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гос / Gosy / Иностранный язык (английская часть).doc
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24. The Sentence

When we speak or write we convey our thougths through sentences. A sentence is the only unit of language which is capable of expressing a communication containing some kind of information. But linguistics is at difficulty to define it. One of the definitions is ‘the sentence is the smallest communication unit expressing a more or less complete thought and having a definite grammatical structure and intonation’. In most sentences intonation functions as part of a whole system of formal characteristics.

The sentence and the word group (phrase)

Neither words no word groups can express communication. Cf. the arrival of the delegation is expected next week (a sentence). It is a structure in which words are grouped (arranged) according to definite rules (patterns).

Another difference between the sentence and the phrase is predicativity. Predicativity comprises tense and mood components. The sentence together with predicativity expresses a fact, while a phrase gives a nomination without time reference:

The doctor arrived. The doctor’s arrival.

Predication is a word or combination of words expressing predicativity. Thus the essential property of sentence is predicativity and intonation.

Classification of Sentences

Sentences are classified 1) according to the types of communication and 2) according to their structure.

In accordance with the types of communication sentences are divided into:

Declarative (giving information). E.g. the book is interesting (statement).

Interrogative (asking for information). E.g. is the book interesting? (question).

Imperative (asking for action). E.g. give me the book! (command, request).

Each of these 3 kinds of sentences may be in the affirmative and negative form, exclamatory and non- exclamatory.

Types of Sentences According to Structure

I a) Simple sentences containing one predication (subject-predicate relationship)

b) Composite sentences containing one or more predications Composite sentences are divided into compound and complex sentences.

II. Simple sentences and main clauses may be two-member and one-member sentences.

The two-member sentence pattern is typical of the vast majority of sentences in English. It is a sentence with full predication. (The Sun shines. She walks fast).

If a simple sentence contains the subject and the predicate only, it is called unextended. E.g. spring came.

If a sentence comprises secondary parts besides the main parts, it is called extended. E.g. Dick came home late.

The one-member sentence contains only one principle part, which is neither the subject nor the predicate. E.g. Thieves! Fire! A cup of tea, please! A one-member sentence sometimes resembles a two-member sentence. E.g. No birds singing in the dawn. It may be complex in structure: e.g. And what if he had seen them embracing in the moonlight?

Imperative sentences with no subject also belong here: Get away from me!

If the main part is expressed by an infinitive, such a one-member sentence is called an infinitive sentence: Oh, to be in England!

The exclamatory character is a necessary feature of these sentences. Infinitive sentences are very common in represented speech.