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Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Оренбургский государственный университет»

Кафедра английского языка естественно-научных и инженерно-технических специальностей


Power Engineering


Рекомендовано к изданию Редакционно-издательским советом Государственного образовательного учреждения

высшего профессионального образования «Оренбургский государственный университет»

Оренбург 2003


ББК 81.2Англ я73

С-59 УДК 802.0.621.3 (075.8)

Рецензенты кандидат филологических наук, доцент Н. С. Сахарова

кандидат филологических наук, доцент Л.Ф. Мачнева

Соколова Е. В.

С-59 Power Engineering: Методические указания по английскому языку – Оренбург: ГОУ ВПО ОГУ,2003.- 49 c.

Данные методические указания представляют собой подборку текстов, упражнений, диалогов по разговорным темам для студентов второго курса электроэнергетического факультета. Предлагаемые упражнения и тексты способствуют развитию диалогической и монологической речи, а также развивают умения перевода и навыки говорения. Предназначено для использования на практических занятиях по английскому языку.

ББК 81.2Англ я73

©Соколова Е.В.,2003

©ОГУ ВПО ОГУ, 2003



Данные методические указания предназначены для студентов второго курса электроэнергетического факультета специальности Электроснабжение. Цель методических указанийвыработка навыков чтения, говорения и понимания литературы технического профиля. Методические указания состоят из 15 уроков (Lessons), включающих тексты для изучающего чтения, упражнения на развитие коммуникативных навыков, упражнения для самостоятельной работы на закрепление лексического и грамматического материала. В методические указания включены речевые упражнения в виде диалогов, которые имитируют типичные ситуации общения, связанные со специальностью.


1Lesson 1

1.1 Прочтите слова согласно транскрипции

engineering , electronics, base, vacuum, application various , purpose , phase , frequent basis , television , radar , branch , broadcasting , transmit , academician , contribute , propagation , particularly , research , award ,physics , specialist , intervision , colour , program(me) , supervision , operate , phenomenon , dissipation , effect , communication outstanding , recent , circuitry .

1.2 Прочтите слова, обращая внимание на смещение ударения

considerable — consideration; various — variety; electric-(al) — electricity; particular — particularity; specialize — speciality; active — activity; industry — industrial; solve — solution; signify — significance; oscillate — oscillation; operate — operation; history — historic; organize— organization; apply — application; science

— scientific; investigate — investigation; academy— academician; dissipate — dissipation

1.3 Сгруппируйте эквиваленты

To enlarge the application, high frequency currents, along with, for the time being, to be of particularly great significance, to put into practice, under the supervision, direct broardcasts, to make great contribution, to operate at 10cm waves, other fields, phenomenon, flow, radio-transmitting and radio-receiving devices

Вместе с тем , в настоящее время, делать большой вклад, другие области, иметь особенно большое значение, под руководством, поток, расширять применение, претворять в жизнь, прямые передачи, работать на 10см волнах, радиоприемные и радиопередающие устройства, токи высокой частоты, явление

1.4 Сгуппируйте синонимы

significance, under the supervision, apply, purpose , various , obtain , tube , basic , widely , in the field of, put into operation, research , use is made, develop , principles , enlarge .investigation application is made, put into service, importance , extend , fundamental , broadly , in the sphere of, use , aim , valve , different , work out , get , fundamentals , under the guidance.

1.5 Сгруппируйте антонимы

frequently , enlarge , important , part , radio-transmitting devices, a great deal of, success , significant , regular , include , insignificant , the whole , little , irregular , unimportant , rarely , exclude , failure , decrease , radio-receiving devices.

1.6 Прочтите и переведите текст


Radio electronics the development of radio engineering and electronics in Russia

1.The invention of electronic devices whose activity is based upon the flow of free electrons in a vacuum has considerably enlarged the application of electrical energy for various industrial purposes. It has become a new important phase in the development of electrical engineering as a whole.

2.It is electronic devices that made it possible to solve the problem of obtaining high frequency currents which are the basis of radio engineering, television, "talkies", radar and other very important branches of modern engineering.

3.Radio, one of the most outstanding achievements was .invented by A. S. Popov in 1909. Broadcasting began to develop in Russia along with short waves. For the time 'Bang radiobroadcasting has become a part of our life. It is known that the basic devices in radio engineering are radio-transmitting and radio receiving ones. The theory of both these devices was developed by Russian scientists.

4.In the early 30's Academician A. I. Berg developed the theory of radiotransmitting devices, and Professor Siforov worked out the theory of radio-receiving devices. Academician Vvedensky contributed a great deal to the successful development of Russian radio electronics. His investigations in the field of propagation of ul- tra-short waves were of particularly great significance. The results of the researches are widely used in television, radar and other fields of radio electronics. On May 5, 1949 Academician Vvedensky was awarded the Popov Gold Medal for work in the field of radio physics and radio engineering, as well as for his research work in the field of propagation of ultra-short waves.

5.In the early 30's electronic television was being developed. Principles of electronic. In 1939 the Moscow television centre was put into operation. The newly built 536 metre television tower in Moscow makes it possible to extend direct broadcasts to more than a hundred kilometres. 6. Inter vision has come into being, colour programmes are being regularly broadcast in Moscow and Leningrad Moscow and Leningrad TV programmes are being rebroadcast by a large number of stations in different districts.

7.Use is made of radio electronics at every step. In the field of radar Russian specialists made a great contribution such as N. F. Alekseev and D.E Malyarov, who worked under the supervision of Professor M. A. Bontch-Bruevitch, developed a multi-slot magnetron operating at 10 cm waves.One of the first radars was worked out by Kobzarev.

8.N. I. Kabanov discovered the phenomenon of "back dissipation". Wide use is made of Kabanov's effect in radio communication and radar.

9.There have been outstanding changes in recent years including the use of semiconductor devices such as the transistor, printed circuitry, the use of higher frequency for broadcasting and others.

1.7 Переведите словосочетания


1)radio engineering, electrical engineering, heat engineering, radio electronics, power engineering, electron tubes, research work, television signals, television tower, radio communication, electromotive force, radio laboratory, electric oscillations;

2)high frequency currents, radio-receiving sets, radio transmitting devices, ra- dio-receiving devices, Soviet power engineering, direct current motor, alternating current motor, radio frequency currents, vacuum tube amplifiers, multi-slot magnetron;

3)300 metre television tower, high frequency alternating current.

1.8 Ответьте на вопросы

1. What problem was solved thanks to the invention of electronic devices? 2. What currents are the basis of radio engineering, television, "talkies"? 3. In what country was radio invented? 4. What are the basic devices in radio engineering? 5. When was the theory of radio-transmittingdevices developed by Academician A. I. Berg? 6. What theory vidid Professor Siforov develop? 7. In what field did Academician Vvedensky work? 8. In what branches of radio electronics are results of Academician Vvedensky's research widely used? 9. What was Academician Vvedensky awarded the Popov Gold Medal for? 10. By whom were principles of electronic television suggested? 11. By whom were principles of electronic television put into practice? 12. In what field of science did Russian specialists make a great contribution? 1.1. What magnetron did N. V. Alekseev and D. E. Malyarov develop under the supervision of Professor M. A. Bontch-Bruevitch? 14. Who worked out one of the first radars? . 15 What phenomenon was discovered by N. I. Kabanov? 16 In what branches of industry is wide use of Kabanov's effect made? 17. What changes have there been in the branch of radio electronics in recent years?

1.9 Переведите предложения

1. The work begun by A. S. Popov in our country was duly developed thanks to Lenin, and later carried on under the guidance of the Communist Party and Soviet Government. 2. Russian scientists developed both the theory of radio-receiving devices and the theory of radio-transmiting ones. 3. After electronic devices had been developed, the application of electrical energy for various industrial purposes was considerably enlarged. 4. They will have developed this device by next year. 5. Radio electronics has been increasingly developed in recent years. 6. Colour television is being continuously developed. 7. The scientist was developing a new problem when we visited his laboratory last week.8 He has been developing this design since last week. 9. They have developed two devices this year. 10. Our scientists will further develop different kinds of computer.

1.10 Определите, какой частью речи являются слова


invention, considerably, various, electronic, televise, of revision, teacher, metallic, powerless, development, powerful, organize , possibility, transmitter, particularly, significance, propagation, specialist, discovery.

1.11 Переведите предложения

This work as well as that one is in the field of propagation of ultra-short waves. The possibility of communication by means of short waves was realized in the Nizhni Novgorod radio lab in 1924. Along with the theory of radio-transmitting devices the theory of radio-receiving devices was worked out. As compared with other investigations this one is of particularly great significance. As early as 1939 the Moscow television centre was put into operation. Principle of electronic television were put into practice by Russian specialists.

One must say that wide use is made of Kabanov's effect, in radio communication and radar. One can say that after the application of short waves there occurred a sudden change, in radio engineering. Modem planes are much larger than those in use twenty years ago. For the time being use is made of radio electronics everywhere. All Russian investigation are being carried on under the guidance of Russian Government.