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Unit 4. Studying Law. Section 2. Training Lawyers in the UK and in the USA

at the undergraduate level; sufficient US legal education gained from a law school; and sufficient knowledge of local bar requirements.

In England and Wales there are two distinct branches under the legal system, that of solicitors and barristers.

Both solicitors and barristers must complete two clear stages of training, the academic and vocational stages. The academic stage is usually accomplished by obtaining a law degree, although graduates with degrees other than law can still enter the professions by taking the Graduate Diploma in Law which will take a further year of study. A qualifying law degree in the England and Wales (LLB) consists of seven modules drawn from the following subject areas: Public law (constitutional/administrative), European Union law, Procedural Law (including law of evidence), Criminal law, Law of Obligations (contract, restitution, and tort), Property law (real property), Trusts and Equity.

Once you have completed the academic stage, you must complete the second stage of vocational training.

For solicitors, the Law Society requires to take a Legal Practice Course. This is followed by obtaining a Training Contract from a firm of solicitors who agree to provide you with a further two years of training before you are finally admitted as a solicitor to the Law society.

Barristers are required to take the Bar Vocational Course, designed by the General Council of the Bar to provide students of the bar with the practical skills involved in court work. On successful completion of the Bar Exams the student can then be called to the Bar by their Inn of Court. All prospective barristers are required to join one of the four Inns of Court, the tradition involves paying a membership fee and attending a required amount of sessions at their Inn.

Before a barrister can actually practice on their own, they must complete their 12 months 'pupillage' where they work with an experienced barrister to learn the practices that constitute a barrister's work.


1.Answer the following questions using the information from the


1.What law degrees are offered by American law schools?

2.What compulsory courses are included in the first year of the JD program?


PART I. Legal Systems

3.What is a mock trial?

4.Who are LLM programs intended for?

5.What does the state bar exam in the US require?

6.What two stages of training are compulsory for both barristers and solicitors?

7.What vocational training is required for solicitors?

8.What is the purpose of the Bar Vocational Course?

9.What traditions are followed when prospective barristers join the Inns of Court?

10.How long does «pupilage» take?

2.Find in the text words and expressions which mean:

1.a long piece of writing about a particular subject that you do as part of an advanced university degree such as PhD;

2.relating to studies done at a university after completing a first degree;

3.a type of lawyer in Britain who gives legal advice, prepares the necessary documents when property is bought or sold, and defends people, especially in the lower courts of law;

4.a document showing that someone has successfully completed a course of study or passed an examination;

5.a course of study at a university or college, or the qualification that is given to you when you have successfully completed the course.

3.Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Use the words only once.

to hold; to provide with; successful; to enter; to pay; vocational; sufficient; to attend; to pass

1.……… an undergraduate degree


3.……….a membership fee

4.……….the profession

5.……… practical skills


7.……….general education

8.……….a law school

9.………..the bar exam


Unit 4. Studying Law. Section 2. Training Lawyers in the UK and in the USA

4.Give the English equivalents for the following words and phrases:

Студент університету, який ще не отримав ступінь бакалавра; професійно орієнтований етап навчання; диплом (про закінчення вищого навчального закладу); майбутній солісітор; обов'язковий курс; практичні навички; готувати дисертацію; скласти іспит на право займатися адвокатською практикою; магістр юридичних наук; займатися адвокатською практикою; цивільний процес.


1.Match the words for people in education with the correct definition.

1) cadet

a) person, who trains sportsmen for contests or


prepares private students for an exam

2) coach

b) highest grade of a university teacher

3) dean

c) the lowest teaching rank at university

4) instructor

d) person in charge of a division of study

5) lecturer

e) person who teaches you driving

6) trainee

f) the head of some universities and schools

7) principal

g) a person studying to become an officer in the


army or a policemen

8) professor

h) person undergoing some form of vocational training

9) student

i) anyone devoted to the acquisition of knowledge,


especially attending university

2.Study the following information and compare admissions criteria and financing law degrees in the US and Ukraine.


Admission to US law schools is extremely competitive, especially for international applicants. Admissions criteria include:

Undergraduate and postgraduate (if applicable) coursework

Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) scores – for JD applicants

2-3 letters of recommendation

Statement of purpose

CV and/or writing sample for some schools – extracurricular activities and previous work experience will be taken into account during admissions


PART I. Legal Systems

Interview for some schools

Financial arrangements (applicants may be asked to provide information on how they intend to fund their legal education).

In terms of previous coursework, JD programmes do not require that applicants take an undergraduate degree in a particular subject or to have completed specific courses. Instead, they emphasize the importance of a demanding and well-rounded education with experience in a variety of disciplines.



As the cost of higher education increases in the US, it is important for students to know what costs to expect and to develop a plan to cover these. Students should expect to pay application fees that range between $50 and $120 per application. Additionally, you may need to factor in the cost of sitting the LSAT exam ($127 for JD applicants).

Tuition and fees rates can vary significantly from university to university, as there are no standard government set fees as in the USA. Rather, each university sets its own tuition and fees rates. Tuition for JD and LLM programmes can range from $20,000 to $45,000 per academic year. When considering funding for your degree, you should also consider living expenses (about 20, 000$), books and personal costs.


There is limited university funding available for law degrees; however, applicants should explore all options for university scholarships and fellowships and make sure they are considered for applicable awards. Applicants may also wish to investigate funding from external funding bodies.


Every lawyer and law student has at least one funny story about law school. Love it or hate it, law school leaves indelible impressions on our psyches. Go through these two stories and write your own.

1)We were in first-year torts and discussing slander. The Professor stated that one of the elements of slander was that the defamatory statement must be heard by «one third person.» A student raised her hand and told the Professor she didn't understand. The


Unit 4. Studying Law. Section 2. Training Lawyers in the UK and in the USA

Professor went on to explain how if one third person didn't hear the statement it wasn't considered published and didn't fulfill the elements. The student, still obviously confused, asked: "But I still don't understand which 1/3 of the person has to hear it!"

2)Having gone straight from college to law school, I didn’t even own a suit by the time first-year mock oral arguments came around. The weekend before I was scheduled, I hit Filene’s and bought a brand new «power suit.» I looked pretty sharp, felt pretty good, and come oral argument time, I was ready to blow them away. As I put the suit on, I realized, in terror, that there in very obvious plain view was the shoplifting tag that the Filene’s clerk had left on my jacket! Not having any time to stop at a store to get it removed before the argument, I just went to school, hoping no one would notice. Wouldn’t you know, the first words out of my opponent’s mouth were: «Your Honor, opposing counsel is a common criminal and shoplifter, how can you believe anything this woman says?!» Needless to say, that comment broke the ice, and I was able to make my argument with a lot less tension.


Here is an abstract from John Grisham’s «Rainmaker», describing a bar exam. Read the text and fill in the blanks with words from the list below.


the bar exam

the competition












WE ARRIVE AT THE HOTEL MEZZANINE early Wednesday morning and are efficiently herded into a ballroom larger than a football field. We are ………. and catalogued, the fees having long since been paid. There's a little nervous chatter, but not much ……... We're all scared to death.

Of the two hundred or so people taking ……. this outing, at least half finished at Memphis State last month. These are my friends and enemies.

I can feel …... here, very much like the first few weeks of law school when we were terribly concerned with each other's initial progress. I nod


PART I. Legal Systems

at a few acquaintances, silently hoping they ……. the exam because they're silently hoping I collapse too. Such is the nature of the ……...

Once we're all properly seated at folding tables spaced generously apart, we are given ten minutes' worth of ……... Then the exams are passed out at exactly 8 A.M. The exam begins with a section called Multi-State, an endless series of tricky……. questions covering that body of law common to all states. It's absolutely impossible to tell how well I'm prepared.

The exam ends at 5 p.m. Friday, with a whimper. We're too ……… to celebrate. They gather our papers tor the last time, and tell us we can leave. There's talk of a cold drink somewhere, for old times' sake, and six of us meet at Yogi's for a few rounds.

We learned after the first ……. in law school that it's best never to discuss exams. If notes are compared afterward, you become painfully aware of things you missed.


Unit 5. Law and Lawyers. Section 1. Profession of a Lawyer

Unit 5. Law and Lawyers

Section 1. Profession of a Lawyer


1.Answer the following questions:

1.Why did you choose law as a career?

2.What is the most attractive thing in the legal profession: salary, protection of society and individuals, prestige ?

3.What are the major objectives of lawyer’s work?

4.How do lawyers apply the knowledge of law in their practice?

5.Where do lawyers work? What legal professions do you know?

6.Is it important to specialize in any particular area? Why?

2.Match the following English words and expressions with their Ukrainian equivalents:


Legal profession

a) Соціальні відносини


Law-making processes

b) Слідчий


Social relations

c) Юрист, консультант з питань права



d) Суддя



e) Юридична професія


Municipal enterprises

f) Нотаріус



g) Адвокат

8) To improve notary system

h) Прокурор



i) Законотворчі процеси

10) Informative activity

j) Муніципальні підприємства

11) Notary

k) Інформативна діяльність

12) Advocate

l) Вдосконалити нотаріальну систему

3.Read the text to find the sentences with the words from exercise 2 and translate them.



One of the most popular professions among the young people of our country is the profession of a lawyer. It is very interesting and important.


PART I. Legal Systems

Our country is creating a law-governed state, and lawyers play a very significant role in this process. They are necessary for regulating social relations in the state.

In Ukraine, training lawyers is the task of the law establishments such as Law Academies, Law Institutes, and law faculties of several higher institutions. Graduates of different law schools can work at the Bar, in the organs of the Prosecutor’s Office, in different courts, in notary offices, in legal advice offices, in organs of tax inspection, militia, as well as in different firms, companies, banks, enterprises, etc. They can work as advocates, judges, notaries, investigators, prosecutors, legal advisors, inspectors, customs officers, traffic officers, and other workers of law enforcement agencies.

Legal profession combines legal practitioners and scholars, members of the judiciary, and the Bar, prosecutors, defense lawyers, notaries, jurists and counsels (legal advisors of private, public, state and municipal enterprises, establishments and organizations) etc.

The Academy of Legal Sciences was established in 1993. It is a national scientific organization, which carries out the fundamental researches and coordinates, organizes and fulfils works in the field of state and law. The academicians and known scientists are the members of the Academy. There are also some other professional unions of lawyers in Ukraine.

The Union of Lawyers of Ukraine carries out lawmaking, scientific, methodological, educational and informative activities with the aim of promoting lawyers of Ukraine in their professional and social interests, their public activities and participation in the state policy development.

The Ukrainian Bar Association unites lawyers from all spheres of legal professionwiththeaimofprotectingtheirprofessionalandothercommoninterests, developing the legal profession, and creating a law-governed state in Ukraine.

The Union of Advocates of Ukraine is an independent and self-governed public all-Ukrainian organization. It is aimed at facilitating the role and authority of the Bar in our society and the state, the true independence and self-regulation of the Bar and developing the democratic state in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Association of Prosecutors has a purpose to protect legal rights and interests of its members who worked/work in the Prosecutor’s Office, and support the prosecutors’ positive image in Ukraine and abroad, helping to fulfill their tasks.

The Ukrainian Notarial Chamber is a public organization which supports its members in their professional activities, makes efforts to improve notary system and participates in the law-making process.


Unit 5. Law and Lawyers. Section 1. Profession of a Lawyer

The Ukrainian branch of the European Law Students’ Association – ELSA Ukraine is comprised of students and recent graduates of the Ukrainian law education establishments who are interested in law and have demonstrated commitment to international issues.


1.Read the following statements and decide if they are true or false according to the text. Prove your answers with the information from the text.

1)The profession of a lawyer is very popular in our country.

2)The lawyer can help in regulating social relations in the state.

3)Only one educational establishment trains lawyers in Ukraine.

4)Members of the judiciary don’t belong to the legal profession.

5)The Academy of Legal Sciences was established in 2003.

6)The aim of the Ukrainian Bar Association is law enforcement.

7)The Union of Advocates of Ukraine is a state-governed public allUkrainian organization.

8)The Ukrainian Notarial Chamber makes efforts to improve notary system.

9)ELSA is the Ukrainian branch of the European Law Students’ Association.

2. Read the text again and complete the table.







The Academy of Legal Sciences



The Union of Lawyers of Ukraine



The Ukrainian Bar Association



The Union of Advocates of Ukraine



The Ukrainian Association of






The Ukrainian Notarial Chamber




PART I. Legal Systems

3.Find in the text synonyms to the following words and use them in your own sentences:

Body, country, lawful, legislation, defence lawyer.

4. Choose the right variant:

1.Law faculties of higher institutions –

a)enforce law

b)regulate social relations in the state

c)train lawyers

2.Legal profession doesn’t comprise




3.The Academy of Legal Sciences

a)carries out the fundamental researches

b)makes efforts to improve notary system

c)creates a law-governed state

4.The purpose of protecting legal rights and interests of prosecutors is carried by

a)The Ukrainian Notarial Chamber

b)The Ukrainian Association of Prosecutors

c)ELSA Ukraine

5.Complete the sentences:

1)Organization, which has a purpose to protect legal rights and interests of its members who worked/work in the Prosecutor’s Office, is called...

2)Students and recent graduates of the Ukrainian law education establishments, who are interested in law, may join...

3)The Union of Advocates of Ukraine is aimed at...

4)A national scientific organization, which carries out the fundamental researches and coordinates, organizes and fulfils works in the field of state and law, was established in...

5)A public organization which supports its members in their professional activities, makes efforts to improve notary system and participates in the law-making process, is...

6)Lawyers from all spheres of legal profession unite in...

7)The Union of Lawyers of Ukraine carries out the following activities:...


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