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Mr Harris likes trains

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Mr Harris likes trains. At the begining of the story he was on a train for Helsinki to Oulu in Finland alone in a carriage. He was going on holiday. It was midnight.

A man and a woman came into the carriage, they shouted. The girl wanted the diamond necklace, it was a present from her mother-in-law and the boy didn´t want to give it to her.

The girl took a knife and killed the boy, they were brother and sister. Mr Harris run to the corridor tolook for help and when he returned to the carriagethere was no man, no woman and no blood. Mr Harris was very surprised. the guard asked to him if the name of the girl was Elena. The guard said that Elena died about 80 years ago, after she killed her brother, she jumped off the train and died at once. It was near there.

The guard sais that they were ghosts, they often came on the night train that time in September.

Mr Harris went with the guard and he told the story to him. When Mr Harris returned from his trip, he went by bus.

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