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гос / Gosy / Иностранный язык (английская часть).doc
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Structural class-ion

Phras. units may be defined as specific word-groups functioning as word-equivalents to definite classes of words. They have the part-of-speech meaning. Comparing the free word-group (e.g. “a long day”) and the phras. unit (e.g. “in the long run”) we observe that in the free word-group the noun “day” and the adjective “long” preserve a part of speech meaning proper to this word taken in isolation. The whole group is viewed as composed of two independent units (A+N). In the phr.unit “in the long run” the part-of-speech meaning belongs to the group as a single whole. ‘In the long run’ is grammatically equivalent to single adverbs (finally, firstly, etc.). so, we distinguish set-expressions that are:

  • nominal phrases functioning like nouns:

skeleton in the cupboard (семейная тайна), Baker’s dozen (чертова дюжина);

  • verbal phrases functioning like verbs:

to take the bull by the horn (действовать решительно), to put a finger into every pie (соваться во все дела).

  • adjectival phrases functioning kike adjectives:

cool as a cucumber (хладнокровный), poor as a church mouse (бедный, как церковная мышь).

  • adverbial phrases functioning like adverbs:

before you can say “Jack Robinson” (мгновенно), by hook or by crook (так или иначе).

  • conjunctional and prepositional phrases: As long as, as soon as, in spite of.

  • interjectional phrases: like hell (черта с два), my foot (держи карман шире).

Etimological class-ion

The sources of phras. units are different spheres of life:

Sea life: Tell that to the Marines – вздор, ври больше; In deep waters – в беде.

Fish and fishing: to fish in troubled wayers – ловить рыбку в мутной воде.

Sport: the ball is with you – слово за вами, to have the ball at one’s feet – быть хозяином положения.

Army:tomarchtime– топтаться на месте, бездействовать;tomuskone’sbutteries– скрывать враждебное настроение.

Hunting:toturntail– обратиться в бегство, дать стрекача.

Animals’ life: crocodile teares, it rains cats and dogs.

Theatre: to play to the gallery – искать дешевой популярности.

Medicine: to sweeten the pill – подсластить лекарство.

Technic: to get up steam – развести пары.

Agriculture: to get smb’s goat – разозлить к.-л.

Historical events or customs: peeping Tom – любопытный.

Trade: to talk shop – говорить по делу, best-seller – ходкий товар.


Besides phr. units the language has set phrases which are equivalents of sentences. They are proverbs, sayings, aphorisms. E.g. custom is second nature.

Proverbs are set phrases because they also are not created in the process of speech. They are part of the vocabulary which are created by folk. If we compare R. and E. proverbs and phr. fusions we’ll discover some interesting phenomena. Both languages have analogues proverbs:

Appetite comes with eating. Don’t look a gift horse into the mouth.

Sometimes the meaning are analogues but the semantic center of the phrases is different in R. and in E. E.g. Rome was not built in a day – Москва не сразу строилась.

Proverbs is a short saying usually well-known and handed down from ancient times, containing words of advice, warning or wisdom.