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Основи теорії ґендеру

critical review of biological determinism, essentialism, theories of asymmetrical match in inter-gender relations. This section gears towards providing a systematized methodological substantiation for gender as a theory, as well as towards highlighting specifics of gender methodology in humanities and social sciences.

The next topic area of the manual, dealing with sociological interpretations of gender, contains three sections and opens with an overview of approaches to gender as taken by social constructivists (Section 4 “Biological, Psychological and Socio-cultural Aspects of Gender”). Section 4 also puts in order all currently available theoretical interpretations of gender, delineates main gender issues of today and characterizes some theoretical attempts to address them.

Furthermore, in Section 5 “Gender Socialization and Gender Identity”, ways and forms of reproducing gender roles in the society are considered from the perspective of gender socialization and gender identity acquisition. Here one can also find an overview of various theories of gender identity development, and a discussion of sources and means of gender socialization, forms of abiding by societal gender norms, and mechanisms for adopting relevant role models.

Section 6 “Gender Roles and Stereotypes” offers several theoretical interpretations of gender roles as commonly realized in modern societies (structural-and-functional, social conflict theory, etc), regarding gender roles as a manifestation of social inequality. The issue of a universal VS socially designed nature of gender roles and characteristics is brought to the fore. Commonly held opinions in respect of typical male and female characteristics are discussed along with the ways of forming and overcoming gender-role stereotypes, and adequate interpretations of gender differences.

The next topic area covers modes of gender operation in certain social institutions and/or social spheres. Its opening Section 7 “Feminist Theories and Feminist Movement” spotlights the social and economic contexts of women’s inclusion into economic, social and political life. It also identifies ideological origins of feminism and factors of its establishment as an ideology and political practice;



describes the main stages in feminism development and essentials of feminist ideologies.

Particularities of gender application in the sphere of politics are analyzed in Section 8 “Gender and Politics”. It reveals the nature and specifics of gender approach to politics, gender characteristics of state (legislative, executive and judicial) power, gender issues relating to political leadership.

Section 9 “Gender Issues and Mass Media” draws attention to the public sphere of the society at large and reveals mechanisms for institutionalizing gender inequality through mass media.

Section 10 “Gender and Law” is intended to justify an objective need for regulating gender processes. It reviews the conceptions of natural and social rights, discusses their gender determinants and sheds light on the impact that a society’s gender composition has on its legal system development. Key gender-relating notions of law are defined and analyzed, including: equal rights, equal freedoms, equal duties and equal opportunities.

Section 11 “Gender Relations in Economy” explores the economic aspects of social relations between men and women, providing arguments in favour of introducing gender dimensions into the study of economic relations at micro and macro levels. Discussed are the problems of economic power and economic dependence, infamily division of responsibilities, economic evaluation of women’s unpaid labour and “child value”. The topic area “women and men in the labour market” embraces such essential issues as correlation between gender and labour motivation, gender aspects of economic behaviour and gender factors of unemployment. Gender inequality in income is considered from the standpoint of gender segregation and its social, economic and political implications.

The issue of gender-based division of authority in the family, described in the previous section, is further elaborated, in a greater detail, in Section 12 “Gender Relations in a Family”. Here one can read about the evolution of family forms and status at various stages of humankind’s historical development, characteristics of patriarchic and egalitarian types of family relations, diverse opinions on marriage


Основи теорії ґендеру

and family, socio-cultural aspects of motherhood and fatherhood. Special attention is paid to the interdependence of professional and family spheres of human life and activity, which allows to consider gender relations and economic power both in a narrower context of family (or household as an economic unit), and at a macroeconomic level and brings the discussion to the next section of the manual.

Section 13 “Religion in a Gender Perspective” opens the last topic area of the manual that depicts cultural representations of gender. The central notion of the section is that of “the sacral”, viewed in terms of its feminine and masculine archetypes. The section describes basic – gender-neutral – properties of “the sacral” and its images in culture. It analyzes gender aspects of social manifestations of religious experience and reviews the history of religions in a gender perspective – from matriarchal religions to neoreligions and other modern alternatives to patriarchic religions.

Section 14 “Gender Literary Theory and Criticism” regards the realization of feminine and masculine archetypes in literature, as relating to the experiences of the consciousness and corporality; analyzes the stages and contents of feminist literary criticism and presents gender methodology of text analysis in literary studies and literary criticism.

The above discussion passes on to Section 15 “Ukrainian Gender Cultural Studies” that outlines some gender theories, their application to the study of fine arts, and their development by Ukrainian researchers.

Section 16 “Gender and Language” concentrates on the role of gender in the formation of an individual and communal linguistic world-image. In particular, it examines various gender-conditioned linguistic portrayals of persons (e.g. of man as a norm and of woman

– as a deviation from the norm), gender-conditioned nomination strategies (i.e. linguistic political correctness), sexism in different text types and speech functional styles.

Section 17 “Gender Education and Gender Pedagogy” features gender dimensions of educational systems. It characterizes the system of education as one of the basic institutions accountable for the repro-



reproduction of gender stratification in the society and lists specifically educational means of such reproduction, namely: gender socialization within the system of education, formation of gender roles, manifestation of gender stereotypes within the system of education, etc.

Section 18 “Evolvement of Gender Education in Ukraine” is a concluding part of the manual, in the sense that it crowns the description of gender studies status in Ukraine by considering the main stages, areas and specific features of Ukrainian gender studies.

The very last Section 19 “Gender as a Theoretical Prospect of Feminism” considers a general context of gender theory application, especially in social and political spheres.

On the whole, the manual is so designed as to present the body of knowledge on gender issues, formulate a comprehensive conception of gender system inherent in the society and develop the readers’ skills in assessing social and cultural phenomena from gender viewpoint.

The manual is laid out as series of modules, which facilitates the use of its material in various academic disciplines: philosophy, political science, legal studies, literary studies, linguistics, etc.

The manual targets trainers and lecturers in social disciplines and humanities, as well as university and college students.

Основи теорії ґендеру

Навчальний посібник

Авторський колектив:

Агеєва В.П.(розділи 14-15), Близнюк В.В. (розділ 11), Головашенко І.О. (розділ 3), ГорностайП.П.(розділ5),ЛавриненкоН.В.(розділ12),ЛуценкоО.А.(розділ17), Маланчук-РибакО.З.(розділ7),МалесЛ.В.(розділ4),Мельник Т.М.(розділи1,8, 10), Оксамитна С.М. (розділ 6), Скорик М.М. (розділ 9), Смоляр Л.О. (розділ 18), Суковата В. (розділ 13), Фоменко О.С. (розділ 16), Чухим Н.Д. (розділ 2)

Рецензенти посібника:

Богачевська-Хом’як М., д-р іст. наук, директор Програми ім. Фулбрайта Гундорова Т.І., д-р філол. наук, чл.-кор. НАН України

Орлов В.Ф., д-р пед. наук, професор

Редакційна колегія посібника:

Агеєва В.П., д-р філол. наук, професор Кобелянська Л.С., канд. філос. наук, доцент Скорик М.М., канд. філос. наук

Відповідальний редактор: Скорик М.М.

Підписано до друку 11.03.05. Формат 60х84 1/16 . Папір офсетний. Друк офсетний. Умов. друк. арк. 31,16. Обл. вид. арк. 30,5.

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