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7. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the infinitive.

1. “It’s so awful that I can’t (to give) you anything in return,” he said. “Give me the watch you pawned to stand me a supper”. It was a little gold watch that could not (to cost) more than 10 pounds.

2. Jessup looked at him for a second or two with narrowed eyes. Then it struck him “Wait a minute”, he shot out. “If there’s food poisoning on board, it can’t (to be) only the pilots who’ve gone down with it?’

3. “I’ve got the most wonderful news for you”, she said. “Jane is going to be married”. “Nonsense! Can it (to be) true?”

4. You couldn’t (to come) more fortunately: we want you to meet a friend of ours.

5. What can he (to do) all this time? He went out an hour ago.

6. Padraic knew where he was, because he could (to hear) the steady clocking of an axe from the direction of the woodheap.

7. The blaze could (to see) now faraway.

8. I met his wife. She was a woman of twenty-eight, I should think, though of a type whose age is always doubtful: for she cannot (to look) different when she was twenty, and at forty would look no older.

9. “What do you propose to do?’ “Stay on here.” “I’m afraid it’s impossible, I’m shutting up the house”. “Nonsense! There’ll be some servants here. You cannot (to sack) the lot.

10. The old man can (to see) on the porch of his house every evening.

11. Could they still (to play) billiards?

12. He cannot (to think) of this himself. Who suggested it to him?

13. She couldn’t (to cook) since lunchtime.

14. Closing time arrived quickly enough. It could (not to be) more than an hour after I took my position on the mattresses before I noticed the blinds of the windows being drawn, and customers being marched doorward.

8. Fill in the blanks with can/can’t or be (not) able to in the proper form.

1. He …. speak English rather fluently, but that time he …. say a word. 2. He has never …. speak in public. 3. I used to …. speak German very well. 4. You …. marry her, but you …. make her love you. 5. I …. do it on Friday, but I …. do it next week. 6. …. you give me a lift to the station, please? 7. I used …. eat a kilo of sweets for supper. 8. I have never …. ride a bicycle. 9. You …. see him at the meeting. He was ill. 10. I’d like …. ski very well. 11. Luckily I ….. find a taxi. 12. I …. drive when I was fifteen. 13. I …. hear somebody running. 14. He didn’t want to go there, but we …. persuade him. 15. She sighed. I …. feel her hands shaking.

9. Open the brackets with could (expressing a possibility) or could have (expressing a possibility that did not happen) and make all necessary changes.

1. A car is pulling up. It could (be) Lucy. 2. He could (get) a credit, but he did not prepare all the documents in time. 3. Why didn’t you ask me? I could (do) it for you. 4. He could (be) there yesterday. 5. They could (be) there yesterday. 6. Why are you so depressed? He could (tell) a lie. 7. You should have told us about your delay. We could (cancel) our meeting. 8. He could (do) it if he tries. 9. Somebody has called on you today. – It could (be) a friend of mine. 10. I think he could (commit) a crime, but he’s got an alibi. 11. The train arrives at 11.30. She could (come) at noon. 12. Yesterday I saw him driving at a very high speed. He could (crash).