- •Unit 1 architecture of industrial and civil constructions exercise 1
- •Exercise 2
- •Exercise 3
- •Exercise 4
- •Exercise 5
- •Exercise 6
- •Exercise 7
- •Architecture of industrial and civil constructions
- •Exercise 8
- •Exercise 9
- •Exercise 10
- •Exercise 11
- •Exercise 12
- •Exercise 13
- •Exercise 2
- •Exercise 3
- •Exercise 4
- •Exercise 5
- •Exercise 6
- •Exercise 7
- •Structural mechanics
- •Exercise 8
- •Exercise 9
- •Exercise 10
- •Exercise 11
- •Exercise 12
- •Exercise 13
- •Exercise 14
- •Exercise 15
- •Unit 3 hydraulic engineering exercise 1
- •Exercise 2
- •Exercise 3
- •Exercise 4
- •Exercise 5
- •Exercise 6
- •Exercise 7
- •Hydraulic engineering
- •Exercise 8
- •Exercise 9
- •Exercise 10
- •Exercise 11
- •Exercise 12
- •Exercise 13
- •Exercise 14
- •Unit 4 town building and municipal services exercise 1
- •Exercise 2
- •Exercise 3
- •Exercise 4
- •Exercise 5
- •Exercise 6
- •Exercise 7
- •Exercise 8
- •Town building and municipal services
- •Exercise 9
- •Exercise 10
- •Exercise 11
- •Exercise 12
- •Unit 5 building materials and engineering components
- •Gas supply, ventilation and air conditioning
- •Exercise 4
- •Exercise 5
- •Exercise 6
- •Exercise 7
- •Gas supply, ventilation and air conditioning
- •Exercise 8
- •Exercise 9
- •Exercise 10
- •Exercise 11
- •Water supply and removal of sewage
- •Exercise 4
- •Exercise 5
- •Water supply and removal of sewage
- •Exercise 8
- •Exercise 9
- •Exercise 10
- •Exercise 11
- •Unit 8 technology of building construction exercise 1
- •Exercise 2
- •Exercise 3
- •Exercise 4
- •Exercise 5
- •Exercise 6
- •Exercise 7
- •Exercise 8
- •Technology of building construction
- •Exercise 9
- •Exercise 10
- •Exercise 11
- •Exercise 12
- •Unit 9 environmental and social impact
- •Exercise 2
- •Exercise 3
- •Exercise 4
- •Exercise 5
- •Exercise 6
- •Environmental and Social Impact
- •Exercise 7
- •Exercise 8
- •Exercise 9
- •Indicate which of the two English sentences is nearest in meaning to the Russian sentence.
- •Exercise 10
- •Exercise 2
- •Exercise 3
- •Exercise 4
- •Exercise 5
- •Exercise 6
- •Exercise 7
- •Architectural styles
- •Exercise 8
- •Exercise 9
- •Exercise 10
- •Part II Грамматические упражнения для снятия трудностей перевода, обусловленные структурными особенностями английского предложения Артикль
- •Существительное
- •Прилагательное
- •Местоимение
- •Глагол. Личные формы
- •Глагол. Неличные формы
- •Наречие, предлог, союз
- •Подлежащее
- •Дополнение
- •Определение
- •Эллипсис
- •Двойное управление
- •Многозначность
- •«Ложные друзья переводчика»
- •Некоторые употребительные выражения
- •Part III supplementary reading
- •1) Прочитайте текст, не прибегая к словарю. Builder's Machinery and Equipment
- •Steel Scaffolding
- •Concrete Mixers
- •Lifting Equipment
- •Road-Making Machinery
- •Excavating Machinery
- •2) Сделайте письменный перевод текста со словарем, обращая внимание на выделенные моменты, проработанные вами по данному пособию.
- •3) В целях накопления переводческого опыта просмотрите текст снова, анализируя попутно следующее:
- •Roman architecture
- •Anglo-Saxon architecture
- •Norman architecture
- •Gothic architecture
- •Vernacular architecture
- •Stuart architecture
- •Georgian architecture
- •Victorian architecture
- •Twentieth century architecture
- •The Architecture of Egypt
- •3. The Architecture of Asia
- •Related Projects
- •Liuzhou Diwang Fortune Plaza, Guangxi, China
- •Shenzhen Jing Ji Dameisha Sheraton Hotel, Shenzhen, China
- •Related Projects
- •Capital Tower, Singapore
- •Suntec City, Singapore
- •Grand Lisboa, Macau, China
- •1881 Heritage, Hong Kong
- •Text 4 The Architecture of India
- •Mehrgarh culture—Indus Valley Civilization (7000 bce—1500 bce)
- •Post Maha Janapadas period (1500 bce—200 ce)
- •Early Common Era—High Middle Ages (200 ce—1200 ce)
- •Late Middle Ages (1100 ce—1526 ce)
- •Islamic influence and Mughal Era (1526 ce-1857 ce)
- •Colonial Era (1857 ce—1947 ce)
- •Republic of India (1947 ce—present)
- •Gallery
Exercise 4
Choose the correct definition that best keeps its meaning in the right-hand column:
dome |
the way something is done, such as old-style dancing, the newest style of clothes, etc. |
tile |
an old building with thick stone walls to resist enemy attacks. |
axis |
to bump or run into something. |
style |
a flattish piece of baked clay which is used for roofs and sometimes for floors |
castle |
a curved roof like half of ball. |
collide |
a real or imaginary line through the middle of an object around which the object turns. |
Exercise 5
Match an adjective in A with a noun in B:
A |
B |
1 |
modern |
a |
style |
2 |
architectural |
b |
possibilities |
3 |
formal |
c |
development |
4 |
technical |
d |
architecture |
5 |
international |
e |
axis |
6 |
horizontal |
f |
movement |
7 |
horizontal |
g |
innovation |
8 |
Indian |
h |
axis |
Exercise 6
Form adjectives and nouns, using the negative prefixes un-, im-, in-, non- ; read and translate them.
usual – |
mortal – |
apologetical – |
variable – |
religious – |
increasing – |
Exercise 7
Read the text and try to understand its content.
Architectural styles
The history of architecture traces the changes in the history architecture through various countries and dates. Ancient architecture is characterised by the tension, between the divine and mortal world ancient architecture includes Roman architecture, African architecture, Chinese architecture. The Romans based much of their architecture on the dome, such as Hadrian’s Pantheon in the city of Rome, of the Baths of Diocletian. The Triumphal Arch was used as a symbol of power on earth. Then this symbol was transformed. Early African architecture consisted of the achievements of the Ancient Egyptians. By the late 19-th century, most buildings reflected the fashionable European eclecticism and pastiched Mediterranean, or even Northern European, styles. In the Western Sahel region, Islamic influence was a major contributing factor to architectural development from the time of the Kingdom of Ghana. At Kumbi Saleh, locals lived in domed-shaped dwellings, traders lived in stone houses. In historic China, architectural emphasis was laid upon the horizontal axis, in particular the construction of a heavy platform and a large roof that floats over this base, with the vertical walls. There were certain architectural features that were reserved for buildings built for the Emperor of China. One example is the use of yellow roof tiles; yellow having been the Imperial color, yellow roof tiles still adorn most if the buildings The Temple of Heaven, however, uses blue roof tiles to symbolize the sky. The roofs are almost invariably supported by brackets, a feature shared only with the largest of religious buildings. The wooden columns of the buildings, as well as the surface of the walls, tend to be red in colour.
Medieval architecture. Western European architecture in the Early Middle Ages may be divided into Early Christian and Pre-Romanesque. Surviving examples of medieval secular architecture mainly served for defense. Castles and fortified walls provide the most notable remaining non-religious examples of medieval architecture. Windows gained a cross-shape for more than decorative purposes.
The Renaissance often refers to the Italian Renaissance and it concerned the way geometry mediated between the intangibility of light and the tangibility of the material. The Renaissance spread to France and the style became dominant. Baroque architecture followed signalled an increasing anxiety over meaning and representation.
Modern architecture. It’s a term given to a number of building styles with similar characteristics, primarily the simplification of form and eliminating of ornament, that first arose around 1900. By the 1940`s these styles had been consolidated and indentified as the International Style and became the dominant architecture style, particularly for institutional and corporate building. Indian architecture encompasses a wide variety of geographically and historically spread structures. Architectural styles range from Hindu temple architecture to Islamic architecture. There are numerous Hindu as well as Buddhist temples that are known as excellent examples of Indian rock-cut architecture. Islamic architecture has encompassed a wide range of both secular and religious architecture styles.
Expressionist architecture was an architectural movement that developed in Northern Europe. The style was characterised by an early-modernist adoption of novel materials, formal innovation, and very unusual massing, sometimes inspired by natural biomorphic forms, sometimes by the new technical possibilities offered by the mass production of brick, steel and especially glass.
Postmodernity in architecture is generally thought to be heralded by the return of «wit, ornament and reference». The functional and formalized shapes and spaces of the modernist movement are replaced by unapologetically diverse aesthetics: styles collide, form is adopted for its own sake. Deconstructivism in architecture is a development of postmodern architecture that began in the late 1980s. It is characterized by ideas of fragmentation, non-linear processes of design, an interest in manipulating ideas of a structure's surface or skin, and apparent non-Euclidean geometry.
Notes to the text:
consist of состоять из
in particular в частности, в особенности
as well as а так же
a number of множество