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Экономика страны.doc
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Франция недостаточно обеспечена минеральными ресурсами. Она является одним из основных импортеров нефти и угля на мировом рынке.

Важным сектором экономики страны является металлургическая промышленность. В последние годы металлургическое производство сокращается, хотя черные металлы являются важной частью экспорта Франции.

Здесь развиты все подотрасли машиностроения. Особенно выделяется автомобилестроение. Крупнейшими компаниями по выпуску автомобилей во Франции являются «Рено» и «Пежо-Ситроен», имеющие свои автосборочные заводы в 30 странах мира. По экспорту автомобилей Франция занимает третье место. Быстро развивается самолетостроение. Франции является одним из основных экспортеров самолетов. Здесь также развиты все отрасли химической промышленности.

Conversation practice

Задание 1. Расскажите о своем городе (селе, поселке), закончив следующие предложения:

      1. _____ is rich in ____ .

      2. The greater part of the popu­lation is employed in ____ .

      3. Its industry is _____ .

      4. The main branches of industry are ____ .

      5. Great emphasis is made on _____.

      6. In the past few years ____.

      7. _____ trades with _____

      8. The main exports are _____.

      9. The main imports are _____.

Задание 2. Расскажите об экономике какой-либо страны, закончив следующие пред­ложения:

        1. _____ is rich in _____ (coal, oil, iron ore, gold, zinc, copper, uranium ore, water resources).

        2. The greater part of the population is employed in _____ (fishing, hunting, heavy industry, light industry, agri­culture, the manufacturing industry, trade).

        3. Industry is _____ (concentrated in one area, widely dispersed, distributed unevenly, concentrated in several in­dustrial regions).

        4. The main industries are _____ (the metallurgical in­dustry, the chemical industry, the electronic industry, the textile industry, the automobile industry, the wood-working industry, the food industry, the shipbuilding industry, the mining industry, the war industry).

        5. Great emphasis is made on _____ (the development of industry, the development of agriculture, research, manage­ment training, employing scientific methods in farming).

        6. In the past few years _____ (new industries have been created, automation has been introduced in most factories and plants, labor productivity has increased greatly, in­dustrial output has decreased).

        7. As a result of mechanization _____ (many workers lost their jobs, labor productivity increased greatly, the stan­dard of living was raised considerably).

        8. _____ trades with ____ (the neighboring countries, ma­ny countries, a great number of countries all over the world).

        9. The main exports (imports) are _____ (grain, fruit, fish, wines, tobacco, electronic equipment, electrical goods, chemicals, cars, machines, weapons, raw materials, consumer goods, manufactured goods).

Задание 3. Пользуясь предложенной схемой, расскажите об экономике Великобритании и др. стран.

1) ___ is rich (poor) in natural resources.

2) It im­ports (exports) _____ from (to) _____.

3) It is a highly indust­rialized country. (It is an agricultural country.)

4) Its industry is located _____.

5) Nearly (Over) _____ workers are employed in manufacturing work.

6) Special emphasis is being placed on the development of such industries as _____.

7) In recent years new branches have been added to the traditional industries of the country, such as _____.

8) It is (not) profi­table for the country to produce _____ because it has a lot of (very few) raw materials.

9) Great attention is also paid to the development of _____.

10) The country's share in the world industrial output has (greatly) increased (decreased) in the past few years.

11) It trades with _____.

12) The main articles of its import (export) are _____.

13) The demand for its pro­ducts is (great, increasing with every passing year, decreasing).

14) It is very profitable for ______to trade with _____.

15) The main crops grown in the country are _____.