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Part 3 writing & speaking fundamentals

Task 12. Use the information under letters (A) & (B). Complete the table.





Narration (narrative)





1) It is used to give the key-information about specialized, controversial or ambiguous terminology. This is important because the same term may take on different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Furthermore, there can be slight and often subtle variations in the way different writers use the same term and what they mean by it. You should therefore ensure that you make absolutely clear the meanings you are assigning to key terms used in your writing, particularly if you are using them in a way that differs from the generally accepted definition.

2) It is often useful in definitions to illustrate the phenomenon

3) It helps you to organize your writing by joining items into clearly identifiable groups.

4) An account or description of events in the past which entails following a time sequence or chronological order (i.e. earliest first).

5) It is used to say what something or somebody looks like; give a picture of in words. It can sometimes involve explaining the different elements of which something is composed.


a) To give some historical background or development. It is usually used in introductions.

b) This allows you to break down your topic into more manageable chunks and to deal with each chunk in the most logical order.

c) In scientific and technical writing it usually involves explaining how to do or make something: for example, how to conduct an experiment, how to construct a dam, how to operate a machine or how to carry out a manufacturing process. And in a research report, of course, it will be used to say what the methodology employed in the course of your research is like

d) To clear up something, to make it understandable via some other things and their interrelations

e) To provide clarification of a particular term.

Task 13 There are 5 groups of words and phrases. Deside, which group can be used with each element: 1) description, 2) narration, 3) exemplification, 4) definition, 5) classification.

A) First(ly), . . . Second(ly), . . . Third(ly), . . . Next, . . .

Then, . . . After this, . . . Finally/Lastly, . . . Prior to . . .

Following . . . While . . . Simultaneously . . . Before . . .

B) shown by

exemplified by

illustrated by

for example,

for instance

the following examples, a & b

a & b are examples of X

such as

C) Verb forms commonly used are the simple past active, simple past passive, and past perfect active

e.g. it organised…,

it was created ….,

it had developed.

D) By X is meant . . .

I am taking X to mean . . .

. . ., namely, . . .

In the present study, X refers to . . .

The term as used here refers not to . . . but instead/rather to . . .

This term refers to . . .

Although there have been various interpretations of X, I am using it to mean . . .

There has been a good deal of variation in the literature in the way in which the

term X has been used. In this study I am taking it to mean (specifically) . . .

X, notably relating to . . . as opposed to Y, is used in this report/work/thesis to refer

to . . .

In other words,

In this respect, . . .

In this sense, . . .

E) X can be analysed/broken down into three types.

X can be categorised/classified/grouped according to . . .

The first/second/third/next/final or last type/kind/category/division is made up of/

comprises . . .

One type . . .

Another type . . .

Still/yet another type is . . .

Task 14. Look through the articles below and say which is the most close to the sphere of your interest. Read and analyse this article. Find and present to your partners the examples of description, definition, exemplification, narration and classification. (Article 6 is in the CD)