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Научно-технический словарь

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The relay serves to actuate (or start) the dial mechanism.

Пускать [см. Запускать].

Пускать в ход [см. тж. Запускать машину]

Set the clock going (or Start the clock) by swinging the pendulum. When the lathe is set in motion,...

The compressor was started (up).

Пускать в эксплуатацию [см. тж. Вводить в эксплуатацию, Пуск]

The instrument can now be put into commission. The station will be commissioned in 1992.

These instructions will enable the user to install, set to work, and maintain the recorder in firstclass working order.

A new haulage system will soon go into operation. The third unit goes on line in December.

These units will go on stream when they are delivered to location. This permits the diffusion pump to be placed in operation.

Two tractors were put into operation.

The ship was put into service in April 1982.

To put the boiler into service, ...

Пускать станок

Then we start (up) the lathe.

Пускаться в рассуждения о

I will not launch into a discussion of...

Пусть [см. тж. Предположим, Скажем]

Let Uo be (or Let us assume that Uo is, or Assume that Uo is) the initial velocity.

Let A = A (p/pi).

To each pair (x1, x2) in ... let there correspond a certain definite number y.

Пусть будет

Let there be N molecules per unit volume.

Пусть это будет

When an industrial effluent has to be discharged to any water course, be it [or whether (or no matter whether) it is] a stream or a river, some form of treatment is essential.

Путаница [см. Во избежание путаницы, Вызывать путаницу]. Путать [см. Не следует путать с].

Путём [см. тж. Обычным путём, Посредством, При помощи. Различными путями, Таким образом, Химическим путём]

То project the image of the slit of the lamp housing onto the slit of the multiplier by way of reflection from the grating, ...

The moving air acquires water from the land through evaporation and transpiration. This is accomplished by increasing the preload.

In fungi, lysine is formed by a different route.

Harris process is a process for softening lead by the use of salts of sodium.

The relay controls large values of current and power through the use (or utilization) of a special cathode tube.

The wave will reach the detector by way of the more direct route. These data can be obtained through long-term observation.

The most important commercial synthesis of anthranilic acid is via the Hoffmann degradation of...

Путём введения (или внесения)


Solid state bonds can be achieved reliably with ultrasonic welding.

When androgens are produced by this pathway in the adrenal, one additional reaction occurs. The most efficient way to replenish soil nitrogen is through the application of...

It is possible to compute definite integrals by an easier procedure. Moisture transport occurs by water vapour diffusion.

Friction power can only be reduced at the expense of increasing the pumping power.

Путём введения (или внесения)

The improvement of soil through incorporation of organic matter ...

Путём воздействия ... на [см. тж. Воздействие]

Triple superphosphate of lime is prepared by the action of phosphoric acid on crushed phosphate rock.

Путём добавления [см. тж. Добавлением]

Cadmium is precipitated from the electrolyte of ... by the addition of zinc dust.

Путём использования

Measurements are made by reference to a calibration curve. This determination can be made through the use of the chart.

Путём конвекции

The water circulates by convection.

Путём ... можно получить

Addition of a commercial brightener gives sound, mirror-like deposits.

Путём перехода

The electrons can increase their energies by going (or transferring) to higher energy levels.

Путём подбора

The best electrode pressure to use with any particular size of rivet can be found only by trial and error.

Путём присоединения ... к

A white precipitate is obtained by adding (or by addition of) disodium hydrogen phosphate to calcium chloride solution.

Путём проводимости [см. тж. Отдача тепла путём проводимости]

Heat flows out of the earth by conduction.

Путём рассмотрения

The regions were defined through consideration of the rainfall probabilities.

Путём реакции

This compound is obtained by the reaction of acetic acid and bases.

The best method for the preparation of chlorine monoxide is by the reaction of chlorine with mercuric oxide.

Boron trifluoride is most readily obtained from the reaction of boric acid, hydrogen fluoride, and sulphuric acid.

Путём совместного использования

It is through the interplay of observation, prediction and comparison that the laws of nature are slowly clarified.

Путём экстраполяции от

Predict the properties of astatine by extrapolation from the known properties of the common halogens.

Путь [см. тж. Быть на правильном пути,


Путь [см. тж. Быть на правильном пути,

Идти обычным путём. Изыскивать пути, Искать пути, Метод, На обратном пути, На полпути между ... и, На пути к, Отклоняться от своего пути, Помещать на пути. Пройденное расстояние]

Fuel cycles that release most of their energy in the form of charged particles offer still other avenues for the recovery of fusion energy.

The actual metabolic pathways by which amino acids are synthesized are presented in...

Operators started searching for ways (or means) of cutting costs.

Путь к ... свободен

The way is cleared toward resolving this problem.

Путь луча

The path (of travel) of the ray ...

Путь, проходимый газом

The pathway traversed (or taken) by the gas ...

Путь распространения волны

The wave propagation path ...

Путь реакции

The rate of the reaction via the third reaction (path)-(way) can be expressed by the term ...

Thermodynamics cannot predict what path the reaction will take if it does proceed.

Путь решения проблемы

A different line of attack on the problem of control of the atmospheric branch of the water cycle has been advanced.

Пучок лучей

To convert a diverging bundle (or beam) of rays to parallelism, ...


All push-buttons are dust tight (or dust proof).


The dust-laden air enters ...


We seek (or strive, or endeavour, or attempt, or try) to identify ...

They attempted the production of elements beyond uranium.

Пытаться получить

We shall attempt a graphical solution first.


Работа I [см. тж. В процессе работы, Ведётся большая работа по, Выполнять работу,

Действие, Круглосуточная работа,Нарушать работу, Опытно-конструкторские работы, При нормальной работе, Режим, Эксплуатация]

The normal operation (or performance) of the system ...

To ensure steady running (or work) of the crusher, ...

Work at (or on) the project...

Работа II [см. тж. Исследование]


Some work has already been done on this problem.

Работа II [см. тж. Исследование]

In this paper (or work, or investigation, or study) the rotary dispersion of...

is reported.

Работа без смазки

Dry operation.

Работа для одного человека

A one-man job.

Работа, затраченная на преодоление силы трения

The work done against friction ...

Работа ... основана на

The bolometer depends for its operation on the change in resistance of ...

Работа no

Work has begun on the bonding of the dispersion-hardened tin to...

Работа по созданию

This was a milestone in the quest for an organic super-conductor.

Работа по чертежам

Working from drawings.

Работа прибора

The figure shows the operation of the instrument.

Работа продвинулась настолько, что сейчас

Work has progressed to the point where two companies now plan ...

Работа, произведённая над

The work done on the gas is ...

Работа с большой нагрузкой

Heavy-duty service (or operation).

Работа со смазкой

Wet operation.

Работать [см. тж. Может использоваться, Не работать, Успешно работать]

More than a million combines were then at work on American farms. We are active in the design and application of...

The machine has been functioning (or operating, or working, or running) properly. When the pump is in service ...

The tubes operate at 350°C.

The plant is operated 24 hours a day. The transformer performs well.

The air grinder performs at 1/4 hp, 17,500 rpm, 100 psi. The belt can be run at speeds up to ...

The adjustment can be made while the machine is running. Machines with this equipment are already in operation.

Работать безаварийно

The conveyor system is trouble free.

Работать безукоризненно


Работать безукоризненно

The valves function flawlessly.

Работать в диапазоне

These components can operate over frequency ranges far broader than ...

Several communication satellite systems are to operate at K-band.

Работать в лазерном режиме

Sodium fluorescein will not lase without a triplet quencher present.

Работать вхолостую

A governor makes it possible to operate grinding wheels at their most efficient speed and prevents overspeeding when running idle.

Работать на нас

Many accidents of physics and astronomy have worked together to our benefit.

Работать на переменном токе

The logic array of the computer can be powered by alternating current.

Работать на полную мощность

When in full production (or at full load, or at full blast - sl.) the station will provide ...

The machines are in full operation. The plant was operated at full power.

The mill is expected to be running at (full) capacity by 1992.

Работать на сжатом воздухе

The system is operated by compressed air.

Работать на станке

To run (or work, or operate) a lathe.

Работать на топливе

The convener operates on diesel fuel.

This machine can run on solar, nuclear or chemical fuel.

The plant is fired with fossil fuel.

Работать на трение

The clutch operates by friction.

Работать на холостом ходу

When the engine is idling,...

Работать наиболее эффективно [см. Наиболее эффективно работать].

Работать одной рукой

The solder is automatically fed which permits rapid, one-handed operation.

Работать от

The tachometer is driven off (or by) a motor.

The demodulator operates directly from the supply. This machine operates from the compressed air main.

The discriminators are operated from a regulated power supply. The motor operates on ordinary alternating current.

Работать от электропривода

These moving components are electrically powered.

The bins are equipped with feeders operated electrically.

Работать по чертежу


Работать по чертежу

To work from a blueprint (or drawing).

Работать под нагрузкой

When operated under load ...

Работать против себя

If the air velocities are carried too high the method defeats its own object.

Работать с полной нагрузкой

The machines are used to capacity.


We have a few reactors of this type in operation.

Работающий двигатель [см. При работающем двигателе].

Работающий от

A battery-operated radio set.

The a-c line-operated unit employs...

Работающий от сети

This is a mains-operated unit.

Работающий по этому принципу

A pilot plant embodying this concept was operated by ...

Рабочая позиция

The tool holder has eight positions (or stations).

Рабочая температура

Operating temperature.

Рабочее давление

Operating (or Working) pressure.

Рабочее испытание

The fully assembled chassis is subjected to a test run.

Рабочее место

Telescopic sights permit the operators to read all positions of the columns from their work stations.

Рабочее положение

The mechanism can be set so that the pen remains in the operative (or working) position when the door is opened.

The rotary tool holder has eight positions (or stations).

Рабочее состояние [см. тж. Поддерживать в рабочем состоянии, Приводить в рабочее состояние]

Brackets must be oiled and always kept in good operating (or working) condition.

Рабочее тело

After liberation, the high-temperature internal kinetic suitable working substance (or working material, or as air, water, or steam.

energy must be transferred as heat to a working medium, or working fluid) such

Рабочие условия [см. В рабочих условиях].

Рабочий диапазон

M"Mylar" has an effective operating range of from -80° to 300°F.

Рабочий режим [см. Режим].


Рабочий режим [см. Режим].

Рабочий ход

The working stroke of the spindle can be varied steplessly.

Равен [см. тж. На равных основаниях (или правах), Не иметь себе равного, Одинаковый, При равных прочих условиях]

The power level equals (or is equal to) the heat loss.

The power in the radiation field is the difference between ...

The electronegativity difference between chlorine and hydrogen is as great as that between nitrogen and hydrogen.

Равен или больше

If the electron energy is equal to or greater than an electronic transition of the atom,...

Равен нулю

On an asteroid, gravity is virtually nil (or zero).

Равен по величине

The maximum error must equal the step in magnitude (or must be equal to the step in magnitude).

Равен по величине и противоположен по знаку

The heat effect is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to that of...

The flux linkage induces a voltage pulse that is equal but opposite to the one induced during the approach.

Равен по мощности

Ten solar energy plants match the power output of a large hydroelectric installation.

Равно как и [см. тж. А также]

This calculation, along with our findings, shows that ...

Generally, cutting tools for shapers, planers and lathes are similar, as are the mounting mediums. The diameter required in order to fulfil this condition depends upon the reaction-zone length as does the critical diameter.

Равновесие [см. В состоянии равновесия, Выводить из равновесия, Достигать равновесия,

Находящиеся в равновесии, Не в равновесии с, Подвижное равновесие, При равновесии, Приводить в равновесие, Приходить в равновесие].

Равновесие нарушено

This delicate balance is disrupted in cancer tissue.

Равновесие устанавливается

An equilibrium is established according to the reaction of Eq. (17-77).

Равновесие фаз

Equilibrium between two phases ...

Равновесное положение

The particle is restored to its equilibrium position.

Равное расстояние [см. На равном расстоянии друг от друга].


The adsorbed chromia is evenly distributed over the surface. A uniformly impregnated substance was obtained.

The hot metal fills the mould cavity gradually and uniformly.

Равномерное распределение


Равномерное распределение

This ensures even (or uniform) distribution of materials.


To ensure even (or uniform) pressure across the width of...

To ensure steady running of the crusher under fluctuating feed conditions,...

Равномерный по толщине

The plate is uniform across the width (or in thickness).

Равноотстоять от

All five carbons in the ring are equidistant from the manganese.


Equally spaced (or Equidistant) notches indicate...

Равноотстоящий от

All points on the plane should be equidistant (or equally spaced, or at an equal distance) from a remote point at the right.

A point equidistant from two given intersecting lines ...

Равноправный [см. На равных основаниях (или правах)].

Равносильно заявлению о том, что

This is tantamount to stating that the enzyme binds only single-stranded DNA.


The rotational spectra consist of equally spaced absorption lines. All points on a profile are equidistant from a common centre.

Равноценен [см. тж. На равных основаниях (или правах)]

Magnesium perchlorate is the equal of (or is equal to) any desiccant from the standpoint of drying efficiency.


The two series are equal.

Равны по величине

The controlling air impulses are equal in magnitude (or size). These fractions are equal in value (or have the same value).

Равны по величине и противоположны по знаку

Na and Nb are equal (in value) but opposite in sign.

Равны по высоте

The resulting chromatographic peaks were equal in height.

Равный [см Приравнивать к].

Равный и противоположный

There is an equal and opposite charge on the other plate.

In a circular orbit the gravitational force is equal and opposite to the centrifugal force.

Равный или меньший

This diameter must be equal to, or smaller than, the distance between ...

Равный нулю

It is equal to (or equals) zero.

Равный по величине и противоположный по направлению [см. тж. Равны по величине и ]


Равный по величине и противоположный по направлению [см. тж. Равны по величине и ]

This force is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the Coriolis acceleration (or and opposed to it in direction).

Равным образом

It has been shown already how electromagnetic radiation can interact with the ground state to produce an excited state; in an equivalent manner a photon can interact with an excited state to produce a ground state.


Substituting ... , we find that the period of revolution comes out (or is equal) to 27.3 days.

Радар, предотвращающий столкновения

A collision-avoidance radar.

Ради [см. Для].

Радиация [см. Защита от излучения, Падающее излучение, Под облучением].

Радиус [см. Загибать по радиусу, Запиливать на радиус, По радиусу, Расстояние по радиусу].

Радиус действия

R is the radius of action of the active conductors.

The range of the nuclear force.

Радиус кривизны

The grating has a radius of curvature of 50 centimetres.

Радиус поворота

The turning radius is reduced when using leaning front wheels.


The inner core of the earth, 3475 km in radius, consists of...

An orbit of radius r.

A shaft pillar of 50 m radius.

Раз [см. тж. В два раза больше, чем; В два раза выше, чем; В два раза меньше, чем; В

миллион раз; В ... раз; Во много десятков раз меньше; Во много раз больше; Ещё раз; Уменьшать вдвое]

The specific goal for chemicals is a 17-times (or a 17-fold) increase. Doubling the load will reduce the life of the bearing by a factor of eight. For the amplitude to decrease by the factor 1/e (в 1/е раз) ...

Раз в восемь лет

(Once in) every (or Once every) eight years all valves must be removed from ...

Раз в два года

Biennially (or Every two years).

Раз в полгода

Ships are repaired semiannually (or each half year).

Раз в смену

Flue gases must be analyzed at least once a watch (or a shift).

Раз в шесть месяцев

The governor should be tested at least every six months.

Under normal operating conditions, the instrument should be lubricated at six-monthly intervals.

Раз и навсегда


Раз и навсегда

They decided to resolve the problem once and for all.

Разбавление [см. Большое разбавление].

Разбавленный [см. тж. Бесконечно разбавленный раствор] A dilute acid...

Разбавленный водой

Diluted with water (or Water diluted).

Water-thinned latex paint (or Latex paint thinned with water).

Разбавленный раствор

A dilute solution.

Разбавлять до безопасной концентрации

Such gases can be diluted past harm by using ...

Разбивать на [см. тж. Делить на]

The enthalpy function can be broken up into a temperature-independent term and a temperaturedependent term.

It is necessary to break the image up into dots.

The procedure can be broken down (or divided, or subdivided) into the following steps:...

The gross weight of an airplane can be broken into component weights.

These methods can be grouped as follows (разбить на следующие группы): ...

The outer loop breaks the integration range down into a number of integrals.

Разбивать на части

The integral can be split (or divided) into two parts.


These ferries can be broken down into units which can easily and swiftly be transported from point to point.

Always disassemble the unit (or take the unit apart) first for proper cleaning and rinsing. Blowers should be removed, dismantled (or taken apart) and inspected for wear.

Разбираться в

The trace is so complicated that the observer may not be able to make sense (or to make head or tail - col.) of it.

This situation may be difficult to unravel.

Разбит на

In Fig. 2 the system is broken down into its elements.

Разбить на два раздела

The scientific work can be classified under two heads - that concerned with control and that entailing research.

Разброс [см. тж. Большой разброс]

The dispersion of the experimental points is about the average. The scatter in the data is most evident in Run No. 7.

The scatter of points may be due to variation of...

There is always a spread of energies about a mean value.

Разброс по частоте

The beam has a spread in frequency about...