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Mary Barker’s Family Tree

Mary’s family is very big. Her parents’ names are Beatrice and William. Mary’s parents have four children: two sons and two daughters. Their sons’ names are Charles and Jim, their daughters’ names are Mary and Ann. Beatrice Parke)' has two parents. Robert is her father and Alice is her mother. Beatrice’s husband William has one parent — David Barker. He does not have a wife. He has two sons William and Harry. Harry’s wife Margaret has a mother. Her mother’s name is Elizabeth. Charles, Jim, Mary, Ann, Sally and John are cou­sins.

T: Open your work books on page 27. Listen to the story about Mary’s family and fill out her family tree. Write down the names of her family members. (В рабочей тетради дана частично заполненная схема семейного древа.)

Listen to the story once more and complete the sentences about Mary’s family.

  1. Организуйте в необходимой последовательности предложенные ниже учебные действия учащихся 7 класса и обучающие действия учителя, направленные на проверку понимания текста на слух:

  1. альтернативные и специальные вопросы учителя с целью проверки основного содержания текста;

  2. ознакомление с новой лексикой (два слова);

  3. установка на второе прослушивание;

  4. предваряющая беседа по теме текста;

  5. первое прослушивание;

  6. высказывания учащихся по проблеме текста;

  7. установка на первое прослушивание;

  8. высказывание учащихся по теме в рамках диалога культур;

  9. краткое изложение точки зрения автора на проблему;

  10. вопросы с целью проверки детального понимания текста.

  1. Проанализируйте фрагменты двух уроков, посвя­щенные развитию умений понимания речи на слух у уча­щихся 9 класса с хорошей языковой подготовкой (Кузов- лев В. П. и др.). Работе какого учителя вы отдадите пред­почтение? Обоснуйте свой выбор.

In recent years smoking has received a lot of bad publicity (реклама) in GB. Many companies have banned smoking in their offices and canteens. Smoking is banned on the Lon­don Underground, in cinemas and theatres, and on most buses.

There are special smoker’s carriages on trains. An official warning is printed by law on all cigarette packets.

Cigarette advertising is banned on television and radio.


Т: Listen and say what measures have been taken against smoking in Great Britain.

Учащиеся слушают текст.

T: Has smoking received a lot of bad publicity in Great Britain?

Px: Yes, it has.

T: Where is smoking banned in London?

P2: It’s banned on the London Underground, in cinemas, theatres and on buses.

T: That’s right. Where can you smoke on trains?

P3: There are smoker’s carriages.

T: Right you are. Can you see any cigarette ads on televi­sion and radio? Why?

P4: Cigarette advertising is banned on both TV and radio.


Listen and say what measures have been taken against smoking in Great Britain.

Учащиеся слушают текст.

T: Has smoking received a lot of bad publicity in Great Britain recently?

  • What about Russia? Is the problem dealt with in our mass media?

  • In which places is smoking banned in London?

  • How about this country. Where is smoking banned?

  • Can you smoke on the train in Great Britain and Russia?

  • Is smoking banned on planes in Russia?

  • Some companies have banned smoking in their offices both in Great Britain and Russia, haven’t they?

  • What is your attitude to smoking in public places?

  • Don’t you think that young people here in Russia smoke too much? What can be done about it?

  • Suppose your friend smokes. Give your arguments against smoking.

  • Make an anti-smoking advertisement for your school newspaper.

  1. Проанализируйте этап урока в группе учащихся 6 класса с хорошей языковой подготовкой, задачей которо­го является развитие умений аудирования. Эффективно ли использовал учитель время на уроке? Как бы вы поступи­ли в аналогичной ситуации?

Т: Listen to the story and say why the teacher laughed.

The teacher came into the classroom and said, “I want you to write a story about a football or a volleyball game.” All the pupils opened their exercise books and began writing. But one boy wrote only three words. Then he stood up and gave his exercise book to the teacher. When she opened it, she be­gan laughing. There were only three words in it: Rain, no game.

После прослушивания текста класс дружно рассмеялся.

Т: Who came into the classroom?

Pj': The teacher did.

T: What did he say?

P2: He said they would write about a football match.

Учащиеся не проявляют должного интереса, начинают заниматься посторонними делами.

Т: Petrov, behave yourself. Why did the teacher laugh?

P4: The teacher laughed because the boy wrote only three words.

  1. Задачей одного из этапов урока в 8 классе является дальнейшее развитие умений аудирования.

Учитель дает установку на слушание: Listen to the text, I shall ask you questions afterwards.