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Спряжение глагола to have got (иметь, обладать) в Present Simple (настоящем времени)




Краткий ответ



You have got a …

They ‘ve got some …

n, pl.



You have not got a…

They haven’t got any...

n, pl.



Have you got a/any...


n, pl


Yes, we have.

No, you haven’t.



He has got a …

It ‘s got some …

n, sg.


He has not got a …

It hasn’t got any …

n, sg.


Has he got a/any...


n, sg.

Yes, she has.

No, he hasn’t.


  1. Read, translate and remember:

1. I’ve got a large family. 2. My friends have got a small family. 3. They’ve got two daughters and a son. 4. Our parents have got a three-room flat. 5. My sister hasn’t got any children. 6. Her friend hasn’t got a flat. 7. I haven’t got any apples. 8. He’s got a brother. 9. We’ve got some magazines. 10. Have you got a cat? – Yes, I have. 11. Has your brother got any children? – No, he hasn’t.

  1. Insert the correct form of the verb “to have got”:

1. I … a brother. 2. My sister … a son. 3. John … some nephews. 4. We … not any interesting books in French. 5. Her brothers … a good job. 6. You … a fine child. 7. Our cousin … not a car. 8. My friend … 4 children. 9. You … any money? – No, … 10. Your friend … a car? – Yes, ...

  1. Put these sentences into negative form and translate them:

1. I’ve got a sister. 2. My friend has got a son. 3. Ann has got a fine flat. 4. They’ve got some money. 5. Peter’s got a white cat. 6. They’ve got many friends. 7. Our grandparents have got a new flat. 8. He’s got some hobbies. 9. I’ve got some dogs. 10. My parents have got a good country house.

  1. Put into question form. Answer the questions:

1. Jane has got a sister. (Yes) 2. Tom has got two brothers. (No, sisters) 3. Your uncle has got an own shop. (Yes) 4. Your cousins have got some English books. (No, magazines) 5. His parents have got a dog. (Yes) 6. Her aunt has got some children. (No, a daughter) 7. I’ve got two grannies. (No, one) 8. My cat has got a toy. (Yes) 9. I’ve got a sister. (No, a brother) 10. John has got a little flat. (No, large) 11. Jill has got a cat. (No, a dog) 12. They’ve got a new car. (Yes) 13. His friends have got a flat. (No, a house) 14. My friends have got some shops. (Yes)

  1. Agree as in the model (Выразите согласие, как в образце):

  • Kate has got a cat. – I’ve got a cat too.

  • John hasn’t got a flat. – I haven’t got a flat either.

1. Alex has got a blue tie. 2. The boys have got many friends. 3. July has got a black bag. 4. My brother hasn’t got a new car. 5. The girls haven’t got any French magazines. 6. Her sister hasn’t got any interesting books. 7. I haven’t got any children. 8. Mike has got some money. 9. They’ve got some work. 10. My father hasn’t got a dog. 11. Our teacher has got some hobby.

  1. Insert an article or a pronoun where necessary:

1. I’ve got … friends. 2. They’ve got … son. 3. Have you got … relatives? – Yes, I have. I’ve got … mother and … two brothers. 4. Mary hasn’t got … dog. 5. I haven’t got … problems. 6. Has Tom got … aim? – No, he hasn’t. 7. He’s got … helpers. 8. We haven’t got … mistakes. 9. You’ve got … nice flat. 10. Have you got … cousin? – Yes, I have. I’ve got … three sister-cousins and … brother-cousin

  1. Insert the correct form of the verbs “to be” or “to have got”:

1. I … a little dog. 2. My sister … 16. 3. They … at home now. 4. Mike … a brother. 5. We … some English newspapers. 6. I … a good swimmer. 7. Ann …not any problems. 8. Paul … not a student. 9. You … not right. 10. I … not a pen. 11. You … any mistakes in your test. 12. You … not a bad student. You … only lazy. 13. I … not 20. I … only 18. 14. You … any friends? – Yes, I … 15. You … a good student? – I think I … 16. Your grandparents … a country house? – No, …

  1. Translate into English:

1. У Вас есть ручка? – Да. – Дайте мне её, пожалуйста. 2. У неё есть красный карандаш? – Нет. Но у меня есть. 3. У него есть сестра? – Нет, у него брат. 4. У них большая или маленькая квартира? – У них большая современная квартира. 5. У неё длинные ноги? – Да. 6. У Вас есть телевизор? – Да, у нас новый телевизор. 7. У Вас есть телефон? – Нет. 8. У неё нет тетрадей. 9. У меня нет тёти. 10. У меня много родственников. 11. У нас нет проблем.