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1. Кто или что совершает действие (кем? чем?).

2. Как, каким образом совершается действие, по каким критериям оценивается.

3. К какому сроку совершается действие (к).

Прочитайте следующие предложения и укажите номер значения предлога “by”.


1. By the beginning of the 20th century most chemical elements had been discovered. (3)

2. The frozen ice is forced out by the pressure of the gas in the bottle. (1)

3. This is done by placing the bottles cock downwards. (2)

  1. Common salt is refined by dissolving it in water, filtering the solution and then evaporating the water.

  2. Some of the physical properties are used by the chemist to identify substances.

  3. The metric system was made by a group of scientists.

  4. New sources of the rare earths had been discovered by the middle of the twentieth century.

  5. Mendeleev’s success in predicting the properties of the unknown elements is shown very clearly by his prediction for ekaboron.

  6. Rolled sandwiches are made by rolling up a very fresh, buttered slice of bread, spread by some soft filling.

  7. Proteins are supplied by meat, fish, cheese, eggs, milk and so on.

  8. 9.3 calories are produced by 1 gramme of fat.

  9. Of the 90 elements of which the earth is composed only about 28 had been identified by 1800.

  10. The vitamin C content is easily reduced by cooking the vegetable for too long time in too much water.

Задание 5. Прочитайте данные предложения и выберите слово или словосочетание, соответствующее по смыслу сказуемому. Письменно объясните, что хотел сказать автор, используя избранное слово или словосочетание. Руководствуйтесь образцом.


Vitamin A is supplied by many vegetables . (is found by, is found in) – The author means that vitamin A is found in many vegetables.

1. The vitamin C content is considerably reduced by boiling foods.

  1. is decreased by

  2. affects

2. Coffee had been known in European countries only by the beginning of the 17th century.

  1. had been found

  2. had become popular

3. During milling dust is blown away by currents of air.

  1. is removed by

  2. is supplied by

4. The secret of making chocolate was kept by the Spaniards for about 100 years.

  1. belonged to

  2. was unknown to

5. Goiter, an overgrowth of the thyroid gland, which results from deficiency of iodine is usually relieved by eating food containing iodine.

  1. is caused by

  2. is prevented and cured by

6. Bacteria in milk are destroyed in two ways: by pasteurization and sterilization.

  1. are killed

  2. are introduced

7. The absorption of calcium is helped by the presence of vitamin D in the diet.

  1. is better in

  2. is slowed down in

8. The change in the texture of malt is brought about by starting the grain of barley into growth.

  1. causes

  2. is the result of

Задание 6. Прочитайте следующие зачины утверждений и определите, что хотел упомянуть пишущий далее. Исходите из смысла всего утверждения, чтобы правильно определить значение предлога “by”. Укажите номер значения предлога (см. задание № 4).


Potato can be cooked in a great variety of ways. Some potato dishes can be made by (2).

The Centigrade scale is used by (1).

  1. Reaumur and Fahrenheit were the inventors of two thermometers. The third thermometer scale was devised by … .

  2. In canning and bottling the moisture content of the food does not change, but all spoilage organisms are destroyed by … .

  3. Eggs can be preserved when they are plentiful for use when they are scarce. Chinese Ancient Eggs, sometimes called 100-year-old eggs, are preserved by … .

  4. Fructose and glucose can be produced chemically by … .

  5. In Britain dinner, the main meal of the day, was at 11 a.m. in the 16th century, but towards the end of the century it was beginning to take place rather later. It had been set at 5 p.m. by … .

  6. In 1869 the chemical elements were arranged in a periodic table, according to their atomic weight by … .

Задание 7. Закончите следующие утверждения, подбирая их продолжение в правой колонке. Воспроизведите каждое утверждение вслух полностью.


  1. Now many foodstuffs are prepared by

  2. The energy value of diet is measured in

  3. The vitamin C content is considerably reduced in

  4. The vitamin C content is easily reduced by

stale vegetables. (1)

canning. (2)

cooking the vegetables too long in too much water. (3)

calories. (4)

1 – 2, 2 – 4, 3 – 1, 4 – 3


1. The cacao bean was discovered in

2. In the 19th century canned foodstuffs were prepared for

3. Carbohydrates are produced by

4. Much less than a ton of dried fruit is produced from

a ton of fresh fruit. (1)

the process of photosynthesis in green plants. (2)

Mexico. (3)

explorers and sailors. (4)


1. In wine-producing countries vinegar is made from

2. Sponge is made by

3. Power mills to polish rice were invented in

4. The canning process was invented by

about the middle of the 19th century. (1)

Francois Appert. (2)

mixing yeast with warm water and a small quantity of flour. (3)

red or white wines. (4)


1. In wine-producing countries vinegar is made from

2. Sponge is made by

3. Power mills to polish rice were invented in

4. The canning process was invented by

about the middle of the 19th century. (1)

Francois Appert. (2)

mixing yeast with warm water and a small quantity of flour. (3)

red or white wines. (4)


1. The metric system is used in

2. Sugars and starches are quickly used by

3. Radioactivity was discovered in

4. Radium was discovered by

Madam Marie Curie. (1)

many countries. (2)

1896. (3)

the body. (4)

Задание 8. Прочитайте следующие тексты и выберите правильный ответ на вопрос, заданный после каждого текста.

1. The oldest law that chemists find useful was announced by Boyle in 1662. He noticed that the volume of gas was inversely proportional to the pressure upon it if the temperature did not change. Boyle’s discovery was followed by Lord Kelvin’s discovery of the absolute temperature scale. This scale has the advantage that all temperatures are positive: 0º is 273º K and – 20º C is 253º K.

Whose discovery came earlier?

1) Kelvin’s

2) Boyle’s

2. The atomic theory of John Dalton was the foundation stone of the rapidly growing science of chemistry in the 19th century. Of the ninety elements of which the earth is composed only about twenty eight had been identified by 1800. By 1854 this number had risen to fifty four, and by end of the century to eighty.

By what time had the chemists learned the properties of 54 elements?

  1. by 1800

  2. by 1854

  3. by 1900

3. The canning process was invented by Francois Appert, a Frenchman, in 1810. In the early 19th century canned foods were prepared for explorers and sailors, but canned food was not general until the 20th century. Canning allows to keep foods for a very long time. In 1957 Peter Scott opened some of food which had been left in the Antarctic by his father Captain Scott, over 40 years before, and the food was in good condition.

Who had canned foods in the expedition in the Antarctic?

  1. Captain Scott

  2. Francois Appert

  3. Peter Scott

4. The food we eat has to supply us with energy, with body-building material, with mineral salts and with vitamins. The nutritive value of foods is influenced by their preparation and cooking. Good cooking improves the appearance and flavour of food, and these factors, in their turn, stimulate the secretion of the digestive juices within the body, and so improve digestion.

What affects the nutritive value of foods?

  1. the appearance of food

  2. the preparation and cooking

  3. the secretion of the digestive juices

Задание 9. а) Опознавание пассивной конструкции за счет формальных признаков самого словосочетания, включающего сказуемое.

Если между формой глагола “to be” и третьей формой смыслового глагола стоит наречие типа “never, often” или отрицательная частица “not” или же словосочетание, связывающее данное утверждение с предыдущим (in this way, therefore), то данная конструкция является пассивной. Если же между этими глаголами стоит существительное без предлога, то это существительное является именной частью сказуемого, а следующая за ним третья форма глагола – определением существительного.

Прочитайте предложения и назовите сказуемые.


Proteins are amino-acids grouped in different ways.

Amino-acids are never grouped in the same way in different proteins.

1. Aspirin is sometimes used for headaches.

2. Aspirin is a medicine used for headaches.

3. Glucose and fructose are simple sugars found in many fruits and in honey.

4. Carbohydrates are usually found in sugars, starches, cereals, and in honey.

5.Cellulose is another carbohydrate made in large quantities by plants.

6. Some amino-acids are not made by the body, so they must be in the food we eat.

7. Vitamin A is a complicated alcohol related to carotene.

8. Vitamin A is closely related to carotene which is called the “pro-vitamin A”.

б) Опознавание пассивной конструкции в контексте всего предложения за счет определения места ее компонентов в соответствии с нормами порядка слов в английском предложении.

Прочитайте следующие вопросы и определите, является ли третья форма глагола частью сказуемого. Для этого попробуйте опустить ее и относящиеся к ней слова и проверьте, составляет ли оставшаяся часть предложения единое смысловое целое. Воспроизведите суть вопроса, опуская несущественную информацию, если таковая имеется.


1. Are all the elements classified in the periodic table?

(воспроизводится все предложение)

2. Are all the elements classified in the periodic table useful to people?

Are all the elements useful to people?

  1. Was the decimal system of weights and measures proposed in 1870 progressive?

  2. Was the decimal system of weights and measures proposed in 1870?

  3. Is the centigrade scale devised by Celcius?

  4. Is the centigrade scale devised by Celcius used in many countries?

  5. Was the discovery of radioactivity by Beckeurel followed by the discovery of radium?

  6. Was the discovery of radioactivity by Beckeurel followed by the discovery of radium of great importance?

  7. Was supper taken at 5.30 p.m. in the 16th century a lighter form of dinner?

Задание 10. Составьте связные утверждения из предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний. Воспроизведите каждое из них вслух.







readily adsorbed

often called

a food

organic substances

into the blood stream.

digested fairly quickly.


combined with alcohol.


A food calorie

The energy value of foods


Sugars and starches


the amount of heat


usually measured

usually found

needed for the production of energy.

in sea foods.

in calories.

required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water 1º C.



The molecules of protein




easily broken down

a disease

made up

the element

or carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.

into soluble sugars during digestion.

needed for the formation of the enamel of the teeth.

caused by the lack of vitamin C.





Calcium and phosphorus


minerals found

especially needed

the only sugar

mainly obtained

for body-building purposes.

in milk and fish.

from vegetable sources.

found in animal foods.

Задание 11. Прочитайте следующие тексты и укажите номер вопроса, ответом на который является информация, заключенная в тексте.


1. What are typical English sandwiches?

2. How are typical English sandwiches made?

English sandwiches are usually made of white, brown or nut bread. Evenly cut slices are spread with butter and then the filling is put on. The two slices are pressed gently and cut into halves, squares, diamonds, or triangles. – 2.


  1. What are enzymes?

  2. Where are enzymes found?

The deeper one goes into the life sciences, the more will be said about enzymes. Enzymes are biological catalysts found in bacteria, yeast, plants and animals that promote the widest variety of biochemical reactions.


  1. What is the endosperm?

  2. What is the endosperm used for?

If you look at a grain of wheat you will find that it has three parts. There is a brown coat called the bran. Inside is the white part called the endosperm and at end of this is the yellow germ which becomes the new plant when the grain is put in the ground. The endosperm is mainly used for making flour.


  1. What is yeast?

  2. Where is yeast used?

Bread at first contained nothing to make it rise and become light and tender as the bread of today. Any substances put in bread to make it rise are called “leaven” or “leavening”, and yeast is the leaven used in most of the bread people eat now. Egyptians were the first people to discover how to make bread raised with yeast.


  1. What is yeast?

  2. Under what conditions is the yeast destroyed?

Failures in breadmaking generally occur when the yeast has not grown properly, either because it was dry and old or because the temperature conditions were not right. The best temperature for yeast growth is about 80º F; at lower temperature the growth becomes slower and finally stops, while at higher temperatures the growth is too great. The yeast is completely destroyed at temperature above 160º F.

Задание 12. Если предложение со сказуемым в Present Indefinite Passive содержит указание на совершающего действие, на способ, время или место его совершения, то автор текста хотел сообщить, как обычно протекает этот процесс, и сказуемое следует переводить либо возвратным глаголом, либо неопределенно-личной структурой. Если же предложение не содержит второстепенных членов, указывающих на совершающего действие, на способ или место его совершения, то автор акцентирует внимание на результате действия и конструкцию следует переводить кратким страдательным причастием.

Прочитайте следующие предложения. Подчеркните часть предложения, в которой содержится основная информация (т.е. сам факт, что процесс совершен, или зачем, как, кем, когда он совершается). Поставьте цифру 1 против тех предложений, где пишущего интересует факт совершения действия, и цифру 2 против тех, где пишущему важны характеристики совершения процесса (где, кем, когда, с какой целью).


1. Most foods are prepared in the same way. (2)

2. Most fruits are filled into the cans by hand. (2)

3. The vegetables are packed and can be shipped off. (1)

  1. Many Arabic words are used in chemistry, for example, ‘alkali’, ‘alcohol’, ‘borax’.

  2. Most processes in the baking industry are now mechanized.

  3. Potatoes are cooked in a great variety of ways.

  4. Vitamin D is supplied to the body either by food or by sunlight.

  5. The cans are sterilized, now they can be cooled and labeled.

  6. Bread is cooked for about 40-60 minutes, according to the size of the loaf, in a very hot oven.

  7. Potatoes are boiled and may be served with butter.

  8. Milk is condensed and added to make chocolate.

  9. The pudding is cooked, you may taste it.

  10. Some properties of vitamins are not discovered.

Задание 13. Прочитайте следующие предложения и укажите номер адекватного перевода пассивной конструкции.


The eggs are beaten slightly with a teaspoonful of milk.

1). взбиты, 2) разбиты, 3) разбиваются, 4) взбиваются


  1. This bakery is equipped with automatic machinery.

1) оборудуют, 2) оборудована, 3) оборудуется

  1. Old potatoes are put into cold water.

1) положен, 2) положили, 3) кладут

  1. Precooked, freeze-dried foods are prepared for consumption simply by the addition of water.

1) подготовили, 2) готовы, 3) подготавливают, 4) подготовлены

  1. The chicken is frozen, you must defrost it slowly.

1) замерзает, 2) замораживают, 3) заморожен, 4) замораживается

  1. Souffle is baked in a deep fireproof dish for about 20-25 minutes in a hot oven 450º F.

1) испекли, 2) испечено, 3) выпекается

  1. During fermentation practically all the grape sugar in the juice is converted into alcohol.

1) превращен, 2) превратили, 3) превращается

  1. The cabbage is salted, in a week it will be ready for eating.

1) солят, 2) соленая, 3) посолена

  1. Vegetables are heated for a short time in boiling water before being packed into cans.

1) нагревают, 2) нагреты, 3) нагреют

  1. The loaves are shaped, they may be put into the oven.

1) формуются, 2) сформовали, 3) приобретают форму

Задание 14. Прочитайте тексты и вопрос после каждого из них. Укажите номер предложения, в котором содержится ответ на вопрос.

1. 1. There are two main methods of mixing dough: the “straight” method, and the sponge and dough process.

2. By the first method the flour, yeast, and other ingredients used are all mixed together at the same time.

3. By the second the yeast is first prepared by mixing it with warm water, and a small quantity of flour, and the resulting mixture is worked up into a kind of sponge.

4. This mixture is then put aside and “rested” for a short time, more flour is then added and all the ingredients are mechanically mixed and become dough.

5. Whichever process is used, the dough is allowed to “rest”, after mixing, to promote “ripening” or fermentation.

Which operation is followed by preparing a kind of sponge?

2. 1. The first stage in the process of canning fruit consists of preparing the raw material by removing diseased fruit and throwing away the waste portions.

2. Most fruits are filled into the cans by hand.

3. Immediately after filling, syrup is added to the cans of fruit, leaving an empty space of about 3/8 in. in depth to allow for expansion of the contents on heating.

4. The syrup is made by dissolving cane-sugar in water, and sometimes a small amount of colouring matter is added: as the natural colour of the fruit tends to fade on sterilization or during its period of storage.

What is the process of filling followed by?

Задание 15. Прочитайте каждый текст еще раз, отложите его и перепишите предлагаемые названия этапов, описываемых в текстах, в надлежащей последовательности.

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