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уч_биолог II.doc
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Species – species – вид (виды)

Analysis – analyses – анализ

Nucleus – nuclei – ядро

Stimulus – stimuli – возбудитель, стимул

Genus – genera – род

Phenomenon – phenomena – явление

Datum – data – данные

Maximum – maxima – максимальная величина

Alga – algae – водоросли

Bacterium – bacteria – бактерия

Medium – media – среда

Stoma – stomata – устьице

Bacillus – bacilli – бацилла

Hypothesis – hypotheses – гипотеза

Fungus – fungi – гриб

Thesis – theses – диссертация

Criterion – criteria – критерий

1.21 Form the plural of the following nouns:

Stimulus, nucleus, century, woman, city, fish, property, phenomenon, genus, datum, nucleus, alga, bacterium, process, theory, fruit.

The Passive Voice

The hunter killed the snake.

The snake was killed by the hunter.

Сводная таблица времён to be + Participle Il (worked/written)




Future - in the - Past



to be planted


is planted are


planted were


be planted will


be planted would



to be being planted


is being planted



being planted



to have been planted


been planted


had been planted


have been

will planted


have been

would planted

1.22 Read and translate the following sentences, paying attention to the use of the Passive forms.


  1. The London Zoo was established in 1828 by the Zoological Society of London.

  2. The protein of which feathers are made is also found in lizard skin.

  3. What will happen if more of the Amazon forest is cut down?

  4. The world’s birds have been grouped into 27 orders.

  5. The boys found a bear caught in a trap which had been set by hunters.


  1. Many kinds of exotic animals can be found in Australia today.

  2. There are many people today who think that animals should not be kept in zoos.

  3. An injured pet must be transported to the veterinary office or emergency clinic.

  4. Some animals may be trained to obey certain commands.

  5. Naturalists think that apes can be taught to communicate with the help of sign language.

1.23 Read about three animals. These animals live in different parts of the world and in very different habitats, but they have one very important thing in common. Match the texts with the names of the animals (the Mediterranean monk seal, the African elephant, the Blue Whale).

Text A

This is the largest animal, which has ever lived. It is three times heavier than the biggest dinosaur. Once there were over 200 000 of these creatures living in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. However since the seventeenth century they have been hunted for their oil and meat. In fact, so many of them were killed that by 1963 their population had been reduced to just 1000. Today it is even less than that. This animal is protected by international law, but it is still being hunted. Many people believe that it will soon be extinct.

Text B

This is the world's largest land animal. In 1970 there were about 3.3 million of them living in the wild. Since then enormous numbers of them have been killed for their tusks, which are used to make ornaments and jewellery. Today there are fewer than one million of these animals left. Even though they are now protected, they are still being hunted. Between 50000 and 150000 of them are killed every year. Hunting is not the only human activity, which puts them in danger. Many of them are also losing their natural habitat as forests are cut down and grasslands are cleared.

Text C

For centuries this animal was often seen on the beaches around Greece, Turkey, Italy, Morocco and a number of other countries. However, in more recent years it has been put in great danger by human activity. It has been tightened away from the beaches by tourists. It has been hunted for its skin, oil and meat. It has also been killed by fishermen to stop it eating too many fish. Today there are fewer than 500 of these animals left. They are protected in many countries, but they are still being hunted. Many scientists believe there is a real danger that these creatures will not survive much longer.

Find the answers to the following questions about each animal you have just read in these texts in turn.

1. How many are they now?

2. Are they protected by law?

3. Why are they in danger?

Find the examples of passive forms in the text about blue whales. The tenses in the third column are mixed. Put them into the correct order.

Have been


Had been


is still being






(Past Simple)

(Past Perfect)

(Present Continuous)

(Present Perfect)

(Present Simple

Find the examples of passive forms in the texts B, C, define their tenses and translate them.