rider, 217 Hahn, Hans, 93 Haiku, 364

Haile Selassie, 227–28, 347 Hakluyt, Richard, Voyages, 566 Halberstadt, Vitali, Opposition et

cases conjugees sont reconciles,


Halbwachs, Maurice, 146 Halevi, Judah, Khuzari, 482 Haliburton, Thomas Chandler,


Hall, G. Stanley, 133, 277 Hallam, Henry, 110 Ham, Mordecai, 213

Hamann, Johann Georg, 565 Hambitzer, Charles, 196 Hamburger, Natalie, 27 Hamilton, Alexander, 238, 330 Hamilton, Edith, The Greek

Way, 291 Hamilton, Juan, 401 Hammann, Otto, 55

Hammarskjöld, Dag, 228–29 Hammer, Michael, Reenginering

the Corporation, 195

Hammett, Dashell, 340

Hamon, Louis (Cheiro),

Cheiro’s Book of Numbers, 436 Hamsun, Knut, 300, 444.

Works: Hunger, 482; Pan,

482; Sult, 377 Hanslick, Eduard, 564 Harbou, Thea von, 308

Hardenberg, Friedrich von. See Novalis

Harding, Warren G., 253 Hardy, Thomas, 22, 26, 38,

109, 114, 135, 219, 310, 399, 454, 513, 537. Works: The Return of the Native, 496; Tess of the D’Urbervilles, 536

Hardy Boys books, 497

Harland, Henry, The Yellow Book, 142

Harlem Renaissance, 14, 102, 376

Harmsworth, Alfred Charles William, Lord Northcliffe, 7

Harnack, Adolf von, 33, 61, 62, 85, 388; The Essence of Christianity, 28

Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 14

Harper’s, 65 Harper’s Weekly, 152 Harris, Ed, 250 Harris, Frank, 499

Harris, George Washington, 169

Harris, Joel Chandler, Br’er Rabbit, 36; Uncle Remus stories, 139

Harris, Zellig Sabbetai, 109 Harrison, Frederic, 327, 547 Harrison, George, 37–38 Hartmann, Eduard von, 51,


Hartmann, Nikolai, 62

Harvard Advocate, 53

Harvard Crimson, 458 Harvard Law Review, 383 Haœek, Jaroslav, 229–30, 232;

The Fortunes of the Good Soldier Πvejk, 230

Hasse, Henry, 65 Hastings, Warren, 348 Hauptmann, Gerhart, 147,

231–32, 332, 403. Works:

Der Apostel, 231; Bahnwärter Thiel, 231; Before Sunrise, 231; Elga, 231; Fasching, 231; Peace Celebrations, 231; “Phantom,” 231; Promethidenlos, 231; The Weavers, 231; The Sunken Bell, 231

Havel, Václav, 143, 232–33, 254. Works: The Garden Party, 232; The Increased Difficulty of Concentration, 232; Largo Desolato, 232; Letters to Olga, 232; The Memorandum,

232; “Power of the Powerless,” 232; Temptation, 232

Havlícek, Karel, 350

Hawkes, John, 398 Hawks, Howard, 203

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 92, 99, 106, 398, 482, 571; The Scarlet Letter, 99, 489

Hawtrey, Charles, 116

Hawtrey, Ralph, 294

Hayek, F. A., 233–35, 432, 512. Works: The Constitution of Liberty, 235; The Fatal Conceit, 235; Law, Legislation and Liberty, 235; The Road to Serfdom, 156, 235, 433, 511; The Sensory Order, 234

Hayes, Alfred, 116 Hayes, John Michael, 245 Hayford, J. E. Casely, 192 Haywood, Bill, 468 Hazlitt, William, 106, 385 Heaney, Seamus, 235–36.

Works: Death of a Naturalist, 235; Door into the Dark, 235; Electric Light, 236; Field Work, 235; The Haw Lantern, 235; North, 235; Place and Displacement, 236; The Spirit Level, 236; Station Island, 235; Sweeney Astray, 235; Wintering Out, 235

Heard, Gerald, 256, 312, 329 Hearst, William Randolph,

213, 237–39, 550, 551; In the News, 238

Heath, Edward, 511 Hebbel, Friedrich, 299, 332 Hebel, Johann Peter, 61 Hébert, Anne, 24

Hefele, Karl Joseph, History of the Councils, 420

Hegel, 17, 30, 39, 50, 55, 118, 146, 147, 166, 176, 204, 215, 239, 240, 247, 262, 276, 297, 298, 332, 345, 352, 384, 433, 476, 492, 514, 529, 548, 565. Works: Phenomenolog y of Spirit, 146, 166

Heidegger, Martin, 17, 39, 62, 85, 127, 147, 166, 177, 232, 239–41, 345, 471, 472, 514. Works: Being and Time,

130, 240, 406; “Release,” 240

Heilbroner, Robert, 43 Heine, Heinrich, 5, 200, 230,

243, 264, 308, 344, 430, 560;

Book of Songs, 200

Heinlein, Robert, 66 Heisenberg, Werner, 58, 361 Heisterbach, Casarius, 243 Heitmuller, Wilhelm, 84 Helfferich, Karl, 55 Hellman, Lillian, 54, 116



Helmholtz, Hermann von, 93,

Hilferding, Rudolf, Finance

Hollis, Christopher, 544


Capital, 84

Holms, John Clellon, 201

Hemingway, Ernest, 92, 136,

Hill, Robert, 307

Hölscher, Gustav, 85

141, 171, 191, 241–42, 300,

Hillman, Carl, Emancipation

Holst, Adrian, 370

301, 382, 398, 399, 400, 444,

Hints, 206

Holst, Hermann Eduard von,

445, 485, 494. Works: A

Hilton, Jack, English Ways, 408


Farewell to Arms, 241; For

Hindemith, Paul, 196, 437

Holt, Luther, The Care and

Whom the Bell Tolls, 241; The

Hindenburg, Paul von, 55,

Feeding of Children, 491

Green Hills of Africa, 447; In

243–44, 247, 330

Holy Koran of the Moorish Science

Our Time, 241; The Killers,

Hinduism, 221, 243, 276

Temple, 376

509; A Moveable Feast, 241;

Hinzpeter, Georg Ernst, 557

Holz, Arno, 231

The Old Man and the Sea,

Hirsch, David, 206

Homer, xv, 92, 119, 142, 316,

138; The Sun Also Rises, 241;

Hita, Arcipreste de, 189

466, 518, 548, 557. Works:

Three Stories and Ten Poems,

Hitchcock, Alfred, 203,

Iliad, 30, 99, 200, 285, 332,

241; To Have and Have Not,

245–46, 307, 523

550; Odyssey, 30, 182, 273,


Hitler, Adolf, 5, 6, 17, 25, 34,

285, 416

Henkin, Leon, 387

105, 112, 172, 177, 204, 211,

Honecker, Erich, 251–52

Henley, W. T., 245

237, 246–48, 250, 288, 302,

Hook, Sidney, 43

Henry, Charles, 377

330, 342, 344, 345, 366, 380,

Hoover, Herbert, 252–54.

Henry, Patrick, 192

389, 407, 473, 487, 514, 564.

Works: Addresses Upon the

Henty, G. A., 171, 348, 481

Works: Mein Kampf, 103,

American Road, 253; An

Heraclitus, 125, 135

205, 212, 223, 247, 446–47

American Epic, 253; American

Herald of Wales, 512

Hobbes, Thomas, 392; The Ele-

Individualism, 253; The Chal-

Herbart, Johann, 118

ments of Law, 208

lenge to Liberty, 253; The

Herbert, Frank, 489

Hobrecht, Artur, 548

Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson,

Herbert, George, 79, 537;

Hobrecht, James, 548


“Easter Wings,” 513

Hobson, J. A., 375

Hope, Laurence, 117

Herbert, Laura, 543

Hocking, William Ernest, 329

Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 135,

Herbert, Zbigniew, 236

Hodge, Charles, 415

398, 513

Herbertz, Richard, 147

Hodgkin, Dorothy, 511

Hopper, Edward, 92

Herder, Johann Gottfried, 349,

Hoennicke, Gustav, 85

Horace, 8, 125, 470, 532


Hofer, Abram, 312

Horizon, 407

Herman, Florence, 560

Hoffenberg, Mason, 445

Horkheimer, Max, 345

Herodotus, 548

Hoffmann, August. See Fallers-

Horne, Charles, Great Men and

Herrick, Robert, 169, 532

leben, Hoffmann von

Famous Women, 525

Herrmann, Wilhelm, 33, 85

Hoffmann, E. T. A., 242

Horney, Karen, 350

Herron, George, 81

Hofmann, Albert, 312

Horst, Louis, 214

Hershey, John, A Bell for Adano,

Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 136,

Hostie, Raymond, 398


228, 248–49, 444. Works:

Hotelling, Harold, 181

Hertz, Heinrich, 300, 565

Die äg yptische Helena, 249;

House, Edward M., 563

Hertz, Paul, 93

Andreas, 248; Ariadne auf

Houseman, John, 550

Hervé, Gustave, 378

Naxos, 249; “Ein Brief,” 249;

Housman, A. E., 99, 169, 382,

Hesiod, Theogony, 71, 188

Das Erlebnis des Marschalls von

407, 537; A Shropshire Lad,

Hess, Rudolf, 247

Bassompierre, 249; Elektra,


Hesse, Hermann, 228, 242–43,

249; Die Fraud ohne Schatten,

Howard, Bruce, 543

312, 444; Demian, 243

249; Das gerettete

Howe, Irving, 43

Hewlett, Maurice, Life and

Venedig, 249; Jedermann, 248;

Howells, 99; The Rise of Silas

Death of Richard Yea-and-Nay,

“Märchen der 672. Nacht,”

Lapham, 453



Hubbard, L. Ron, 489

Heydrich, Reinhard, 211

Hogarth, David, A Wandering

Hugel, Friedrich von, 397

Heym, Georg, 147

Scholar in the Levant, 311

Hughes, Everett C., French

Heyward, DuBose, Porg y, 196

Hokusai Katsushika, 305

Canada in Transition, 146

Higgs, Joe, 346

Hölderlin, Friedrich, 147, 239,

Hughes, Langston, 102, 297;

High School Physical Geography,

243, 301, 444, 446, 447, 514

Famous American Negroes, 19


Holl, Karl, 61

Hughes, Richard, A High Wind

High-Wood, Vivien, 162

Holland, Agnieszka, 249–51

in Jamaica, 363

Hilbert, David, 93, 387

Hollingshead, Michael, 312

Hughes, Ted, 236



Hugnet, George: Le Chèvre-

International Migration Soci-

of the Open Form, 263;

Feuille, 428; Non Vouloir, 428

ety, 376

“Transgressions,” 262

Hugo, Victor, 109, 125, 128,

Invernizio, Carolina, 215

Janouch, Gustav, 280

152, 168, 200, 230, 258, 340,

Ionesco, Eugène, 76, 232,

Japanese literature: drama, 434;

358, 438, 440, 492. Works:

257–59, 501. Works: The

haiku, 364; poetry, 504

Les Misérables, 124, 327, 368,

Bald Primadonna, 257; La

Jarrell, Randall, 135, 398

378, 560

leçon, 257; No, 257; Rhi-

Jarret, Bede, 217

Huizinga, Johan, 156

neocérous, 257; Le roi se meurt,

Jarry, Alfred, 258; Works: The

Hull House, 3, 4


Exploits and Opinions of Doctor

Hulme, T. E., 434

Irish Poverty, 206

Faustroll, Pataphysician, 145,

Hume, David, 235, 350, 433,

Irish Republican Army, 2

428; “The Passion Consid-


Irving, Washington, 106, 252

ered as an Uphill Bicycle

Huneker, James, 359, 562

Isaac, 555

Race,” 145; The Supermale,

Hurston, Zora Neale, 14

Iskra, 314


Hus, Jan, 350

Itten, Johannes, 220

Jaspers, Karl, 17, 85, 146, 166,

Husák, Gustáv, 232, 254–55

Ivan IV, 161


Husserl, Edmund, 17, 39, 62,

Ivanovsky, Nikolai, 394

Jaurès, Jean, 50; Historie social-

130, 239, 240, 269, 345, 471,

Ivanov, Vsevolod, 492

iste, 368; L’Humanité, 368

472, 550. Works: Logical

Ivan the Terrible, 492

Jeanneret, Charles Edouard.

Investigations, 405, 419; The

Ives, Charles, 395

See Le Corbusier

Origin of Geometry, 130; Year-


Jeffers, Robinson, 496

books, 406

Jabtinsky, Vladimir, 301

Jefferson, Thomas, 238, 434,

Huston, John, 65

Jackson, Helen Hunt, Ramona,

442, 521, 524

Huxley, Aldous, 24, 255–56,


Jeremiah, 54

312, 337, 343, 359, 463.

Jacob, Old Testament story of,

Jesse Brown, 129

Works: Antic Hay, 255; Brave


Jessup, John, 329

New World, 255, 408; Crome

Jacob, Max, 340, 428

Jesus, 7, 286, 297, 323, 351,

Yellow, 255; Mortal Coils, 255;

Jacobsen, Jens Peter, 377

388, 450, 459, 481

Point Counter Point, 255, 258

Jacoby, Georg, 136

Jewett, Sarah Orne, 99; Country

Huxley, Julian, 255, 361

Jacques, Norbert, 308

of the Pointed Firs, 99

Huxley, Thomas Henry, 255,

Jaeger, Hans, Homo Sapiens, 378

Jewish Daily Forward, 482

359, 360, 500; Lessons in Ele-

Jagow, Gottlieb von, 55

Jiménez, Juan Ramón,

mentary Physiolog y, 133

Jakobson, Roman, 318

264–66. Works: Almas de

Huysmans, Joris-Karl, 535; Là-

James, C. L. R., 261–62.

Violeta, 264; Animal de fondo,

bas, 86

Works: Black Jacobins, 262;

265; Arias Tristes, 265; Estío,

Hyppolite, Jean, 176

The Life of Captain Cipriani,

264; Jardines Lejanos, 264;


261; Mariners, Renegades and

Ninfeas, 264; Platero y yo,

Ibsen, Henrik, 80, 147, 273,

Castaways, 262; Minty Allen,

264; Romances de Coral

299, 309, 332, 403, 416, 498,

262; Toussaint L’Ouverture,

Gables, 265; Sonetos espiri-

501, 529, 560. Works: A

261; “Triumph,” 262

tuales, 264; Tiempo y muerta,

Doll’s House, 152, 167; Ghosts,

James, Henry, 64, 92, 99, 116,


152, 231; Hedda Gabler, 152,

398, 552, 562. Works: The

John XXIII, 266–68, 420; Jour-

506; Rosmersholm, 231; The

American, 453; The Turn of

nal of a Soul, 267

Wild Duck, 231

the Screw, 77; Washington

John of the Cross, 188, 229,

Icelandic literature, Eddas, xvi,

Square, 250, 395

258, 264, 265, 269, 397, 475

58, 517. See also Norse litera-

James, Marquis, 524

John Paul II, 268–70. Works:


James, William, 4, 51, 91, 92,

David, 269; The Doctrine of

I Ching, 20, 38, 312

277, 309, 312, 324, 427, 495,

Faith in St. John of the Cross,

Idea, 284

530 . Works: Pragmatism,

268; Jeremiah, 269; Job, 269;

Ignatius of Loyola, 479

309; Psycholog y: The Briefer

Love and Responsibility, 269;

Ilf, Ilya, The Twelve Chairs, 11

Course, 182; Varieties of Reli-

Our God’s Brother, 269; Person

Illustrated London News, 129

gious Experience, 123, 565

and Deed, 269

Il Popolo d’Italia, 379

Janácek, Leoœ, 90

John the Baptist, 266

Index of Prohibited Books (Roman

Janet, Pierre, 39, 276, 277, 427

Johnson, Charles Underwood,

Catholic), 50, 200, 267

Janiger, Oscar, 312


Ingarden, Roman, 269

Janion, Maria, 262–63. Works:

Johnson, Georgia, 14

Ingersoll, Robert, 124, 355,

Romanticism, 163; The

Johnson, James Weldon, “The

468; Essays and Lectures, 106

Romantic Fever, 263; The Time

Creation,” 14



Johnson, Lyndon Baines,

Kabuki theater, 162

Kazantzakis, Nikos, 285–86.

270–72, 290, 298

Kadar, Janos, 384

Works: Freedom or Death,

Johnson, Paul, Modern Times,

Kafka, Franz, 63, 147, 149,

285; The Last Temptation of


171, 201, 223, 233, 279–80,

Christ, 286; The Odyssey: A

Johnson, Samuel, 398, 490, 565

303, 382, 398, 430, 444.

Modern Sequel, 285; St. Fran-

Johnson, William Ernest, 565

Works: Amerika, 280; The

cis, 286; Zorba the Greek, 285

Johst, Hanns, Der Einsame, 74

Castle, 363; “The Judgment,”

Kazbegi, Alexander, The Patri-

Joinville, Jean de, 125

279; The Metamorphosis, 382,

cide, 492

Jolas, Eugene, 41

555; The Trial, 280, 551

Keaton, Buster, 41

Joliot-Curie, Frédéric, 390

Kaftan, Julius, 85

Keats, John, 8, 120, 169, 318,

Jonas, Franz, 539

Kagan, Matvei Isaevich, 30

332, 357, 381, 476, 581;

Jonas, Hans, 17

Kahlo, Frida, 281–82

Endymion, 560

Jones, D. G., 24

Kahn, Rober, 451

Kedzierski, Pawel, 250

Jones, Gayle, 373

Kaiser, Georg: Coral, 308; Gas

Keelere, Leo W., 328

Jones, Homer, 181

I, 91

Keene, Carolyn, 497

Jones, Madison, 398

Kalbeck, Max, 565

Keller, Gottfried, 243, 249,

Jones, Owen, Grammar and

Kamenev, Lev, 492

332, 444

Ornament, 313

Kandinsky, Vassily, 20, 220,

Kelsey, George, 296

Jones, Robert Edmond, 402

282–83, 299, 473. Works:

Kemnitz, Mathilde, 331

Jones, Thomas, 32

The Blaue Reiter Almanac,

Kempis, Thomas à, 229; Imita-

Jonson, Ben, 169, 353

282; On the Spiritual in Art,

tion of Christ, 123

Jorgenson, Josef, 239

282, 372, 401

Kennan, George F., 286–88.

Joseph, Keith, 511

Kanellopoulos, Anayiotis, 284

Works: “Long Telegram,”

Joshua, 48

Kansas City Star, 241

287; “The Sources of Soviet

Jouvenael, Henry de, 113

Kant, Immanuel, 17, 39, 44, 45,

Conduct,” 287

Joyce, James, 8, 130, 153, 162,

50, 62, 82, 118, 121, 141,

Kennedy, Jacqueline, 291

168, 171, 191, 208, 236, 242,

147, 177, 239, 276, 298, 312,

Kennedy, John F., 69, 98, 107,

272–74, 303, 353, 354, 359,

328, 332, 371, 392, 405, 427,

182, 266, 270, 288–90, 298,

382, 399, 400, 430, 434, 459,

433, 438, 476, 492, 500, 514,

342, 453, 504. Works: Profiles

513, 518, 532. Works:

529, 548, 550, 560, 565; Cri-

in Courage, 289; Why England

Dubliners, 272; Exiles, 273;

tique of Pure Reason, 30, 93,

Slept, 289

Finnegans Wake, 38, 41, 273,

157, 419

Kennedy, Joseph P., 288, 290

556; Our Exgamination round

Kantemir, Antioch, 79

Kennedy, Robert F., 290–92

his Factification for Incamina-

Kantzow, Karin von, 211

Kepler, Johannes, 300

tion of Work in Progress, 41; A

Kapp, Friedrich, 548

Kerensky, Aleksandr, 382, 519

Portrait of the Artist as a

Karadzˇic´, Vuk, 13

Kern, Jerome, 52

Young Man, 272; Ulysses, 130,

Karamanlis, Konstantinos,

Kerner, Justinus, 276

138, 142, 169, 217, 242, 272,


Kerouac, Jack, 87, 201,

312, 382, 461, 489, 499, 567

Kardelj, Edvard, 516

292–93, 312, 532. Works:

Juan Carlos I De Bourbon,

Karmel, Alex, 116

“And the Hippos Were


Karno, Fred, 106

Boiled in Their Tanks,” 87;

Judina, Maria Veniaminovna,

Karp, Frieda, 53

Big Sur, 292; The Dharma


Karsavina, Tamara, 503

Bums, 292; Mexico City Blues,

Juhos, Bela von, 93

Kasprowicz, Jan: The Book of the

292; On the Road, 202, 292;

Jülicher, Adolf, 84

Poor, 269; Hymns, 269

The Subterraneans, 292; The

Jung, Carl, 22, 41, 128, 214,

Katazenberg, Jeffrey, 489

Town and the City, 292

223, 243, 258, 276–77, 300,

Kathimerini, 284

Kerr, Alfred, 136, 332

356, 375, 398, 427, 496; On

Katz, Harold A., 383

Kesey, Ken, 312

the Psycholog y of the Uncon-

Katzenelson, Berl, What is

Key, Ellen, 469; The Woman

scious, 309

Socialist Zionism?, 358

Movement, 64

Jünger, Ernst, 147; In Stahlge-

Kaufman, George, 52

Keynes, John Maynard, 156,

wittern, 444

Kaufmann, Felix, 93; Methoden-

223, 256, 264, 293–94, 463,

Jungmann, Josef, 350, 420

lebre der Sozialwissenschaftern,

502, 565. Works: Economic

Juszkiewicz, Anton, 504


Consequences of the Peace, 293;

Juvenal, 267

Kautsky, Karl, 124, 315, 378,

Essays in Biography, 293;


492, 521

Essays in Persuasion, 293; The

Kabbala, 482, 555

Kavanagh, Patrick, 236, 399

General Theory of Employ-

Kabir, 364

Kazan, Elia, 362

ment, Interest and Money, 293;


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