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П е с н и «б и т л з», в о ш е д ш и е в п о с о б и е

  1. I Want To Hold Your Hand ……………………………………………5

  2. P.S. I Love You ………………………………………………………..5

  3. Baby’s In Black ………………………………………………………..7

  4. I’ll Be On My Way …………………………………………………….8

  5. All Together Now …………………………………………………….12

  6. Good Night …………………………………………………………...16

  7. And I Love Her ……………………………………………………….21

  8. For No One …………………………………………………………...21

  9. Do You Want To Know A Secret ……………………………………22

  10. Ob-la-di Ob-la-da ……………………………………………………22

  11. Here There And Everywhere …………………………………………24

  12. Yesterday ……………………………………………………………..26

  13. The Night Before ……………………………………………………..26

  14. Yellow Submarine ……………………………………………………27

  15. I Saw Her Standing There ……………………………………………27

  16. No Reply ……………………………………………………………..28

  17. Blackbird ……………………………………………………………..29

  18. I’ll Follow The Sun …………………………………………………..30

  19. All My Loving ……………………………………………………….31

  20. Help!…………………………………………………………………. 33

  21. The Long And Winding Road ………………………………………..34

К о н т р о л ь н а я р а б о т а

Задание 1. Зачеркните звуки, которых нет в данных словах.

За каждый правильный ответ – 1 балл. [max.* - 5]

  1. dream [e]; [ei]; [i:]

  2. dare [ai]; [eз]; [a:]

  3. bold [ou]; [o:]; [oi]

  4. lend [e]; [i:] [з] _____________

  5. turn [u:]; [uз]; [з:] *max. - максимум

Задание 2. Подберите рифмы. За каждую рифму – 1 балл. [max. 5]

wine; leaves; fur; sign; fate; sir; sleeves; drum; eight; come.

Задание 3. В каждой строчке зачеркните слово, в котором читается

отличный от других гласный звук. За каждое слово – 1 балл.

[max. 5]

  1. dove; cut; some; dot; run.

  2. sea; head; feed; scene; treat.

  3. bath; fast; taste; star; ask.

  4. day; waist; reign; game; fairy.

  5. hill; mild; cry; night; type.

Задание 4. Найдите 5 слов, являющихся музыкальными терминами.

За каждое слово – 1 балл. [max. 5]

dill; sale; hire; those; sharp; mist; clock; rest; dust; joke; eve; herb; yard; play; dig; store; thick; dark; flat; lime; fir; neck; doll; name.

Задание 5. Замените выделенные слова местоимениями по смыслу.

За каждое местоимение – 1 балл. [max. 5]

  1. I feel that ice is slowly melting.

  2. That boy took my love away.

  3. Rose and Valerie say he must go free.

  4. We got the bill and Rita paid it.

  5. You and me have memories.

Задание 6. Употребите выделенные существительные в форме

множественного числа. Измените местоимения по смыслу.

Обратите внимание на употребление артикля “a”.

За каждое правильное предложение – 1 балл. [max. 6]

  1. Take a knife and a fork.

  2. Don’t take this soup plate.

  3. Take this bread basket away.

  4. Please, give me that salad spoon.

  5. Wash this fruit dish.

  6. Put a napkin on the table.

Задание 7.Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных

и наречий. За каждое слово – 1 балл. [max. 30]

far; lonely; sweet; green; tall; low; bad; little; plainly; wonderful; madly; poor; hard; deep; old; soft; much; young; nice; suddenly; kind; short; fast; well; new; beautiful; small; clean; tragic; wet.

Задание 8. Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык.

За каждое слово – 1 балл. [max. 9]

  1. When I was (моложе), so much (моложе) than today.

  2. In my life I love you (больше).

  3. The (самые лучшие) things in life are free.

  4. She no (дольше) needs you.

  5. When I get (старше), losing my hair, many years from now.

  6. Take a (грустную) song and make it (лучше).

  7. A little bit (громче) now.

  8. A taste of honey, tasting much (слаще) than wine.

Задание 9. Употребите глаголы в скобках в соответствующей форме.

За каждый правильный ответ – 1 балл. [max. 10]

  1. Baby, you (be) a rich man.

  2. She (be) a woman who loves her man.

  3. I (be) a loser.

  4. I (have) arms that long to hold you.

  5. We (be) sorry but it (be) time to go.

  6. Your love (be) all you (have).

  7. You (be) sweet and lovely girl, it (be) true.

Задание 10. Заполните пропуски глаголами to be и to have

в соответствующей форме. За каждый правильный

глагол – 1 балл. [max. 20]

My name ... Harry Jones. (I ... Harry Jones.) I ... twenty. I ... a student. I ... a future teacher of music. I ... fond of music. It ... my future profession. I ... two instruments: a piano and a guitar. Piano ... my speciality and guitar ... my hobby. I ... from a small town in the north of England. My family ... not very large. I ... a mother, a father, two sisters and a brother. One of my sisters, whose name ... Lucy, ... married and ... a family of her own. My parents ... a comfortable four-bedroom house by the seaside. In London I ... a small flat of my own. I ... a bedroom, a music room and a kitchen in my flat. I ... an old upright piano in my music room to practise studies and scales.

Задание 11. Употребите глагол to be в соответствующей форме.

За каждый правильный ответ – 1 балл. [max. 8]

There (be) a house in the country. There (be) four rooms and a kitchen in the house. There (be) an attic on the top floor. There (be) a lot of old furniture in the attic.There (be) an ancient chest of drawers in the right corner. There (be) many drawers in it.

There (be) a wooden box in one of them. There (be) a coral necklace, two wedding rings and a diamond pin in the box. The pin is my true love's present.

Задание 12. Переведите модальные глаголы, данные в скобках,

на английский язык. За каждый глагол - 1 балл. [max. 11]

  1. I (не могу) believe it's happened to me.

  2. And now the time has come and so, my love, I (должен) go.

  3. Lovely Rita, meter maid, nothing (может) come between us.

  4. We gave her everything money (могли) buy.

  5. All things (должны) pass, none of life's string (может) last.

  6. I (могу) play the part so well.

  1. You know how hard it (может) be.

  2. He's a man you (должны) believe.

  3. Sing it loud so I (могу) hear you.

  4. So I (должен) be on my way, face another day.

Задание 13. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Present Simple.

За каждую правильную форму глагола – 1 балл. [max. 11]

  1. The Prims (get) up early in the morning.

  2. After breakfast the children (go) to school.

  3. Their father (take) them to school and then (go) to work.

  4. Mrs Prim (stay) at home.

  5. She (do) the housework.

  6. She always (have) lunch at noon.

  7. Mr Prim (come) home late.

  8. In the evening children (do) their homework.

  9. Sometimes Mr and Mrs Prim (watch) television at night.

  10. They usually (go) to bed before midnight.

Задание 14. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Present Simple или

Present Continuous. За каждую правильную форму

глагола – 1 балл. [max. 12]

It (be) a fine day today. I (see) some clouds in the sky, but the sun (shine). Mr Prim (be) with his family. They (walk) in the park. They (see) some swans in the lake. Mr Prim and his wife (feed) them. Lettie (look) at a big sheepdog. The dog (cross) the bridge over the lake. Lettie (wave) her hand to the dog. Jack (take) pictures of his family. He always (have) his camera with him.

Задание 15. а) Употребите глаголы в скобках в форме Past Simple.

За каждую правильную форму глагола – 1 балл.

б) Сделайте полученные предложения вопросительными (?)

или отрицательными (-). За каждое предложение – 1 балл.

[max. 20]

  1. The Prims (go) to the concert yesterday. (-)

  2. It (be) cold last winter. (?)

  3. Ann (spend) last week-end in the country. (-)

  4. She (clean) the room yesterday evening. (?)

  5. Tom (believe) him, I'm sure. (-)

  6. We (be) at home last night. (-)

  7. He (say) goodbye when he left us yesterday. (?)

  8. I (want) to talk to her yesterday. (-)

  9. Stella (have) to treat him fairly.(?)

  10. You (go out) with my girlfriend yesterday. (?)

Задание 16. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или

Past Continuous. За каждую правильную форму

глагола – 1 балл. [max. 20]

1. He (read) a very interesting detective story and (not answer)

my question.

  1. Henry (look) through the morning mail while his wife (dress)

for dinner.

  1. We (sing) a song when Pamela (come) into the room.

  2. While the teacher (give) a lesson, Mike (listen) to his cassette-


  1. Mary (wear) her new dress at our party yesterday.

  2. Jenny (find) her mother's old brooch when she (sweep) the floor.

  3. Jim (take) a bath and (sing) very loudly, he (not hear) the door


  1. When I (go) to work this morning, the snowfall (begin).

  2. Laura (try) on a pair of new shoes when she (see) a mouse in

the corner.

  1. James (sit) in a comfortable armchair and (delight) in music

ll day yesterday.

Задание 17. Употребите глаголы в скобках в одной из форм будущего

времени (Future Simple или “to be going to”). Помните, что

форма “to be going to” обозначает запланированные

будущие действия. В некоторых случаях возможны обе

формы. За каждую правильную форму глагола – 1 балл.

[max. 10]

  1. I hope my future child (have) a good ear for music.

  2. Laura (perform) your piece for solo piano.

  3. I (play) this study to you when I know it well.

  4. Derek (finish) his symphony very soon.

  5. Your playing (be) better if you put more feeling into it.

  6. Mike (practise) for six hours a day to improve his technique.

  7. The musicians are very good, so the concert (be) a great success.

  8. If the piece is difficult for you, I (find) you an easier one.

  9. What are you going to do with my guitar? - I (tune) it.

  10. Joan is too tired now, she (practise) her scales tomorrow.

Задание 18. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect или

Past Simple. Помните, что с наречиями прошедшего

времени (yesterday, last week, two days ago) возможна

только форма Past Simple. За каждую правильную

форму глагола – 1 балл. [max. 9]

  1. He just (tell) me the news.

  2. I (tell) you the story yesterday.

  3. I (come) to invite you to our party.

  4. Lettie and Jack (come) home from school five minutes ago.

  5. I never (see) a kangaroo.

  6. I (see) the moon last night.

  7. The train (arrive) two minutes ago.

  8. You (be) here before? - Yes I (be) here last year.

Задание 19. Соедините два предложения в одно, употребив в одной

его части глагол в форме Past Simple, а в другой части –

в форме Past Perfect. За каждое предложение – 1 балл.

[max. 6]

Образец: He had breakfast. He went to work. (after)

He went to work after he had had breakfast.

  1. They were free. They filled in all the forms. (after)

  2. The sun set. We finished our work in the garden. (before)

  3. I lent Tom some money. He asked me for it. (after)

  4. He wrote the telegram. He sent the maid to the post office.(after)

  5. I arrived in London. My friend left the town. (when)

  6. She read the letter again. She wrote the reply. (before)

Примечание: Выполнив контрольную работу, подсчитайте баллы

и оцените свои знания по следующей системе:

«Отлично» – от 207 до 197 баллов;

«Хорошо» – от 196 до 155 баллов;

«Удовлетворительно» – от 154 до 104 балла;

«Неудовлетворительно» – 103 балла и меньше.