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149 Wish and if only

We can use I wish or if only to express a wish. Jessica wishes she was slimmer. If only is stronger and more emphatic than wish.

We can use a clause with if only on its own, or we can add another clause.

If only I wasn't so fat. If only I wasn't so fat, I would be able to get into these trousers.

B Wish... would

Look at these examples.

/ wish you would put those shelves up soon.

Tom wishes his neighbours wouldn't make so much noise.

If only you'd try to keep the place tidy. Wish/If only ... would expresses a wish for something to happen, or to stop happening.

C Wish ... the past

Look at these examples.

/ wish I lived in a big city. It's so boring in the country.

We all wish we had more money, don't we? If only I was taller, I might be better at basketball.

Wish and if only with a past-tense verb express a wish for things to be different.

We can use were instead of was (see also Unit 145B).

If only I were taller, I might be better at basketball.

We cannot use would in these sentences, but we can use could.

/ wish I could sing (but I can't). I feel so helpless. If only I could speak the language.

Compare wish with would and with the past.

I wish something exciting would happen. (I wish for an action in the future.) I wish my life was more interesting. (My life isn't interesting.)

D Wish ... the past perfect

We use wish and if only with the past perfect to express a wish about the past. / wish you had told me about the dance. I would have gone. I wish I'd got up earlier. I'm behind with everything today. I wish you hadn't lost that photo. It was a really good one. If only David had been a bit more careful, he'd have been all right.

We do not use would have for the past, but we can use could have.

/ wish I could have been at the wedding, but I was in New York.

149 Exercises

Wish ... would (B)

What might you say in these situations? Begin I wish ...

?to someone who never answers your e-mails

I wish you'd answer my e-mails.

?to someone who makes rude remarks about you / wish you wouldn't make rude remarks about me.

1to someone who won't hurry up

2to someone who never does the washing-up

3to someone who isn't telling you the whole story

4to someone who blows cigarette smoke in your face

5to someone who won't tell you what he's thinking

2 Wish ... the past (C)

Vicky is fed up. What is she saying? Use / wish or if only.

► (She can't think straight.) I wish I could think straight.

1(She is so tired.) .............................................................................

2(She gets headaches.).......................................................................

3(Her work isn't going well.) .....................................................

4(She can't concentrate.)..................................................................

5(Life is so complicated.) ...............................................................

3 Wish ... the past perfect (D)

Complete the sentences. Use these words: accepted, caught, found, played, saved, stayed

► I spent all my money. I wish now that / had saved it.

1I missed the train. I really wish ....................................................

2Rita left the party early. Nick wishes …………………………...

3Emma refused the offer. But her parents wish .…………………

4I looked everywhere for the key. 1 wish …………………………

5The injured player could only watch. He wishes ………………..

4 Wish and if only (B-D)

Complete the conversation.

Claire: Oh, Henry. You're giving me another present. It's very sweet of you, but I wish (►)yoM wouldn't give me so many presents. Henry:

Claire, I've been thinking. I shouldn't have asked you to marry me. I wish now that (1) ...................................................

Claire: Now you're talking nonsense. I wish (2)……………………………………………, Henry. Henry: I'm not a young man, am I? Of course I wish (3)…………………………………….

Claire: Why don't you listen? If only (4) …………………………………………..to me just this once. Henry: Why couldn't we have met twenty years ago? I wish (5) ……………………………you then. Claire: Henry, twenty years ago I was just starting school.

TEST 25 Conditionals and wish (Units 144-149)

Test 25A

Complete the news report about a protest against a new road. Put in the correct form of the verbs. Sometimes you need will or would.

Yesterday protesters managed to hold up work on the Oldbury bypass. Protest leader Alison Compton defended the action by members of the Green World group. 'If we don't protest, soon

(►) there'll be (there / be) no countryside left,' she told reporters. The bypass is now well behind schedule, and if the protesters had not held up the work so often, (1)………………………. (it / open) two months ago. 'If these fields (2)……………………….... (disappear), we'll never see them again,' said Ms Compton. 'Why can't we use public transport? If more people (3)……………………… (travel) on buses and trains, we wouldn't need new roads. If the motor car had never existed, the world (4)………………………(be)a more pleasant place today.'

But many people in Oldbury want their new bypass. 'If (5)………………………. (they / not build) it soon, the traffic jams in the town will get worse,' said Asif Mohammed, whose house is beside the busy A34. 'We just can't leave things as they are. If things remained the same, people's health

(6)……………………….. (suffer) even more from all the pollution here. It's terrible. If we don't get the traffic out of the town, (7)………………………. (I / go) mad. If (8)………………………. (I / know) earlier how bad this problem would get, (9)………………………. (I / move) out years ago. But now it has become impossible to sell this house because of the traffic. The government waited too long.

If (10)……………………….. (they / do) something sooner, there would be less traffic today' And the protest is making the new road even more expensive. 'If this goes on,

(11) …………………….. ... (there / not / be) enough money left to finish the road,' says the Transport Minister.

Test 25B

Look at the answers below and write the correct answer in each space.

A: There's always something going wrong with this car.

B:If you had any sense, you'd have sold it long ago.


a) be selling

b) have sold

c) sell

d) sold


A: It's a pity the lake wasn't frozen yesterday.


B: Yes, it is. If it .........................

frozen, we could have gone skating.


a) had been

b) was c) would be

d) would have been


A: Haven't you got enough money for a holiday?


B: Oh yes. I've got some saved up ................

………… I suddenly need it.


a) if b) in case c) that

d) unless


3A: What are you going to do next year?

B:I wish I …………………. the answer to that question.


a) knew

b) know c) could know d) would know


A: These figures are too complicated to work out in your head.


B: Yes, if ……………………… we had a calculator.


a) better

b) only

c) really

d) that


A: What are you doing later this afternoon?


B: Oh, ………………….......the game finishes, I'll go home, I expect.


a) if

b) in case

c) unless

d) when


A: Do you think I should take the job?



You shouldn't do anything……………………… you think it's the right thing to do.


a) if

b) in case

c) unless

d) when

Test 25C

Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Begin with //... ► I haven't got a key, so I can't get in. If I had a key, I could get in.

1You talk about football and I'm going to be very bored.

2The baby didn't cry, so we had a good sleep.

3You may want a chat, so just give me a ring.

4Nigel hasn't got satellite TV, so he can't watch the game.

5You go away and I'll miss you.

6I'm not rich or I'd have given up working long ago.

7We should have bought that picture five years ago because it would be quite valuable now.

8Throw a stone into water and it sinks.

Test 25 D

Write the sentences correctly.

There aren't any eggs. If-we have some-eggs I couldmake an omelette. // we had some eggs, I could make an omelette.

1The weather doesn't look very good. If it'll rain I'll stay here.

2The programme is starting soon. Can you tell me-if-it starts?

3Could you just listen? 1 -didn't need-to-repeat-things-all-the time if-you listened.

4It's a simple law of science, if air will get-warmer-it rises.

5There's only one key. I'd-better-get another one made-if-I-lose-it.

6We were really late, I wish we-left home-earlier.

7I hope the parcel comes today, If it won't arrilve-today,we'll-have-to complain.

8That radio is on loud. I wish-someone-turns it-down.

9We must do something. Until-we act quickly it'll-be too late.

10Of course Martin was angry. But he hadn't been angry if you hadn't damaged his stereo

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