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2. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. Where are memos used?

2. What information do memos usually contain?

3. What are the purpose of writing memos?

3. Найдите в тексте предложения с модальными глаголами, выпишите и письменно переведите их.

4. Найдите в тексте причастия 2 и причастия 1, определите их функцию в предложении и переведите предложения на русский язык.

5. Соедините соответствующие эквиваленты.

  1. formal letter

  2. envelope

  3. notes

  4. useless

  5. staff

  6. to draw the attention

  7. request

  8. reference

  9. purposes

  10. task

  1. заметки, записи

  2. цели

  3. бесполезный

  4. задание

  5. конверт

  6. персонал

  7. деловое письмо

  8. привлечь внимание

  9. просьба

  10. ссылка

6. Переведите предложения, определите видовременную форму и залог глагола – сказуемого.

  1. I have examined the samples received from Eastern Carpets.

  2. We shall arrange payment by bank transfer in future.

  3. It was more convenient than other methods of payment.

7. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам.

  1. Memoranda are notes used for communications within a single company.

  2. The information should be laid out clearly and succinctly.

  3. Memos generally act as informal notes, they need not strictly be written in the style of formal letters.

8. Поставьте глагол в нужное время.

1. If you (to write) a memo tomorrow we (to pin) it on a notice board.

2. Memos can (to use) for a variety of other purposes.

3. Some companies (to use) memos for general information.

9. Составьте предложения из слов, переведите их.

  1. Shall, soon, goods, send, we, the, as, possible.

  2. Can, our, you, help, agents.

Вариант 4

1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст «TELEGRAMS, CABLES, TELEGRAPHIC SERVICES»

The Post Office telegram service is the most common method of communication for urgent business. The telegram is a brief message which can be sent quickly and efficiently to most parts of the world, for urgent messages and requests a letter is too slow, (although sometimes a company writes a letter to confirm the telegram). International telegrams can also be sent to ships in port, trains in railway stations, and aircraft at airports.

The words 'telegram', 'telegraph' and 'cable' mean the same thing- A 'telegram' is the form which the sender fills in, and although the word is used most often for inland communication, it can also be used for international messages.

The charge for a telegram is calculated on the number of words used and the distance the telegram has to travel. Telegrams are used to give urgent information or to demand immediate action. This may, in fact, save money, but most companies continue to make telegrams as brief as possible, so it is important to understand some of the rules they use when writing cables.

A common rule is that all articles (a, an, the), pronouns (I, she, he, we, her, him etc.) and prepositions, should be kept out if possible.