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I. B. The Verb to be in Past Indefinite



I, he, she, it was

I, he, she, it was not = wasn’t

We, you, they were

We, you, they were not = weren’t



Was I, he, she, it … ? - No, (he) wasn’t.

Where was I, he, she, it?

Were we, you, they … ? – Yes, (they) were.

Where were we, you, they ?

My friend was not at the conference on Friday. В пятницу мой друг небылна конференции.

Were they students at the lecture on Friday? –Yes,theywere. В пятницу онибылина лекции? – Да.

When were you in England? – I was there in February. Когда ты был в Англии? - Я был там в феврале.

I. C. Переведите предложения

1. Lastwinterwascold.2. My summer plans were interesting. 3. He was born in 1997. 4. I was lucky last Sunday. 5. They weren’t in Russia last year. 6. Was he in Paris in May? – No, he wasn’t. 7. Were you at the lecture at two o’clock? – Yes, I was. 8. What time was he at the airport? – He was there at 5 o’clock. 9. Was the Program Director in the office this morning? – No, he was in the conference room. 10. Where were you 2 days ago? – I was in the country. 11. Was the flight late? – Yes, it was two hours late. – How was the flight? – It was fine. 12. When were you in England? – I was there in February.

I. D. Составьте предложения

e.g. They / at home / on Sunday. a) They were at home on Sunday.

b) They were not at home on Sunday. c) Were they at home on Sunday?

1. I / here / at two o’clock. 2. We / Institute / two days ago. 3. They / London / Wednesday. 4. He / Italy / July. 5. They / here / yesterday. 6. You / there / four o’clock. 7. She / at the lecture / last week. 8. You / there / in winter. 9. You / born / in

II. A. Напишите предложения. Используйте was, wasn’t or were

- Were you at Eve’s party last Saturday?

- Yes, I __ .

- ___ it good?

- Well, it ___ OK.

- ___ there many people?

- Yes, there ___ .

- ___ Tom there?

- No, he ___. He ___ at home.

- And where ___ you?

- Oh, I couldn’t go, because I ___

at Adam’s party. It ___ brilliant!

II. B. Ответьте на вопросы

1. Was she in the country yesterday? (No) 2. Where were you at half past five? (at work) 3. Were you at the Institute last week? 4. When were you in Europe? (last year) 5. When was he in Germany? (a year ago) 6. Was the flight late? (three hours) 7. When was he born? (1992) 8. Where was she in March (in Asia?)

II. C. Прочтите диалоги

a) - Excuse me. Is there a telephone near here?

-Yes. It’s on the ground floor. Over there. Next to the lift.

- Thank you.


b) - An apple and two bananas, please.

- Here you are.

- Thank you. Goodbye.

- You are welcome. Goodbye.

c) - What is there for lunch?

- - Ham and some salad.

d) - What’s on television tonight?

- There’s a good programme at half

past seven. Paul McCartney in Concert

and there’s a good film after the news.

- How many films are there this evening?

- There are 2 or 3 good films.

- Is there a football match on TV?

- Yes, there is.

II. D. Translate into English: 1. Год назад я был в Японии. 2. Где вы были вчера вечером? 3. Прошлая зима была очень холодная. 4. Извините, есть поблизости остановка автобуса? 5. Что сегодня на завтрак? 6. Дай мне карандаш. - Вот, возьми. 6. Спасибо за помощь. - Пожалуйста. 7. Где моя сумка ? - Вон там.

III. A. Переведите интернациональные слова: atom [′ætəm], atomic [ətɔmik], automobile [ɔ:təməubi:l], central [′sentrəl], practice [′præktis], profession [prə′feən], continental [,kɔnti′nentl], historic(al) [his′tɔrikəl], political [pə′litikəl]

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