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Grammar review

1. Participle I Simple.

2. Participle II.

3. Infinitive as an Attribute.

Ex. 11. PARTICIPLE I. Translate the phrases and use some of them in the sentences of your own.


  1. the engineers carrying out the experiment;

  2. the bus linking all the CPU's components;

  3. the shop selling sophisticated electronic devices;

  4. one of the world's leading software companies;

  5. the plant producing office equipment;

  6. the growing number of the Internet users;

  7. the company distributing the pirate software;

  8. electronic impulses moving at the speed of light;

  9. devices printing out the text information;

  10. computing machines performing calculations in milliseconds.


  1. прибор, стоящий на столе;

  2. студенты, изучающие информатику;

  3. перевести следующий текст;

  4. механик, устанавливающий новое оборудование;

  5. компьютер, обрабатывающий информацию с большой скоростью;

  6. работающий прибор;

  7. движущиеся механические части;

  8. устройство, преобразующее данные в цифровую форму;

  9. текстовый редактор, исправляющий грамматические и синтаксические ошибки;

  10. оборудование, отвечающее стандартным требованиям.


  1. using new methods of production;

  2. pressing the left button of the mouse;

  3. when recording music;

  4. while doing research;

  5. sending the message by email;

  1. while surfing the Net;

  2. while checking the disk for viruses;

  3. when writing the essay;

  4. buying a second-hand computer;

  5. moving the mouse over the flat surface.


  1. изучая различные языки программирования;

  2. размещая информацию в Интернете;

  3. тестируя прикладную программу на наличие ошибок;

  4. делая домашнюю работу;

  5. пытаясь [totry] отремонтировать прибор;

  6. сравнивая результаты экспериментов;

  7. выключая компьютер;

  8. пользуясь электронной таблицей;

  9. представляя информацию в двоичной системе исчисления;

  10. внедряя новую технологию в производство.

Ex. 12. Read and translate the sentences. Define the function of Participle I.

  1. Databases are programs allowing the user to store, view or change a large quantity of information quickly and easily.

  2. Intel Corporation is a leading manufacturer of microprocessors and integrated circuits.

  3. I was surfing the Net, looking for information on jazz music.

  4. An icon is a small picture representing an object, process or function.

  5. Some people can forget about the whole world while using a computer or surfing the Net.

  6. The Internet is a network of networks linking tens of thousands of businesses, universities, and research organizations with millions of individual users.

  7. You may lose some of the formatting when viewing the document in another program.

  8. The arithmetic-logical unit is a part of the computer performing the four arithmetic operations.

  9. The NEWTON is a handheld communications device having several functions, including the ability to translate handwriting into typewritten text.

  10. "Spreadsheet" is a term referring to a program, program file, or printout in which data are stored in rows and columns.

  11. Using a videocassette recorder, you can easily make copies of the tape.

  12. The number of companies working in the computer industry is constantly increasing.

Ex. 13. PARTICIPLE II. Use Participle II instead of Infinitive. Translate the phrases and use some of them in the sentences of your own.


  1. the [to crack] code;

  2. the report [to print] in duplicate;

  3. errors [to make] in calculations;

  4. the file [to delete] by mistake;

  5. the [to choose] profession;

  6. the [to process] data;

  1. new electronic devices [to display] at the exhibition;

  2. the video game [to download] from the Internet;

  3. the software [to work out] by a young programmer;

  4. the text [to type in] from the keyboard;

  5. a mechanism [to power] by electricity;

  6. illegally [to distribute] software.


  1. информация, полученная из базы данных;

  2. лаборатория, оборудованная сложными электронными устройствами;

  3. команды, написанные на языке программирования, известном под названием Ada;

  4. интегральная схема, изобретённая Джоном Килби;

  5. компьютеры, выпускаемые компанией IBM;

  6. операционная система, разработанная специально для суперкомпьютеров;

  7. информация, найденная в Интернете;

  8. прибор усовершенствованной конструкции;

  9. закодированные данные;

  10. поезд, управляемый автомашинистом;

  11. программы, установленные на диске D;

  12. универсальный компьютер, созданный Ч. Бэббиджем.

Ex. 14. Read and translate the sentences. Define the function of Participle II.

  1. This is the edited version of my speech.

  2. If translated into Russian, this article will be of great service to programmers.

  3. The CPU is controlled by a set of software instructions called a program.

  4. When recorded on ROM, the information cannot be erased or written over.

  5. The idea of an internally stored program was introduced in the late 1940s by the Hungarian-born mathematician John von Neumann.

  6. If undetected in time, viruses may be powerful enough to destroy a whole computer system.

  7. The early computers were huge and needed a lot of power compared to today’s microprocessor-driven computers.

  8. Though designed for beginning programmers, BASIC has become a universal language for personal computers.

  9. A monitor is a TV-like device connected to a computer that displays information on a screen.

  10. When overheated, the circuit may lead to a failure of a device.

Ex. 15. Compare the translation of Participle I and Participle II in the pairs of the following sentences.

  1. Great plants equipped with modern machinery produce computers. Great plants producing computers are equipped with modern machinery.

  2. Machines called computers make complicated calculations. Machines making complicated calculations are called computers.

  3. The book written by our scientists describes new inventions. The book describing new inventions was written by our scientists.

  4. Our laboratory equipped with modern devices works on new projects. Our laboratory working on new projects is equipped with modern devices.

  5. Microcomputers invented in the 1970s help much in research work. Microcomputers helping much in research work were invented in the 1970s.

Ex. 16. Read and translate the sentences. Define the function of participles.

  1. The demand for skilled specialists working in the IT field is constantly increasing.

  2. Online chat allows people to carry on discussions, using written text.

  3. The smart card contains an embedded microchip on the reverse side that stores data about the user, including a password.

  4. If located in secondary memory devices, such as disks or tapes, programs and data are first loaded into internal memory.

  5. Several concealed video cameras are scanning every part of the building.

  6. Many countries have cable TV – a system using wires for transmitting TV programs.

  7. LAN consists of several PCs or workstations connected to a special computer called a server, often within the same building or office complex.

  8. When entering the Internet, we can always find a lot of interesting information.

  9. PASCAL is a programming language created in 1970 and named after the mathematician Blaise Pascal.

  10. There are thousands of websites providing huge amounts of rapidly changing data.

  11. When viewed sideways, the smiley :-) means 'I'm happy'.

  12. Programs called viruses or worms can spread from computer to computer, erasing information or causing malfunctions.

Ex. 17. Give English equivalents to the italicized words. Consult the box if necessary.

  1. We spent an hour or two, болтая to our friends over the phone.

  2. The monitor купленный a few days ago has broken down.

  3. People intentionally создающие viruses are computer experts often называемые hackers.

  4. Computers, if properly запрограммированы, won't make computational errors.

  5. Ships are equipped with radar sets помогающим them to orient at sea.

  6. One day, people will communicate by videophones установленными in every flat.

  7. If изменят a little, the problem will be easy to solve.

  8. I am not sure that it is possible to restore all the files from the повреждённого hard drive.

  9. Haжимая one of the arrow keys, we can move the cursor on the screen up, down, right or left.

  10. The slide-rule изобретённая by W. Oughtred in 1630 is still being used.

  11. We found it cheaper to modify существующее equipment rather than to buy new.

  12. This device radically differs both in design and in operation from the device разработанного five years ago.

to buy

to call

to change

to chat

to create

to damage

to develop

to exist

to help

to install

to invent

to perform

to press

to program

Ex. 18. Participle I or Participle II? Replace the infinitives by the required participles.

  1. A supercomputer is a powerful computer to use for solving very complicated tasks.

  2. A video phone has a device to allow us to see a room and the face of the to speak person.

  3. My kids spend hours, to chat on the phone to their friends.

  4. Users on one computer can access information to store in another via the Internet.

  5. If you want to protect your system from viruses, don't open email attachments [файловые дополнения] from strangers and take care when to download files from the Web.

  6. An expert with a to train eye will spot the difference between two versions of software immediately.

  7. The CPU is a device to execute instructions to give to it in machine language.

  8. When you are to move the mouse across a flat surface, the ball to locate on the bottom side of the mouse turns two rollers to direct the mouse's vertical and horizontal movements.

  9. You can highlight the to require sentence, to use the arrow keys.

  10. When to enter, data is translated into electronic signals that a computer can process.

Ex. 19. INFINITIVE as an attribute. Translate the phrases according to the model.

Model: the problem to be discussed at the seminarпpoблeмa, которая бyдeт oбcyждаться на семинаре; проблема, которую нужно обсудить на семинаре.


  1. data to be entered into the spreadsheet;

  2. the article to be published in the journal next month;

  3. the sophisticated equipment to be installed in the lab;

  4. computers to be used for statistical data processing;

  5. functions to be performed by a control unit;

  6. various components of the CPU to be connected by the bus;

  7. the speed of processing to depend on the power of the computer;

  8. the results of the experiment to be processed;

  9. computers to perform thousands of calculations per second;

  10. the documents to be Xeroxed immediately.


  1. передовая технология, которую необходимо внедрять в производство;

  2. информация, которую нужно найти в Интернете;

  3. работа, которая должна быть выполнена в срок;

  4. сложные задачи, которые будут решены при помощи суперкомпьютеров;

  5. устройство, которое будет представлено на выставке;

  6. номера телефонов, которые нужно внести в базу данных;

  7. программист, который должен написать приложение;

  8. студент, который должен подготовить доклад;

  9. оборудование, которое будет использоваться для записи клипа;

  10. антивирусная программа, которую нужно обновить.

Ex. 20. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to Infinitives as attributes.

  1. Programs and data to be processed must be loaded into the main memory.

  2. In every subject, there are elements to be understood, but there are also some fundamental principles to be memorized.

  3. In 1977, Tandy Corporation became the first major electronics firm to produce a PC.

  4. Each printer model, as a rule, comes with its own driver software to be installed with the PC’s operating system software.

  5. The first automatic copier to use ordinary paper, the Xerox 914, was so popular that Fortune magazine later called it “the most successful product ever marketed in America”.

  6. The Colossus was the first computer to be used by British cryptographers for breaking secret German military codes.

  7. The scanner to be bought must be checked beforehand.

  8. Menu is a list of options displayed on a screen from which the operator selects an action to be carried out.

  9. The research to be done at our Institute requires sophisticated electronic equipment and several skilled experts to operate it.

  10. Internet is a great place to find and hear hit songs or recorded interviews as well as to watch movies.

Ex. 21. Choose the required Infinitive to complete each sentence.

  1. The WWW developed by British physicist Timothy Berners-Lee in the 1980s is a system of information resources ____ primarily through the Internet.

  2. The program is a set of instructions that may also include data ___.

  3. JAVA is an object-oriented programming language designed specifically for programs ___ on the Internet.

  4. The film ___ soon in this cinema attracts attention of many spectators.

  5. For the experiment, we need several electrical devices ___ in series.

  6. The instructions ___ into the computer must first be translated into the machine code.

  7. The operating system ___ on new office computers is the latest development of the Microsoft company.

  8. The system of automatic ticket selling ___ on the railway was developed in Japan.

  1. to be entered

  2. to be installed

  3. to be accessed

  4. to be shown

  5. to be connected

  6. to be introduced

  7. to be processed

  8. to be used

Ex. 22. Put general, alternative and special questions to the following sentences.

  1. Such popular operating systems as MS-DOS and Windows were developed in the early 1980s and 1990s respectively.

  2. The SAVE command is used to record a file on the hard disk.

  3. Fast development of electronics began with the invention of transistor.

  4. The car will be equipped with advanced audio signaling.

  5. Communication satellites are being used now by all countries for television transmission.

  6. This remote control needs four batteries to power it.

  7. Universities and companies doing defense-related research were given access to the Internet in the 1970s.

  8. Computers store information in the digital form.

  9. The sharpness of the picture on the screen depends on the size and number of pixels.

  10. I am trying to calculate how much paint we need.

  11. The first electronic computer ENIAC was being developed at the Pennsylvania University from 1942 to 1946.

  12. It is often stated that we use only 10 per cent of our brain.

Ex. 23. Memorize the following terms.

  1. board – плата

  2. bus – шина

  3. register–регистр

  4. clock – клок (генератор синхроимпульсов, тактовый генератор)

  5. cycle – такт, цикл

  6. adder – сумматор

  7. memory – память, запоминающее устройство

main memory – основная память, оперативное запоминающее устройство

primary / secondary memory – первичная / вторичная память

internal / external memory–внутренняя / внешняя память, внутреннее / внешнее запоминающее устройство

nonvolatile / volatile memory – энергонезависимая / энергозависимая память

memory location (=cell) – ячейка памяти запоминающего устройства

RAM (RandomAccessMemory) – оперативное запоминающее устройство, память с произвольным доступом

ROM (ReadOnlyMemory) –постоянное запоминающее устройство, память только для чтения

write / read memory – память с возможностью чтения / записи

  1. disk – диск

CD-ROM (Compact Disk Read Only Memory) – компакт-диск

CD-R (Compact Disc Recordable) – компакт диск одноразовой записи

CD-WORM (CompactDiskWriteOnce/ReadMany) – компакт-диск с однократной записью и многократным считыванием

CD-RW (CompactDiskRewritable) – [многократно] перезаписываемый компакт-диск;компакт-диск многоразовой записи с поддержкой стирания

  1. light pen (stylus) – световое перо

  2. hardcopy – документальная копия; бумажная копия

  3. softcopy – недокументальная копия; электронная копия

  4. output – выходные данные; вывод; результат вычислений

  5. high definition – высокая четкость, высокое разрешение

  6. voice recognition unit – устройство распознавания речи

Ex. 24. Read and translate the text.